/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.code.CodeConstants; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.code.Instruction; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.code.InstructionSequence; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.code.cfg.BasicBlock; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.DecompilerContext; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.TextBuffer; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.collectors.BytecodeMappingTracer; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.exps.*; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.sforms.DirectGraph; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.sforms.DirectNode; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.sforms.FlattenStatementsHelper; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.sforms.FlattenStatementsHelper.FinallyPathWrapper; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.stats.*; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.vars.VarProcessor; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.StructClass; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.attr.StructBootstrapMethodsAttribute; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.attr.StructGeneralAttribute; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.consts.ConstantPool; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.consts.LinkConstant; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.consts.PooledConstant; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.consts.PrimitiveConstant; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.gen.MethodDescriptor; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.gen.VarType; import java.util.*; public class ExprProcessor implements CodeConstants { public static final String UNDEFINED_TYPE_STRING = ""; public static final String UNKNOWN_TYPE_STRING = ""; public static final String NULL_TYPE_STRING = ""; private static final HashMap mapConsts = new HashMap(); static { // mapConsts.put(new Integer(opc_i2l), new // Integer(FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_I2L)); // mapConsts.put(new Integer(opc_i2f), new // Integer(FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_I2F)); // mapConsts.put(new Integer(opc_i2d), new // Integer(FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_I2D)); // mapConsts.put(new Integer(opc_l2i), new // Integer(FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_L2I)); // mapConsts.put(new Integer(opc_l2f), new // Integer(FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_L2F)); // mapConsts.put(new Integer(opc_l2d), new // Integer(FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_L2D)); // mapConsts.put(new Integer(opc_f2i), new // Integer(FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_F2I)); // mapConsts.put(new Integer(opc_f2l), new // Integer(FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_F2L)); // mapConsts.put(new Integer(opc_f2d), new // Integer(FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_F2D)); // mapConsts.put(new Integer(opc_d2i), new // Integer(FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_D2I)); // mapConsts.put(new Integer(opc_d2l), new // Integer(FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_D2L)); // mapConsts.put(new Integer(opc_d2f), new // Integer(FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_D2F)); // mapConsts.put(new Integer(opc_i2b), new // Integer(FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_I2B)); // mapConsts.put(new Integer(opc_i2c), new // Integer(FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_I2C)); // mapConsts.put(new Integer(opc_i2s), new // Integer(FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_I2S)); mapConsts.put(new Integer(opc_arraylength), new Integer(FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_ARRAY_LENGTH)); mapConsts.put(new Integer(opc_checkcast), new Integer(FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_CAST)); mapConsts.put(new Integer(opc_instanceof), new Integer(FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_INSTANCEOF)); } private static final VarType[] consts = new VarType[]{VarType.VARTYPE_INT, VarType.VARTYPE_FLOAT, VarType.VARTYPE_LONG, VarType.VARTYPE_DOUBLE, VarType.VARTYPE_CLASS, VarType.VARTYPE_STRING}; private static final VarType[] vartypes = new VarType[]{VarType.VARTYPE_INT, VarType.VARTYPE_LONG, VarType.VARTYPE_FLOAT, VarType.VARTYPE_DOUBLE, VarType.VARTYPE_OBJECT}; private static final VarType[] arrtypes = new VarType[]{VarType.VARTYPE_INT, VarType.VARTYPE_LONG, VarType.VARTYPE_FLOAT, VarType.VARTYPE_DOUBLE, VarType.VARTYPE_OBJECT, VarType.VARTYPE_BOOLEAN, VarType.VARTYPE_CHAR, VarType.VARTYPE_SHORT}; private static final int[] func1 = new int[]{FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_ADD, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_SUB, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_MUL, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_DIV, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_REM}; private static final int[] func2 = new int[]{FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_SHL, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_SHR, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_USHR, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_AND, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_OR, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_XOR}; private static final int[] func3 = new int[]{FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_I2L, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_I2F, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_I2D, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_L2I, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_L2F, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_L2D, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_F2I, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_F2L, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_F2D, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_D2I, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_D2L, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_D2F, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_I2B, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_I2C, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_I2S}; private static final int[] func4 = new int[]{FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_LCMP, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_FCMPL, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_FCMPG, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_DCMPL, FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_DCMPG}; private static final int[] func5 = new int[]{IfExprent.IF_EQ, IfExprent.IF_NE, IfExprent.IF_LT, IfExprent.IF_GE, IfExprent.IF_GT, IfExprent.IF_LE}; private static final int[] func6 = new int[]{IfExprent.IF_ICMPEQ, IfExprent.IF_ICMPNE, IfExprent.IF_ICMPLT, IfExprent.IF_ICMPGE, IfExprent.IF_ICMPGT, IfExprent.IF_ICMPLE, IfExprent.IF_ACMPEQ, IfExprent.IF_ACMPNE}; private static final int[] func7 = new int[]{IfExprent.IF_NULL, IfExprent.IF_NONNULL}; private static final int[] func8 = new int[]{MonitorExprent.MONITOR_ENTER, MonitorExprent.MONITOR_EXIT}; private static final int[] arr_type = new int[]{CodeConstants.TYPE_BOOLEAN, CodeConstants.TYPE_CHAR, CodeConstants.TYPE_FLOAT, CodeConstants.TYPE_DOUBLE, CodeConstants.TYPE_BYTE, CodeConstants.TYPE_SHORT, CodeConstants.TYPE_INT, CodeConstants.TYPE_LONG}; private static final int[] negifs = new int[]{IfExprent.IF_NE, IfExprent.IF_EQ, IfExprent.IF_GE, IfExprent.IF_LT, IfExprent.IF_LE, IfExprent.IF_GT, IfExprent.IF_NONNULL, IfExprent.IF_NULL, IfExprent.IF_ICMPNE, IfExprent.IF_ICMPEQ, IfExprent.IF_ICMPGE, IfExprent.IF_ICMPLT, IfExprent.IF_ICMPLE, IfExprent.IF_ICMPGT, IfExprent.IF_ACMPNE, IfExprent.IF_ACMPEQ}; private static final String[] typeNames = new String[]{"byte", "char", "double", "float", "int", "long", "short", "boolean",}; private VarProcessor varProcessor = (VarProcessor)DecompilerContext.getProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_VAR_PROCESSOR); public void processStatement(RootStatement root, StructClass cl) { FlattenStatementsHelper flatthelper = new FlattenStatementsHelper(); DirectGraph dgraph = flatthelper.buildDirectGraph(root); // try { // DotExporter.toDotFile(dgraph, new File("c:\\Temp\\gr12_my.dot")); // } catch (Exception ex) { // ex.printStackTrace(); // } // collect finally entry points Set setFinallyShortRangeEntryPoints = new HashSet(); for (List lst : dgraph.mapShortRangeFinallyPaths.values()) { for (FinallyPathWrapper finwrap : lst) { setFinallyShortRangeEntryPoints.add(finwrap.entry); } } Set setFinallyLongRangeEntryPaths = new HashSet(); for (List lst : dgraph.mapLongRangeFinallyPaths.values()) { for (FinallyPathWrapper finwrap : lst) { setFinallyLongRangeEntryPaths.add(finwrap.source + "##" + finwrap.entry); } } Map mapCatch = new HashMap(); collectCatchVars(root, flatthelper, mapCatch); Map> mapData = new HashMap>(); LinkedList stack = new LinkedList(); LinkedList> stackEntryPoint = new LinkedList>(); stack.add(dgraph.first); stackEntryPoint.add(new LinkedList()); Map map = new HashMap(); map.put(null, new PrimitiveExprsList()); mapData.put(dgraph.first, map); while (!stack.isEmpty()) { DirectNode node = stack.removeFirst(); LinkedList entrypoints = stackEntryPoint.removeFirst(); PrimitiveExprsList data; if (mapCatch.containsKey(node.id)) { data = getExpressionData(mapCatch.get(node.id)); } else { data = mapData.get(node).get(buildEntryPointKey(entrypoints)); } BasicBlockStatement block = node.block; if (block != null) { processBlock(block, data, cl); block.setExprents(data.getLstExprents()); } String currentEntrypoint = entrypoints.isEmpty() ? null : entrypoints.getLast(); for (DirectNode nd : node.succs) { boolean isSuccessor = true; if (currentEntrypoint != null && dgraph.mapLongRangeFinallyPaths.containsKey(node.id)) { isSuccessor = false; for (FinallyPathWrapper finwraplong : dgraph.mapLongRangeFinallyPaths.get(node.id)) { if (finwraplong.source.equals(currentEntrypoint) && finwraplong.destination.equals(nd.id)) { isSuccessor = true; break; } } } if (isSuccessor) { Map mapSucc = mapData.get(nd); if (mapSucc == null) { mapData.put(nd, mapSucc = new HashMap()); } LinkedList ndentrypoints = new LinkedList(entrypoints); if (setFinallyLongRangeEntryPaths.contains(node.id + "##" + nd.id)) { ndentrypoints.addLast(node.id); } else if (!setFinallyShortRangeEntryPoints.contains(nd.id) && dgraph.mapLongRangeFinallyPaths.containsKey(node.id)) { ndentrypoints.removeLast(); // currentEntrypoint should // not be null at this point } // handling of entry point loops int succ_entry_index = ndentrypoints.indexOf(nd.id); if (succ_entry_index >= 0) { // we are in a loop (e.g. continue in a finally block), drop all entry points in the list beginning with succ_entry_index for (int elements_to_remove = ndentrypoints.size() - succ_entry_index; elements_to_remove > 0; elements_to_remove--) { ndentrypoints.removeLast(); } } String ndentrykey = buildEntryPointKey(ndentrypoints); if (!mapSucc.containsKey(ndentrykey)) { mapSucc.put(ndentrykey, copyVarExprents(data.copyStack())); stack.add(nd); stackEntryPoint.add(ndentrypoints); } } } } initStatementExprents(root); } // FIXME: Ugly code, to be rewritten. A tuple class is needed. private static String buildEntryPointKey(LinkedList entrypoints) { if (entrypoints.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (String point : entrypoints) { buffer.append(point); buffer.append(":"); } return buffer.toString(); } } private static PrimitiveExprsList copyVarExprents(PrimitiveExprsList data) { ExprentStack stack = data.getStack(); copyEntries(stack); return data; } public static void copyEntries(List stack) { for (int i = 0; i < stack.size(); i++) { stack.set(i, stack.get(i).copy()); } } private static void collectCatchVars(Statement stat, FlattenStatementsHelper flatthelper, Map map) { List lst = null; if (stat.type == Statement.TYPE_CATCHALL) { CatchAllStatement catchall = (CatchAllStatement)stat; if (!catchall.isFinally()) { lst = catchall.getVars(); } } else if (stat.type == Statement.TYPE_TRYCATCH) { lst = ((CatchStatement)stat).getVars(); } if (lst != null) { for (int i = 1; i < stat.getStats().size(); i++) { map.put(flatthelper.getMapDestinationNodes().get(stat.getStats().get(i).id)[0], lst.get(i - 1)); } } for (Statement st : stat.getStats()) { collectCatchVars(st, flatthelper, map); } } private static void initStatementExprents(Statement stat) { stat.initExprents(); for (Statement st : stat.getStats()) { initStatementExprents(st); } } public void processBlock(BasicBlockStatement stat, PrimitiveExprsList data, StructClass cl) { ConstantPool pool = cl.getPool(); StructBootstrapMethodsAttribute bootstrap = (StructBootstrapMethodsAttribute)cl.getAttributes().getWithKey(StructGeneralAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_BOOTSTRAP_METHODS); BasicBlock block = stat.getBlock(); ExprentStack stack = data.getStack(); List exprlist = data.getLstExprents(); InstructionSequence seq = block.getSeq(); for (int i = 0; i < seq.length(); i++) { Instruction instr = seq.getInstr(i); Integer bytecode_offset = block.getOldOffset(i); Set bytecode_offsets = bytecode_offset >= 0 ? new HashSet(Arrays.asList(bytecode_offset)) : null; switch (instr.opcode) { case opc_aconst_null: pushEx(stack, exprlist, new ConstExprent(VarType.VARTYPE_NULL, null, bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_bipush: case opc_sipush: pushEx(stack, exprlist, new ConstExprent(instr.getOperand(0), true, bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_lconst_0: case opc_lconst_1: pushEx(stack, exprlist, new ConstExprent(VarType.VARTYPE_LONG, new Long(instr.opcode - opc_lconst_0), bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_fconst_0: case opc_fconst_1: case opc_fconst_2: pushEx(stack, exprlist, new ConstExprent(VarType.VARTYPE_FLOAT, new Float(instr.opcode - opc_fconst_0), bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_dconst_0: case opc_dconst_1: pushEx(stack, exprlist, new ConstExprent(VarType.VARTYPE_DOUBLE, new Double(instr.opcode - opc_dconst_0), bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_ldc: case opc_ldc_w: case opc_ldc2_w: PrimitiveConstant cn = pool.getPrimitiveConstant(instr.getOperand(0)); pushEx(stack, exprlist, new ConstExprent(consts[cn.type - CONSTANT_Integer], cn.value, bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_iload: case opc_lload: case opc_fload: case opc_dload: case opc_aload: pushEx(stack, exprlist, new VarExprent(instr.getOperand(0), vartypes[instr.opcode - opc_iload], varProcessor)); break; case opc_iaload: case opc_laload: case opc_faload: case opc_daload: case opc_aaload: case opc_baload: case opc_caload: case opc_saload: Exprent index = stack.pop(); Exprent arr = stack.pop(); VarType vartype = null; switch (instr.opcode) { case opc_laload: vartype = VarType.VARTYPE_LONG; break; case opc_daload: vartype = VarType.VARTYPE_DOUBLE; } pushEx(stack, exprlist, new ArrayExprent(arr, index, arrtypes[instr.opcode - opc_iaload], bytecode_offsets), vartype); break; case opc_istore: case opc_lstore: case opc_fstore: case opc_dstore: case opc_astore: Exprent top = stack.pop(); int varindex = instr.getOperand(0); AssignmentExprent assign = new AssignmentExprent(new VarExprent(varindex, vartypes[instr.opcode - opc_istore], varProcessor), top, bytecode_offsets); exprlist.add(assign); break; case opc_iastore: case opc_lastore: case opc_fastore: case opc_dastore: case opc_aastore: case opc_bastore: case opc_castore: case opc_sastore: Exprent value = stack.pop(); Exprent index_store = stack.pop(); Exprent arr_store = stack.pop(); AssignmentExprent arrassign = new AssignmentExprent(new ArrayExprent(arr_store, index_store, arrtypes[instr.opcode - opc_iastore], bytecode_offsets), value, bytecode_offsets); exprlist.add(arrassign); break; case opc_iadd: case opc_ladd: case opc_fadd: case opc_dadd: case opc_isub: case opc_lsub: case opc_fsub: case opc_dsub: case opc_imul: case opc_lmul: case opc_fmul: case opc_dmul: case opc_idiv: case opc_ldiv: case opc_fdiv: case opc_ddiv: case opc_irem: case opc_lrem: case opc_frem: case opc_drem: pushEx(stack, exprlist, new FunctionExprent(func1[(instr.opcode - opc_iadd) / 4], stack, bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_ishl: case opc_lshl: case opc_ishr: case opc_lshr: case opc_iushr: case opc_lushr: case opc_iand: case opc_land: case opc_ior: case opc_lor: case opc_ixor: case opc_lxor: pushEx(stack, exprlist, new FunctionExprent(func2[(instr.opcode - opc_ishl) / 2], stack, bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_ineg: case opc_lneg: case opc_fneg: case opc_dneg: pushEx(stack, exprlist, new FunctionExprent(FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_NEG, stack, bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_iinc: VarExprent vevar = new VarExprent(instr.getOperand(0), VarType.VARTYPE_INT, varProcessor); exprlist.add(new AssignmentExprent(vevar, new FunctionExprent( instr.getOperand(1) < 0 ? FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_SUB : FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_ADD, Arrays .asList(vevar.copy(), new ConstExprent(VarType.VARTYPE_INT, Math.abs(instr.getOperand(1)), null)), bytecode_offsets), bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_i2l: case opc_i2f: case opc_i2d: case opc_l2i: case opc_l2f: case opc_l2d: case opc_f2i: case opc_f2l: case opc_f2d: case opc_d2i: case opc_d2l: case opc_d2f: case opc_i2b: case opc_i2c: case opc_i2s: pushEx(stack, exprlist, new FunctionExprent(func3[instr.opcode - opc_i2l], stack, bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_lcmp: case opc_fcmpl: case opc_fcmpg: case opc_dcmpl: case opc_dcmpg: pushEx(stack, exprlist, new FunctionExprent(func4[instr.opcode - opc_lcmp], stack, bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_ifeq: case opc_ifne: case opc_iflt: case opc_ifge: case opc_ifgt: case opc_ifle: exprlist.add(new IfExprent(negifs[func5[instr.opcode - opc_ifeq]], stack, bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_if_icmpeq: case opc_if_icmpne: case opc_if_icmplt: case opc_if_icmpge: case opc_if_icmpgt: case opc_if_icmple: case opc_if_acmpeq: case opc_if_acmpne: exprlist.add(new IfExprent(negifs[func6[instr.opcode - opc_if_icmpeq]], stack, bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_ifnull: case opc_ifnonnull: exprlist.add(new IfExprent(negifs[func7[instr.opcode - opc_ifnull]], stack, bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_tableswitch: case opc_lookupswitch: exprlist.add(new SwitchExprent(stack.pop(), bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_ireturn: case opc_lreturn: case opc_freturn: case opc_dreturn: case opc_areturn: case opc_return: case opc_athrow: exprlist.add(new ExitExprent(instr.opcode == opc_athrow ? ExitExprent.EXIT_THROW : ExitExprent.EXIT_RETURN, instr.opcode == opc_return ? null : stack.pop(), instr.opcode == opc_athrow ? null : ((MethodDescriptor)DecompilerContext .getProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_METHOD_DESCRIPTOR)).ret, bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_monitorenter: case opc_monitorexit: exprlist.add(new MonitorExprent(func8[instr.opcode - opc_monitorenter], stack.pop(), bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_checkcast: case opc_instanceof: stack.push(new ConstExprent(new VarType(pool.getPrimitiveConstant(instr.getOperand(0)).getString(), true), null, null)); case opc_arraylength: pushEx(stack, exprlist, new FunctionExprent(mapConsts.get(instr.opcode).intValue(), stack, bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_getstatic: case opc_getfield: pushEx(stack, exprlist, new FieldExprent(pool.getLinkConstant(instr.getOperand(0)), instr.opcode == opc_getstatic ? null : stack.pop(), bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_putstatic: case opc_putfield: Exprent valfield = stack.pop(); Exprent exprfield = new FieldExprent(pool.getLinkConstant(instr.getOperand(0)), instr.opcode == opc_putstatic ? null : stack.pop(), bytecode_offsets); exprlist.add(new AssignmentExprent(exprfield, valfield, bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_invokevirtual: case opc_invokespecial: case opc_invokestatic: case opc_invokeinterface: case opc_invokedynamic: if (instr.opcode != opc_invokedynamic || instr.bytecode_version >= CodeConstants.BYTECODE_JAVA_7) { LinkConstant invoke_constant = pool.getLinkConstant(instr.getOperand(0)); int dynamic_invokation_type = -1; if (instr.opcode == opc_invokedynamic && bootstrap != null) { List bootstrap_arguments = bootstrap.getMethodArguments(invoke_constant.index1); LinkConstant content_method_handle = (LinkConstant)bootstrap_arguments.get(1); dynamic_invokation_type = content_method_handle.index1; } InvocationExprent exprinv = new InvocationExprent(instr.opcode, invoke_constant, stack, dynamic_invokation_type, bytecode_offsets); if (exprinv.getDescriptor().ret.type == CodeConstants.TYPE_VOID) { exprlist.add(exprinv); } else { pushEx(stack, exprlist, exprinv); } } break; case opc_new: case opc_anewarray: case opc_multianewarray: int dimensions = (instr.opcode == opc_new) ? 0 : (instr.opcode == opc_anewarray) ? 1 : instr.getOperand(1); VarType arrType = new VarType(pool.getPrimitiveConstant(instr.getOperand(0)).getString(), true); if (instr.opcode != opc_multianewarray) { arrType = arrType.resizeArrayDim(arrType.arrayDim + dimensions); } pushEx(stack, exprlist, new NewExprent(arrType, stack, dimensions, bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_newarray: pushEx(stack, exprlist, new NewExprent(new VarType(arr_type[instr.getOperand(0) - 4], 1), stack, 1, bytecode_offsets)); break; case opc_dup: pushEx(stack, exprlist, stack.getByOffset(-1).copy()); break; case opc_dup_x1: insertByOffsetEx(-2, stack, exprlist, -1); break; case opc_dup_x2: if (stack.getByOffset(-2).getExprType().stackSize == 2) { insertByOffsetEx(-2, stack, exprlist, -1); } else { insertByOffsetEx(-3, stack, exprlist, -1); } break; case opc_dup2: if (stack.getByOffset(-1).getExprType().stackSize == 2) { pushEx(stack, exprlist, stack.getByOffset(-1).copy()); } else { pushEx(stack, exprlist, stack.getByOffset(-2).copy()); pushEx(stack, exprlist, stack.getByOffset(-2).copy()); } break; case opc_dup2_x1: if (stack.getByOffset(-1).getExprType().stackSize == 2) { insertByOffsetEx(-2, stack, exprlist, -1); } else { insertByOffsetEx(-3, stack, exprlist, -2); insertByOffsetEx(-3, stack, exprlist, -1); } break; case opc_dup2_x2: if (stack.getByOffset(-1).getExprType().stackSize == 2) { if (stack.getByOffset(-2).getExprType().stackSize == 2) { insertByOffsetEx(-2, stack, exprlist, -1); } else { insertByOffsetEx(-3, stack, exprlist, -1); } } else { if (stack.getByOffset(-3).getExprType().stackSize == 2) { insertByOffsetEx(-3, stack, exprlist, -2); insertByOffsetEx(-3, stack, exprlist, -1); } else { insertByOffsetEx(-4, stack, exprlist, -2); insertByOffsetEx(-4, stack, exprlist, -1); } } break; case opc_swap: insertByOffsetEx(-2, stack, exprlist, -1); stack.pop(); break; case opc_pop: case opc_pop2: stack.pop(); } } } private void pushEx(ExprentStack stack, List exprlist, Exprent exprent) { pushEx(stack, exprlist, exprent, null); } private void pushEx(ExprentStack stack, List exprlist, Exprent exprent, VarType vartype) { int varindex = VarExprent.STACK_BASE + stack.size(); VarExprent var = new VarExprent(varindex, vartype == null ? exprent.getExprType() : vartype, varProcessor); var.setStack(true); exprlist.add(new AssignmentExprent(var, exprent, null)); stack.push(var.copy()); } private void insertByOffsetEx(int offset, ExprentStack stack, List exprlist, int copyoffset) { int base = VarExprent.STACK_BASE + stack.size(); LinkedList lst = new LinkedList(); for (int i = -1; i >= offset; i--) { Exprent varex = stack.pop(); VarExprent varnew = new VarExprent(base + i + 1, varex.getExprType(), varProcessor); varnew.setStack(true); exprlist.add(new AssignmentExprent(varnew, varex, null)); lst.add(0, (VarExprent)varnew.copy()); } Exprent exprent = lst.get(lst.size() + copyoffset).copy(); VarExprent var = new VarExprent(base + offset, exprent.getExprType(), varProcessor); var.setStack(true); exprlist.add(new AssignmentExprent(var, exprent, null)); lst.add(0, (VarExprent)var.copy()); for (VarExprent expr : lst) { stack.push(expr); } } public static String getTypeName(VarType type) { return getTypeName(type, true); } public static String getTypeName(VarType type, boolean getShort) { int tp = type.type; if (tp <= CodeConstants.TYPE_BOOLEAN) { return typeNames[tp]; } else if (tp == CodeConstants.TYPE_UNKNOWN) { return UNKNOWN_TYPE_STRING; // INFO: should not occur } else if (tp == CodeConstants.TYPE_NULL) { return NULL_TYPE_STRING; // INFO: should not occur } else if (tp == CodeConstants.TYPE_VOID) { return "void"; } else if (tp == CodeConstants.TYPE_OBJECT) { String ret = buildJavaClassName(type.value); if (getShort) { ret = DecompilerContext.getImportCollector().getShortName(ret); } if (ret == null) { // FIXME: a warning should be logged ret = UNDEFINED_TYPE_STRING; } return ret; } throw new RuntimeException("invalid type"); } public static String getCastTypeName(VarType type) { return getCastTypeName(type, true); } public static String getCastTypeName(VarType type, boolean getShort) { String s = getTypeName(type, getShort); int dim = type.arrayDim; while (dim-- > 0) { s += "[]"; } return s; } public static PrimitiveExprsList getExpressionData(VarExprent var) { PrimitiveExprsList prlst = new PrimitiveExprsList(); VarExprent vartmp = new VarExprent(VarExprent.STACK_BASE, var.getExprType(), var.getProcessor()); vartmp.setStack(true); prlst.getLstExprents().add(new AssignmentExprent(vartmp, var.copy(), null)); prlst.getStack().push(vartmp.copy()); return prlst; } public static boolean endsWithSemikolon(Exprent expr) { int type = expr.type; return !(type == Exprent.EXPRENT_SWITCH || type == Exprent.EXPRENT_MONITOR || type == Exprent.EXPRENT_IF || (type == Exprent.EXPRENT_VAR && ((VarExprent)expr) .isClassDef())); } public static TextBuffer jmpWrapper(Statement stat, int indent, boolean semicolon, BytecodeMappingTracer tracer) { TextBuffer buf = stat.toJava(indent, tracer); List lstSuccs = stat.getSuccessorEdges(Statement.STATEDGE_DIRECT_ALL); if (lstSuccs.size() == 1) { StatEdge edge = lstSuccs.get(0); if (edge.getType() != StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR && edge.explicit && edge.getDestination().type != Statement.TYPE_DUMMYEXIT) { buf.appendIndent(indent); switch (edge.getType()) { case StatEdge.TYPE_BREAK: buf.append("break"); break; case StatEdge.TYPE_CONTINUE: buf.append("continue"); } if (edge.labeled) { buf.append(" label").append(edge.closure.id.toString()); } buf.append(";").appendLineSeparator(); tracer.incrementCurrentSourceLine(); } } if (buf.length() == 0 && semicolon) { buf.appendIndent(indent).append(";").appendLineSeparator(); tracer.incrementCurrentSourceLine(); } return buf; } public static String buildJavaClassName(String name) { String res = name.replace('/', '.'); if (res.contains("$")) { // attempt to invoke foreign member // classes correctly StructClass cl = DecompilerContext.getStructContext().getClass(name); if (cl == null || !cl.isOwn()) { res = res.replace('$', '.'); } } return res; } public static TextBuffer listToJava(List lst, int indent, BytecodeMappingTracer tracer) { if (lst == null || lst.isEmpty()) { return new TextBuffer(); } TextBuffer buf = new TextBuffer(); for (Exprent expr : lst) { TextBuffer content = expr.toJava(indent, tracer); if (content.length() > 0) { if (expr.type != Exprent.EXPRENT_VAR || !((VarExprent)expr).isClassDef()) { buf.appendIndent(indent); } buf.append(content); if (expr.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_MONITOR && ((MonitorExprent)expr).getMonType() == MonitorExprent.MONITOR_ENTER) { buf.append("{}"); // empty synchronized block } if (endsWithSemikolon(expr)) { buf.append(";"); } buf.appendLineSeparator(); tracer.incrementCurrentSourceLine(); } } return buf; } public static ConstExprent getDefaultArrayValue(VarType arrtype) { ConstExprent defaultval; if (arrtype.type == CodeConstants.TYPE_OBJECT || arrtype.arrayDim > 0) { defaultval = new ConstExprent(VarType.VARTYPE_NULL, null, null); } else if (arrtype.type == CodeConstants.TYPE_FLOAT) { defaultval = new ConstExprent(VarType.VARTYPE_FLOAT, new Float(0), null); } else if (arrtype.type == CodeConstants.TYPE_LONG) { defaultval = new ConstExprent(VarType.VARTYPE_LONG, new Long(0), null); } else if (arrtype.type == CodeConstants.TYPE_DOUBLE) { defaultval = new ConstExprent(VarType.VARTYPE_DOUBLE, new Double(0), null); } else { // integer types defaultval = new ConstExprent(0, true, null); } return defaultval; } public static boolean getCastedExprent(Exprent exprent, VarType leftType, TextBuffer buffer, int indent, boolean castNull, BytecodeMappingTracer tracer) { return getCastedExprent(exprent, leftType, buffer, indent, castNull, false, tracer); } public static boolean getCastedExprent(Exprent exprent, VarType leftType, TextBuffer buffer, int indent, boolean castNull, boolean castAlways, BytecodeMappingTracer tracer) { VarType rightType = exprent.getExprType(); TextBuffer res = exprent.toJava(indent, tracer); boolean cast = castAlways || (!leftType.isSuperset(rightType) && (rightType.equals(VarType.VARTYPE_OBJECT) || leftType.type != CodeConstants.TYPE_OBJECT)) || (castNull && rightType.type == CodeConstants.TYPE_NULL && !UNDEFINED_TYPE_STRING.equals(getTypeName(leftType))) || (isIntConstant(exprent) && VarType.VARTYPE_INT.isStrictSuperset(leftType)); if (cast) { if (exprent.getPrecedence() >= FunctionExprent.getPrecedence(FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_CAST)) { res.enclose("(", ")"); } res.prepend("(" + getCastTypeName(leftType) + ")"); } buffer.append(res); return cast; } private static boolean isIntConstant(Exprent exprent) { if (exprent.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_CONST) { ConstExprent cexpr = (ConstExprent)exprent; switch (cexpr.getConstType().type) { case CodeConstants.TYPE_BYTE: case CodeConstants.TYPE_BYTECHAR: case CodeConstants.TYPE_SHORT: case CodeConstants.TYPE_SHORTCHAR: case CodeConstants.TYPE_INT: return true; } } return false; } }