Refactor Manami

This commit is contained in:
Reinhard Pointner 2019-05-19 13:16:14 +07:00
parent 616f361b0b
commit 1ebe2a350c
1 changed files with 36 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -5,89 +5,70 @@ import static*;
import static net.filebot.CachedResource.*;
import static net.filebot.util.JsonUtilities.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import net.filebot.Cache;
import net.filebot.CacheType;
import net.filebot.Resource;
public class Manami implements Datasource {
public enum Manami implements ArtworkProvider {
public static final Manami INSTANCE = new Manami();
public String getURI(int id) {
return "" + id;
public String getIdentifier() {
return "Minami";
return name().toLowerCase();
public Icon getIcon() {
return null;
public List<Artwork> getArtwork(int id, String category, Locale locale) throws Exception {
List<Artwork> artwork = new ArrayList<Artwork>(1);
Optional<String> picture = getRecord(id).map(r -> getString(r, "picture")).filter(r -> r.endsWith(".jpg"));
if (picture.isPresent()) {
artwork.add(new Artwork(Stream.of("picture"), new URL(picture.get()), null, null));
return artwork;
protected Cache getCache() {
return Cache.getCache(getIdentifier(), CacheType.Persistent);
public Optional<Map<?, ?>> getRecord(int id) throws Exception {
String uri = getURI(id);
protected Object request(String file) throws Exception {
return getCache().json(file, this::getResource).fetch(fetchIfNoneMatch(URL::getPath, getCache())).expire(Cache.ONE_MONTH).get();
protected URL getResource(String file) throws Exception {
return new URL("" + file);
protected Object getDatabase() throws Exception {
return request("anime-offline-database.json");
protected Object getDeadEntries() throws Exception {
return request("dead-entries.json");
protected final Resource<Object> database = Resource.lazy(this::getDatabase);
protected final Resource<Object> deadEntries = Resource.lazy(this::getDeadEntries);
public Stream<Map<?, ?>> getRecords() throws Exception {
return streamJsonObjects(database.get(), "data");
public Optional<Map<?, ?>> getRecord(String uri) throws Exception {
return getRecords().filter(r -> {
return stream(getArray(r, "sources")).anyMatch(uri::equals);
public Optional<URI> getPicture(String uri) throws Exception {
return getRecord(uri).map(r -> getStringValue(r, "picture", URI::create)).filter(r -> r.getPath().endsWith(".jpg"));
public Stream<Map<?, ?>> getRecords() throws Exception {
return streamJsonObjects(database.get(), "data");
public Set<Integer> getDeadEntries(Source source) throws Exception {
return stream(getArray(deadEntries.get(), source.getIdentifier())).map(Object::toString).map(Integer::parseInt).collect(toSet());
public Set<Integer> getDeadEntries() throws Exception {
return stream(getArray(deadEntries.get(), getIdentifier())).map(Object::toString).map(Integer::parseInt).collect(toSet());
public enum Source {
public String getURI(int id) {
switch (this) {
case AniDB:
return "" + id;
return null;
public String getIdentifier() {
return name().toLowerCase();
protected static Cache getCache() {
return Cache.getCache("manami", CacheType.Persistent);
protected static Object request(String file) throws Exception {
return getCache().json(file, f -> {
return new URL("" + f);
}).fetch(fetchIfNoneMatch(URL::getPath, getCache())).expire(Cache.ONE_MONTH).get();
protected static final Resource<Object> database = Resource.lazy(() -> request("anime-offline-database.json"));
protected static final Resource<Object> deadEntries = Resource.lazy(() -> request("dead-entries.json"));