Setup DavMail as a server Mickael Guessant

Prerequisite : Sun J2SE 1.5 or 1.6.

Davmail Gateway can now run in server mode as a gateway between the mail client and the Outlook Web Access (Exchange) server. In server mode Davmail can run on any Java supported platform. This is currently the only way to run DavMail on MacOS X due to poor Java support (no Java 6 yet). This mode was tested successfully with the Iphone and should work with any phone with POP/SMTP client.

Download the generic DavMail package from Sourceforge and uncompress it with your favorite tool, e.g. on Linux:unzip davmail-*.zip.

Prepare a file according to you local needs :

davmail.url=http://exchangeServer/exchange/ davmail.popPort=1110 davmail.smtpPort=1025 davmail.keepDelay=30 davmail.sentKeepDelay=90 davmail.caldavPastDelay=90 davmail.enableProxy=false davmail.proxyHost= davmail.proxyPort= davmail.proxyUser= davmail.proxyPassword= davmail.server=true davmail.bindAddress= davmail.allowRemote=true davmail.server.certificate.hash= davmail.disableUpdateCheck=false log4j.rootLogger=WARN log4j.logger.davmail=DEBUG log4j.logger.httpclient.wire=WARN

See Getting started for more information on the options. Make sure davmail.server is set to true (no icon tray) and allow remote connections: davmail.allowRemote=true.

Launch Davmail with the following command: nohup &.

Then check messages: tail -f nohup.out

Prerequisites : Sun J2SE 1.5 or 1.6 and any JEE compliant web container

Davmail Gateway can now be deployed in any JEE application server using the war package. In this mode, DavMail listener threads run inside the application server and follow the web application lifecycle (start, stop, deploy, undeploy). The following items describe Tomcat deployment, details will vary according to the specific application server available.

Download the war DavMail package from Sourceforge davmail-*.war, and deploy it inside the application server. In Tomcat, this means copy the war file to the webapps directory. If Tomcat is started and automatic deployment enabled (this is the default configuration), the package is automatically uncompressed and started.

The configuration file is then available under davmail-*/WEB-INF/classes.

See above and Getting started for more information on the options. Make sure davmail.server is set to true (no icon tray) and allow remote connections: davmail.allowRemote=true.