[editor] true-color = true # http://www.keyboard-layout-editor.com/#/gists/d1f226131381138f983d9b3beaeaa90b [keys.normal] # these are additions I like "C-l" = "page_up" # ctrl+move_visual_line_up is page up "C-k" = "page_down" # ctrl+move_visual_line_down is page down "N" = "page_up" # shift+move_visual_line_up is page up "T" = "page_down" # shift+move_visual_line_down is page down "F8" = ":open ~/.config/bin/run-from-helix" "F9" = [":wa", ":sh ~/.config/bin/run-zellij-from-helix"] "F10" = [":wa", "workspace_diagnostics_picker"] # these are non-standard changes, original dvorak commented with #x # hjkl > jkl; "h" = "move_char_left" # "h" | "left" "t" = "move_visual_line_down" # "j" | "down" "n" = "move_visual_line_up" # "k" | "up" "s" = "move_char_right" # "l" | "right" # ; > ' "minus" = "collapse_selection" # ";" # begin normal dvorak changes #x "d" = "move_char_left" # "h" | "left" "left" = "move_char_left" # "h" | "left" #x "h" = "move_visual_line_down" # "j" | "down" "down" = "move_visual_line_down" # "j" | "down" #x "t" = "move_visual_line_up" # "k" | "up" "up" = "move_visual_line_up" # "k" | "up" #x "n" = "move_char_right" # "l" | "right" "right" = "move_char_right" # "l" | "right" "y" = "find_till_char" # "t" "u" = "find_next_char" # "f" "Y" = "till_prev_char" # "T" "U" = "find_prev_char" # "F" "p" = "replace" # "r" "P" = "replace_with_yanked" # "R" "A-." = "repeat_last_motion" # "A-." "~" = "switch_case" # "~" "`" = "switch_to_lowercase" # "`" "A-`" = "switch_to_uppercase" # "A-`" "home" = "goto_line_start" # "home" "end" = "goto_line_end" # "end" "," = "move_next_word_start" # "w" "x" = "move_prev_word_start" # "b" "." = "move_next_word_end" # "e" "<" = "move_next_long_word_start" # "W" "X" = "move_prev_long_word_start" # "B" ">" = "move_next_long_word_end" # "E" "k" = "select_mode" # "v" "I" = "goto_line" # "G" "S" = "command_mode" # ":" "c" = "insert_mode" # "i" "C" = "insert_at_line_start" # "I" "a" = "append_mode" # "a" "A" = "insert_at_line_end" # "A" "r" = "open_below" # "o" "R" = "open_above" # "O" "e" = "delete_selection" # "d" "A-d" = "delete_selection_noyank" # "A-d" "j" = "change_selection" # "c" "A-c" = "change_selection_noyank" # "A-c" "J" = "copy_selection_on_next_line" # "C" "A-C" = "copy_selection_on_prev_line" # "A-C" "o" = "select_regex" # "s" "A-s" = "split_selection_on_newline" # "A-s" "A-minus" = "merge_selections" # "A-minus" "A-_" = "merge_consecutive_selections" # "A-_" "O" = "split_selection" # "S" #x "s" = "collapse_selection" # ";" "A-;" = "flip_selections" # "A-;" "A-o" = "expand_selection" # "A-o" | "A-up" "A-up" = "expand_selection" # "A-o" | "A-up" "A-i" = "shrink_selection" # "A-i" | "A-down" "A-down" = "shrink_selection" # "A-i" | "A-down" "A-p" = "select_prev_sibling" # "A-p" | "A-left" "A-left" = "select_prev_sibling" # "A-p" | "A-left" "A-n" = "select_next_sibling" # "A-n" | "A-right" "A-right" = "select_next_sibling" # "A-n" | "A-right" "A-e" = "move_parent_node_end" # "A-e" "A-b" = "move_parent_node_start" # "A-b" "%" = "select_all" # "%" "q" = "extend_line_below" # "x" "Q" = "extend_to_line_bounds" # "X" "A-x" = "shrink_to_line_bounds" # "A-x" "z" = "search" # "/" "Z" = "rsearch" # "?" "b" = "search_next" # "n" "B" = "search_prev" # "N" "*" = "search_selection" # "*" "g" = "undo" # "u" "G" = "redo" # "U" "A-u" = "earlier" # "A-u" "A-U" = "later" # "A-U" "f" = "yank" # "y" "l" = "paste_after" # "p" "L" = "paste_before" # "P" "\"" = "record_macro" # "Q" "'" = "replay_macro" # "q" "V" = "indent" # ">" "W" = "unindent" # "<" "]" = "format_selections" # "=" "H" = "join_selections" # "J" "A-J" = "join_selections_space" # "A-J" # disable for now because made page down "T" = "keep_selections" # "K" "A-K" = "remove_selections" # "A-K" "w" = "keep_primary_selection" # "," "A-," = "remove_primary_selection" # "A-," # "q" = "record_macro" # "q" #"Q" = "replay_macro" # "Q" "&" = "align_selections" # "&" "{" = "trim_selections" # "_" "(" = "rotate_selections_backward" # "(" ")" = "rotate_selections_forward" # ")" "A-(" = "rotate_selection_contents_backward" # "A-(" "A-)" = "rotate_selection_contents_forward" # "A-)" "A-:" = "ensure_selections_forward" # "A-:" "esc" = "normal_mode" # "esc" "C-b" = "page_up" # "C-b" | "pageup" "pageup" = "page_up" # "C-b" | "pageup" "C-f" = "page_down" # "C-f" | "pagedown" "pagedown" = "page_down" # "C-f" | "pagedown" "C-u" = "half_page_up" # "C-u" "C-d" = "half_page_down" # "C-d" "C-c" = "toggle_comments" # "C-c" "C-i" = "jump_forward" # "C-i" | "tab" // tab == "tab" = "jump_forward" # "C-i" | "tab" // tab == "C-o" = "jump_backward" # "C-o" "C-s" = "save_selection" # "C-s" "_" = "select_register" # "\"" "|" = "shell_pipe" # "|" "A-|" = "shell_pipe_to" # "A-|" "!" = "shell_insert_output" # "!" "A-!" = "shell_append_output" # "A-!" "}" = "shell_keep_pipe" # "$" "C-z" = "suspend" # "C-z" "C-a" = "increment" # "C-a" "C-x" = "decrement" # "C-x" [keys.normal.i] # [keys.normal.g] "i" = "goto_file_start" # "g" "." = "goto_last_line" # "e" "u" = "goto_file" # "f" "d" = "goto_line_start" # "h" "n" = "goto_line_end" # "l" "o" = "goto_first_nonwhitespace" # "s" "e" = "goto_definition" # "d" "E" = "goto_declaration" # "D" "f" = "goto_type_definition" # "y" "p" = "goto_reference" # "r" "c" = "goto_implementation" # "i" "y" = "goto_window_top" # "t" "j" = "goto_window_center" # "c" "x" = "goto_window_bottom" # "b" "a" = "goto_last_accessed_file" # "a" "m" = "goto_last_modified_file" # "m" "b" = "goto_next_buffer" # "n" "l" = "goto_previous_buffer" # "p" "t" = "move_line_up" # "k" "h" = "move_line_down" # "j" "v" = "goto_last_modification" # "." [keys.normal.m] # [keys.normal.m] "m" = "match_brackets" # "m" "o" = "surround_add" # "s" "p" = "surround_replace" # "r" "e" = "surround_delete" # "d" "a" = "select_textobject_around" # "a" "c" = "select_textobject_inner" # "i" [keys.normal."/"] # [keys.normal."["] "e" = "goto_prev_diag" # "d" "E" = "goto_first_diag" # "D" "i" = "goto_prev_change" # "g" "I" = "goto_first_change" # "G" "u" = "goto_prev_function" # "f" "y" = "goto_prev_class" # "t" "a" = "goto_prev_parameter" # "a" "j" = "goto_prev_comment" # "c" "Y" = "goto_prev_test" # "T" "l" = "goto_prev_paragraph" # "p" "space" = "add_newline_above" # "space" [keys.normal."="] # [keys.normal."]"] "e" = "goto_next_diag" # "d" "E" = "goto_last_diag" # "D" "i" = "goto_next_change" # "g" "I" = "goto_last_change" # "G" "u" = "goto_next_function" # "f" "y" = "goto_next_class" # "t" "a" = "goto_next_parameter" # "a" "j" = "goto_next_comment" # "c" "Y" = "goto_next_test" # "T" "l" = "goto_next_paragraph" # "p" "space" = "add_newline_below" # "space" [keys.normal.C-w] # [keys.normal.C-w] "C-w" = "rotate_view" # "C-w" | "w" "w" = "rotate_view" # "C-w" | "w" "C-s" = "hsplit" # "C-s" | "s" "s" = "hsplit" # "C-s" | "s" "C-v" = "vsplit" # "C-v" | "v" "v" = "vsplit" # "C-v" | "v" "C-t" = "transpose_view" # "C-t" | "t" "t" = "transpose_view" # "C-t" | "t" "u" = "goto_file_hsplit" # "f" "U" = "goto_file_vsplit" # "F" "C-q" = "wclose" # "C-q" | "q" "q" = "wclose" # "C-q" | "q" "C-o" = "wonly" # "C-o" | "o" "o" = "wonly" # "C-o" | "o" "C-h" = "jump_view_left" # "C-h" | "h" | "left" "h" = "jump_view_left" # "C-h" | "h" | "left" "left" = "jump_view_left" # "C-h" | "h" | "left" "C-j" = "jump_view_down" # "C-j" | "j" | "down" "j" = "jump_view_down" # "C-j" | "j" | "down" "down" = "jump_view_down" # "C-j" | "j" | "down" "C-k" = "jump_view_up" # "C-k" | "k" | "up" "k" = "jump_view_up" # "C-k" | "k" | "up" "up" = "jump_view_up" # "C-k" | "k" | "up" "C-l" = "jump_view_right" # "C-l" | "l" | "right" "l" = "jump_view_right" # "C-l" | "l" | "right" "right" = "jump_view_right" # "C-l" | "l" | "right" "N" = "swap_view_right" # "L" "T" = "swap_view_up" # "K" "D" = "swap_view_left" # "H" "H" = "swap_view_down" # "J" [keys.normal.C-w.b] # [keys.normal.C-w.n] "C-s" = "hsplit_new" # "C-s" | "s" "s" = "hsplit_new" # "C-s" | "s" "C-v" = "vsplit_new" # "C-v" | "v" "v" = "vsplit_new" # "C-v" | "v" [keys.normal.space] "u" = "file_picker" # "f" "U" = "file_picker_in_current_directory" # "F" "x" = "buffer_picker" # "b" "h" = "jumplist_picker" # "j" "o" = "symbol_picker" # "s" "O" = "workspace_symbol_picker" # "S" "e" = "diagnostics_picker" # "d" "E" = "workspace_diagnostics_picker" # "D" "a" = "code_action" # "a" "minus" = "last_picker" # "'" "f" = "yank_joined_to_clipboard" # "y" "F" = "yank_main_selection_to_clipboard" # "Y" "l" = "paste_clipboard_after" # "p" "L" = "paste_clipboard_before" # "P" "P" = "replace_selections_with_clipboard" # "R" "z" = "global_search" # "/" "t" = "hover" # "k" "p" = "rename_symbol" # "r" "d" = "select_references_to_symbol_under_cursor" # "h" "Z" = "command_palette" # "?" [keys.normal.space.i] # [keys.normal.space.g] "n" = "dap_launch" # "l" "p" = "dap_restart" # "r" "x" = "dap_toggle_breakpoint" # "b" "j" = "dap_continue" # "c" "d" = "dap_pause" # "h" "c" = "dap_step_in" # "i" "r" = "dap_step_out" # "o" "b" = "dap_next" # "n" "k" = "dap_variables" # "v" "y" = "dap_terminate" # "t" "C-c" = "dap_edit_condition" # "C-c" "C-l" = "dap_edit_log" # "C-l" "." = "dap_enable_exceptions" # "e" ">" = "dap_disable_exceptions" # "E" [keys.normal.space.i.o] # [keys.normal.space.g.s] "y" = "dap_switch_thread" # "t" "u" = "dap_switch_stack_frame" # "f" [keys.normal.space.","] # [keys.normal.space.w] "C-w" = "rotate_view" # "C-w" | "w" "w" = "rotate_view" # "C-w" | "w" "C-s" = "hsplit" # "C-s" | "s" "s" = "hsplit" # "C-s" | "s" "C-v" = "vsplit" # "C-v" | "v" "v" = "vsplit" # "C-v" | "v" "C-t" = "transpose_view" # "C-t" | "t" "t" = "transpose_view" # "C-t" | "t" "u" = "goto_file_hsplit" # "f" "U" = "goto_file_vsplit" # "F" "C-q" = "wclose" # "C-q" | "q" "q" = "wclose" # "C-q" | "q" "C-o" = "wonly" # "C-o" | "o" "o" = "wonly" # "C-o" | "o" "C-h" = "jump_view_left" # "C-h" | "h" | "left" "h" = "jump_view_left" # "C-h" | "h" | "left" "left" = "jump_view_left" # "C-h" | "h" | "left" "C-j" = "jump_view_down" # "C-j" | "j" | "down" "j" = "jump_view_down" # "C-j" | "j" | "down" "down" = "jump_view_down" # "C-j" | "j" | "down" "C-k" = "jump_view_up" # "C-k" | "k" | "up" "k" = "jump_view_up" # "C-k" | "k" | "up" "up" = "jump_view_up" # "C-k" | "k" | "up" "C-l" = "jump_view_right" # "C-l" | "l" | "right" "l" = "jump_view_right" # "C-l" | "l" | "right" "right" = "jump_view_right" # "C-l" | "l" | "right" "D" = "swap_view_left" # "H" "H" = "swap_view_down" # "J" "T" = "swap_view_up" # "K" "N" = "swap_view_right" # "L" [keys.normal.space.",".b] # [keys.normal.space.w.n] "C-s" = "hsplit_new" # "C-s" | "s" "s" = "hsplit_new" # "C-s" | "s" "C-v" = "vsplit_new" # "C-v" | "v" "v" = "vsplit_new" # "C-v" | "v" [keys.normal.";"] # [keys.normal.z] ";" = "align_view_center" # "z" | "c" "c" = "align_view_center" # "z" | "c" "y" = "align_view_top" # "t" "x" = "align_view_bottom" # "b" "m" = "align_view_middle" # "m" "t" = "scroll_up" # "k" | "up" "up" = "scroll_up" # "k" | "up" "h" = "scroll_down" # "j" | "down" "down" = "scroll_down" # "j" | "down" "C-b" = "page_up" # "C-b" | "pageup" "pageup" = "page_up" # "C-b" | "pageup" "C-f" = "page_down" # "C-f" | "pagedown" "pagedown" = "page_down" # "C-f" | "pagedown" "C-u" = "half_page_up" # "C-u" | "backspace" "backspace" = "half_page_up" # "C-u" | "backspace" "C-d" = "half_page_down" # "C-d" | "space" "space" = "half_page_down" # "C-d" | "space" "z" = "search" # "/" "Z" = "rsearch" # "?" "b" = "search_next" # "n" "B" = "search_prev" # "N" [keys.normal.":"] # [keys.normal.Z] ";" = "align_view_center" # "z" | "c" "c" = "align_view_center" # "z" | "c" "y" = "align_view_top" # "t" "x" = "align_view_bottom" # "b" "m" = "align_view_middle" # "m" "t" = "scroll_up" # "k" | "up" "up" = "scroll_up" # "k" | "up" "h" = "scroll_down" # "j" | "down" "down" = "scroll_down" # "j" | "down" "C-b" = "page_up" # "C-b" | "pageup" "pageup" = "page_up" # "C-b" | "pageup" "C-f" = "page_down" # "C-f" | "pagedown" "pagedown" = "page_down" # "C-f" | "pagedown" "C-u" = "half_page_up" # "C-u" | "backspace" "backspace" = "half_page_up" # "C-u" | "backspace" "C-d" = "half_page_down" # "C-d" | "space" "space" = "half_page_down" # "C-d" | "space" "z" = "search" # "/" "Z" = "rsearch" # "?" "b" = "search_next" # "n" "B" = "search_prev" # "N" [keys.select] # my additions #"C-i" = "normal_mode" # this doesn't work??? "A-i" = "normal_mode" "F8" = ":open ~/.config/bin/run-from-helix" "F9" = ["normal_mode", ":wa", ":sh ~/.config/bin/run-zellij-from-helix"] "F10" = ["normal_mode", ":wa", "workspace_diagnostics_picker"] # these are non-standard changes, original dvorak commented with #x # hjkl > jkl; "h" = "extend_char_left" # "h" | "left" "t" = "extend_visual_line_down" # "j" | "down" "n" = "extend_visual_line_up" # "k" | "up" "s" = "extend_char_right" # "l" | "right" # normal dvorak #x "d" = "extend_char_left" # "h" | "left" "left" = "extend_char_left" # "h" | "left" #x "h" = "extend_visual_line_down" # "j" | "down" "down" = "extend_visual_line_down" # "j" | "down" #x "t" = "extend_visual_line_up" # "k" | "up" "up" = "extend_visual_line_up" # "k" | "up" #x "n" = "extend_char_right" # "l" | "right" "right" = "extend_char_right" # "l" | "right" "," = "extend_next_word_start" # "w" "x" = "extend_prev_word_start" # "b" "." = "extend_next_word_end" # "e" "<" = "extend_next_long_word_start" # "W" "X" = "extend_prev_long_word_start" # "B" ">" = "extend_next_long_word_end" # "E" "A-e" = "extend_parent_node_end" # "A-e" "A-b" = "extend_parent_node_start" # "A-b" "b" = "extend_search_next" # "n" "B" = "extend_search_prev" # "N" "y" = "extend_till_char" # "t" "u" = "extend_next_char" # "f" "Y" = "extend_till_prev_char" # "T" "U" = "extend_prev_char" # "F" "home" = "extend_to_line_start" # "home" "end" = "extend_to_line_end" # "end" "esc" = "exit_select_mode" # "esc" "k" = "normal_mode" # "v" # in the default keymap, select extends normal, but we have to copy/paste it here, which is annoying # keys defined above should take precedence over keys from normal below, will comment those with #s # start select paste from normal # these are additions I like "C-l" = "page_up" # ctrl+move_visual_line_up is page up "C-k" = "page_down" # ctrl+move_visual_line_down is page down "N" = "page_up" # shift+move_visual_line_up is page up "T" = "page_down" # shift+move_visual_line_down is page down # these are non-standard changes, original dvorak commented with #x # ; > ' "minus" = "collapse_selection" # ";" # begin normal dvorak changes #s "d" = "move_char_left" # "h" | "left" #s "left" = "move_char_left" # "h" | "left" #s "h" = "move_visual_line_down" # "j" | "down" #s "down" = "move_visual_line_down" # "j" | "down" #s "t" = "move_visual_line_up" # "k" | "up" #s "up" = "move_visual_line_up" # "k" | "up" #s "n" = "move_char_right" # "l" | "right" #s "right" = "move_char_right" # "l" | "right" #s "y" = "find_till_char" # "t" #s "u" = "find_next_char" # "f" #s "Y" = "till_prev_char" # "T" #s "U" = "find_prev_char" # "F" "p" = "replace" # "r" "P" = "replace_with_yanked" # "R" "A-." = "repeat_last_motion" # "A-." "~" = "switch_case" # "~" "$" = "switch_to_lowercase" # "`" "A-$" = "switch_to_uppercase" # "A-`" #s "home" = "goto_line_start" # "home" #s "end" = "goto_line_end" # "end" #s "," = "move_next_word_start" # "w" #s "x" = "move_prev_word_start" # "b" #s "." = "move_next_word_end" # "e" #s "<" = "move_next_long_word_start" # "W" #s "X" = "move_prev_long_word_start" # "B" #s ">" = "move_next_long_word_end" # "E" #s "k" = "select_mode" # "v" "I" = "goto_line" # "G" "S" = "command_mode" # ":" "c" = "insert_mode" # "i" "C" = "insert_at_line_start" # "I" "a" = "append_mode" # "a" "A" = "insert_at_line_end" # "A" "r" = "open_below" # "o" "R" = "open_above" # "O" "e" = "delete_selection" # "d" "A-d" = "delete_selection_noyank" # "A-d" "j" = "change_selection" # "c" "A-c" = "change_selection_noyank" # "A-c" "J" = "copy_selection_on_next_line" # "C" "A-C" = "copy_selection_on_prev_line" # "A-C" "o" = "select_regex" # "s" "A-s" = "split_selection_on_newline" # "A-s" "A-minus" = "merge_selections" # "A-minus" "A-_" = "merge_consecutive_selections" # "A-_" "O" = "split_selection" # "S" #x "s" = "collapse_selection" # ";" "A-;" = "flip_selections" # "A-;" "A-o" = "expand_selection" # "A-o" | "A-up" "A-up" = "expand_selection" # "A-o" | "A-up" #s "A-i" = "shrink_selection" # "A-i" | "A-down" "A-down" = "shrink_selection" # "A-i" | "A-down" "A-p" = "select_prev_sibling" # "A-p" | "A-left" "A-left" = "select_prev_sibling" # "A-p" | "A-left" "A-n" = "select_next_sibling" # "A-n" | "A-right" "A-right" = "select_next_sibling" # "A-n" | "A-right" #s "A-e" = "move_parent_node_end" # "A-e" #s "A-b" = "move_parent_node_start" # "A-b" "%" = "select_all" # "%" "q" = "extend_line_below" # "x" "Q" = "extend_to_line_bounds" # "X" "A-x" = "shrink_to_line_bounds" # "A-x" "z" = "search" # "/" "Z" = "rsearch" # "?" #s "b" = "search_next" # "n" #s "B" = "search_prev" # "N" "*" = "search_selection" # "*" "g" = "undo" # "u" "G" = "redo" # "U" "A-u" = "earlier" # "A-u" "A-U" = "later" # "A-U" "f" = "yank" # "y" "l" = "paste_after" # "p" "L" = "paste_before" # "P" "\"" = "record_macro" # "Q" "'" = "replay_macro" # "q" "V" = "indent" # ">" "W" = "unindent" # "<" "]" = "format_selections" # "=" "H" = "join_selections" # "J" "A-J" = "join_selections_space" # "A-J" # disable for now because made page down "T" = "keep_selections" # "K" "A-K" = "remove_selections" # "A-K" "w" = "keep_primary_selection" # "," "A-," = "remove_primary_selection" # "A-," # "q" = "record_macro" # "q" #"Q" = "replay_macro" # "Q" "&" = "align_selections" # "&" "{" = "trim_selections" # "_" "(" = "rotate_selections_backward" # "(" ")" = "rotate_selections_forward" # ")" "A-(" = "rotate_selection_contents_backward" # "A-(" "A-)" = "rotate_selection_contents_forward" # "A-)" "A-:" = "ensure_selections_forward" # "A-:" #s "esc" = "normal_mode" # "esc" "C-b" = "page_up" # "C-b" | "pageup" "pageup" = "page_up" # "C-b" | "pageup" "C-f" = "page_down" # "C-f" | "pagedown" "pagedown" = "page_down" # "C-f" | "pagedown" "C-u" = "half_page_up" # "C-u" "C-d" = "half_page_down" # "C-d" "C-c" = "toggle_comments" # "C-c" "C-i" = "jump_forward" # "C-i" | "tab" // tab == "tab" = "jump_forward" # "C-i" | "tab" // tab == "C-o" = "jump_backward" # "C-o" "C-s" = "save_selection" # "C-s" "_" = "select_register" # "\"" "|" = "shell_pipe" # "|" "A-|" = "shell_pipe_to" # "A-|" "!" = "shell_insert_output" # "!" "A-!" = "shell_append_output" # "A-!" "}" = "shell_keep_pipe" # "$" "C-z" = "suspend" # "C-z" "C-a" = "increment" # "C-a" "C-x" = "decrement" # "C-x" # end select paste from normal [keys.select.i] # [keys.select.g] "t" = "extend_line_up" # "k" "h" = "extend_line_down" # "j" # in the default keymap, select extends normal, but we have to copy/paste it here, which is annoying # only keys.select.i t/h are defined above, will comment these with #s # start select paste from normal "i" = "goto_file_start" # "g" "." = "goto_last_line" # "e" "u" = "goto_file" # "f" "d" = "goto_line_start" # "h" "n" = "goto_line_end" # "l" "o" = "goto_first_nonwhitespace" # "s" "e" = "goto_definition" # "d" "E" = "goto_declaration" # "D" "f" = "goto_type_definition" # "y" "p" = "goto_reference" # "r" "c" = "goto_implementation" # "i" "y" = "goto_window_top" # "t" "j" = "goto_window_center" # "c" "x" = "goto_window_bottom" # "b" "a" = "goto_last_accessed_file" # "a" "m" = "goto_last_modified_file" # "m" "b" = "goto_next_buffer" # "n" "l" = "goto_previous_buffer" # "p" #s "t" = "move_line_up" # "k" #s "h" = "move_line_down" # "j" "v" = "goto_last_modification" # "." [keys.select.m] # [keys.select.m] "m" = "match_brackets" # "m" "o" = "surround_add" # "s" "p" = "surround_replace" # "r" "e" = "surround_delete" # "d" "a" = "select_textobject_around" # "a" "c" = "select_textobject_inner" # "i" [keys.select."/"] # [keys.select."["] "e" = "goto_prev_diag" # "d" "E" = "goto_first_diag" # "D" "i" = "goto_prev_change" # "g" "I" = "goto_first_change" # "G" "u" = "goto_prev_function" # "f" "y" = "goto_prev_class" # "t" "a" = "goto_prev_parameter" # "a" "j" = "goto_prev_comment" # "c" "Y" = "goto_prev_test" # "T" "l" = "goto_prev_paragraph" # "p" "space" = "add_newline_above" # "space" [keys.select."="] # [keys.select."]"] "e" = "goto_next_diag" # "d" "E" = "goto_last_diag" # "D" "i" = "goto_next_change" # "g" "I" = "goto_last_change" # "G" "u" = "goto_next_function" # "f" "y" = "goto_next_class" # "t" "a" = "goto_next_parameter" # "a" "j" = "goto_next_comment" # "c" "Y" = "goto_next_test" # "T" "l" = "goto_next_paragraph" # "p" "space" = "add_newline_below" # "space" [keys.select.C-w] # [keys.select.C-w] "C-w" = "rotate_view" # "C-w" | "w" "w" = "rotate_view" # "C-w" | "w" "C-s" = "hsplit" # "C-s" | "s" "s" = "hsplit" # "C-s" | "s" "C-v" = "vsplit" # "C-v" | "v" "v" = "vsplit" # "C-v" | "v" "C-t" = "transpose_view" # "C-t" | "t" "t" = "transpose_view" # "C-t" | "t" "u" = "goto_file_hsplit" # "f" "U" = "goto_file_vsplit" # "F" "C-q" = "wclose" # "C-q" | "q" "q" = "wclose" # "C-q" | "q" "C-o" = "wonly" # "C-o" | "o" "o" = "wonly" # "C-o" | "o" "C-h" = "jump_view_left" # "C-h" | "h" | "left" "h" = "jump_view_left" # "C-h" | "h" | "left" "left" = "jump_view_left" # "C-h" | "h" | "left" "C-j" = "jump_view_down" # "C-j" | "j" | "down" "j" = "jump_view_down" # "C-j" | "j" | "down" "down" = "jump_view_down" # "C-j" | "j" | "down" "C-k" = "jump_view_up" # "C-k" | "k" | "up" "k" = "jump_view_up" # "C-k" | "k" | "up" "up" = "jump_view_up" # "C-k" | "k" | "up" "C-l" = "jump_view_right" # "C-l" | "l" | "right" "l" = "jump_view_right" # "C-l" | "l" | "right" "right" = "jump_view_right" # "C-l" | "l" | "right" "N" = "swap_view_right" # "L" "T" = "swap_view_up" # "K" "D" = "swap_view_left" # "H" "H" = "swap_view_down" # "J" [keys.select.C-w.b] # [keys.select.C-w.n] "C-s" = "hsplit_new" # "C-s" | "s" "s" = "hsplit_new" # "C-s" | "s" "C-v" = "vsplit_new" # "C-v" | "v" "v" = "vsplit_new" # "C-v" | "v" [keys.select.space] "u" = "file_picker" # "f" "U" = "file_picker_in_current_directory" # "F" "x" = "buffer_picker" # "b" "h" = "jumplist_picker" # "j" "o" = "symbol_picker" # "s" "O" = "workspace_symbol_picker" # "S" "e" = "diagnostics_picker" # "d" "E" = "workspace_diagnostics_picker" # "D" "a" = "code_action" # "a" "minus" = "last_picker" # "'" "f" = "yank_joined_to_clipboard" # "y" "F" = "yank_main_selection_to_clipboard" # "Y" "l" = "paste_clipboard_after" # "p" "L" = "paste_clipboard_before" # "P" "P" = "replace_selections_with_clipboard" # "R" "z" = "global_search" # "/" "t" = "hover" # "k" "p" = "rename_symbol" # "r" "d" = "select_references_to_symbol_under_cursor" # "h" "Z" = "command_palette" # "?" [keys.select.space.i] # [keys.select.space.g] "n" = "dap_launch" # "l" "p" = "dap_restart" # "r" "x" = "dap_toggle_breakpoint" # "b" "j" = "dap_continue" # "c" "d" = "dap_pause" # "h" "c" = "dap_step_in" # "i" "r" = "dap_step_out" # "o" "b" = "dap_next" # "n" "k" = "dap_variables" # "v" "y" = "dap_terminate" # "t" "C-c" = "dap_edit_condition" # "C-c" "C-l" = "dap_edit_log" # "C-l" "." = "dap_enable_exceptions" # "e" ">" = "dap_disable_exceptions" # "E" [keys.select.space.i.o] # [keys.select.space.g.s] "y" = "dap_switch_thread" # "t" "u" = "dap_switch_stack_frame" # "f" [keys.select.space.","] # [keys.select.space.w] "C-w" = "rotate_view" # "C-w" | "w" "w" = "rotate_view" # "C-w" | "w" "C-s" = "hsplit" # "C-s" | "s" "s" = "hsplit" # "C-s" | "s" "C-v" = "vsplit" # "C-v" | "v" "v" = "vsplit" # "C-v" | "v" "C-t" = "transpose_view" # "C-t" | "t" "t" = "transpose_view" # "C-t" | "t" "u" = "goto_file_hsplit" # "f" "U" = "goto_file_vsplit" # "F" "C-q" = "wclose" # "C-q" | "q" "q" = "wclose" # "C-q" | "q" "C-o" = "wonly" # "C-o" | "o" "o" = "wonly" # "C-o" | "o" "C-h" = "jump_view_left" # "C-h" | "h" | "left" "h" = "jump_view_left" # "C-h" | "h" | "left" "left" = "jump_view_left" # "C-h" | "h" | "left" "C-j" = "jump_view_down" # "C-j" | "j" | "down" "j" = "jump_view_down" # "C-j" | "j" | "down" "down" = "jump_view_down" # "C-j" | "j" | "down" "C-k" = "jump_view_up" # "C-k" | "k" | "up" "k" = "jump_view_up" # "C-k" | "k" | "up" "up" = "jump_view_up" # "C-k" | "k" | "up" "C-l" = "jump_view_right" # "C-l" | "l" | "right" "l" = "jump_view_right" # "C-l" | "l" | "right" "right" = "jump_view_right" # "C-l" | "l" | "right" "D" = "swap_view_left" # "H" "H" = "swap_view_down" # "J" "T" = "swap_view_up" # "K" "N" = "swap_view_right" # "L" [keys.select.space.",".b] # [keys.select.space.w.n] "C-s" = "hsplit_new" # "C-s" | "s" "s" = "hsplit_new" # "C-s" | "s" "C-v" = "vsplit_new" # "C-v" | "v" "v" = "vsplit_new" # "C-v" | "v" [keys.select.";"] # [keys.select.z] ";" = "align_view_center" # "z" | "c" "c" = "align_view_center" # "z" | "c" "y" = "align_view_top" # "t" "x" = "align_view_bottom" # "b" "m" = "align_view_middle" # "m" "t" = "scroll_up" # "k" | "up" "up" = "scroll_up" # "k" | "up" "h" = "scroll_down" # "j" | "down" "down" = "scroll_down" # "j" | "down" "C-b" = "page_up" # "C-b" | "pageup" "pageup" = "page_up" # "C-b" | "pageup" "C-f" = "page_down" # "C-f" | "pagedown" "pagedown" = "page_down" # "C-f" | "pagedown" "C-u" = "half_page_up" # "C-u" | "backspace" "backspace" = "half_page_up" # "C-u" | "backspace" "C-d" = "half_page_down" # "C-d" | "space" "space" = "half_page_down" # "C-d" | "space" "z" = "search" # "/" "Z" = "rsearch" # "?" "b" = "search_next" # "n" "B" = "search_prev" # "N" [keys.select.":"] # [keys.select.Z] ";" = "align_view_center" # "z" | "c" "c" = "align_view_center" # "z" | "c" "y" = "align_view_top" # "t" "x" = "align_view_bottom" # "b" "m" = "align_view_middle" # "m" "t" = "scroll_up" # "k" | "up" "up" = "scroll_up" # "k" | "up" "h" = "scroll_down" # "j" | "down" "down" = "scroll_down" # "j" | "down" "C-b" = "page_up" # "C-b" | "pageup" "pageup" = "page_up" # "C-b" | "pageup" "C-f" = "page_down" # "C-f" | "pagedown" "pagedown" = "page_down" # "C-f" | "pagedown" "C-u" = "half_page_up" # "C-u" | "backspace" "backspace" = "half_page_up" # "C-u" | "backspace" "C-d" = "half_page_down" # "C-d" | "space" "space" = "half_page_down" # "C-d" | "space" "z" = "search" # "/" "Z" = "rsearch" # "?" "b" = "search_next" # "n" "B" = "search_prev" # "N" # end select paste from normal [keys.insert] # my additions "C-i" = "normal_mode" # this doesn't work??? "A-i" = "normal_mode" "F8" = ":open ~/.config/bin/run-from-helix" "F9" = ["normal_mode", ":wa", ":sh ~/.config/bin/run-zellij-from-helix"] "F10" = ["normal_mode", ":wa", "workspace_diagnostics_picker"] # normal dvorak "esc" = "normal_mode" # "esc" "C-s" = "commit_undo_checkpoint" # "C-s" "C-x" = "completion" # "C-x" "C-r" = "insert_register" # "C-r" "C-w" = "delete_word_backward" # "C-w" | "A-backspace" "A-backspace" = "delete_word_backward" # "C-w" | "A-backspace" "A-d" = "delete_word_forward" # "A-d" | "A-del" "A-del" = "delete_word_forward" # "A-d" | "A-del" "C-u" = "kill_to_line_start" # "C-u" "C-k" = "kill_to_line_end" # "C-k" "C-h" = "delete_char_backward" # "C-h" | "backspace" | "S-backspace" "backspace" = "delete_char_backward" # "C-h" | "backspace" | "S-backspace" "S-backspace" = "delete_char_backward" # "C-h" | "backspace" | "S-backspace" "C-d" = "delete_char_forward" # "C-d" | "del" "del" = "delete_char_forward" # "C-d" | "del" "C-j" = "insert_newline" # "C-j" | "ret" "ret" = "insert_newline" # "C-j" | "ret" "tab" = "smart_tab" # "tab" "S-tab" = "insert_tab" # "S-tab" "up" = "move_visual_line_up" # "up" "down" = "move_visual_line_down" # "down" "left" = "move_char_left" # "left" "right" = "move_char_right" # "right" "pageup" = "page_up" # "pageup" "pagedown" = "page_down" # "pagedown" "home" = "goto_line_start" # "home" "end" = "goto_line_end_newline" # "end"