
483 lines
22 KiB

JSmooth: a VM wrapper toolkit for Windows
Copyright (C) 2003 Rodrigo Reyes <reyes@charabia.net>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* PEHeader.java
* Created on 28 juillet 2003, 21:38
package net.charabia.jsmoothgen.pe;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.Vector;
* @author Rodrigo Reyes
public class PEHeader implements Cloneable {
private int PeMagic; // 0
public int Machine; // 4
public int NumberOfSections; // 6
public long TimeDateStamp; // 8
public long PointerToSymbolTable; // C
public long NumberOfSymbols; // 10
public int SizeOfOptionalHeader; // 14
public int Characteristics; // 16
// Optional Header
public int Magic; // 18
public short MajorLinkerVersion; // 1a
public short MinorLinkerVersion; // 1b
public long SizeOfCode; // 1c
public long SizeOfInitializedData; // 20
public long SizeOfUninitializedData; // 24
public long AddressOfEntryPoint; // 28
public long BaseOfCode; // 2c
public long BaseOfData; // NT additional fields. 30
public long ImageBase; // 34
public long SectionAlignment; // 38
public long FileAlignment; // 3c
public int MajorOperatingSystemVersion; // 40
public int MinorOperatingSystemVersion; // 42
public int MajorImageVersion; // 44
public int MinorImageVersion; // 46
public int MajorSubsystemVersion; // 48
public int MinorSubsystemVersion; // 4a
public long Reserved1; // 4c
public long SizeOfImage; // 50
public long SizeOfHeaders; // 54
public long CheckSum; // 58
public int Subsystem; // 5c
public int DllCharacteristics; // 5e
public long SizeOfStackReserve; // 60
public long SizeOfStackCommit; // 64
public long SizeOfHeapReserve; // 68
public long SizeOfHeapCommit; // 6c
public long LoaderFlags; // 70
public long NumberOfRvaAndSizes; // 74
public long ExportDirectory_VA; // 78
public long ExportDirectory_Size; // 7c
public long ImportDirectory_VA; // 80
public long ImportDirectory_Size; // 84
public long ResourceDirectory_VA; // 88
public long ResourceDirectory_Size; // 8c
public long ExceptionDirectory_VA; // 90
public long ExceptionDirectory_Size; // 94
public long SecurityDirectory_VA; // 98
public long SecurityDirectory_Size; // 9c
public long BaseRelocationTable_VA; // a0
public long BaseRelocationTable_Size; // a4
public long DebugDirectory_VA; // a8
public long DebugDirectory_Size; // ac
public long ArchitectureSpecificData_VA; // b0
public long ArchitectureSpecificData_Size; // b4
public long RVAofGP_VA; // b8
public long RVAofGP_Size; // bc
public long TLSDirectory_VA; // c0
public long TLSDirectory_Size; // c4
public long LoadConfigurationDirectory_VA; // c8
public long LoadConfigurationDirectory_Size; // cc
public long BoundImportDirectoryinheaders_VA; // d0
public long BoundImportDirectoryinheaders_Size; // d4
public long ImportAddressTable_VA; // d8
public long ImportAddressTable_Size; // dc
public long DelayLoadImportDescriptors_VA; // e0
public long DelayLoadImportDescriptors_Size; // e4
public long COMRuntimedescriptor_VA; // e8
public long COMRuntimedescriptor_Size; // ec
private long m_baseoffset;
private PEFile m_pe;
* Creates a new instance of PEHeader
public PEHeader(PEFile pef, long baseoffset) {
m_pe = pef;
m_baseoffset = baseoffset;
public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
return super.clone();
public void read() throws IOException {
FileChannel ch = m_pe.getChannel();
ByteBuffer head = ByteBuffer.allocate(350);
PeMagic = head.getInt();
// System.out.println("MAGIC::: " + pemagic);
Machine = head.getShort(); // 4
NumberOfSections = head.getShort(); // 6
TimeDateStamp = head.getInt(); // 8
PointerToSymbolTable = head.getInt(); // C
NumberOfSymbols = head.getInt(); // 10
SizeOfOptionalHeader = head.getShort(); // 14
Characteristics = head.getShort(); // 16
// Optional Header
Magic = head.getShort(); // 18
MajorLinkerVersion = head.get(); // 1a
MinorLinkerVersion = head.get(); // 1b
SizeOfCode = head.getInt(); // 1c
SizeOfInitializedData = head.getInt(); // 20
SizeOfUninitializedData = head.getInt(); // 24
AddressOfEntryPoint = head.getInt(); // 28
BaseOfCode = head.getInt(); // 2c
if (isPe32Plus()) {
ImageBase = head.getLong(); // 34
} else {
BaseOfData = head.getInt(); // // NT additional fields. // 30
ImageBase = head.getInt(); // 34
SectionAlignment = head.getInt(); // 38
FileAlignment = head.getInt(); // 3c
MajorOperatingSystemVersion = head.getShort(); // 40
MinorOperatingSystemVersion = head.getShort(); // 42
MajorImageVersion = head.getShort(); // 44
MinorImageVersion = head.getShort(); // 46
MajorSubsystemVersion = head.getShort(); // 48
MinorSubsystemVersion = head.getShort(); // 4a
Reserved1 = head.getInt(); // 4c
SizeOfImage = head.getInt(); // 50
SizeOfHeaders = head.getInt(); // 54
CheckSum = head.getInt(); // 58
Subsystem = head.getShort(); // 5c
DllCharacteristics = head.getShort(); // 5e
if (isPe32Plus()) {
SizeOfStackReserve = head.getLong(); // 60
SizeOfStackCommit = head.getLong(); // 64
SizeOfHeapReserve = head.getLong(); // 68
SizeOfHeapCommit = head.getLong(); // 6c
} else {
SizeOfStackReserve = head.getInt(); // 60
SizeOfStackCommit = head.getInt(); // 64
SizeOfHeapReserve = head.getInt(); // 68
SizeOfHeapCommit = head.getInt(); // 6c
LoaderFlags = head.getInt(); // 70
NumberOfRvaAndSizes = head.getInt(); // 74
ExportDirectory_VA = head.getInt(); // 78
ExportDirectory_Size = head.getInt(); // 7c
ImportDirectory_VA = head.getInt(); // 80
ImportDirectory_Size = head.getInt(); // 84
ResourceDirectory_VA = head.getInt(); // 88
ResourceDirectory_Size = head.getInt(); // 8c
ExceptionDirectory_VA = head.getInt(); // 90
ExceptionDirectory_Size = head.getInt(); // 94
SecurityDirectory_VA = head.getInt(); // 98
SecurityDirectory_Size = head.getInt(); // 9c
BaseRelocationTable_VA = head.getInt(); // a0
BaseRelocationTable_Size = head.getInt(); // a4
DebugDirectory_VA = head.getInt(); // a8
DebugDirectory_Size = head.getInt(); // ac
ArchitectureSpecificData_VA = head.getInt(); // b0
ArchitectureSpecificData_Size = head.getInt(); // b4
RVAofGP_VA = head.getInt(); // b8
RVAofGP_Size = head.getInt(); // bc
TLSDirectory_VA = head.getInt(); // c0
TLSDirectory_Size = head.getInt(); // c4
LoadConfigurationDirectory_VA = head.getInt(); // c8
LoadConfigurationDirectory_Size = head.getInt(); // cc
BoundImportDirectoryinheaders_VA = head.getInt(); // d0
BoundImportDirectoryinheaders_Size = head.getInt(); // d4
ImportAddressTable_VA = head.getInt(); // d8
ImportAddressTable_Size = head.getInt(); // dc
DelayLoadImportDescriptors_VA = head.getInt(); // e0
DelayLoadImportDescriptors_Size = head.getInt(); // e4
COMRuntimedescriptor_VA = head.getInt(); // e8
COMRuntimedescriptor_Size = head.getInt(); // ec
public void dump(PrintStream out) {
out.println("int Machine=" + Machine + " // 4");
out.println("int NumberOfSections=" + NumberOfSections + " // 6");
out.println("long TimeDateStamp=" + TimeDateStamp + " // 8");
out.println("long PointerToSymbolTable=" + PointerToSymbolTable + " // C");
out.println("long NumberOfSymbols=" + NumberOfSymbols + " // 10");
out.println("int SizeOfOptionalHeader=" + SizeOfOptionalHeader + " // 14");
out.println("int Characteristics=" + Characteristics + " // 16");
// Optional Header
out.println("int Magic=" + Magic + " // 18");
out.println("short MajorLinkerVersion=" + MajorLinkerVersion + " // 1a");
out.println("short MinorLinkerVersion=" + MinorLinkerVersion + " // 1b");
out.println("long SizeOfCode=" + SizeOfCode + " // 1c");
out.println("long SizeOfInitializedData=" + SizeOfInitializedData + " // 20");
out.println("long SizeOfUninitializedData=" + SizeOfUninitializedData + " // 24");
out.println("long AddressOfEntryPoint=" + AddressOfEntryPoint + " // 28");
out.println("long BaseOfCode=" + BaseOfCode + " // 2c");
out.println("long BaseOfData=" + BaseOfData + " // // NT additional fields. // 30");
out.println("long ImageBase=" + ImageBase + " // 34");
out.println("long SectionAlignment=" + SectionAlignment + " // 38");
out.println("long FileAlignment=" + FileAlignment + " // 3c");
out.println("int MajorOperatingSystemVersion=" + MajorOperatingSystemVersion + " // 40");
out.println("int MinorOperatingSystemVersion=" + MinorOperatingSystemVersion + " // 42");
out.println("int MajorImageVersion=" + MajorImageVersion + " // 44");
out.println("int MinorImageVersion=" + MinorImageVersion + " // 46");
out.println("int MajorSubsystemVersion=" + MajorSubsystemVersion + " // 48");
out.println("int MinorSubsystemVersion=" + MinorSubsystemVersion + " // 4a");
out.println("long Reserved1=" + Reserved1 + " // 4c");
out.println("long SizeOfImage=" + SizeOfImage + " // 50");
out.println("long SizeOfHeaders=" + SizeOfHeaders + " // 54");
out.println("long CheckSum=" + CheckSum + " // 58");
out.println("int Subsystem=" + Subsystem + " // 5c");
out.println("int DllCharacteristics=" + DllCharacteristics + " // 5e");
out.println("long SizeOfStackReserve=" + SizeOfStackReserve + " // 60");
out.println("long SizeOfStackCommit=" + SizeOfStackCommit + " // 64");
out.println("long SizeOfHeapReserve=" + SizeOfHeapReserve + " // 68");
out.println("long SizeOfHeapCommit=" + SizeOfHeapCommit + " // 6c");
out.println("long LoaderFlags=" + LoaderFlags + " // 70");
out.println("long NumberOfRvaAndSizes=" + NumberOfRvaAndSizes + " // 74");
out.println("long ExportDirectory_VA=" + ExportDirectory_VA + " // 78");
out.println("long ExportDirectory_Size=" + ExportDirectory_Size + " // 7c");
out.println("long ImportDirectory_VA=" + ImportDirectory_VA + " // 80");
out.println("long ImportDirectory_Size=" + ImportDirectory_Size + " // 84");
out.println("long ResourceDirectory_VA=" + ResourceDirectory_VA + " // 88");
out.println("long ResourceDirectory_Size=" + ResourceDirectory_Size + " // 8c");
out.println("long ExceptionDirectory_VA=" + ExceptionDirectory_VA + " // 90");
out.println("long ExceptionDirectory_Size=" + ExceptionDirectory_Size + " // 94");
out.println("long SecurityDirectory_VA=" + SecurityDirectory_VA + " // 98");
out.println("long SecurityDirectory_Size=" + SecurityDirectory_Size + " // 9c");
out.println("long BaseRelocationTable_VA=" + BaseRelocationTable_VA + " // a0");
out.println("long BaseRelocationTable_Size=" + BaseRelocationTable_Size + " // a4");
out.println("long DebugDirectory_VA=" + DebugDirectory_VA + " // a8");
out.println("long DebugDirectory_Size=" + DebugDirectory_Size + " // ac");
out.println("long ArchitectureSpecificData_VA=" + ArchitectureSpecificData_VA + " // b0");
out.println("long ArchitectureSpecificData_Size=" + ArchitectureSpecificData_Size + " // b4");
out.println("long RVAofGP_VA=" + RVAofGP_VA + " // b8");
out.println("long RVAofGP_Size=" + RVAofGP_Size + " // bc");
out.println("long TLSDirectory_VA=" + TLSDirectory_VA + " // c0");
out.println("long TLSDirectory_Size=" + TLSDirectory_Size + " // c4");
out.println("long LoadConfigurationDirectory_VA=" + LoadConfigurationDirectory_VA + " // c8");
out.println("long LoadConfigurationDirectory_Size=" + LoadConfigurationDirectory_Size + " // cc");
out.println("long BoundImportDirectoryinheaders_VA=" + BoundImportDirectoryinheaders_VA + " // d0");
out.println("long BoundImportDirectoryinheaders_Size=" + BoundImportDirectoryinheaders_Size + " // d4");
out.println("long ImportAddressTable_VA=" + ImportAddressTable_VA + " // d8");
out.println("long ImportAddressTable_Size=" + ImportAddressTable_Size + " // dc");
out.println("long DelayLoadImportDescriptors_VA=" + DelayLoadImportDescriptors_VA + " // e0");
out.println("long DelayLoadImportDescriptors_Size=" + DelayLoadImportDescriptors_Size + " // e4");
out.println("long COMRuntimedescriptor_VA=" + COMRuntimedescriptor_VA + " // e8");
out.println("long COMRuntimedescriptor_Size=" + COMRuntimedescriptor_Size + " // ec");
public ByteBuffer get() {
ByteBuffer head = ByteBuffer.allocate(16 + this.SizeOfOptionalHeader);
head.putShort((short)Machine); // 4
head.putShort((short)NumberOfSections); // 6
head.putInt((int)TimeDateStamp); // 8
head.putInt((int)PointerToSymbolTable); // C
head.putInt((int)NumberOfSymbols); // 10
head.putShort((short)SizeOfOptionalHeader); // 14
head.putShort((short)Characteristics); // 16
// Optional Header
head.putShort((short)Magic); // 18
head.put((byte)MajorLinkerVersion); // 1a
head.put((byte)MinorLinkerVersion); // 1b
head.putInt((int)SizeOfCode); // 1c
head.putInt((int)SizeOfInitializedData); // 20
head.putInt((int)SizeOfUninitializedData); // 24
head.putInt((int)AddressOfEntryPoint); // 28
head.putInt((int)BaseOfCode); // 2c
if (isPe32Plus()) {
head.putLong(ImageBase); // 34
} else {
head.putInt((int)BaseOfData); // // NT additional fields. // 30
head.putInt((int)ImageBase); // 34
head.putInt((int)SectionAlignment); // 38
head.putInt((int)FileAlignment); // 3c
head.putShort((short)MajorOperatingSystemVersion); // 40
head.putShort((short)MinorOperatingSystemVersion); // 42
head.putShort((short)MajorImageVersion); // 44
head.putShort((short)MinorImageVersion); // 46
head.putShort((short)MajorSubsystemVersion); // 48
head.putShort((short)MinorSubsystemVersion); // 4a
head.putInt((int)Reserved1); // 4c
head.putInt((int)SizeOfImage); // 50
head.putInt((int)SizeOfHeaders); // 54
head.putInt((int)CheckSum); // 58
head.putShort((short)Subsystem); // 5c
head.putShort((short)DllCharacteristics); // 5e
if (isPe32Plus()) {
head.putLong(SizeOfStackReserve); // 60
head.putLong(SizeOfStackCommit); // 64
head.putLong(SizeOfHeapReserve); // 68
head.putLong(SizeOfHeapCommit); // 6c
} else {
head.putInt((int)SizeOfStackReserve); // 60
head.putInt((int)SizeOfStackCommit); // 64
head.putInt((int)SizeOfHeapReserve); // 68
head.putInt((int)SizeOfHeapCommit); // 6c
head.putInt((int)LoaderFlags); // 70
head.putInt((int)NumberOfRvaAndSizes); // 74
head.putInt((int)ExportDirectory_VA); // 78
head.putInt((int)ExportDirectory_Size); // 7c
head.putInt((int)ImportDirectory_VA); // 80
head.putInt((int)ImportDirectory_Size); // 84
head.putInt((int)ResourceDirectory_VA); // 88
head.putInt((int)ResourceDirectory_Size); // 8c
head.putInt((int)ExceptionDirectory_VA); // 90
head.putInt((int)ExceptionDirectory_Size); // 94
head.putInt((int)SecurityDirectory_VA); // 98
head.putInt((int)SecurityDirectory_Size); // 9c
head.putInt((int)BaseRelocationTable_VA); // a0
head.putInt((int)BaseRelocationTable_Size); // a4
head.putInt((int)DebugDirectory_VA); // a8
head.putInt((int)DebugDirectory_Size); // ac
head.putInt((int)ArchitectureSpecificData_VA); // b0
head.putInt((int)ArchitectureSpecificData_Size); // b4
head.putInt((int)RVAofGP_VA); // b8
head.putInt((int)RVAofGP_Size); // bc
head.putInt((int)TLSDirectory_VA); // c0
head.putInt((int)TLSDirectory_Size); // c4
head.putInt((int)LoadConfigurationDirectory_VA); // c8
head.putInt((int)LoadConfigurationDirectory_Size); // cc
head.putInt((int)BoundImportDirectoryinheaders_VA); // d0
head.putInt((int)BoundImportDirectoryinheaders_Size); // d4
head.putInt((int)ImportAddressTable_VA); // d8
head.putInt((int)ImportAddressTable_Size); // dc
head.putInt((int)DelayLoadImportDescriptors_VA); // e0
head.putInt((int)DelayLoadImportDescriptors_Size); // e4
head.putInt((int)COMRuntimedescriptor_VA); // e8
head.putInt((int)COMRuntimedescriptor_Size); // ec
return head;
public void updateVAAndSize(Vector oldsections, Vector newsections) {
long codebase = findNewVA(this.BaseOfCode, oldsections, newsections);
long codesize = findNewSize(this.BaseOfCode, oldsections, newsections);
// System.out.println("New BaseOfCode=" + codebase + " (size=" + codesize + ")");
this.BaseOfCode = codebase;
this.SizeOfCode = codesize;
this.AddressOfEntryPoint = findNewVA(this.AddressOfEntryPoint, oldsections, newsections);
long database = findNewVA(this.BaseOfData, oldsections, newsections);
long datasize = findNewSize(this.BaseOfData, oldsections, newsections);
// System.out.println("New BaseOfData=" + database + " (size=" + datasize + ")");
this.BaseOfData = database;
long imagesize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < newsections.size(); i++) {
PESection sect = (PESection)newsections.get(i);
long curmax = sect.VirtualAddress + sect.VirtualSize;
if (curmax > imagesize)
imagesize = curmax;
this.SizeOfImage = imagesize;
// this.SizeOfInitializedData = datasize;
ExportDirectory_Size = findNewSize(ExportDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
ExportDirectory_VA = findNewVA(ExportDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
ImportDirectory_Size = findNewSize(ImportDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
ImportDirectory_VA = findNewVA(ImportDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
ResourceDirectory_Size = findNewSize(ResourceDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
ResourceDirectory_VA = findNewVA(ResourceDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
ExceptionDirectory_Size = findNewSize(ExceptionDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
ExceptionDirectory_VA = findNewVA(ExceptionDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
SecurityDirectory_Size = findNewSize(SecurityDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
SecurityDirectory_VA = findNewVA(SecurityDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
BaseRelocationTable_Size = findNewSize(BaseRelocationTable_VA, oldsections, newsections);
BaseRelocationTable_VA = findNewVA(BaseRelocationTable_VA, oldsections, newsections);
DebugDirectory_Size = findNewSize(DebugDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
DebugDirectory_VA = findNewVA(DebugDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
ArchitectureSpecificData_Size = findNewSize(ArchitectureSpecificData_VA, oldsections, newsections);
ArchitectureSpecificData_VA = findNewVA(ArchitectureSpecificData_VA, oldsections, newsections);
RVAofGP_Size = findNewSize(RVAofGP_VA, oldsections, newsections);
RVAofGP_VA = findNewVA(RVAofGP_VA, oldsections, newsections);
TLSDirectory_Size = findNewSize(TLSDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
TLSDirectory_VA = findNewVA(TLSDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
LoadConfigurationDirectory_Size = findNewSize(LoadConfigurationDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
LoadConfigurationDirectory_VA = findNewVA(LoadConfigurationDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
BoundImportDirectoryinheaders_Size = findNewSize(BoundImportDirectoryinheaders_VA, oldsections, newsections);
BoundImportDirectoryinheaders_VA = findNewVA(BoundImportDirectoryinheaders_VA, oldsections, newsections);
ImportAddressTable_Size = findNewSize(ImportAddressTable_VA, oldsections, newsections);
ImportAddressTable_VA = findNewVA(ImportAddressTable_VA, oldsections, newsections);
DelayLoadImportDescriptors_Size = findNewSize(DelayLoadImportDescriptors_VA, oldsections, newsections);
DelayLoadImportDescriptors_VA = findNewVA(DelayLoadImportDescriptors_VA, oldsections, newsections);
COMRuntimedescriptor_Size = findNewSize(COMRuntimedescriptor_VA, oldsections, newsections);
COMRuntimedescriptor_VA = findNewVA(COMRuntimedescriptor_VA, oldsections, newsections);
public boolean isPe32Plus() {
return Magic == 523;
private long findNewVA(long current, Vector oldsections, Vector newsections) {
for (int i = 0; i < oldsections.size(); i++) {
PESection sect = (PESection)oldsections.get(i);
if (sect.VirtualAddress == current) {
PESection newsect = (PESection)newsections.get(i);
// System.out.println("Translation VA found for " + current + " = " + i + " (" +newsect.VirtualAddress + ")=" + newsect.getName());
return newsect.VirtualAddress;
} else if ((current > sect.VirtualAddress) && (current < (sect.VirtualAddress + sect.VirtualSize))) {
long diff = current - sect.VirtualAddress;
PESection newsect = (PESection)newsections.get(i);
// System.out.println("Translation VA found INSIDE " + current + " = " + i + " (" +newsect.VirtualAddress + ")=" + newsect.getName());
return newsect.VirtualAddress + diff;
return 0;
private long findNewSize(long current, Vector oldsections, Vector newsections) {
for (int i = 0; i < oldsections.size(); i++) {
PESection sect = (PESection)oldsections.get(i);
if (sect.VirtualAddress == current) {
PESection newsect = (PESection)newsections.get(i);
// System.out.println("Translation Size found for " + current + " = " + i + " (" +newsect.VirtualAddress + ")=" + newsect.getName());
// System.out.println(" Old size " + sect.VirtualSize + " vs new size " + newsect.VirtualSize);
return newsect.VirtualSize;
return 0;