/* * DavMail POP/IMAP/SMTP/CalDav/LDAP Exchange Gateway * Copyright (C) 2009 Mickael Guessant * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package davmail.ldap; import com.sun.jndi.ldap.Ber; import com.sun.jndi.ldap.BerDecoder; import com.sun.jndi.ldap.BerEncoder; import davmail.AbstractConnection; import davmail.BundleMessage; import davmail.Settings; import davmail.exception.DavMailException; import davmail.exchange.ExchangeSession; import davmail.exchange.ExchangeSessionFactory; import davmail.exchange.dav.DavExchangeSession; import davmail.ui.tray.DavGatewayTray; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import javax.security.auth.callback.*; import javax.security.sasl.AuthorizeCallback; import javax.security.sasl.Sasl; import javax.security.sasl.SaslServer; import java.io.*; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.net.*; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; /** * Handle a caldav connection. */ public class LdapConnection extends AbstractConnection { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(LdapConnection.class); /** * Davmail base context */ static final String BASE_CONTEXT = "ou=people"; /** * OSX server (OpenDirectory) base context */ static final String OD_BASE_CONTEXT = "o=od"; static final String OD_USER_CONTEXT = "cn=users, o=od"; static final String OD_CONFIG_CONTEXT = "cn=config, o=od"; static final String COMPUTER_CONTEXT = "cn=computers, o=od"; static final String OD_GROUP_CONTEXT = "cn=groups, o=od"; // TODO: adjust Directory Utility settings static final String COMPUTER_CONTEXT_LION = "cn=computers,o=od"; static final String OD_USER_CONTEXT_LION = "cn=users, ou=people"; /** * Root DSE naming contexts (default and OpenDirectory) */ static final List NAMING_CONTEXTS = new ArrayList(); static { NAMING_CONTEXTS.add(BASE_CONTEXT); NAMING_CONTEXTS.add(OD_BASE_CONTEXT); } static final List PERSON_OBJECT_CLASSES = new ArrayList(); static { PERSON_OBJECT_CLASSES.add("top"); PERSON_OBJECT_CLASSES.add("person"); PERSON_OBJECT_CLASSES.add("organizationalPerson"); PERSON_OBJECT_CLASSES.add("inetOrgPerson"); // OpenDirectory class for iCal PERSON_OBJECT_CLASSES.add("apple-user"); } /** * Map Exchange contact attribute names to LDAP attributes. * Used only when returningAttributes is empty in LDAP request (return all available attributes) */ static final HashMap CONTACT_TO_LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_MAP = new HashMap(); static { CONTACT_TO_LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("imapUid", "uid"); CONTACT_TO_LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("co", "countryname"); CONTACT_TO_LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("extensionattribute1", "custom1"); CONTACT_TO_LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("extensionattribute2", "custom2"); CONTACT_TO_LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("extensionattribute3", "custom3"); CONTACT_TO_LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("extensionattribute4", "custom4"); CONTACT_TO_LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("smtpemail1", "mail"); CONTACT_TO_LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("smtpemail2", "xmozillasecondemail"); CONTACT_TO_LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("homeCountry", "mozillahomecountryname"); CONTACT_TO_LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("homeCity", "mozillahomelocalityname"); CONTACT_TO_LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("homePostalCode", "mozillahomepostalcode"); CONTACT_TO_LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("homeState", "mozillahomestate"); CONTACT_TO_LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("homeStreet", "mozillahomestreet"); CONTACT_TO_LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("businesshomepage", "mozillaworkurl"); CONTACT_TO_LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("nickname", "mozillanickname"); } /** * OSX constant computer guid (used by iCal attendee completion) */ static final String COMPUTER_GUID = "52486C30-F0AB-48E3-9C37-37E9B28CDD7B"; /** * OSX constant virtual host guid (used by iCal attendee completion) */ static final String VIRTUALHOST_GUID = "D6DD8A10-1098-11DE-8C30-0800200C9A66"; /** * OSX constant value for attribute apple-serviceslocator */ static final HashMap STATIC_ATTRIBUTE_MAP = new HashMap(); static { STATIC_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("apple-serviceslocator", COMPUTER_GUID + ':' + VIRTUALHOST_GUID + ":calendar"); } /** * LDAP to Exchange Criteria Map */ // TODO: remove static final HashMap CRITERIA_MAP = new HashMap(); static { // assume mail starts with firstname CRITERIA_MAP.put("uid", "AN"); CRITERIA_MAP.put("mail", "FN"); CRITERIA_MAP.put("displayname", "DN"); CRITERIA_MAP.put("cn", "DN"); CRITERIA_MAP.put("givenname", "FN"); CRITERIA_MAP.put("sn", "LN"); CRITERIA_MAP.put("title", "TL"); CRITERIA_MAP.put("company", "CP"); CRITERIA_MAP.put("o", "CP"); CRITERIA_MAP.put("l", "OF"); CRITERIA_MAP.put("department", "DP"); CRITERIA_MAP.put("apple-group-realname", "DP"); } /** * LDAP to Exchange contact attribute map. */ static final HashMap LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP = new HashMap(); static { LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("uid", "imapUid"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("mail", "smtpemail1"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("displayname", "cn"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("commonname", "cn"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("givenname", "givenName"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("surname", "sn"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("company", "o"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("apple-group-realname", "department"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("mozillahomelocalityname", "homeCity"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("c", "co"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("countryname", "co"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("custom1", "extensionattribute1"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("custom2", "extensionattribute2"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("custom3", "extensionattribute3"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("custom4", "extensionattribute4"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("mozillacustom1", "extensionattribute1"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("mozillacustom2", "extensionattribute2"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("mozillacustom3", "extensionattribute3"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("mozillacustom4", "extensionattribute4"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("telephonenumber", "telephoneNumber"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("orgunit", "department"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("departmentnumber", "department"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("ou", "department"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("mozillaworkstreet2", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("mozillahomestreet", "homeStreet"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("xmozillanickname", "nickname"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("mozillanickname", "nickname"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("cellphone", "mobile"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("homeurl", "personalHomePage"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("mozillahomeurl", "personalHomePage"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("apple-user-homeurl", "personalHomePage"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("mozillahomepostalcode", "homePostalCode"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("fax", "facsimiletelephonenumber"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("mozillahomecountryname", "homeCountry"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("streetaddress", "street"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("mozillaworkurl", "businesshomepage"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("workurl", "businesshomepage"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("region", "st"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("birthmonth", "bday"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("birthday", "bday"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("birthyear", "bday"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("carphone", "othermobile"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("nsaimid", "im"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("nscpaimscreenname", "im"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("apple-imhandle", "im"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("imhandle", "im"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("xmozillasecondemail", "smtpemail2"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("notes", "description"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("pagerphone", "pager"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("pager", "pager"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("locality", "l"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("homephone", "homePhone"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("mozillasecondemail", "smtpemail2"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("zip", "postalcode"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("mozillahomestate", "homeState"); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("modifytimestamp", "lastmodified"); // ignore attribute LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("objectclass", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("mozillausehtmlmail", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("xmozillausehtmlmail", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("mozillahomestreet2", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("labeleduri", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("apple-generateduid", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("uidnumber", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("gidnumber", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("jpegphoto", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("apple-emailcontacts", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("apple-user-picture", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("_writers_usercertificate", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("_writers_realname", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("_writers_jpegphoto", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("_guest", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("_writers_linkedidentity", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("_defaultlanguage", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("_writers_hint", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("_writers__defaultlanguage", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("_writers_picture", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("apple-user-authenticationhint", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("external", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("userpassword", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("linkedidentity", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("homedirectory", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("authauthority", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("applefloor", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("buildingname", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("destinationindicator", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("postaladdress", null); LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("homepostaladdress", null); // iCal search attribute LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("apple-serviceslocator", "apple-serviceslocator"); } /** * LDAP filter attributes ignore map */ // TODO remove static final HashSet IGNORE_MAP = new HashSet(); static { IGNORE_MAP.add("objectclass"); IGNORE_MAP.add("apple-generateduid"); IGNORE_MAP.add("augmentconfiguration"); IGNORE_MAP.add("ou"); IGNORE_MAP.add("apple-realname"); IGNORE_MAP.add("apple-group-nestedgroup"); IGNORE_MAP.add("apple-group-memberguid"); IGNORE_MAP.add("macaddress"); IGNORE_MAP.add("memberuid"); } // LDAP version // static final int LDAP_VERSION2 = 0x02; static final int LDAP_VERSION3 = 0x03; // LDAP request operations static final int LDAP_REQ_BIND = 0x60; static final int LDAP_REQ_SEARCH = 0x63; static final int LDAP_REQ_UNBIND = 0x42; static final int LDAP_REQ_ABANDON = 0x50; // LDAP response operations static final int LDAP_REP_BIND = 0x61; static final int LDAP_REP_SEARCH = 0x64; static final int LDAP_REP_RESULT = 0x65; static final int LDAP_SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS = 0x0E; // LDAP return codes static final int LDAP_OTHER = 80; static final int LDAP_SUCCESS = 0; static final int LDAP_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 4; static final int LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS = 49; // LDAP filter code static final int LDAP_FILTER_AND = 0xa0; static final int LDAP_FILTER_OR = 0xa1; static final int LDAP_FILTER_NOT = 0xa2; // LDAP filter operators static final int LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS = 0xa4; //static final int LDAP_FILTER_GE = 0xa5; //static final int LDAP_FILTER_LE = 0xa6; static final int LDAP_FILTER_PRESENT = 0x87; //static final int LDAP_FILTER_APPROX = 0xa8; static final int LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY = 0xa3; // LDAP filter mode static final int LDAP_SUBSTRING_INITIAL = 0x80; static final int LDAP_SUBSTRING_ANY = 0x81; static final int LDAP_SUBSTRING_FINAL = 0x82; // BER data types static final int LBER_ENUMERATED = 0x0a; static final int LBER_SET = 0x31; static final int LBER_SEQUENCE = 0x30; // LDAP search scope static final int SCOPE_BASE_OBJECT = 0; //static final int SCOPE_ONE_LEVEL = 1; //static final int SCOPE_SUBTREE = 2; /** * For some unknown reason parseIntWithTag is private ! */ static final Method PARSE_INT_WITH_TAG_METHOD; static { try { PARSE_INT_WITH_TAG_METHOD = BerDecoder.class.getDeclaredMethod("parseIntWithTag", int.class); PARSE_INT_WITH_TAG_METHOD.setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { DavGatewayTray.error(new BundleMessage("LOG_UNABLE_TO_GET_PARSEINTWITHTAG")); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Sasl server for DIGEST-MD5 authentication */ protected SaslServer saslServer; /** * raw connection inputStream */ protected BufferedInputStream is; /** * reusable BER encoder */ protected final BerEncoder responseBer = new BerEncoder(); /** * Current LDAP version (used for String encoding) */ int ldapVersion = LDAP_VERSION3; /** * Search threads map */ protected final HashMap searchThreadMap = new HashMap(); /** * Initialize the streams and start the thread. * * @param clientSocket LDAP client socket */ public LdapConnection(Socket clientSocket) { super(LdapConnection.class.getSimpleName(), clientSocket); try { is = new BufferedInputStream(client.getInputStream()); os = new BufferedOutputStream(client.getOutputStream()); } catch (IOException e) { close(); DavGatewayTray.error(new BundleMessage("LOG_EXCEPTION_GETTING_SOCKET_STREAMS"), e); } } protected boolean isLdapV3() { return ldapVersion == LDAP_VERSION3; } @Override public void run() { byte[] inbuf = new byte[2048]; // Buffer for reading incoming bytes int bytesread; // Number of bytes in inbuf int bytesleft; // Number of bytes that need to read for completing resp int br; // Temp; number of bytes read from stream int offset; // Offset of where to store bytes in inbuf boolean eos; // End of stream try { ExchangeSessionFactory.checkConfig(); while (true) { offset = 0; // check that it is the beginning of a sequence bytesread = is.read(inbuf, offset, 1); if (bytesread < 0) { break; // EOF } if (inbuf[offset++] != (Ber.ASN_SEQUENCE | Ber.ASN_CONSTRUCTOR)) { continue; } // get length of sequence bytesread = is.read(inbuf, offset, 1); if (bytesread < 0) { break; // EOF } int seqlen = inbuf[offset++]; // Length of ASN sequence // if high bit is on, length is encoded in the // subsequent length bytes and the number of length bytes // is equal to & 0x80 (i.e. length byte with high bit off). if ((seqlen & 0x80) == 0x80) { int seqlenlen = seqlen & 0x7f; // number of length bytes bytesread = 0; eos = false; // Read all length bytes while (bytesread < seqlenlen) { br = is.read(inbuf, offset + bytesread, seqlenlen - bytesread); if (br < 0) { eos = true; break; // EOF } bytesread += br; } // end-of-stream reached before length bytes are read if (eos) { break; // EOF } // Add contents of length bytes to determine length seqlen = 0; for (int i = 0; i < seqlenlen; i++) { seqlen = (seqlen << 8) + (inbuf[offset + i] & 0xff); } offset += bytesread; } // read in seqlen bytes bytesleft = seqlen; if ((offset + bytesleft) > inbuf.length) { byte[] nbuf = new byte[offset + bytesleft]; System.arraycopy(inbuf, 0, nbuf, 0, offset); inbuf = nbuf; } while (bytesleft > 0) { bytesread = is.read(inbuf, offset, bytesleft); if (bytesread < 0) { break; // EOF } offset += bytesread; bytesleft -= bytesread; } DavGatewayTray.switchIcon(); handleRequest(inbuf, offset); } } catch (SocketException e) { DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_CONNECTION_CLOSED")); } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_CLOSE_CONNECTION_ON_TIMEOUT")); } catch (Exception e) { DavGatewayTray.log(e); try { sendErr(0, LDAP_REP_BIND, e); } catch (IOException e2) { DavGatewayTray.warn(new BundleMessage("LOG_EXCEPTION_SENDING_ERROR_TO_CLIENT"), e2); } } finally { // cancel all search threads synchronized (searchThreadMap) { for (SearchRunnable searchRunnable : searchThreadMap.values()) { searchRunnable.abandon(); } } close(); } DavGatewayTray.resetIcon(); } protected static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY = new byte[0]; protected void handleRequest(byte[] inbuf, int offset) throws IOException { //dumpBer(inbuf, offset); BerDecoder reqBer = new BerDecoder(inbuf, 0, offset); int currentMessageId = 0; try { reqBer.parseSeq(null); currentMessageId = reqBer.parseInt(); int requestOperation = reqBer.peekByte(); if (requestOperation == LDAP_REQ_BIND) { reqBer.parseSeq(null); ldapVersion = reqBer.parseInt(); userName = reqBer.parseString(isLdapV3()); if (reqBer.peekByte() == (Ber.ASN_CONTEXT | Ber.ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 3)) { // SASL authentication reqBer.parseSeq(null); // Get mechanism, usually DIGEST-MD5 String mechanism = reqBer.parseString(isLdapV3()); byte[] serverResponse; CallbackHandler callbackHandler = new CallbackHandler() { public void handle(Callback[] callbacks) throws IOException, UnsupportedCallbackException { // look for username in callbacks for (Callback callback : callbacks) { if (callback instanceof NameCallback) { userName = ((NameCallback) callback).getDefaultName(); // get password from session pool password = ExchangeSessionFactory.getUserPassword(userName); } } // handle other callbacks for (Callback callback : callbacks) { if (callback instanceof AuthorizeCallback) { ((AuthorizeCallback) callback).setAuthorized(true); } else if (callback instanceof PasswordCallback) { if (password != null) { ((PasswordCallback) callback).setPassword(password.toCharArray()); } } } } }; int status; if (reqBer.bytesLeft() > 0 && saslServer != null) { byte[] clientResponse = reqBer.parseOctetString(Ber.ASN_OCTET_STR, null); serverResponse = saslServer.evaluateResponse(clientResponse); status = LDAP_SUCCESS; DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_BIND_USER", currentMessageId, userName)); try { session = ExchangeSessionFactory.getInstance(userName, password); DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_BIND_SUCCESS")); } catch (IOException e) { serverResponse = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; status = LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS; DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_BIND_INVALID_CREDENTIALS")); } } else { Map properties = new HashMap(); properties.put("javax.security.sasl.qop", "auth,auth-int"); saslServer = Sasl.createSaslServer(mechanism, "ldap", client.getLocalAddress().getHostAddress(), properties, callbackHandler); if (saslServer == null) { throw new IOException("Unable to create SASL server for mechanism "+mechanism); } serverResponse = saslServer.evaluateResponse(EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY); status = LDAP_SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS; } responseBer.beginSeq(Ber.ASN_SEQUENCE | Ber.ASN_CONSTRUCTOR); responseBer.encodeInt(currentMessageId); responseBer.beginSeq(LDAP_REP_BIND); responseBer.encodeInt(status, LBER_ENUMERATED); // server credentials responseBer.encodeString("", isLdapV3()); responseBer.encodeString("", isLdapV3()); // challenge or response if (serverResponse != null) { responseBer.encodeOctetString(serverResponse, 0x87); } responseBer.endSeq(); responseBer.endSeq(); sendResponse(); } else { password = reqBer.parseStringWithTag(Ber.ASN_CONTEXT, isLdapV3(), null); if (userName.length() > 0 && password.length() > 0) { DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_BIND_USER", currentMessageId, userName)); try { session = ExchangeSessionFactory.getInstance(userName, password); DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_BIND_SUCCESS")); sendClient(currentMessageId, LDAP_REP_BIND, LDAP_SUCCESS, ""); } catch (IOException e) { DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_BIND_INVALID_CREDENTIALS")); sendClient(currentMessageId, LDAP_REP_BIND, LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS, ""); } } else { DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_BIND_ANONYMOUS", currentMessageId)); // anonymous bind sendClient(currentMessageId, LDAP_REP_BIND, LDAP_SUCCESS, ""); } } } else if (requestOperation == LDAP_REQ_UNBIND) { DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_UNBIND", currentMessageId)); if (session != null) { session = null; } } else if (requestOperation == LDAP_REQ_SEARCH) { reqBer.parseSeq(null); String dn = reqBer.parseString(isLdapV3()); int scope = reqBer.parseEnumeration(); /*int derefAliases =*/ reqBer.parseEnumeration(); int sizeLimit = reqBer.parseInt(); if (sizeLimit > 100 || sizeLimit == 0) { sizeLimit = 100; } int timelimit = reqBer.parseInt(); /*boolean typesOnly =*/ reqBer.parseBoolean(); LdapFilter ldapFilter = parseFilter(reqBer); Set returningAttributes = parseReturningAttributes(reqBer); SearchRunnable searchRunnable = new SearchRunnable(currentMessageId, dn, scope, sizeLimit, timelimit, ldapFilter, returningAttributes); if (BASE_CONTEXT.equalsIgnoreCase(dn) || OD_USER_CONTEXT.equalsIgnoreCase(dn) || OD_USER_CONTEXT_LION.equalsIgnoreCase(dn)) { // launch search in a separate thread synchronized (searchThreadMap) { searchThreadMap.put(currentMessageId, searchRunnable); } Thread searchThread = new Thread(searchRunnable); searchThread.setName(getName() + "-Search-" + currentMessageId); searchThread.start(); } else { // no need to create a separate thread, just run searchRunnable.run(); } } else if (requestOperation == LDAP_REQ_ABANDON) { int abandonMessageId = 0; try { abandonMessageId = (Integer) PARSE_INT_WITH_TAG_METHOD.invoke(reqBer, LDAP_REQ_ABANDON); synchronized (searchThreadMap) { SearchRunnable searchRunnable = searchThreadMap.get(abandonMessageId); if (searchRunnable != null) { searchRunnable.abandon(); searchThreadMap.remove(currentMessageId); } } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { DavGatewayTray.error(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { DavGatewayTray.error(e); } DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_ABANDON_SEARCH", currentMessageId, abandonMessageId)); } else { DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", requestOperation)); sendClient(currentMessageId, LDAP_REP_RESULT, LDAP_OTHER, "Unsupported operation"); } } catch (IOException e) { dumpBer(inbuf, offset); try { sendErr(currentMessageId, LDAP_REP_RESULT, e); } catch (IOException e2) { DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_EXCEPTION_SENDING_ERROR_TO_CLIENT"), e2); } throw e; } } protected void dumpBer(byte[] inbuf, int offset) { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Ber.dumpBER(baos, "LDAP request buffer\n", inbuf, 0, offset); try { LOGGER.debug(new String(baos.toByteArray(), "UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // should not happen LOGGER.error(e); } } protected LdapFilter parseFilter(BerDecoder reqBer) throws IOException { LdapFilter ldapFilter; if (reqBer.peekByte() == LDAP_FILTER_PRESENT) { String attributeName = reqBer.parseStringWithTag(LDAP_FILTER_PRESENT, isLdapV3(), null).toLowerCase(); ldapFilter = new SimpleFilter(attributeName); } else { int[] seqSize = new int[1]; int ldapFilterType = reqBer.parseSeq(seqSize); int end = reqBer.getParsePosition() + seqSize[0]; ldapFilter = parseNestedFilter(reqBer, ldapFilterType, end); } return ldapFilter; } protected LdapFilter parseNestedFilter(BerDecoder reqBer, int ldapFilterType, int end) throws IOException { LdapFilter nestedFilter; if ((ldapFilterType == LDAP_FILTER_OR) || (ldapFilterType == LDAP_FILTER_AND) || ldapFilterType == LDAP_FILTER_NOT) { nestedFilter = new CompoundFilter(ldapFilterType); while (reqBer.getParsePosition() < end && reqBer.bytesLeft() > 0) { if (reqBer.peekByte() == LDAP_FILTER_PRESENT) { String attributeName = reqBer.parseStringWithTag(LDAP_FILTER_PRESENT, isLdapV3(), null).toLowerCase(); nestedFilter.add(new SimpleFilter(attributeName)); } else { int[] seqSize = new int[1]; int ldapFilterOperator = reqBer.parseSeq(seqSize); int subEnd = reqBer.getParsePosition() + seqSize[0]; nestedFilter.add(parseNestedFilter(reqBer, ldapFilterOperator, subEnd)); } } } else { // simple filter nestedFilter = parseSimpleFilter(reqBer, ldapFilterType); } return nestedFilter; } protected LdapFilter parseSimpleFilter(BerDecoder reqBer, int ldapFilterOperator) throws IOException { String attributeName = reqBer.parseString(isLdapV3()).toLowerCase(); int ldapFilterMode = 0; StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder(); if (ldapFilterOperator == LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS) { // Thunderbird sends values with space as separate strings, rebuild value int[] seqSize = new int[1]; /*LBER_SEQUENCE*/ reqBer.parseSeq(seqSize); int end = reqBer.getParsePosition() + seqSize[0]; while (reqBer.getParsePosition() < end && reqBer.bytesLeft() > 0) { ldapFilterMode = reqBer.peekByte(); if (value.length() > 0) { value.append(' '); } value.append(reqBer.parseStringWithTag(ldapFilterMode, isLdapV3(), null)); } } else if (ldapFilterOperator == LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY) { value.append(reqBer.parseString(isLdapV3())); } else { DavGatewayTray.warn(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_UNSUPPORTED_FILTER_VALUE")); } String sValue = value.toString(); if ("uid".equalsIgnoreCase(attributeName) && sValue.equals(userName)) { // replace with actual alias instead of login name search, only in Dav mode if (sValue.equals(userName) && session instanceof DavExchangeSession) { sValue = session.getAlias(); DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REPLACED_UID_FILTER", userName, sValue)); } } return new SimpleFilter(attributeName, sValue, ldapFilterOperator, ldapFilterMode); } protected Set parseReturningAttributes(BerDecoder reqBer) throws IOException { Set returningAttributes = new HashSet(); int[] seqSize = new int[1]; reqBer.parseSeq(seqSize); int end = reqBer.getParsePosition() + seqSize[0]; while (reqBer.getParsePosition() < end && reqBer.bytesLeft() > 0) { returningAttributes.add(reqBer.parseString(isLdapV3()).toLowerCase()); } return returningAttributes; } /** * Send Root DSE * * @param currentMessageId current message id * @throws IOException on error */ protected void sendRootDSE(int currentMessageId) throws IOException { DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_SEND_ROOT_DSE")); Map attributes = new HashMap(); attributes.put("objectClass", "top"); attributes.put("namingContexts", NAMING_CONTEXTS); //attributes.put("supportedsaslmechanisms", "PLAIN"); sendEntry(currentMessageId, "Root DSE", attributes); } protected void addIf(Map attributes, Set returningAttributes, String name, Object value) { if ((returningAttributes.isEmpty()) || returningAttributes.contains(name)) { attributes.put(name, value); } } protected String currentHostName; protected String getCurrentHostName() throws UnknownHostException { if (currentHostName == null) { InetAddress clientInetAddress = client.getInetAddress(); if (clientInetAddress != null && clientInetAddress.isLoopbackAddress()) { // local address, probably using localhost in iCal URL currentHostName = "localhost"; } else { // remote address, send fully qualified domain name currentHostName = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName(); } } return currentHostName; } /** * Cache serviceInfo string value */ protected String serviceInfo; protected String getServiceInfo() throws UnknownHostException { if (serviceInfo == null) { serviceInfo = ("" + "" + "" + "" + "com.apple.macosxserver.host" + "" + "localhost" + // NOTE: Will be replaced by real hostname "" + "com.apple.macosxserver.virtualhosts" + "" + "" + VIRTUALHOST_GUID + "" + "" + "hostDetails" + "" + "http" + "" + "enabled" + "" + "port" + "") + Settings.getProperty("davmail.caldavPort") + "" + "" + "https" + "" + "disabled" + "" + "port" + "0" + "" + "" + "hostname" + "" + getCurrentHostName() + "" + "serviceInfo" + "" + "calendar" + "" + "enabled" + "" + "templates" + "" + "calendarUserAddresses" + "" + "%(principaluri)s" + "mailto:%(email)s" + "urn:uuid:%(guid)s" + "" + "principalPath" + "/principals/__uuids__/%(guid)s/" + "" + "" + "" + "serviceType" + "" + "calendar" + "" + "" + "" + "" + ""; } return serviceInfo; } /** * Send ComputerContext * * @param currentMessageId current message id * @param returningAttributes attributes to return * @throws IOException on error */ protected void sendComputerContext(int currentMessageId, Set returningAttributes) throws IOException { List objectClasses = new ArrayList(); objectClasses.add("top"); objectClasses.add("apple-computer"); Map attributes = new HashMap(); addIf(attributes, returningAttributes, "objectClass", objectClasses); addIf(attributes, returningAttributes, "apple-generateduid", COMPUTER_GUID); addIf(attributes, returningAttributes, "apple-serviceinfo", getServiceInfo()); // TODO: remove ? addIf(attributes, returningAttributes, "apple-xmlplist", getServiceInfo()); addIf(attributes, returningAttributes, "apple-serviceslocator", "::anyService"); addIf(attributes, returningAttributes, "cn", getCurrentHostName()); String dn = "cn=" + getCurrentHostName() + ", " + COMPUTER_CONTEXT; DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_SEND_COMPUTER_CONTEXT", dn, attributes)); sendEntry(currentMessageId, dn, attributes); } /** * Send Base Context * * @param currentMessageId current message id * @throws IOException on error */ protected void sendBaseContext(int currentMessageId) throws IOException { List objectClasses = new ArrayList(); objectClasses.add("top"); objectClasses.add("organizationalUnit"); Map attributes = new HashMap(); attributes.put("objectClass", objectClasses); attributes.put("description", "DavMail Gateway LDAP for " + Settings.getProperty("davmail.url")); sendEntry(currentMessageId, BASE_CONTEXT, attributes); } protected void sendEntry(int currentMessageId, String dn, Map attributes) throws IOException { // synchronize on responseBer synchronized (responseBer) { responseBer.reset(); responseBer.beginSeq(Ber.ASN_SEQUENCE | Ber.ASN_CONSTRUCTOR); responseBer.encodeInt(currentMessageId); responseBer.beginSeq(LDAP_REP_SEARCH); responseBer.encodeString(dn, isLdapV3()); responseBer.beginSeq(LBER_SEQUENCE); for (Map.Entry entry : attributes.entrySet()) { responseBer.beginSeq(LBER_SEQUENCE); responseBer.encodeString(entry.getKey(), isLdapV3()); responseBer.beginSeq(LBER_SET); Object values = entry.getValue(); if (values instanceof String) { responseBer.encodeString((String) values, isLdapV3()); } else if (values instanceof List) { for (Object value : (Iterable) values) { responseBer.encodeString((String) value, isLdapV3()); } } else { throw new DavMailException("EXCEPTION_UNSUPPORTED_VALUE", values); } responseBer.endSeq(); responseBer.endSeq(); } responseBer.endSeq(); responseBer.endSeq(); responseBer.endSeq(); sendResponse(); } } protected void sendErr(int currentMessageId, int responseOperation, Exception e) throws IOException { String message = e.getMessage(); if (message == null) { message = e.toString(); } sendClient(currentMessageId, responseOperation, LDAP_OTHER, message); } protected void sendClient(int currentMessageId, int responseOperation, int status, String message) throws IOException { responseBer.reset(); responseBer.beginSeq(Ber.ASN_SEQUENCE | Ber.ASN_CONSTRUCTOR); responseBer.encodeInt(currentMessageId); responseBer.beginSeq(responseOperation); responseBer.encodeInt(status, LBER_ENUMERATED); // dn responseBer.encodeString("", isLdapV3()); // error message responseBer.encodeString(message, isLdapV3()); responseBer.endSeq(); responseBer.endSeq(); sendResponse(); } protected void sendResponse() throws IOException { //Ber.dumpBER(System.out, ">\n", responseBer.getBuf(), 0, responseBer.getDataLen()); os.write(responseBer.getBuf(), 0, responseBer.getDataLen()); os.flush(); } static interface LdapFilter { ExchangeSession.Condition getContactSearchFilter(); Map findInGAL(ExchangeSession session, Set returningAttributes, int sizeLimit) throws IOException; void add(LdapFilter filter); boolean isFullSearch(); boolean isMatch(Map person); } class CompoundFilter implements LdapFilter { final Set criteria = new HashSet(); final int type; CompoundFilter(int filterType) { type = filterType; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); if (type == LDAP_FILTER_OR) { buffer.append("(|"); } else if (type == LDAP_FILTER_AND) { buffer.append("(&"); } else { buffer.append("(!"); } for (LdapFilter child : criteria) { buffer.append(child.toString()); } buffer.append(')'); return buffer.toString(); } /** * Add child filter * * @param filter inner filter */ public void add(LdapFilter filter) { criteria.add(filter); } /** * This is only a full search if every child * is also a full search * * @return true if full search filter */ public boolean isFullSearch() { for (LdapFilter child : criteria) { if (!child.isFullSearch()) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Build search filter for Contacts folder search. * Use Exchange SEARCH syntax * * @return contact search filter */ public ExchangeSession.Condition getContactSearchFilter() { ExchangeSession.MultiCondition condition; if (type == LDAP_FILTER_OR) { condition = session.or(); } else { condition = session.and(); } for (LdapFilter child : criteria) { condition.add(child.getContactSearchFilter()); } return condition; } /** * Test if person matches the current filter. * * @param person person attributes map * @return true if filter match */ public boolean isMatch(Map person) { if (type == LDAP_FILTER_OR) { for (LdapFilter child : criteria) { if (!child.isFullSearch()) { if (child.isMatch(person)) { // We've found a match return true; } } } // No subconditions are met return false; } else if (type == LDAP_FILTER_AND) { for (LdapFilter child : criteria) { if (!child.isFullSearch()) { if (!child.isMatch(person)) { // We've found a miss return false; } } } // All subconditions are met return true; } return false; } /** * Find persons in Exchange GAL matching filter. * Iterate over child filters to build results. * * @param session Exchange session * @return persons map * @throws IOException on error */ public Map findInGAL(ExchangeSession session, Set returningAttributes, int sizeLimit) throws IOException { Map persons = null; for (LdapFilter child : criteria) { int currentSizeLimit = sizeLimit; if (persons != null) { currentSizeLimit -= persons.size(); } Map childFind = child.findInGAL(session, returningAttributes, currentSizeLimit); if (childFind != null) { if (persons == null) { persons = childFind; } else if (type == LDAP_FILTER_OR) { // Create the union of the existing results and the child found results persons.putAll(childFind); } else if (type == LDAP_FILTER_AND) { // Append current child filter results that match all child filters to persons. // The hard part is that, due to the 100-item-returned galFind limit // we may catch new items that match all child filters in each child search. // Thus, instead of building the intersection, we check each result against // all filters. for (ExchangeSession.Contact result : childFind.values()) { if (isMatch(result)) { // This item from the child result set matches all sub-criteria, add it persons.put(result.get("uid"), result); } } } } } if ((persons == null) && !isFullSearch()) { // return an empty map (indicating no results were found) return new HashMap(); } return persons; } } class SimpleFilter implements LdapFilter { static final String STAR = "*"; final String attributeName; final String value; final int mode; final int operator; final boolean canIgnore; SimpleFilter(String attributeName) { this.attributeName = attributeName; this.value = SimpleFilter.STAR; this.operator = LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS; this.mode = 0; this.canIgnore = checkIgnore(); } SimpleFilter(String attributeName, String value, int ldapFilterOperator, int ldapFilterMode) { this.attributeName = attributeName; this.value = value; this.operator = ldapFilterOperator; this.mode = ldapFilterMode; this.canIgnore = checkIgnore(); } private boolean checkIgnore() { if ("objectclass".equals(attributeName) && STAR.equals(value)) { // ignore cases where any object class can match return true; } else if (IGNORE_MAP.contains(attributeName)) { // Ignore this specific attribute return true; } else if (CRITERIA_MAP.get(attributeName) == null && getContactAttributeName(attributeName) == null) { DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_UNSUPPORTED_FILTER_ATTRIBUTE", attributeName, value)); return true; } return false; } public boolean isFullSearch() { // only (objectclass=*) is a full search return "objectclass".equals(attributeName) && STAR.equals(value); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append('('); buffer.append(attributeName); buffer.append('='); if (SimpleFilter.STAR.equals(value)) { buffer.append(SimpleFilter.STAR); } else if (operator == LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS) { if (mode == LDAP_SUBSTRING_FINAL || mode == LDAP_SUBSTRING_ANY) { buffer.append(SimpleFilter.STAR); } buffer.append(value); if (mode == LDAP_SUBSTRING_INITIAL || mode == LDAP_SUBSTRING_ANY) { buffer.append(SimpleFilter.STAR); } } else { buffer.append(value); } buffer.append(')'); return buffer.toString(); } public ExchangeSession.Condition getContactSearchFilter() { String contactAttributeName = getContactAttributeName(attributeName); if (canIgnore || (contactAttributeName == null)) { return null; } ExchangeSession.Condition condition = null; if (operator == LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY) { condition = session.isEqualTo(contactAttributeName, value); } else if ("*".equals(value)) { condition = session.not(session.isNull(contactAttributeName)); // do not allow substring search on integer field imapUid } else if (!"imapUid".equals(contactAttributeName)) { // endsWith not supported by exchange, convert to contains if (mode == LDAP_SUBSTRING_FINAL || mode == LDAP_SUBSTRING_ANY) { condition = session.contains(contactAttributeName, value); } else { condition = session.startsWith(contactAttributeName, value); } } return condition; } public boolean isMatch(Map person) { if (canIgnore) { // Ignore this filter return true; } String personAttributeValue = person.get(attributeName); if (personAttributeValue == null) { // No value to allow for filter match return false; } else if (value == null) { // This is a presence filter: found return true; } else if ((operator == LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY) && personAttributeValue.equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { // Found an exact match return true; } else if ((operator == LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS) && (personAttributeValue.toLowerCase().contains(value.toLowerCase()))) { // Found a substring match return true; } return false; } public Map findInGAL(ExchangeSession session, Set returningAttributes, int sizeLimit) throws IOException { if (canIgnore) { return null; } String contactAttributeName = getContactAttributeName(attributeName); if (contactAttributeName != null) { // quick fix for cn=* filter Map galPersons = session.galFind(session.startsWith(contactAttributeName, "*".equals(value) ? "A" : value), convertLdapToContactReturningAttributes(returningAttributes), sizeLimit); if (operator == LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY) { // Make sure only exact matches are returned Map results = new HashMap(); for (ExchangeSession.Contact person : galPersons.values()) { if (isMatch(person)) { // Found an exact match results.put(person.get("uid"), person); } } return results; } else { return galPersons; } } return null; } public void add(LdapFilter filter) { // Should never be called DavGatewayTray.error(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_UNSUPPORTED_FILTER", "nested simple filters")); } } /** * Convert contact attribute name to LDAP attribute name. * * @param ldapAttributeName ldap attribute name * @return contact attribute name */ protected static String getContactAttributeName(String ldapAttributeName) { String contactAttributeName = null; // first look in contact attributes if (ExchangeSession.CONTACT_ATTRIBUTES.contains(ldapAttributeName)) { contactAttributeName = ldapAttributeName; } else if (LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.containsKey(ldapAttributeName)) { String mappedAttribute = LDAP_TO_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.get(ldapAttributeName); if (mappedAttribute != null) { contactAttributeName = mappedAttribute; } } else { DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE", ldapAttributeName)); } return contactAttributeName; } /** * Convert LDAP attribute name to contact attribute name. * * @param contactAttributeName ldap attribute name * @return contact attribute name */ protected static String getLdapAttributeName(String contactAttributeName) { String mappedAttributeName = CONTACT_TO_LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.get(contactAttributeName); if (mappedAttributeName != null) { return mappedAttributeName; } else { return contactAttributeName; } } protected Set convertLdapToContactReturningAttributes(Set returningAttributes) { Set contactReturningAttributes; if (returningAttributes != null && !returningAttributes.isEmpty()) { contactReturningAttributes = new HashSet(); // always return uid contactReturningAttributes.add("imapUid"); for (String attribute : returningAttributes) { String contactAttributeName = getContactAttributeName(attribute); if (contactAttributeName != null) { contactReturningAttributes.add(contactAttributeName); } } } else { contactReturningAttributes = ExchangeSession.CONTACT_ATTRIBUTES; } return contactReturningAttributes; } protected class SearchRunnable implements Runnable { private final int currentMessageId; private final String dn; private final int scope; private final int sizeLimit; private final int timelimit; private final LdapFilter ldapFilter; private final Set returningAttributes; private boolean abandon; protected SearchRunnable(int currentMessageId, String dn, int scope, int sizeLimit, int timelimit, LdapFilter ldapFilter, Set returningAttributes) { this.currentMessageId = currentMessageId; this.dn = dn; this.scope = scope; this.sizeLimit = sizeLimit; this.timelimit = timelimit; this.ldapFilter = ldapFilter; this.returningAttributes = returningAttributes; } /** * Abandon search. */ protected void abandon() { abandon = true; } public void run() { try { int size = 0; DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH", currentMessageId, dn, scope, sizeLimit, timelimit, ldapFilter.toString(), returningAttributes)); if (scope == SCOPE_BASE_OBJECT) { if (dn != null && dn.length() == 0) { size = 1; sendRootDSE(currentMessageId); } else if (BASE_CONTEXT.equals(dn)) { size = 1; // root sendBaseContext(currentMessageId); } else if (dn != null && dn.startsWith("uid=") && dn.indexOf(',') > 0) { if (session != null) { // single user request String uid = dn.substring("uid=".length(), dn.indexOf(',')); Map persons = null; // first search in contact try { // check if this is a contact uid //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored Integer.parseInt(uid); persons = contactFind(session.isEqualTo("imapUid", uid), returningAttributes, sizeLimit); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // ignore, this is not a contact uid } // then in GAL if (persons == null || persons.isEmpty()) { persons = session.galFind(session.isEqualTo("imapUid", uid), convertLdapToContactReturningAttributes(returningAttributes), sizeLimit); ExchangeSession.Contact person = persons.get(uid.toLowerCase()); // filter out non exact results if (persons.size() > 1 || person == null) { persons = new HashMap(); if (person != null) { persons.put(uid.toLowerCase(), person); } } } size = persons.size(); sendPersons(currentMessageId, dn.substring(dn.indexOf(',')), persons, returningAttributes); } else { DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS_FORBIDDEN", currentMessageId, dn)); } } else { DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_INVALID_DN", currentMessageId, dn)); } } else if (COMPUTER_CONTEXT.equals(dn) || COMPUTER_CONTEXT_LION.equals(dn)) { size = 1; // computer context for iCal sendComputerContext(currentMessageId, returningAttributes); } else if ((BASE_CONTEXT.equalsIgnoreCase(dn) || OD_USER_CONTEXT.equalsIgnoreCase(dn)) || OD_USER_CONTEXT_LION.equalsIgnoreCase(dn)) { if (session != null) { Map persons = new HashMap(); if (ldapFilter.isFullSearch()) { // append personal contacts first for (ExchangeSession.Contact person : contactFind(null, returningAttributes, sizeLimit).values()) { persons.put(person.get("imapUid"), person); if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) { break; } } // full search for (char c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; c++) { if (!abandon && persons.size() < sizeLimit) { for (ExchangeSession.Contact person : session.galFind(session.startsWith("cn", String.valueOf(c)), convertLdapToContactReturningAttributes(returningAttributes), sizeLimit).values()) { persons.put(person.get("uid"), person); if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) { break; } } } if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) { break; } } } else { // append personal contacts first ExchangeSession.Condition filter = ldapFilter.getContactSearchFilter(); // if ldapfilter is not a full search and filter is null, // ignored all attribute filters => return empty results if (ldapFilter.isFullSearch() || filter != null) { for (ExchangeSession.Contact person : contactFind(filter, returningAttributes, sizeLimit).values()) { persons.put(person.get("imapUid"), person); if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) { break; } } if (!abandon && persons.size() < sizeLimit) { for (ExchangeSession.Contact person : ldapFilter.findInGAL(session, returningAttributes, sizeLimit - persons.size()).values()) { if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) { break; } persons.put(person.get("uid"), person); } } } } size = persons.size(); DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_FOUND_RESULTS", currentMessageId, size)); sendPersons(currentMessageId, ", " + dn, persons, returningAttributes); DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_END", currentMessageId)); } else { DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS_FORBIDDEN", currentMessageId, dn)); } } else if (dn != null && dn.length() > 0 && !OD_CONFIG_CONTEXT.equals(dn) && !OD_GROUP_CONTEXT.equals(dn)) { DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_INVALID_DN", currentMessageId, dn)); } // iCal: do not send LDAP_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED on apple-computer search by cn with sizelimit 1 if (size > 1 && size == sizeLimit) { DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED", currentMessageId)); sendClient(currentMessageId, LDAP_REP_RESULT, LDAP_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, ""); } else { DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_SUCCESS", currentMessageId)); sendClient(currentMessageId, LDAP_REP_RESULT, LDAP_SUCCESS, ""); } } catch (SocketException e) { // client closed connection LOGGER.warn(BundleMessage.formatLog("LOG_CLIENT_CLOSED_CONNECTION")); } catch (IOException e) { DavGatewayTray.log(e); try { sendErr(currentMessageId, LDAP_REP_RESULT, e); } catch (IOException e2) { DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_EXCEPTION_SENDING_ERROR_TO_CLIENT"), e2); } } finally { synchronized (searchThreadMap) { searchThreadMap.remove(currentMessageId); } } DavGatewayTray.resetIcon(); } /** * Search users in contacts folder * * @param condition search filter * @param returningAttributes requested attributes * @param maxCount maximum item count * @return List of users * @throws IOException on error */ public Map contactFind(ExchangeSession.Condition condition, Set returningAttributes, int maxCount) throws IOException { Map results = new HashMap(); Set contactReturningAttributes = convertLdapToContactReturningAttributes(returningAttributes); contactReturningAttributes.remove("apple-serviceslocator"); List contacts = session.searchContacts(ExchangeSession.CONTACTS, contactReturningAttributes, condition, maxCount); for (ExchangeSession.Contact contact : contacts) { // use imapUid as uid String imapUid = contact.get("imapUid"); if (imapUid != null) { results.put(imapUid, contact); } } return results; } /** * Convert to LDAP attributes and send entry * * @param currentMessageId current Message Id * @param baseContext request base context (BASE_CONTEXT or OD_BASE_CONTEXT) * @param persons persons Map * @param returningAttributes returning attributes * @throws IOException on error */ protected void sendPersons(int currentMessageId, String baseContext, Map persons, Set returningAttributes) throws IOException { boolean needObjectClasses = returningAttributes.contains("objectclass") || returningAttributes.isEmpty(); boolean returnAllAttributes = returningAttributes.isEmpty(); for (ExchangeSession.Contact person : persons.values()) { if (abandon) { break; } Map ldapPerson = new HashMap(); // convert Contact entries if (returnAllAttributes) { // just convert contact attributes to default ldap names for (Map.Entry entry : person.entrySet()) { String ldapAttribute = getLdapAttributeName(entry.getKey()); String value = entry.getValue(); if (value != null) { ldapPerson.put(ldapAttribute, value); } } } else { // always map uid ldapPerson.put("uid", person.get("imapUid")); // iterate over requested attributes for (String ldapAttribute : returningAttributes) { String contactAttribute = getContactAttributeName(ldapAttribute); String value = person.get(contactAttribute); if (value != null) { if (ldapAttribute.startsWith("birth")) { SimpleDateFormat parser = ExchangeSession.getZuluDateFormat(); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); try { calendar.setTime(parser.parse(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new IOException(e + " " + e.getMessage()); } if ("birthday".equals(ldapAttribute)) { value = String.valueOf(calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); } else if ("birthmonth".equals(ldapAttribute)) { value = String.valueOf(calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); } else if ("birthyear".equals(ldapAttribute)) { value = String.valueOf(calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)); } } ldapPerson.put(ldapAttribute, value); } } } // Process all attributes which have static mappings for (Map.Entry entry : STATIC_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.entrySet()) { String ldapAttribute = entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue(); if (value != null && (returnAllAttributes || returningAttributes.contains(ldapAttribute))) { ldapPerson.put(ldapAttribute, value); } } if (needObjectClasses) { ldapPerson.put("objectClass", PERSON_OBJECT_CLASSES); } // iCal: copy email to apple-generateduid, encode @ if (returnAllAttributes || returningAttributes.contains("apple-generateduid")) { String mail = (String) ldapPerson.get("mail"); if (mail != null) { ldapPerson.put("apple-generateduid", mail.replaceAll("@", "__AT__")); } else { // failover, should not happen ldapPerson.put("apple-generateduid", ldapPerson.get("uid")); } } // iCal: replace current user alias with login name if (session.getAlias().equals(ldapPerson.get("uid"))) { if (returningAttributes.contains("uidnumber")) { ldapPerson.put("uidnumber", userName); } } DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_SEND_PERSON", currentMessageId, ldapPerson.get("uid"), baseContext, ldapPerson)); sendEntry(currentMessageId, "uid=" + ldapPerson.get("uid") + baseContext, ldapPerson); } } } }