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package net.sourceforge.filebot.web;
import static net.sourceforge.filebot.web.WebRequest.getDocument;
import static net.sourceforge.tuned.XPathUtilities.getTextContent;
import static net.sourceforge.tuned.XPathUtilities.selectInteger;
import static net.sourceforge.tuned.XPathUtilities.selectNodes;
import static net.sourceforge.tuned.XPathUtilities.selectString;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import net.sf.ehcache.Cache;
import net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager;
import net.sf.ehcache.Element;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.ResourceManager;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
public class TheTVDBClient implements EpisodeListClient {
private static final String host = "";
private final String apikey;
private final Map<MirrorType, String> mirrors = new EnumMap<MirrorType, String>(MirrorType.class);
private final TheTVDBCache cache = new TheTVDBCache(CacheManager.getInstance().getCache("web"));
public TheTVDBClient(String apikey) {
if (apikey == null)
throw new NullPointerException("apikey must not be null");
this.apikey = apikey;
public String getName() {
return "TheTVDB";
public Icon getIcon() {
return ResourceManager.getIcon("search.thetvdb");
public boolean hasSingleSeasonSupport() {
return true;
public List<SearchResult> search(String query) throws Exception {
return search(query, Locale.ENGLISH);
public List<SearchResult> search(String query, Locale language) throws Exception {
URL searchUrl = new URL("http", host, "/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname=" + URLEncoder.encode(query, "UTF-8") + "&language=" + language.getLanguage());
Document dom = getDocument(searchUrl);
List<Node> nodes = selectNodes("Data/Series", dom);
List<SearchResult> searchResults = new ArrayList<SearchResult>(nodes.size());
for (Node node : nodes) {
int seriesId = selectInteger("seriesid", node);
String seriesName = selectString("SeriesName", node);
searchResults.add(new TheTVDBSearchResult(seriesName, seriesId));
return searchResults;
public List<Episode> getEpisodeList(SearchResult searchResult) throws Exception {
return getEpisodeList((TheTVDBSearchResult) searchResult, Locale.ENGLISH);
public List<Episode> getEpisodeList(SearchResult searchResult, int season) throws Exception {
List<Episode> episodes = new ArrayList<Episode>(25);
// remember max. season, so we can throw a proper exception, in case an illegal season number was requested
int maxSeason = 0;
// filter given season from all seasons
for (Episode episode : getEpisodeList(searchResult)) {
try {
int seasonNumber = Integer.parseInt(episode.getSeasonNumber());
if (season == seasonNumber) {
if (seasonNumber > maxSeason) {
maxSeason = seasonNumber;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
Logger.getLogger("global").log(Level.WARNING, "Illegal season number", e);
if (episodes.isEmpty()) {
throw new SeasonOutOfBoundsException(searchResult.getName(), season, maxSeason);
return episodes;
public List<Episode> getEpisodeList(TheTVDBSearchResult searchResult, Locale language) throws Exception {
List<Episode> episodes = cache.getEpisodeList(searchResult.getSeriesId(), language);
if (episodes != null)
return episodes;
Document seriesRecord = getSeriesRecord(searchResult, language);
// we could get the series name from the search result, but the language may not match the given parameter
String seriesName = selectString("Data/Series/SeriesName", seriesRecord);
List<Node> nodes = selectNodes("Data/Episode", seriesRecord);
episodes = new ArrayList<Episode>(nodes.size());
for (Node node : nodes) {
String episodeName = getTextContent("EpisodeName", node);
String episodeNumber = getTextContent("EpisodeNumber", node);
String seasonNumber = getTextContent("SeasonNumber", node);
episodes.add(new Episode(seriesName, seasonNumber, episodeNumber, episodeName));
if (episodeNumber.equals("1")) {
// cache seasonId for each season (always when we are at the first episode)
// because it might be required by getEpisodeListLink
cache.putSeasonId(searchResult.getSeriesId(), Integer.parseInt(seasonNumber), Integer.parseInt(getTextContent("seasonid", node)));
cache.putEpisodeList(searchResult.getSeriesId(), language, episodes);
return episodes;
public Document getSeriesRecord(TheTVDBSearchResult searchResult, Locale language) throws IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException {
URL seriesRecordUrl = new URL(getMirror(MirrorType.ZIP) + "/api/" + apikey + "/series/" + searchResult.getSeriesId() + "/all/" + language.getLanguage() + ".zip");
ZipInputStream zipInputStream = new ZipInputStream(seriesRecordUrl.openStream());
ZipEntry zipEntry;
try {
String seriesRecordName = language.getLanguage() + ".xml";
while ((zipEntry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry()) != null) {
if (seriesRecordName.equals(zipEntry.getName())) {
return getDocument(zipInputStream);
// zip file must contain the series record
throw new FileNotFoundException(String.format("Archive must contain %s: %s", seriesRecordName, seriesRecordUrl));
} finally {
public URI getEpisodeListLink(SearchResult searchResult) {
int seriesId = ((TheTVDBSearchResult) searchResult).getSeriesId();
try {
return new URI("http://" + host + "/?tab=seasonall&id=" + seriesId);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public URI getEpisodeListLink(SearchResult searchResult, int season) {
int seriesId = ((TheTVDBSearchResult) searchResult).getSeriesId();
try {
Integer seasonId = cache.getSeasonId(seriesId, season);
if (seasonId == null) {
// get episode xml from first episode of given season
Document dom = getDocument(new URL("http", host, "/api/" + apikey + "/series/" + seriesId + "/default/" + season + "/1/en.xml"));
seasonId = selectInteger("Data/Episode/seasonid", dom);
cache.putSeasonId(seriesId, season, seasonId);
return new URI("http://" + host + "/?tab=season&seriesid=" + seriesId + "&seasonid=" + seasonId);
} catch (IOException e) {
// log and ignore any IOException
Logger.getLogger("global").log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to retrieve season id", e);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return null;
protected String getMirror(MirrorType mirrorType) throws IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException {
synchronized (mirrors) {
if (mirrors.isEmpty()) {
// initialize mirrors
URL mirrorUrl = new URL("http", host, "/api/" + apikey + "/mirrors.xml");
Document dom = getDocument(mirrorUrl);
// all mirrors by type
Map<MirrorType, List<String>> mirrorListMap = new EnumMap<MirrorType, List<String>>(MirrorType.class);
// initialize mirror list per type
for (MirrorType type : MirrorType.values()) {
mirrorListMap.put(type, new ArrayList<String>(5));
// traverse all mirrors
for (Node node : selectNodes("Mirrors/Mirror", dom)) {
// mirror data
String mirror = selectString("mirrorpath", node);
int typeMask = selectInteger("typemask", node);
// add mirror to the according type lists
for (MirrorType type : MirrorType.fromTypeMask(typeMask)) {
// put random entry from each type list into mirrors
Random random = new Random();
for (MirrorType type : MirrorType.values()) {
List<String> list = mirrorListMap.get(type);
if (!list.isEmpty()) {
mirrors.put(type, list.get(random.nextInt(list.size())));
return mirrors.get(mirrorType);
public static class TheTVDBSearchResult extends SearchResult {
private final int seriesId;
public TheTVDBSearchResult(String seriesName, int seriesId) {
this.seriesId = seriesId;
public int getSeriesId() {
return seriesId;
protected static enum MirrorType {
private final int bitMask;
private MirrorType(int bitMask) {
this.bitMask = bitMask;
public static EnumSet<MirrorType> fromTypeMask(int typeMask) {
// initialize enum set with all types
EnumSet<MirrorType> enumSet = EnumSet.allOf(MirrorType.class);
for (MirrorType type : values()) {
if ((typeMask & type.bitMask) == 0) {
// remove types that are not set
return enumSet;
private static class TheTVDBCache {
private final Cache cache;
public TheTVDBCache(Cache cache) {
this.cache = cache;
public void putSeasonId(int seriesId, int seasonNumber, int seasonId) {
cache.put(new Element(key(host, seriesId, seasonNumber, "SeasonId"), seasonId));
public Integer getSeasonId(int seriesId, int seasonNumber) {
Element element = cache.get(key(host, seriesId, seasonNumber, "SeasonId"));
if (element != null)
return (Integer) element.getValue();
return null;
public void putEpisodeList(int seriesId, Locale language, List<Episode> episodes) {
cache.put(new Element(key(host, seriesId, language, "EpisodeList"), episodes));
public List<Episode> getEpisodeList(int seriesId, Locale language) {
Element element = cache.get(key(host, seriesId, language.getLanguage(), "EpisodeList"));
if (element != null)
return (List<Episode>) element.getValue();
return null;
private String key(Object... key) {
return Arrays.toString(key);