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2014-04-19 02:30:29 -04:00
package net.filebot.format;
import static java.util.Arrays.*;
import static java.util.regex.Pattern.*;
import static*;
import static net.filebot.MediaTypes.*;
import static net.filebot.WebServices.*;
import static net.filebot.format.ExpressionFormatFunctions.*;
import static*;
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
import static net.filebot.similarity.Normalization.*;
import static net.filebot.util.RegularExpressions.*;
2014-04-19 03:31:24 -04:00
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributeView;
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes;
import java.text.Normalizer;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
2018-04-24 03:15:59 -04:00
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.LocalTime;
2018-04-24 03:15:59 -04:00
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
2017-02-26 15:48:39 -05:00
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.temporal.Temporal;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalAmount;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
2015-03-30 23:58:33 -04:00
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.TreeMap;
2016-10-11 16:56:56 -04:00
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
2016-04-06 03:16:30 -04:00
2016-12-22 07:32:44 -05:00
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods;
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.StringGroovyMethods;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.DefaultTypeTransformation;
2016-03-26 03:44:03 -04:00
import groovy.lang.Closure;
import net.filebot.util.FileUtilities;
import net.filebot.web.Episode;
import net.filebot.web.EpisodeInfo;
import net.filebot.web.Movie;
import net.filebot.web.Person;
import net.filebot.web.SeriesInfo;
2016-03-26 03:44:03 -04:00
public class ExpressionFormatMethods {
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Convert all characters to lower case/
* e.g. "Firelfy" "firefly"
public static String lower(String self) {
2016-10-11 16:56:56 -04:00
return self.toLowerCase();
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Convert all characters to upper case.
* e.g. "Firelfy" "FIREFLY"
public static String upper(String self) {
2016-10-11 16:56:56 -04:00
return self.toUpperCase();
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Pad to length using the given character.
2015-07-25 18:47:19 -04:00
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* e.g. "1" "01"
public static String pad(String self, int length) {
return pad(self, length, "0");
public static String pad(Number self, int length) {
return pad(self.toString(), length, "0");
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
public static String pad(CharSequence self, int length, CharSequence padding) {
return StringGroovyMethods.padLeft(self, length, padding);
* Round decimal number to precision.
* e.g. "3.14" "3.1"
public static double round(Number self, int precision) {
return DefaultGroovyMethods.round(self.doubleValue(), precision);
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Match pattern and return or unwind if pattern cannot be found.
public static String match(String self, String pattern) throws Exception {
return match(self, pattern, -1);
public static String match(String self, String pattern, int matchGroup) throws Exception {
Matcher matcher = compile(pattern, CASE_INSENSITIVE | UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS | MULTILINE).matcher(self);
if (matcher.find()) {
2016-04-06 03:16:30 -04:00
return firstCapturingGroup(matcher, matchGroup);
} else {
2016-10-11 16:56:56 -04:00
throw new Exception("Pattern not found: " + self);
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Match all occurrences of the given pattern or unwind if pattern cannot be found.
public static List<String> matchAll(String self, String pattern) throws Exception {
return matchAll(self, pattern, -1);
public static List<String> matchAll(String self, String pattern, int matchGroup) throws Exception {
List<String> matches = new ArrayList<String>();
Matcher matcher = compile(pattern, CASE_INSENSITIVE | UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS | MULTILINE).matcher(self);
while (matcher.find()) {
2016-04-06 03:16:30 -04:00
matches.add(firstCapturingGroup(matcher, matchGroup));
2016-04-06 03:16:30 -04:00
if (matches.isEmpty()) {
2016-10-11 16:56:56 -04:00
throw new Exception("Pattern not found: " + self);
2016-04-06 03:16:30 -04:00
return matches;
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
private static String firstCapturingGroup(Matcher self, int matchGroup) throws Exception {
2016-04-06 03:16:30 -04:00
int g = matchGroup < 0 ? self.groupCount() > 0 ? 1 : 0 : matchGroup;
// return the entire match
if (g == 0) {
// otherwise find first non-empty capturing group
return IntStream.rangeClosed(g, self.groupCount()).mapToObj(self::group).filter(Objects::nonNull).map(String::trim).filter(s -> s.length() > 0).findFirst().orElseThrow(() -> {
return new Exception(String.format("Capturing group %d not found", g));
public static String replaceAll(String self, String pattern) {
return compile(pattern).matcher(self).replaceAll("");
public static String removeAll(String self, String pattern) {
return compile(pattern, CASE_INSENSITIVE | UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS | MULTILINE).matcher(self).replaceAll("").trim();
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Strip characters that aren't allowed on Windows from the given filename.
* e.g. "Sissi: The Young Empress" "Sissi The Young Empress"
public static String removeIllegalCharacters(String self) {
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
return FileUtilities.validateFileName(normalizeQuotationMarks(self));
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Replace all spaces.
2015-07-25 18:47:19 -04:00
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* e.g. "Doctor Who" "Doctor_Who"
public static String space(String self, String replacement) {
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
return normalizeSpace(self, replacement);
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Replace all colons.
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* e.g. "Sissi: The Young Empress" "Sissi - The Young Empress"
public static String colon(String self, String colon) {
return COLON.matcher(self).replaceAll(colon);
public static String colon(String self, String ratio, String colon) {
return COLON.matcher(RATIO.matcher(self).replaceAll(ratio)).replaceAll(colon);
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Replace all slashes.
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
public static String slash(String self, String replacement) {
return SLASH.matcher(self).replaceAll(replacement);
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Convert all initial characters to upper case.
2015-07-25 18:47:19 -04:00
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* e.g. "The Day a new Demon was born" "The Day A New Demon Was Born"
public static String upperInitial(String self) {
2016-10-11 16:56:56 -04:00
return replaceHeadTail(self, String::toUpperCase, String::toString);
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Convert all trailing characters to lower case.
2016-10-11 16:56:56 -04:00
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* e.g. "Gundam SEED" "Gundam Seed"
2016-10-11 16:56:56 -04:00
public static String lowerTrail(String self) {
return replaceHeadTail(self, String::toString, String::toLowerCase);
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
private static String replaceHeadTail(String self, Function<String, String> head, Function<String, String> tail) {
Matcher matcher = compile("\\b(['`´]|\\p{Alnum})(\\p{Alnum}*)\\b", UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS).matcher(self);
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
while (matcher.find()) {
2016-10-11 16:56:56 -04:00
matcher.appendReplacement(buffer, head.apply( + tail.apply(;
2016-10-11 16:56:56 -04:00
return matcher.appendTail(buffer).toString();
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Convert to sort name.
* e.g. "The Walking Dead" "Walking Dead"
public static String sortName(String self) {
return sortName(self, "$2");
public static String sortName(String self, String replacement) {
return compile("^(The|A|An)\\s(.+)", CASE_INSENSITIVE | UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS).matcher(self).replaceFirst(replacement).trim();
2016-01-26 06:29:16 -05:00
public static String sortInitial(String self) {
// use primary initial, ignore The XY, A XY, etc
2016-10-11 16:56:56 -04:00
char c = ascii(sortName(self)).charAt(0);
2016-01-26 06:29:16 -05:00
if (Character.isDigit(c)) {
return "0-9";
2016-10-11 16:56:56 -04:00
} else if (Character.isLetter(c)) {
return String.valueOf(c).toUpperCase();
} else {
return null;
2016-01-26 06:29:16 -05:00
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Reduce first name to initials.
2015-07-25 18:47:19 -04:00
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* e.g. "James Cameron" "J. Cameron"
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
public static String initialName(String self) {
String[] words = SPACE.split(self);
for (int i = 0; i < words.length - 1; i++) {
words[i] = words[i].charAt(0) + ".";
return String.join(" ", words);
public static String truncate(String self, int limit) {
if (limit >= self.length())
return self;
return self.substring(0, limit);
public static String truncate(String self, int hardLimit, String nonWordPattern) {
if (hardLimit >= self.length())
return self;
int softLimit = 0;
Matcher matcher = compile(nonWordPattern, CASE_INSENSITIVE | UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS).matcher(self);
while (matcher.find()) {
2016-10-11 16:56:56 -04:00
if (matcher.start() > hardLimit) {
2016-10-11 16:56:56 -04:00
softLimit = matcher.start();
return truncate(self, softLimit);
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Match substring before the given pattern or return the original value.
public static String before(String self, String pattern) {
Matcher matcher = compile(pattern, CASE_INSENSITIVE | UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS).matcher(self);
// pattern was found, return leading substring, else return original value
return matcher.find() ? self.substring(0, matcher.start()).trim() : self;
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Match substring before the given pattern or return the original value.
public static String after(String self, String pattern) {
Matcher matcher = compile(pattern, CASE_INSENSITIVE | UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS).matcher(self);
// pattern was found, return trailing substring, else return original value
return matcher.find() ? self.substring(matcher.end(), self.length()).trim() : self;
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Find match in case-insensitive mode.
2016-11-06 02:12:22 -05:00
public static boolean findMatch(String self, String pattern) {
if (pattern == null || pattern.isEmpty())
return false;
return compile(pattern, CASE_INSENSITIVE | UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS).matcher(self).find();
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Find match in between word boundaries in case-insensitive mode.
2016-11-06 02:12:22 -05:00
public static boolean findWordMatch(String self, String pattern) {
if (pattern == null || pattern.isEmpty())
return false;
return findMatch(self, "\\b(" + pattern + ")\\b");
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Replace trailing parenthesis.
2015-07-25 18:47:19 -04:00
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* e.g. "The IT Crowd (UK)" "The IT Crowd"
public static String replaceTrailingBrackets(String self) {
return replaceTrailingBrackets(self, "");
public static String replaceTrailingBrackets(String self, String replacement) {
2016-10-11 16:56:56 -04:00
return compile("\\s*[(]([^)]*)[)]$", UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS).matcher(self).replaceAll(replacement);
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Replace trailing part number.
2015-07-25 18:47:19 -04:00
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* e.g. "Today Is the Day (1)" "Today Is the Day, Part 1"
public static String replacePart(String self) {
return replacePart(self, "");
public static String replacePart(String self, String replacement) {
// handle '(n)', '(Part n)' and ': Part n' like syntax
String[] patterns = new String[] { "\\s*[(](\\w{1,3})[)]$", "\\W+Part (\\w+)\\W*$" };
for (String pattern : patterns) {
Matcher matcher = compile(pattern, CASE_INSENSITIVE | UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS).matcher(self);
if (matcher.find()) {
return matcher.replaceAll(replacement).trim();
// no pattern matches, nothing to replace
return self;
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Convert to acronym.
* e.g. "Deep Space 9" "DS9"
public static String acronym(String self) {
return compile("\\s|\\B\\p{Alnum}+", UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS).matcher(space(self, " ")).replaceAll("");
* Replace numbers 1..12 with Roman numerals.
* e.g. "Star Wars: Episode 4" "Star Wars: Episode IV"
public static String roman(String self) {
TreeMap<Integer, String> numerals = new TreeMap<Integer, String>();
numerals.put(10, "X");
numerals.put(9, "IX");
numerals.put(5, "V");
numerals.put(4, "IV");
numerals.put(1, "I");
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
Matcher m = compile("\\b\\d+\\b").matcher(self);
while (m.find()) {
int n = Integer.parseInt(;
m.appendReplacement(s, n >= 1 && n <= 12 ? roman(n, numerals) :;
return m.appendTail(s).toString();
public static String roman(Integer n, TreeMap<Integer, String> numerals) {
int l = numerals.floorKey(n);
if (n == l) {
return numerals.get(n);
return numerals.get(l) + roman(n - l, numerals);
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Apply any ICU script transliteration.
2015-07-25 18:47:19 -04:00
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* e.g. "中国" "zhōng guó"
* @see
public static String transliterate(String self, String transformIdentifier) {
return Transliterator.getInstance(transformIdentifier).transform(self);
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Convert Unicode characters to ASCII.
2015-07-25 18:47:19 -04:00
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* e.g. "カタカナ" "katakana"
public static String ascii(String self) {
return ascii(self, " ");
public static String ascii(String self, String fallback) {
2016-10-11 16:56:56 -04:00
return Transliterator.getInstance("Any-Latin;Latin-ASCII;[:Diacritic:]remove").transform(asciiQuotes(self)).replaceAll("\\P{ASCII}+", fallback).trim();
public static String asciiQuotes(String self) {
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
return normalizeQuotationMarks(self);
public static boolean isLatin(String self) {
return Normalizer.normalize(self, Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}", "").matches("\\p{InBasicLatin}+");
* Apply replacement mappings.
2015-07-25 18:47:19 -04:00
* e.g. replace(ä:'ae', ö:'oe', ü:'ue')
public static String replace(String self, Map<?, ?> replacer) {
// the first two parameters are required, the rest of the parameter sequence is optional
for (Entry<?, ?> it : replacer.entrySet()) {
if (it.getKey() instanceof Pattern) {
self = ((Pattern) it.getKey()).matcher(self).replaceAll(it.getValue().toString());
} else {
self = self.replace(it.getKey().toString(), it.getValue().toString());
return self;
* Find matching pattern and return mapped value.
* e.g. az.match('[a-f]': '/volume1', '[g-x]': '/volume2') ?: '/volume3'
public static Object match(String self, Map<?, ?> matcher) {
// the first two parameters are required, the rest of the parameter sequence is optional
for (Entry<?, ?> it : matcher.entrySet()) {
Pattern p = it.getKey() instanceof Pattern ? (Pattern) it.getKey() : Pattern.compile(it.getKey().toString(), CASE_INSENSITIVE | UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS | MULTILINE);
if (p.matcher(self).find()) {
return it.getValue();
return null;
public static String joining(Collection<?> self, String delimiter) throws Exception {
String[] list = -> !s.isEmpty()).toArray(String[]::new);
if (list.length > 0) {
return String.join(delimiter, list);
throw new Exception("Collection did not yield any values: " + self);
public static String joiningDistinct(Collection<?> self, String delimiter, Closure<?>... mapper) throws Exception {
Stream<?> stream =;
// apply custom mappers if any
if (mapper.length > 0) {
stream = stream.flatMap(v -> stream(mapper).map(m ->;
// sort unique
String[] list = -> !s.isEmpty()).distinct().sorted().toArray(String[]::new);
if (list.length > 0) {
return String.join(delimiter, list);
throw new Exception("Collection did not yield any values: " + self);
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
public static List<?> bounds(Iterable<?> self) {
return Stream.of(DefaultGroovyMethods.min(self), DefaultGroovyMethods.max(self)).filter(Objects::nonNull).distinct().collect(toList());
* Unwind if an object does not satisfy the given predicate
* e.g. (0..9)*.check{it < 10}.sum()
public static Object check(Object self, Closure<?> c) throws Exception {
if (DefaultTypeTransformation.castToBoolean( {
return self;
throw new Exception("Object failed check: " + self);
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Add values to the filename.
* e.g. "Avatar (2009).mp4" "Avatar (2009) [720p].mp4"
public static File derive(File self, Object tag, Object... tagN) {
// e.g. plex.derive{" by $director"}{" [$vc, $ac]"}
String name = FileUtilities.getName(self);
String extension = self.getName().substring(name.length());
// e.g. Avatar (2009) => Avatar (2009)
if (SUBTITLE_FILES.accept(self)) {
Matcher nameMatcher = releaseInfo.getSubtitleLanguageTagPattern().matcher(name);
if (nameMatcher.find()) {
extension = name.substring(nameMatcher.start() - 1) + extension;
name = name.substring(0, nameMatcher.start() - 1);
return new File(self.getParentFile(), concat(name, slash(concat(tag, null, tagN), ""), extension));
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* File utilities
public static long getDiskSpace(File self) {
List<File> list = FileUtilities.listPath(self);
for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (list.get(i).exists()) {
long usableSpace = list.get(i).getUsableSpace();
if (usableSpace > 0) {
return usableSpace;
return 0;
public static long getCreationDate(File self) throws IOException {
BasicFileAttributes attr = Files.getFileAttributeView(self.toPath(), BasicFileAttributeView.class).readAttributes();
long creationDate = attr.creationTime().toMillis();
if (creationDate > 0) {
return creationDate;
2014-04-19 03:31:24 -04:00
return attr.lastModifiedTime().toMillis();
2014-04-19 03:31:24 -04:00
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
public static File getRoot(File self) {
return FileUtilities.listPath(self).get(0);
public static File getTail(File self) {
return FileUtilities.getRelativePathTail(self, FileUtilities.listPath(self).size() - 1);
public static List<File> listPath(File self) {
return FileUtilities.listPath(self);
public static List<File> listPath(File self, int tailSize) {
return FileUtilities.listPath(FileUtilities.getRelativePathTail(self, tailSize));
public static File getRelativePathTail(File self, int tailSize) {
return FileUtilities.getRelativePathTail(self, tailSize);
2018-04-24 03:15:59 -04:00
public static LocalDateTime toDate(Long self) {
return LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(self), ZoneOffset.systemDefault());
2014-04-26 11:13:43 -04:00
public static File toFile(String self) {
2014-05-12 04:25:42 -04:00
if (self == null || self.isEmpty()) {
return null;
2014-04-26 11:13:43 -04:00
return new File(self);
2014-05-12 04:25:42 -04:00
public static File toFile(String self, String parent) {
if (self == null || self.isEmpty()) {
return null;
File file = new File(self);
if (file.isAbsolute()) {
return file;
return new File(parent, self);
2015-03-30 23:58:33 -04:00
public static Locale toLocale(String self) {
return Locale.forLanguageTag(self);
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Date utilities
2017-02-26 15:48:39 -05:00
public static String format(Temporal self, String pattern) {
return DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(pattern).format(self);
public static String format(TemporalAmount self, String pattern) {
return DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(pattern).format(;
2017-02-26 15:48:39 -05:00
public static String format(Date self, String format) {
return new SimpleDateFormat(format).format(self);
public static Date parseDate(String self, String format) throws ParseException {
return new SimpleDateFormat(format).parse(self);
2019-02-23 05:20:31 -05:00
* Episode utilities
public static EpisodeInfo getInfo(Episode self) throws Exception {
if (TheTVDB.getIdentifier().equals(self.getSeriesInfo().getDatabase())) {
2017-04-11 05:48:02 -04:00
return TheTVDB.getEpisodeInfo(self.getId(), Locale.ENGLISH);
return null;
public static List<String> getActors(SeriesInfo self) throws Exception {
if (TheTVDB.getIdentifier().equals(self.getDatabase())) {
2017-04-11 05:48:02 -04:00
return TheTVDB.getActors(self.getId(), Locale.ENGLISH).stream().map(Person::getName).collect(toList());
return null;
public static Map<String, List<String>> getAlternativeTitles(Movie self) throws Exception {
if (self.getTmdbId() > 0) {
return TheMovieDB.getAlternativeTitles(self.getTmdbId());
return null;
2019-04-24 02:58:41 -04:00
* DSL utilities
public static File plus(File self, String path) {
return new File(self.getPath().concat(path));
public static File div(File self, String path) {
return new File(self, path);
public static File div(String self, String path) {
return new File(self, path);
public static File div(File self, File path) {
return new File(self, path.getPath());
public static File div(String self, File path) {
return new File(self, path.getPath());
public static String negative(String self) {
return '-' + self;
2017-02-14 08:26:04 -05:00
private ExpressionFormatMethods() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();