/* * DavMail POP/IMAP/SMTP/CalDav/LDAP Exchange Gateway * Copyright (C) 2009 Mickael Guessant * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package davmail.imap; import com.sun.mail.imap.protocol.BASE64MailboxDecoder; import com.sun.mail.imap.protocol.BASE64MailboxEncoder; import davmail.AbstractConnection; import davmail.BundleMessage; import davmail.exception.DavMailException; import davmail.exception.HttpForbiddenException; import davmail.exception.HttpNotFoundException; import davmail.exchange.ExchangeSession; import davmail.exchange.ExchangeSessionFactory; import davmail.ui.tray.DavGatewayTray; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart; import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart; import javax.mail.internet.MimePart; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import java.io.*; import java.net.Socket; import java.net.SocketTimeoutException; import java.net.SocketException; import java.util.*; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; /** * Dav Gateway smtp connection implementation. * Still alpha code : need to find a way to handle message ids */ public class ImapConnection extends AbstractConnection { ExchangeSession.Folder currentFolder; /** * Initialize the streams and start the thread. * * @param clientSocket IMAP client socket */ public ImapConnection(Socket clientSocket) { super(ImapConnection.class.getSimpleName(), clientSocket, null); } @Override public void run() { String line; String commandId = null; IMAPTokenizer tokens; try { ExchangeSessionFactory.checkConfig(); sendClient("* OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4REV1 AUTH=LOGIN] IMAP4rev1 DavMail server ready"); for (; ;) { line = readClient(); // unable to read line, connection closed ? if (line == null) { break; } tokens = new IMAPTokenizer(line); if (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { commandId = tokens.nextToken(); if (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String command = tokens.nextToken(); if ("LOGOUT".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { sendClient("* BYE Closing connection"); break; } if ("capability".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { sendClient("* CAPABILITY IMAP4REV1 AUTH=LOGIN"); sendClient(commandId + " OK CAPABILITY completed"); } else if ("login".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { parseCredentials(tokens); try { session = ExchangeSessionFactory.getInstance(userName, password); sendClient(commandId + " OK Authenticated"); state = State.AUTHENTICATED; } catch (Exception e) { DavGatewayTray.error(e); sendClient(commandId + " NO LOGIN failed"); state = State.INITIAL; } } else if ("AUTHENTICATE".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { if (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String authenticationMethod = tokens.nextToken(); if ("LOGIN".equalsIgnoreCase(authenticationMethod)) { try { sendClient("+ " + base64Encode("Username:")); state = State.LOGIN; userName = base64Decode(readClient()); sendClient("+ " + base64Encode("Password:")); state = State.PASSWORD; password = base64Decode(readClient()); session = ExchangeSessionFactory.getInstance(userName, password); sendClient(commandId + " OK Authenticated"); state = State.AUTHENTICATED; } catch (Exception e) { DavGatewayTray.error(e); sendClient(commandId + " NO LOGIN failed"); state = State.INITIAL; } } else { sendClient(commandId + " NO unsupported authentication method"); } } else { sendClient(commandId + " BAD authentication method required"); } } else { if (state != State.AUTHENTICATED) { sendClient(commandId + " BAD command authentication required"); } else { // check for expired session session = ExchangeSessionFactory.getInstance(session, userName, password); if ("lsub".equalsIgnoreCase(command) || "list".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { if (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String folderContext = BASE64MailboxDecoder.decode(tokens.nextToken()); if (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String folderQuery = folderContext + BASE64MailboxDecoder.decode(tokens.nextToken()); if (folderQuery.endsWith("%/%") && !"/%/%".equals(folderQuery)) { List folders = session.getSubFolders(folderQuery.substring(0, folderQuery.length() - 3), false); for (ExchangeSession.Folder folder : folders) { sendClient("* " + command + " (" + folder.getFlags() + ") \"/\" \"" + BASE64MailboxEncoder.encode(folder.folderPath) + '\"'); try { List subfolders = session.getSubFolders(folder.folderPath, false); for (ExchangeSession.Folder subfolder : subfolders) { sendClient("* " + command + " (" + subfolder.getFlags() + ") \"/\" \"" + BASE64MailboxEncoder.encode(subfolder.folderPath) + '\"'); } } catch (HttpForbiddenException e) { // access forbidden, ignore } catch (HttpNotFoundException e) { // not found, ignore } } sendClient(commandId + " OK " + command + " completed"); } else if (folderQuery.endsWith("%") || folderQuery.endsWith("*")) { if ("/*".equals(folderQuery) || "/%".equals(folderQuery) || "/%/%".equals(folderQuery)) { folderQuery = folderQuery.substring(1); if ("%/%".equals(folderQuery)) { folderQuery = folderQuery.substring(0, folderQuery.length() - 2); } sendClient("* " + command + " (\\HasChildren) \"/\" \"/public\""); } boolean recursive = folderQuery.endsWith("*") && !folderQuery.startsWith("/public"); List folders = session.getSubFolders(folderQuery.substring(0, folderQuery.length() - 1), recursive); for (ExchangeSession.Folder folder : folders) { sendClient("* " + command + " (" + folder.getFlags() + ") \"/\" \"" + BASE64MailboxEncoder.encode(folder.folderPath) + '\"'); } sendClient(commandId + " OK " + command + " completed"); } else { ExchangeSession.Folder folder = null; try { session.getFolder(folderQuery); } catch (HttpForbiddenException e) { // access forbidden, ignore } catch (HttpNotFoundException e) { // not found, ignore } if (folder != null) { sendClient("* " + command + " (" + folder.getFlags() + ") \"/\" \"" + BASE64MailboxEncoder.encode(folder.folderPath) + '\"'); sendClient(commandId + " OK " + command + " completed"); } else { sendClient(commandId + " NO Folder not found"); } } } else { sendClient(commandId + " BAD missing folder argument"); } } else { sendClient(commandId + " BAD missing folder argument"); } } else if ("select".equalsIgnoreCase(command) || "examine".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { if (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String folderName = BASE64MailboxDecoder.decode(tokens.nextToken()); try { currentFolder = session.getFolder(folderName); currentFolder.loadMessages(); sendClient("* " + currentFolder.count() + " EXISTS"); sendClient("* " + currentFolder.count() + " RECENT"); sendClient("* OK [UIDVALIDITY 1]"); if (currentFolder.count() == 0) { sendClient("* OK [UIDNEXT " + 1 + ']'); } else { sendClient("* OK [UIDNEXT " + currentFolder.getUidNext() + ']'); } sendClient("* FLAGS (\\Answered \\Deleted \\Draft \\Flagged \\Seen $Forwarded Junk)"); sendClient("* OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\\Answered \\Deleted \\Draft \\Flagged \\Seen $Forwarded Junk \\*)]"); if ("select".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { sendClient(commandId + " OK [READ-WRITE] " + command + " completed"); } else { sendClient(commandId + " OK [READ-ONLY] " + command + " completed"); } } catch (HttpForbiddenException e) { sendClient(commandId + " NO Forbidden"); } } else { sendClient(commandId + " BAD command unrecognized"); } } else if ("close".equalsIgnoreCase(command) || "expunge".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { expunge("close".equalsIgnoreCase(command)); sendClient(commandId + " OK " + command + " completed"); } else if ("create".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { if (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String folderName = BASE64MailboxDecoder.decode(tokens.nextToken()); session.createFolder(folderName); sendClient(commandId + " OK folder created"); } else { sendClient(commandId + " BAD missing create argument"); } } else if ("rename".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { String folderName = BASE64MailboxDecoder.decode(tokens.nextToken()); String targetName = BASE64MailboxDecoder.decode(tokens.nextToken()); try { session.moveFolder(folderName, targetName); sendClient(commandId + " OK rename completed"); } catch (HttpException e) { sendClient(commandId + " NO " + e.getMessage()); } } else if ("delete".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { String folderName = BASE64MailboxDecoder.decode(tokens.nextToken()); try { session.deleteFolder(folderName); sendClient(commandId + " OK delete completed"); } catch (HttpException e) { sendClient(commandId + " NO " + e.getMessage()); } } else if ("uid".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { if (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String subcommand = tokens.nextToken(); if ("fetch".equalsIgnoreCase(subcommand)) { if (currentFolder == null) { sendClient(commandId + " NO no folder selected"); } else { String ranges = tokens.nextToken(); if (ranges == null) { sendClient(commandId + " BAD missing range parameter"); } else { UIDRangeIterator uidRangeIterator = new UIDRangeIterator(ranges); String parameters = null; if (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { parameters = tokens.nextToken(); } if (!uidRangeIterator.hasNext() && ranges.indexOf(':') < 0) { // message not found in current list, maybe deleted in another thread sendClient(commandId + " NO No message found"); } else { while (uidRangeIterator.hasNext()) { DavGatewayTray.switchIcon(); ExchangeSession.Message message = uidRangeIterator.next(); handleFetch(message, uidRangeIterator.currentIndex, parameters); } sendClient(commandId + " OK UID FETCH completed"); } } } } else if ("search".equalsIgnoreCase(subcommand)) { SearchConditions conditions = new SearchConditions(); conditions.append("AND ("); boolean or = false; while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = tokens.nextToken().toUpperCase(); if ("OR".equals(token)) { or = true; } else if (token.startsWith("OR ")) { or = true; appendOrSearchParams(token, conditions); } else { String operator; if (conditions.query.length() == 5) { operator = ""; } else if (or) { operator = " OR "; } else { operator = " AND "; } appendSearchParam(operator, tokens, token, conditions); } } conditions.append(")"); String query = conditions.query.toString(); DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_SEARCH_QUERY", conditions.query)); if ("AND ()".equals(query)) { query = null; } ExchangeSession.MessageList localMessages = session.searchMessages(currentFolder.folderName, query); int index = 1; for (ExchangeSession.Message message : localMessages) { if ((conditions.deleted == null || message.deleted == conditions.deleted) && (conditions.flagged == null || message.flagged == conditions.flagged) && (conditions.answered == null || message.answered == conditions.answered) && (conditions.startUid == 0 || message.getImapUid() >= conditions.startUid) && (conditions.startIndex == 0 || (index++ >= conditions.startIndex)) ) { sendClient("* SEARCH " + message.getImapUid()); } } sendClient(commandId + " OK SEARCH completed"); } else if ("store".equalsIgnoreCase(subcommand)) { UIDRangeIterator uidRangeIterator = new UIDRangeIterator(tokens.nextToken()); String action = tokens.nextToken(); String flags = tokens.nextToken(); while (uidRangeIterator.hasNext()) { DavGatewayTray.switchIcon(); ExchangeSession.Message message = uidRangeIterator.next(); updateFlags(message, action, flags); sendClient("* " + (uidRangeIterator.currentIndex) + " FETCH (UID " + message.getImapUid() + " FLAGS (" + (message.getImapFlags()) + "))"); } sendClient(commandId + " OK STORE completed"); } else if ("copy".equalsIgnoreCase(subcommand)) { try { UIDRangeIterator uidRangeIterator = new UIDRangeIterator(tokens.nextToken()); String targetName = BASE64MailboxDecoder.decode(tokens.nextToken()); while (uidRangeIterator.hasNext()) { DavGatewayTray.switchIcon(); ExchangeSession.Message message = uidRangeIterator.next(); session.copyMessage(message, targetName); } sendClient(commandId + " OK copy completed"); } catch (HttpException e) { sendClient(commandId + " NO " + e.getMessage()); } } } else { sendClient(commandId + " BAD command unrecognized"); } } else if ("fetch".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { if (currentFolder == null) { sendClient(commandId + " NO no folder selected"); } else { RangeIterator rangeIterator = new RangeIterator(tokens.nextToken()); String parameters = null; if (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { parameters = tokens.nextToken(); } while (rangeIterator.hasNext()) { DavGatewayTray.switchIcon(); ExchangeSession.Message message = rangeIterator.next(); handleFetch(message, rangeIterator.currentIndex, parameters); } sendClient(commandId + " OK FETCH completed"); } } else if ("append".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { String folderName = BASE64MailboxDecoder.decode(tokens.nextToken()); HashMap properties = new HashMap(); String flags = null; String date = null; // handle optional flags String nextToken = tokens.nextQuotedToken(); if (nextToken.startsWith("(")) { flags = removeQuotes(nextToken); if (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { nextToken = tokens.nextToken(); if (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { date = nextToken; nextToken = tokens.nextToken(); } } } else if (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { date = removeQuotes(nextToken); nextToken = tokens.nextToken(); } if (flags != null) { StringTokenizer flagtokenizer = new StringTokenizer(flags); while (flagtokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String flag = flagtokenizer.nextToken(); if ("\\Seen".equals(flag)) { properties.put("read", "1"); } else if ("\\Flagged".equals(flag)) { properties.put("flagged", "2"); } else if ("\\Answered".equals(flag)) { properties.put("answered", "102"); } else if ("$Forwarded".equals(flag)) { properties.put("forwarded", "104"); } else if ("\\Draft".equals(flag)) { properties.put("draft", "9"); } else if ("Junk".equals(flag)) { properties.put("junk", "1"); } } } // handle optional date if (date != null) { SimpleDateFormat dateParser = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss Z", Locale.ENGLISH); Date dateReceived = dateParser.parse(date); SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"); dateFormatter.setTimeZone(ExchangeSession.GMT_TIMEZONE); properties.put("datereceived", dateFormatter.format(dateReceived)); } int size = Integer.parseInt(nextToken); sendClient("+ send literal data"); char[] buffer = new char[size]; int index = 0; int count = 0; while (count >= 0 && index < size) { count = in.read(buffer, index, size - index); if (count >= 0) { index += count; } } // empty line readClient(); String messageName = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); session.createMessage(folderName, messageName, properties, new String(buffer)); sendClient(commandId + " OK APPEND completed"); } else if ("noop".equalsIgnoreCase(command) || "check".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { if (currentFolder != null) { DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_IMAP_COMMAND", command, currentFolder.folderName)); currentFolder = session.getFolder(currentFolder.folderName); currentFolder.loadMessages(); sendClient("* " + currentFolder.count() + " EXISTS"); sendClient("* " + currentFolder.count() + " RECENT"); } sendClient(commandId + " OK " + command + " completed"); } else if ("subscribe".equalsIgnoreCase(command) || "unsubscribe".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { sendClient(commandId + " OK " + command + " completed"); } else if ("status".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { try { String encodedFolderName = tokens.nextToken(); String folderName = BASE64MailboxDecoder.decode(encodedFolderName); ExchangeSession.Folder folder = session.getFolder(folderName); // must retrieve messages folder.loadMessages(); String parameters = tokens.nextToken(); StringBuilder answer = new StringBuilder(); StringTokenizer parametersTokens = new StringTokenizer(parameters); while (parametersTokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = parametersTokens.nextToken(); if ("MESSAGES".equalsIgnoreCase(token)) { answer.append("MESSAGES ").append(folder.count()).append(' '); } if ("RECENT".equalsIgnoreCase(token)) { answer.append("RECENT ").append(folder.count()).append(' '); } if ("UIDNEXT".equalsIgnoreCase(token)) { if (folder.count() == 0) { answer.append("UIDNEXT 1 "); } else { if (folder.count() == 0) { answer.append("UIDNEXT 1 "); } else { answer.append("UIDNEXT ").append(folder.getUidNext()).append(' '); } } } if ("UIDVALIDITY".equalsIgnoreCase(token)) { answer.append("UIDVALIDITY 1 "); } if ("UNSEEN".equalsIgnoreCase(token)) { answer.append("UNSEEN ").append(folder.unreadCount).append(' '); } } sendClient("* STATUS " + encodedFolderName + " (" + answer.toString().trim() + ')'); sendClient(commandId + " OK " + command + " completed"); } catch (HttpException e) { sendClient(commandId + " NO folder not found"); } } else { sendClient(commandId + " BAD command unrecognized"); } } } } else { sendClient(commandId + " BAD missing command"); } } else { sendClient("BAD Null command"); } DavGatewayTray.resetIcon(); } os.flush(); } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_CLOSE_CONNECTION_ON_TIMEOUT")); try { sendClient("* BYE Closing connection"); } catch (IOException e1) { DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_EXCEPTION_CLOSING_CONNECTION_ON_TIMEOUT")); } } catch (SocketException e) { DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_CONNECTION_CLOSED")); } catch (Exception e) { DavGatewayTray.log(e); try { String message = ((e.getMessage() == null) ? e.toString() : e.getMessage()).replaceAll("\\n", " "); if (commandId != null) { sendClient(commandId + " BAD unable to handle request: " + message); } else { sendClient("* BYE unable to handle request: " + message); } } catch (IOException e2) { DavGatewayTray.warn(new BundleMessage("LOG_EXCEPTION_SENDING_ERROR_TO_CLIENT"), e2); } } finally { close(); } DavGatewayTray.resetIcon(); } private void handleFetch(ExchangeSession.Message message, int currentIndex, String parameters) throws IOException { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append("* ").append(currentIndex).append(" FETCH (UID ").append(message.getImapUid()); if (parameters != null) { boolean bodystructure = false; StringTokenizer paramTokens = new StringTokenizer(parameters); while (paramTokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String param = paramTokens.nextToken(); if ("FLAGS".equals(param)) { buffer.append(" FLAGS (").append(message.getImapFlags()).append(')'); } else if ("BODYSTRUCTURE".equals(param)) { if (parameters.indexOf("BODY.") >= 0) { // Apple Mail: send structure with body, need exact RFC822.SIZE bodystructure = true; } else { // thunderbird : send BODYSTRUCTURE appendBodyStructure(buffer, message); } } else if ("INTERNALDATE".equals(param) && message.date != null && message.date.length() > 0) { try { SimpleDateFormat dateParser = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"); dateParser.setTimeZone(ExchangeSession.GMT_TIMEZONE); Date date = dateParser.parse(message.date); SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss Z", Locale.ENGLISH); buffer.append(" INTERNALDATE \"").append(dateFormatter.format(date)).append('\"'); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new DavMailException("EXCEPTION_INVALID_DATE", message.date); } } else if ("BODY.PEEK[HEADER]".equals(param) || param.startsWith("BODY.PEEK[HEADER")) { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PartOutputStream partOutputStream = new PartOutputStream(baos, true, false, 0); message.write(partOutputStream); baos.close(); if (bodystructure) { bodystructure = false; // Apple Mail: need to build full bodystructure appendBodyStructure(buffer, message); } buffer.append(" RFC822.SIZE ").append(partOutputStream.size); if ("BODY.PEEK[HEADER]".equals(param)) { buffer.append(" BODY[HEADER] {"); } else { buffer.append(" BODY[HEADER.FIELDS ()] {"); } buffer.append(baos.size()).append('}'); sendClient(buffer.toString()); os.write(baos.toByteArray()); os.flush(); buffer.setLength(0); } else if (param.startsWith("BODY[]") || param.startsWith("BODY.PEEK[]") || "BODY.PEEK[TEXT]".equals(param)) { // parse buffer size int startIndex = 0; int ltIndex = param.indexOf('<'); if (ltIndex >= 0) { int dotIndex = param.indexOf('.', ltIndex); if (dotIndex >= 0) { startIndex = Integer.parseInt(param.substring(ltIndex + 1, dotIndex)); // ignore buffer size } } ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); boolean writeHeaders = true; int rfc822size; if ("BODY.PEEK[TEXT]".equals(param)) { writeHeaders = false; } PartOutputStream bodyOutputStream = new PartOutputStream(baos, writeHeaders, true, startIndex); message.write(bodyOutputStream); rfc822size = bodyOutputStream.size; baos.close(); if (bodystructure) { bodystructure = false; // Apple Mail: need to build full bodystructure appendBodyStructure(buffer, message); } buffer.append(" RFC822.SIZE ").append(rfc822size).append(' '); if ("BODY.PEEK[TEXT]".equals(param)) { buffer.append("BODY[TEXT]"); } else { buffer.append("BODY[]"); } // partial if (startIndex > 0) { buffer.append('<').append(startIndex).append('>'); } buffer.append(" {").append(baos.size()).append('}'); sendClient(buffer.toString()); os.write(baos.toByteArray()); os.flush(); buffer.setLength(0); } } } buffer.append(')'); sendClient(buffer.toString()); } protected void appendBodyStructure(StringBuilder buffer, ExchangeSession.Message message) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); message.write(baos); buffer.append(" BODYSTRUCTURE "); try { MimeMessage mimeMessage = new MimeMessage(null, new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray())); Object mimeBody = mimeMessage.getContent(); if (mimeBody instanceof MimeMultipart) { buffer.append('('); MimeMultipart multiPart = (MimeMultipart) mimeBody; for (int i = 0; i < multiPart.getCount(); i++) { MimeBodyPart bodyPart = (MimeBodyPart) multiPart.getBodyPart(i); appendBodyStructure(buffer, bodyPart); } int slashIndex = multiPart.getContentType().indexOf('/'); if (slashIndex < 0) { throw new DavMailException("EXCEPTION_INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE", multiPart.getContentType()); } int semiColonIndex = multiPart.getContentType().indexOf(';'); if (semiColonIndex < 0) { buffer.append(" \"").append(multiPart.getContentType().substring(slashIndex + 1).toUpperCase()).append("\")"); } else { buffer.append(" \"").append(multiPart.getContentType().substring(slashIndex + 1, semiColonIndex).trim().toUpperCase()).append("\")"); } } else { // no multipart, single body appendBodyStructure(buffer, mimeMessage); } } catch (MessagingException me) { DavGatewayTray.warn(me); // dump message in log DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_MESSAGE", new String(baos.toByteArray()))); // failover: send default bodystructure buffer.append("(\"TEXT\" \"PLAIN\" (\"CHARSET\" \"US-ASCII\") NIL NIL NIL ").append(baos.size()).append(" NIL)"); } } protected void appendBodyStructure(StringBuilder buffer, MimePart bodyPart) throws IOException, MessagingException { String contentType = bodyPart.getContentType(); int slashIndex = contentType.indexOf('/'); if (slashIndex < 0) { throw new DavMailException("EXCEPTION_INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE", contentType); } buffer.append("(\"").append(contentType.substring(0, slashIndex).toUpperCase()).append("\" \""); int semiColonIndex = contentType.indexOf(';'); if (semiColonIndex < 0) { buffer.append(contentType.substring(slashIndex + 1).toUpperCase()).append("\" ()"); } else { // extended content type buffer.append(contentType.substring(slashIndex + 1, semiColonIndex).trim().toUpperCase()).append('\"'); int charsetindex = contentType.indexOf("charset="); if (charsetindex >= 0) { buffer.append(" (\"CHARSET\" "); int charsetEndIndex = Math.max(contentType.indexOf(' '), contentType.length()); String charSet = contentType.substring(charsetindex + "charset=".length(), charsetEndIndex); if (!charSet.startsWith("\"")) { buffer.append('"'); } buffer.append(charSet.toUpperCase()); if (!charSet.endsWith("\"")) { buffer.append('"'); } buffer.append(')'); } else { buffer.append(" ()"); } } appendBodyStructureValue(buffer, bodyPart.getContentID()); appendBodyStructureValue(buffer, bodyPart.getDescription()); appendBodyStructureValue(buffer, bodyPart.getEncoding()); appendBodyStructureValue(buffer, bodyPart.getSize()); appendBodyStructureValue(buffer, bodyPart.getLineCount()); buffer.append(')'); } protected void appendBodyStructureValue(StringBuilder buffer, String value) { if (value == null) { buffer.append(" NIL"); } else { buffer.append(" \"").append(value.toUpperCase()).append('\"'); } } protected void appendBodyStructureValue(StringBuilder buffer, int value) { if (value < 0) { buffer.append(" NIL"); } else { buffer.append(' ').append(value); } } static final class SearchConditions { Boolean flagged; Boolean answered; Boolean deleted; long startUid; int startIndex; final StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); public StringBuilder append(String value) { return query.append(value); } } protected void appendOrSearchParams(String token, SearchConditions conditions) throws IOException { IMAPTokenizer innerTokens = new IMAPTokenizer(token); innerTokens.nextToken(); boolean first = true; while (innerTokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String innerToken = innerTokens.nextToken(); String operator = ""; if (!first) { operator = " OR "; } first = false; appendSearchParam(operator, innerTokens, innerToken, conditions); } } protected void appendSearchParam(String operator, StringTokenizer tokens, String token, SearchConditions conditions) throws IOException { if ("NOT".equals(token)) { appendSearchParam(operator + " NOT ", tokens, tokens.nextToken(), conditions); } else if (token.startsWith("OR ")) { appendOrSearchParams(token, conditions); } else if ("SUBJECT".equals(token)) { conditions.append(operator).append("\"urn:schemas:httpmail:subject\" LIKE '%").append(tokens.nextToken()).append("%'"); } else if ("BODY".equals(token)) { conditions.append(operator).append("\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/x01000001E\" LIKE '%").append(tokens.nextToken()).append("%'"); } else if ("FROM".equals(token)) { conditions.append(operator).append("\"urn:schemas:mailheader:from\" LIKE '%").append(tokens.nextToken()).append("%'"); } else if ("TO".equals(token)) { conditions.append(operator).append("\"urn:schemas:mailheader:to\" LIKE '%").append(tokens.nextToken()).append("%'"); } else if ("CC".equals(token)) { conditions.append(operator).append("\"urn:schemas:mailheader:cc\" LIKE '%").append(tokens.nextToken()).append("%'"); } else if ("LARGER".equals(token)) { conditions.append(operator).append("\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/x0e080003\" >= ").append(Long.parseLong(tokens.nextToken())).append(""); } else if ("SMALLER".equals(token)) { conditions.append(operator).append("\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/x0e080003\" < ").append(Long.parseLong(tokens.nextToken())).append(""); } else if (token.startsWith("SENT") || "SINCE".equals(token) || "BEFORE".equals(token)) { conditions.append(operator); appendDateSearchParam(tokens, token, conditions); } else if ("SEEN".equals(token)) { conditions.append(operator).append("\"urn:schemas:httpmail:read\" = True"); } else if ("UNSEEN".equals(token) || "NEW".equals(token)) { conditions.append(operator).append("\"urn:schemas:httpmail:read\" = False"); } else if ("DELETED".equals(token)) { conditions.deleted = !operator.endsWith(" NOT "); } else if ("UNDELETED".equals(token)) { conditions.deleted = Boolean.FALSE; } else if ("FLAGGED".equals(token)) { conditions.flagged = Boolean.TRUE; } else if ("UNFLAGGED".equals(token) || "NEW".equals(token)) { conditions.flagged = Boolean.FALSE; } else if ("ANSWERED".equals(token)) { conditions.answered = Boolean.TRUE; } else if ("UNANSWERED".equals(token)) { conditions.answered = Boolean.FALSE; } else if ("HEADER".equals(token)) { String headerName = tokens.nextToken().toLowerCase(); String value = tokens.nextToken(); if ("message-id".equals(headerName) && !value.startsWith("<")) { value = '<' + value + '>'; } conditions.append(operator).append("\"urn:schemas:mailheader:").append(headerName).append("\"='").append(value).append('\''); } else if ("UID".equals(token)) { String range = tokens.nextToken(); if ("1:*".equals(range)) { // ignore: this is a noop filter } else if (range.endsWith(":*")) { conditions.startUid = Long.parseLong(range.substring(0, range.indexOf(':'))); } else { throw new DavMailException("EXCEPTION_INVALID_SEARCH_PARAMETERS", range); } } else if ("OLD".equals(token) || "RECENT".equals(token) || "ALL".equals(token)) { // ignore } else if (token.indexOf(':') >= 0) { // range search try { conditions.startIndex = Integer.parseInt(token.substring(0, token.indexOf(':'))); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new DavMailException("EXCEPTION_INVALID_SEARCH_PARAMETERS", token); } } else { throw new DavMailException("EXCEPTION_INVALID_SEARCH_PARAMETERS", token); } } protected void appendDateSearchParam(StringTokenizer tokens, String token, SearchConditions conditions) throws IOException { Date startDate; Date endDate; SimpleDateFormat parser = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH); parser.setTimeZone(ExchangeSession.GMT_TIMEZONE); SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); dateFormatter.setTimeZone(ExchangeSession.GMT_TIMEZONE); String dateToken = tokens.nextToken(); try { startDate = parser.parse(dateToken); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(startDate); calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); endDate = calendar.getTime(); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new DavMailException("EXCEPTION_INVALID_SEARCH_PARAMETERS", dateToken); } String searchAttribute; if (token.startsWith("SENT")) { searchAttribute = "urn:schemas:httpmail:date"; } else { searchAttribute = "DAV:getlastmodified"; } if (token.endsWith("ON")) { conditions.append("(\"").append(searchAttribute).append("\" > '") .append(dateFormatter.format(startDate)) .append("' AND \"").append(searchAttribute).append("\" < '") .append(dateFormatter.format(endDate)) .append("')"); } else if (token.endsWith("BEFORE")) { conditions.append("\"").append(searchAttribute).append("\" < '") .append(dateFormatter.format(startDate)) .append('\''); } else if (token.endsWith("SINCE")) { conditions.append("\"").append(searchAttribute).append("\" >= '") .append(dateFormatter.format(startDate)) .append('\''); } } protected void expunge(boolean silent) throws IOException { if (currentFolder.messages != null) { int index = 0; for (ExchangeSession.Message message : currentFolder.messages) { index++; if (message.deleted) { message.delete(); if (!silent) { sendClient("* " + index + " EXPUNGE"); } } } } } protected void updateFlags(ExchangeSession.Message message, String action, String flags) throws IOException { HashMap properties = new HashMap(); if ("-Flags".equalsIgnoreCase(action) || "-FLAGS.SILENT".equalsIgnoreCase(action)) { StringTokenizer flagtokenizer = new StringTokenizer(flags); while (flagtokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String flag = flagtokenizer.nextToken(); if ("\\Seen".equals(flag)) { properties.put("read", "0"); message.read = false; } else if ("\\Flagged".equals(flag)) { properties.put("flagged", "0"); message.flagged = false; } else if ("\\Deleted".equals(flag)) { properties.put("deleted", null); message.deleted = false; } else if ("Junk".equals(flag)) { properties.put("junk", "0"); message.junk = false; } } } else if ("+Flags".equalsIgnoreCase(action) || "+FLAGS.SILENT".equalsIgnoreCase(action)) { StringTokenizer flagtokenizer = new StringTokenizer(flags); while (flagtokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String flag = flagtokenizer.nextToken(); if ("\\Seen".equals(flag)) { properties.put("read", "1"); message.read = true; } else if ("\\Deleted".equals(flag)) { message.deleted = true; properties.put("deleted", "deleted"); } else if ("\\Flagged".equals(flag)) { properties.put("flagged", "2"); message.flagged = true; } else if ("\\Answered".equals(flag)) { properties.put("answered", "102"); message.answered = true; } else if ("$Forwarded".equals(flag)) { properties.put("forwarded", "104"); message.forwarded = true; } else if ("Junk".equals(flag)) { properties.put("junk", "1"); message.junk = true; } } } else if ("FLAGS".equalsIgnoreCase(action) || "FLAGS.SILENT".equalsIgnoreCase(action)) { properties.put("read", "0"); message.read = false; properties.put("flagged", "0"); message.flagged = false; properties.put("junk", "0"); message.junk = false; properties.put("deleted", null); message.deleted = false; StringTokenizer flagtokenizer = new StringTokenizer(flags); while (flagtokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String flag = flagtokenizer.nextToken(); if ("\\Seen".equals(flag)) { properties.put("read", "1"); message.read = true; } else if ("\\Deleted".equals(flag)) { message.deleted = true; properties.put("deleted", "deleted"); } else if ("\\Flagged".equals(flag)) { properties.put("flagged", "2"); message.flagged = true; } else if ("\\Answered".equals(flag)) { properties.put("answered", "102"); message.answered = true; } else if ("$Forwarded".equals(flag)) { properties.put("forwarded", "104"); message.forwarded = true; } else if ("Junk".equals(flag)) { properties.put("junk", "1"); message.junk = true; } } } if (!properties.isEmpty()) { session.updateMessage(message, properties); } } /** * Decode IMAP credentials * * @param tokens tokens * @throws IOException on error */ protected void parseCredentials(StringTokenizer tokens) throws IOException { if (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { userName = tokens.nextToken(); } else { throw new DavMailException("EXCEPTION_INVALID_CREDENTIALS"); } if (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { password = tokens.nextToken(); } else { throw new DavMailException("EXCEPTION_INVALID_CREDENTIALS"); } int backslashindex = userName.indexOf('\\'); if (backslashindex > 0) { userName = userName.substring(0, backslashindex) + userName.substring(backslashindex + 1); } } protected String removeQuotes(String value) { String result = value; if (result.startsWith("\"") || result.startsWith("{") || result.startsWith("(")) { result = result.substring(1); } if (result.endsWith("\"") || result.endsWith("}") || result.endsWith(")")) { result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 1); } return result; } /** * Filter to output only headers, also count full size */ private static final class PartOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream { private static final int START = 0; private static final int CR = 1; private static final int CRLF = 2; private static final int CRLFCR = 3; private static final int BODY = 4; private int state = START; private int size; private final boolean writeHeaders; private final boolean writeBody; private final int startIndex; private PartOutputStream(OutputStream os, boolean writeHeaders, boolean writeBody, int startIndex) { super(os); this.writeHeaders = writeHeaders; this.writeBody = writeBody; this.startIndex = startIndex; } @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { size++; if (((state != BODY && writeHeaders) || (state == BODY && writeBody)) && (size > startIndex) ) { super.write(b); } if (state == START) { if (b == '\r') { state = CR; } } else if (state == CR) { if (b == '\n') { state = CRLF; } else { state = START; } } else if (state == CRLF) { if (b == '\r') { state = CRLFCR; } else { state = START; } } else if (state == CRLFCR) { if (b == '\n') { state = BODY; } else { state = START; } } } } protected class UIDRangeIterator implements Iterator { final String[] ranges; int currentIndex; int currentRangeIndex; long startUid; long endUid; protected UIDRangeIterator(String value) { ranges = value.split(","); } protected long convertToLong(String value) { if ("*".equals(value)) { return Long.MAX_VALUE; } else { return Long.parseLong(value); } } protected void skipToNextRangeStartUid() { if (currentRangeIndex < ranges.length) { String currentRange = ranges[currentRangeIndex++]; int colonIndex = currentRange.indexOf(':'); if (colonIndex > 0) { startUid = convertToLong(currentRange.substring(0, colonIndex)); endUid = convertToLong(currentRange.substring(colonIndex + 1)); if (endUid < startUid) { long swap = endUid; endUid = startUid; startUid = swap; } } else { startUid = endUid = convertToLong(currentRange); } while (currentIndex < currentFolder.count() && currentFolder.getImapUid(currentIndex) < startUid) { currentIndex++; } } else { currentIndex = currentFolder.count(); } } protected boolean hasNextInRange() { return hasNextIndex() && currentFolder.getImapUid(currentIndex) <= endUid; } protected boolean hasNextIndex() { return currentIndex < currentFolder.count(); } protected boolean hasNextRange() { return currentRangeIndex < ranges.length; } public boolean hasNext() { boolean hasNextInRange = hasNextInRange(); // if has next range and current index after current range end, reset index if (hasNextRange() && !hasNextInRange) { currentIndex = 0; } while (hasNextIndex() && !hasNextInRange) { skipToNextRangeStartUid(); hasNextInRange = hasNextInRange(); } return hasNextIndex(); } public ExchangeSession.Message next() { ExchangeSession.Message message = currentFolder.get(currentIndex++); long uid = message.getImapUid(); if (uid < startUid || uid > endUid) { throw new RuntimeException("Message uid " + uid + " not in range " + startUid + ':' + endUid); } return message; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } protected class RangeIterator implements Iterator { final String[] ranges; int currentIndex; int currentRangeIndex; long startUid; long endUid; protected RangeIterator(String value) { ranges = value.split(","); } protected long convertToLong(String value) { if ("*".equals(value)) { return Long.MAX_VALUE; } else { return Long.parseLong(value); } } protected void skipToNextRangeStart() { if (currentRangeIndex < ranges.length) { String currentRange = ranges[currentRangeIndex++]; int colonIndex = currentRange.indexOf(':'); if (colonIndex > 0) { startUid = convertToLong(currentRange.substring(0, colonIndex)); endUid = convertToLong(currentRange.substring(colonIndex + 1)); if (endUid < startUid) { long swap = endUid; endUid = startUid; startUid = swap; } } else { startUid = endUid = convertToLong(currentRange); } while (currentIndex < currentFolder.count() && (currentIndex + 1) < startUid) { currentIndex++; } } else { currentIndex = currentFolder.count(); } } protected boolean hasNextInRange() { return hasNextIndex() && currentIndex < endUid; } protected boolean hasNextIndex() { return currentIndex < currentFolder.count(); } protected boolean hasNextRange() { return currentRangeIndex < ranges.length; } public boolean hasNext() { boolean hasNextInRange = hasNextInRange(); // if has next range and current index after current range end, reset index if (hasNextRange() && !hasNextInRange) { currentIndex = 0; } while (hasNextIndex() && !hasNextInRange) { skipToNextRangeStart(); hasNextInRange = hasNextInRange(); } return hasNextIndex(); } public ExchangeSession.Message next() { return currentFolder.get(currentIndex++); } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } class IMAPTokenizer extends StringTokenizer { IMAPTokenizer(String value) { super(value); } @Override public String nextToken() { return removeQuotes(nextQuotedToken()); } public String nextQuotedToken() { StringBuilder nextToken = new StringBuilder(); nextToken.append(super.nextToken()); while (hasMoreTokens() && nextToken.length() > 0 && nextToken.charAt(0) == '"' && nextToken.charAt(nextToken.length() - 1) != '"') { nextToken.append(' ').append(super.nextToken()); } while (hasMoreTokens() && nextToken.length() > 0 && nextToken.charAt(0) == '(' && nextToken.charAt(nextToken.length() - 1) != ')') { nextToken.append(' ').append(super.nextToken()); } return nextToken.toString(); } } }