DavMail POP/IMAP/SMTP/Caldav/Carddav/LDAP Exchange Gateway - Getting started Mickael Guessant

In order to change DavMail settings, double click on the tray icon or right click on it and choose Settings...

The following table describes the main and advanced options :

Parameter Description Sample value
OWA url Outlook Web Access URL to access the exchange server, i.e. the base webmail URL
Note: use /owa/ path for Exchange 2007 or 2010, /exchange/ for older versions
Local POP port Local POP server port to configure in POP client 110
Local IMAP port Local IMAP server port to configure in IMAP client 143
Local SMTP port Local SMTP server port to configure in POP client 25
Local Caldav HTTP port Local Caldav server port to configure in Caldav (calendar) client 80
Local LDAP port Local LDAP server port to configure in directory (address book) client 389
Keep Delay (POP) Number of days to keep messages in Exchange trash folder before actual deletion, only for POP service 30
Sent Keep Delay (POP) Number of days to keep sent messages in Exchange sent folder, only for POP service 90
Calendar past events (Caldav) Get events in the past not older than specified days count, leave empty for no limits 90
IDLE folder monitor delay (IMAP): IMAP folder idle monitor delay in minutes, leave empty to disable IDLE support 1
Allow remote connections Allow remote connections to the gateway (server mode) false
Force Active Sync update Use double event update to trigger ActiveSync mobile phones sync false
IMAP auto expunge Delete messages immediately on the server over IMAP true
Enable EWS Enable EWS mode on Exchange 2010 or Exchange 2007 with Webdav disabled false
Display startup banner Whether to show the initial startup notification window or not true
Caldav alarm sound Convert Caldav alarm to sound alarm supported by iCal, e.g. Basso. Leave empty for no conversion Basso
Default domain Default windows domain name DOMAIN
Key store type To encrypt communication between client and DavMail, create a server certificate, choose key store type and set key store path JKS
Key store SSL certificate key store file path path/to/keystore
Key store password Key store password password
Key password SSL key password inside key store password
Client key store type When the Exchange server requires mutual authentication, choose client certificate key store type, PKCS11 for smartcard, PKCS12 or JKS for certificate file PKCS11
Client key store SSL client certificate key store file path path/to/keystore
Client key store password Client key store password, leave empty for runtime prompt password
PKCS11 library PKCS11 (smartcard) library path (.so or .dll) softokn3.dll
PKCS11 config Optional additional PKCS11 settings (slot, nssArgs, ...) slot=2
Bind Address Bind only to the specified network address
Server certificate hash Manually accepted server certificate hash, contains the SHA1 hash of a manually accepted certificate (invalid or self signed) 9F:CC:59:82:1F:C:CD:29:7C:70:F0:D8:37:B1:77:3F:48:84:AE:C4
Disable update check Disable DavMail check for new version false
Logging levels Default, DavMail and HttpClient logging levels, see Log4J documentation for more details WARN
Log file Path DavMail log file path (default is davmail.log in working directory on Unix and Windows, ~/Library/Logs/DavMail/davmail.log on OSX) davmail.log

Uncheck a port to disable matching service.

Activate panel under Proxy tab to set an HTTP proxy and associated credentials if needed

Proceed to Thunderbird mail setup or OSX iCal setup