* Support for CoW clones (requires `APFS` or `BTRFS`)
* Improved movie auto-detection
FileBot 4.7.10
* Support the new TheTVDB JSON API
* Support the new OMDb API
* Improved CD1/2 auto-detection
* Support for custom rename actions via the `--action` option
* Support for the new `-exec` option
* Support for the `FILEBOT_OPTS` environment variable for FileBot-specific Java options
* Use GnuPG signatures for all deployment artifacts
FileBot 4.7.9
* Binding `{sdhd}` has been removed in favour of `{hd}` which now supports UHD/HD/SD as possible values
* Improved support for Photo mass-renaming (e.g. added `{exif}`, `{camera}` and `{location}` bindings)
* Improved streaming behaviour for `-mediainfo` commands and `--format` expressions no longer limited by file path validation (e.g. multi-line, special characters, etc)
* Support lookup by id for -list commands (e.g. `filebot -list --q 70327`)
* Support for renaming episodes files in linear order (e.g. `-list --q 70327 -rename *.mkv`)
FileBot 4.7.8
* Additional language preferences
* Additional Episode Sort Order: `Absolute Airdate Order` (useful for matching by airdate or episode title instead of SxE numbers)
* Additional bindings: `{kbps}` and `{khz}`
* Unified `{localize}` and `{order}` binding usage (e.g. `localize.zho.n` or `order.airdate.sxe`)
* Use powershell instead of cmd when executing commands on Windows (e.g. `--def exec`)
* Improved behaviour for `-rename --q` command-line usage
* Improved desktop integration for Gnome and KDE
* Improved support for Debian Linux armhf ABI (e.g. Raspberry Pi)
FileBot 4.7.5
* Keyboard shortcuts for calling user-defined Presets (Numpad 1..9)
* Generic MediaInfo bindings `{video}`, `{audio}`, etc are now multi-stream bindings (and `{videos}`, `{audios}`, etc have consequently been removed)
* Cmdline operation `-revert` to revert previous `-rename` operations
* Cmdline option `--conflict` accepts index conflict resolution behaviour
*`@file` syntax for command-line argument passing
* Scripts from the online repository (e.g. `fn:sysinfo`) are now code signed and cryptographically secured against malicious tampering (not just HTTPS transport encryption)
FileBot 4.6.1
* Added support user-defined Presets for repetitive tasks
* Added support for TVmaze
* Improved support for OpenSubtitles and subtitle matching
* Improved movie / episode auto-detection
* Improved ID3 Tags music mode
* Improved cache behaviour
* Improved support for Chinese & Brazilian languages
* Added helper function `String.asciiQuotes()` for normalizing various quotation marks
* Added `{model}` binding for querying the entire rename model
* Added convenience binding `{ny}` for `Name (Year)` formats
* Added bindings `{info.budget}`, `{info.revenue}` and `{info.popularity}` to the movie info object
* Changed `String.sortName()` default behaviour
* Support `--filter` as Groovy-based file filter in `filebot -mediainfo` calls
* Use `Apache Commons VFS2` and `junrar` to reduce native dependencies on some platforms
* Support `$JAVA_OPTS` convention in all `filebot.sh` scripts
* Update to FanartTV API v3
* Codesign Windows NSIS and MSI installers
* Publish sha256 checksums for all release files
* Updated Chocolatey install scripts with sha1 checksums
FileBot 4.5.6
* Improved series / episode detection
* Optimize web service calls and provide more data via xattr metadata
* Extended metadata is now fetched from the originally selected data source (e.g. AniDB "generes" is no mapped to Anime categories, etc)
* Fixed various issues related to fetching Chinese subtitles
* Allow processing of `*.ac3` and `*.dts` files in Music mode
* Do not treat folders with `movie.nfo` as single units like disk folders anymore
* Fixed lots of issues that have been raised in the forums
FileBot 4.5.3
* Batch `-extract` will now only extract new files
*`Set Output Folder` button in Format Editor
* Optimizations for subtitle search and lookup
* Prevent OpenSubtitles abuse
* Require OpenSubtitles login
* New script: `fn:verify`
* Force Nimbus as default cross platform LaF (mainly applies to KDE users)
FileBot 4.5
* Make sure movie name `{n}` works as per user-defined Preferred Language (only affects non-English mode)
* Support choosing between (default) `Opportunistic` / (new) `Strict` mode matching
* Improved behavior when processing large sets of files
* Improved movie / episode detection
* Improved TheMovieDB / AcoustID support
* Inherit ACLs when moving / copying files to remote folders
* New bindings `{model}` and `{self}` for advanced use-cases
* In movie mode `{primaryTitle}` now maps to original movie name
*`--db xattr` for offline processed using previously stored xattr metadata
*`--action duplicate` to duplicate files via hardlink when possible or copy when necessary
* Fixed various UI layout and LaF issues
* Improved integration with OSX
* Support passing file arguments in single-panel mode
FileBot 4.3
* Lots of optimizations and usability improvements
* Dropped support for Java 7 (so Java 8 is required now)