mirror of https://github.com/mitb-archive/filebot synced 2025-03-09 22:09:47 -04:00

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// filebot -script "fn:utorrent-postprocess" --output "X:/media" --action copy --conflict override --def subtitles=true artwork=true xbmc=localhost plex= gmail=username:password "ut_dir=%D" "ut_file=%F" "ut_kind=%K" "ut_title=%N" "ut_label=%L" "ut_state=%S"
def input = []
def failOnError = _args.conflict == 'fail'
// print input parameters
_args.bindings?.each{ _log.finest("Parameter: $it.key = $it.value") }
// enable/disable features as specified via --def parameters
def subtitles = tryQuietly{ subtitles.toBoolean() }
def artwork = tryQuietly{ artwork.toBoolean() }
// array of xbmc/plex hosts
def xbmc = tryQuietly{ xbmc.split(/[ ,|]+/) }
def plex = tryQuietly{ plex.split(/[ ,|]+/) }
// email notifications
def gmail = tryQuietly{ gmail.split(':', 2) }
// force movie/series/anime logic
def forceMovie(f) {
tryQuietly{ ut_label } =~ /^(?i:Movie|Couch.Potato)/
def forceSeries(f) {
parseEpisodeNumber(f) || parseDate(f) || tryQuietly{ ut_label } =~ /^(?i:TV)/
def forceAnime(f) {
tryQuietly{ ut_label } =~ /^(?i:Anime)/
def forceIgnore(f) {
tryQuietly{ ut_label } =~ /^(?i:Music|Audio|Ebook|other|what.cd|waffles.fm)/
// collect input fileset as specified by the given --def parameters
if (args.empty) {
// assume we're called with utorrent parameters
if (ut_kind == 'single') {
input += new File(ut_dir, ut_file) // single-file torrent
} else {
input += new File(ut_dir).getFiles() // multi-file torrent
} else {
// assume we're called normally with arguments
input += args.getFiles()
// extract archives (zip, rar, etc) that contain at least one video file
input += extract(file: input.findAll{ it.isArchive() }, output: null, conflict: 'override', filter: { it.isVideo() }, forceExtractAll: true)
// sanitize input
input = input.findAll{ it?.exists() }.collect{ it.canonicalFile }.unique()
// process only media files
input = input.findAll{ it.isVideo() || it.isSubtitle() }
// ignore clutter files
input = input.findAll{ !(it.path =~ /\b(?i:sample|trailer|extras|deleted.scenes|music.video|scrapbook)\b/) }
// print input fileset
input.each{ f -> _log.finest("Input: $f") }
// artwork/nfo utility
// group episodes/movies and rename according to XBMC standards
def groups = input.groupBy{ f ->
// skip auto-detection if possible
if (forceIgnore(f))
return []
if (forceMovie(f))
return [mov: detectMovie(f, false)]
if (forceSeries(f))
return [tvs: detectSeriesName(f) ?: detectSeriesName(f.dir.listFiles{ it.isVideo() })]
if (forceAnime(f))
return [anime: detectSeriesName(f) ?: detectSeriesName(f.dir.listFiles{ it.isVideo() })]
def tvs = detectSeriesName(f)
def mov = detectMovie(f, false)
println "$f.name [series: $tvs, movie: $mov]"
if (tvs && mov) {
def norm = { s -> s.lower().space(' ') }
2012-07-27 02:14:49 +00:00
def dn = norm(guessMovieFolder(f)?.name ?: '')
def fn = norm(f.nameWithoutExtension)
def sn = norm(tvs)
def mn = norm(mov.name)
// S00E00 | 2012.07.21 | One Piece 217 | Firefly - Serenity | [Taken 1, Taken 2, Taken 3, Taken 4, ..., Taken 10]
if (parseEpisodeNumber(fn, true) || parseDate(fn) || (fn =~ sn && parseEpisodeNumber(fn.after(sn), false)) || fn.after(sn) =~ / - .+/ || f.dir.listFiles{ it.isVideo() && norm(it.name) =~ sn && it.name =~ /\b\d{1,3}\b/}.size() >= 10) {
println "Exclude Movie: $mov"
mov = null
} else if ((detectMovie(f, true) && [dn, fn].find{ it =~ /(19|20)\d{2}/ }) || [dn, fn].find{ it =~ mn && !(it.after(mn) =~ /\b\d{1,3}\b/) }) {
println "Exclude Series: $tvs"
tvs = null
if (((mov && tvs) || (!mov && !tvs)) && failOnError) {
throw new Exception("Media detection failed")
return [tvs: tvs, mov: mov, anime: null]
// log movie/series/anime detection results
2012-07-31 00:00:46 +00:00
groups.each{ group, files -> _log.finest("Group: $group => ${files*.name}") }
// process each batch
groups.each{ group, files ->
// fetch subtitles
if (subtitles) {
files += getMissingSubtitles(file:files, output:"srt", encoding:"utf-8")
if ((group.tvs || group.anime) && !group.mov) {
// choose series / anime config
def config = group.tvs ? [name: group.tvs, format:'TV Shows/{n}/{episode.special ? "Special" : "Season "+s}/{n} - {episode.special ? "S00E"+special.pad(2) : s00e00} - {t}', db:'TheTVDB']
: [name: group.anime, format:'Anime/{n}/{n} - {sxe} - {t}', db:'AniDB']
def dest = rename(file: files, format: config.format, db: config.db)
if (dest && artwork) {
dest.mapByFolder().each{ dir, fs ->
println "Fetching artwork for $dir from TheTVDB"
2012-07-27 06:29:28 +00:00
def sxe = fs.findResult{ eps -> parseEpisodeNumber(eps) }
def options = TheTVDB.search(config.name)
if (options.isEmpty()) {
println "TV Series not found: $config.name"
options = options.sortBySimilarity(config.name, { s -> s.name })
fetchSeriesArtworkAndNfo(dir.dir, dir, options[0], sxe && sxe.season > 0 ? sxe.season : 1)
if (dest == null && failOnError) {
throw new Exception("Failed to rename series: $config.name")
if (group.mov && !group.tvs && !group.anime) {
def dest = rename(file:files, format:'Movies/{n} ({y})/{n} ({y}){" CD$pi"}{".$lang"}', db:'TheMovieDB')
if (dest && artwork) {
dest.mapByFolder().each{ dir, fs ->
println "Fetching artwork for $dir from TheMovieDB"
fetchMovieArtworkAndNfo(dir, group.mov, fs.findAll{ it.isVideo() }.sort{ it.length() }.reverse().findResult{ it })
if (dest == null && failOnError) {
throw new Exception("Failed to rename movie: $group.mov")
// make xbmc or plex scan for new content
println "Notify XBMC: $it"
println "Notify Plex: $it"
// send status email
if (gmail && !getRenameLog().isEmpty()) {
// ant/mail utility
// send html mail
def renameLog = getRenameLog()
subject: '[FileBot] ' + ut_title,
message: XML {
html {
body {
p("FileBot finished processing ${ut_title} (${renameLog.size()} files).");
hr(); table {
th("Parameter"); th("Value")
_args.bindings.findAll{ param -> param.key =~ /^ut_/ }.each{ param ->
tr { [param.key, param.value].each{ td(it)} }
hr(); table {
th("Original Name"); th("New Name"); th("New Location")
renameLog.each{ from, to ->
2012-08-12 04:38:14 +00:00
tr { [from.name, to.name, to.parent].each{ cell -> td{ nobr{ code(cell) } } } }
hr(); small("// Generated by ${net.sourceforge.filebot.Settings.applicationIdentifier} on ${new Date().dateString} at ${new Date().timeString}")
messagemimetype: "text/html",
to: tryQuietly{ mailto } ?: gmail[0] + '@gmail.com', // mail to self by default
user: gmail[0], password: gmail[1]