* enable proper processing of any .001 style raw multi-part archive 7zip can handle

This commit is contained in:
Reinhard Pointner 2013-03-09 15:12:01 +00:00
parent 6451c5f478
commit 529e28b5d7
3 changed files with 206 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import java.io.FileFilter;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.List;
@ -20,8 +19,6 @@ import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.ArchiveFormat;
import net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.IArchiveOpenCallback;
import net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.IInStream;
import net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.ISevenZipInArchive;
import net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.PropID;
import net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.SevenZipException;
@ -41,13 +38,15 @@ public class Archive implements Closeable {
throw new FileNotFoundException(file.getAbsolutePath());
Class<?> clazz = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().loadClass("net.sourceforge.filebot.archive.SevenZipLoader");
Method m = clazz.getMethod("open", new Class[] { IInStream.class, IArchiveOpenCallback.class });
try {
openVolume = new ArchiveOpenVolumeCallback();
inArchive = (ISevenZipInArchive) m.invoke(null, openVolume.getStream(file.getAbsolutePath()), openVolume);
if (!hasMultiPartIndex(file)) {
// single volume archives and multi-volume rar archives
inArchive = SevenZipLoader.open(openVolume.getStream(file.getAbsolutePath()), openVolume);
} else {
// raw multi-volume archives
inArchive = SevenZipLoader.open(new VolumedArchiveInStream(file.getAbsolutePath(), openVolume), null);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw (Exception) e.getTargetException();
@ -142,16 +141,24 @@ public class Archive implements Closeable {
return extensions;
private static final Pattern multiPartIndex = Pattern.compile("[.][0-9]{3}+$");
public static boolean hasMultiPartIndex(File file) {
return multiPartIndex.matcher(file.getName()).find();
public static final FileFilter VOLUME_ONE_FILTER = new FileFilter() {
private Pattern volume = Pattern.compile("[.]r[0-9]+$|[.]part[0-9]+[.][0-9a-z]+$|[.][0-9]+$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
private Pattern volume = Pattern.compile("[.]r[0-9]+$|[.]part[0-9]+|[.][0-9]+$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
private FileFilter archives = new ExtensionFileFilter(getArchiveTypes());
public boolean accept(File path) {
if (!archives.accept(path) && !volume.matcher(path.getName()).find())
if (!archives.accept(path) && !hasMultiPartIndex(path)) {
return false;
Matcher matcher = volume.matcher(path.getName());
if (matcher.find()) {

View File

@ -46,7 +46,11 @@ public class SevenZipLoader {
// initialize 7-Zip-JBinding
return SevenZip.openInArchive(null, stream, callback);
if (callback == null) {
return SevenZip.openInArchive(null, stream);
} else {
return SevenZip.openInArchive(null, stream, callback);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
package net.sourceforge.filebot.archive;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.IArchiveOpenVolumeCallback;
import net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.IInStream;
import net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.PropID;
import net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.SevenZipException;
public class VolumedArchiveInStream implements IInStream {
private static final String FIRST_VOLUME_POSTFIX = ".001";
private long absoluteOffset;
private long absoluteLength = -1;
private int currentIndex = -1;
private IInStream currentInStream;
private long currentVolumeOffset;
private long currentVolumeLength;
private List<Long> volumePositions = new ArrayList<Long>();
private final IArchiveOpenVolumeCallback archiveOpenVolumeCallback;
private String cuttedVolumeFilename;
public VolumedArchiveInStream(IArchiveOpenVolumeCallback archiveOpenVolumeCallback) throws SevenZipException {
this((String) archiveOpenVolumeCallback.getProperty(PropID.NAME), archiveOpenVolumeCallback);
public VolumedArchiveInStream(String firstVolumeFilename, IArchiveOpenVolumeCallback archiveOpenVolumeCallback) throws SevenZipException {
this.archiveOpenVolumeCallback = archiveOpenVolumeCallback;
if (!firstVolumeFilename.endsWith(FIRST_VOLUME_POSTFIX)) {
throw new SevenZipException("The first volume filename '" + firstVolumeFilename + "' don't ends with the postfix: '" + FIRST_VOLUME_POSTFIX + "'. Can't proceed");
cuttedVolumeFilename = firstVolumeFilename.substring(0, firstVolumeFilename.length() - 3);
openVolume(1, true);
private void openVolume(int index, boolean seekToBegin) throws SevenZipException {
if (currentIndex == index) {
for (int i = volumePositions.size(); i < index && absoluteLength == -1; i++) {
openVolume(i, false);
if (absoluteLength != -1 && volumePositions.size() <= index) {
String volumeFilename = cuttedVolumeFilename + MessageFormat.format("{0,number,000}", Integer.valueOf(index));
// Get new IInStream
IInStream newInStream = archiveOpenVolumeCallback.getStream(volumeFilename);
if (newInStream == null) {
absoluteLength = volumePositions.get(volumePositions.size() - 1).longValue();
currentInStream = newInStream;
if (volumePositions.size() == index) {
// Determine volume size
currentVolumeLength = currentInStream.seek(0, SEEK_END);
if (currentVolumeLength == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Volume " + index + " is empty");
volumePositions.add(Long.valueOf(volumePositions.get(index - 1).longValue() + currentVolumeLength));
if (seekToBegin) {
currentInStream.seek(0, SEEK_SET);
} else {
currentVolumeLength = volumePositions.get(index).longValue() - volumePositions.get(index - 1).longValue();
if (seekToBegin) {
currentVolumeOffset = 0;
absoluteOffset = volumePositions.get(index - 1).longValue();
currentIndex = index;
private void openVolumeToAbsoluteOffset() throws SevenZipException {
int index = volumePositions.size() - 1;
if (absoluteLength != -1 && absoluteOffset >= absoluteLength) {
while (volumePositions.get(index).longValue() > absoluteOffset) {
if (index < volumePositions.size() - 1) {
openVolume(index + 1, false);
do {
openVolume(index, false);
} while ((absoluteLength == -1 || absoluteOffset < absoluteLength) && volumePositions.get(index).longValue() <= absoluteOffset);
public long seek(long offset, int seekOrigin) throws SevenZipException {
long newOffset;
boolean proceedWithSeek = false;
switch (seekOrigin) {
case SEEK_SET:
newOffset = offset;
case SEEK_CUR:
newOffset = absoluteOffset + offset;
case SEEK_END:
if (absoluteLength == -1) {
openVolume(Integer.MAX_VALUE, false);
proceedWithSeek = true;
newOffset = absoluteLength + offset;
throw new RuntimeException("Seek: unknown origin: " + seekOrigin);
if (newOffset == absoluteOffset && !proceedWithSeek) {
return newOffset;
absoluteOffset = newOffset;
if (absoluteLength != -1 && absoluteLength <= absoluteOffset) {
absoluteOffset = absoluteLength;
return absoluteLength;
currentVolumeOffset = absoluteOffset - volumePositions.get(currentIndex - 1).longValue();
currentInStream.seek(currentVolumeOffset, SEEK_SET);
return newOffset;
public int read(byte[] data) throws SevenZipException {
if (absoluteLength != -1 && absoluteOffset >= absoluteLength) {
return 0;
int read = currentInStream.read(data);
absoluteOffset += read;
currentVolumeOffset += read;
if (currentVolumeOffset >= currentVolumeLength) {
openVolume(currentIndex + 1, true);
return read;