package davmail.ldap; import com.sun.jndi.ldap.Ber; import com.sun.jndi.ldap.BerDecoder; import com.sun.jndi.ldap.BerEncoder; import davmail.AbstractConnection; import; import davmail.tray.DavGatewayTray; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.List; import java.util.HashMap; /** * Handle a caldav connection. */ public class LdapConnection extends AbstractConnection { static final int LDAP_VERSION2 = 0x02; static final int LDAP_VERSION3 = 0x03; // LDAPv3 static final int LDAP_OTHER = 80; static final int LDAP_REQ_BIND = 0x60; static final int LDAP_REQ_SEARCH = 99; static final int LDAP_REP_BIND = 0x61; static final int LDAP_REP_SEARCH = 0x64; static final int LDAP_REP_RESULT = 0x65; static final int LDAP_SUCCESS = 0; static final int LDAP_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 4; static final int LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS = 49; static final int LDAP_FILTER_OR = 0xa1; static final int LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS = 0xa4; static final int LDAP_FILTER_GE = 0xa5; static final int LDAP_FILTER_LE = 0xa6; static final int LDAP_FILTER_PRESENT = 0x87; static final int LDAP_FILTER_APPROX = 0xa8; static final int LDAP_SUBSTRING_INITIAL = 0x80; static final int LDAP_SUBSTRING_ANY = 0x81; static final int LDAP_SUBSTRING_FINAL = 0x82; static final int LBER_ENUMERATED = 0x0a; static final int LBER_SET = 0x31; static final int LBER_SEQUENCE = 0x30; static final int LDAP_REQ_UNBIND = 0x42; static final int SCOPE_BASE_OBJECT = 0; static final int SCOPE_ONE_LEVEL = 1; static final int SCOPE_SUBTREE = 2; protected InputStream is; // Initialize the streams and start the thread public LdapConnection(String name, Socket clientSocket) { super(name + "-" + clientSocket.getPort(), clientSocket); try { is = new BufferedInputStream(client.getInputStream()); os = new BufferedOutputStream(client.getOutputStream()); } catch (IOException e) { close(); DavGatewayTray.error("Exception while getting socket streams", e); } } public void run() { byte inbuf[] = new byte[2048]; // Buffer for reading incoming bytes int inMsgId = 0; // Message id of incoming response int bytesread; // Number of bytes in inbuf int bytesleft; // Number of bytes that need to read for completing resp int br; // Temp; number of bytes read from stream int offset; // Offset of where to store bytes in inbuf int seqlen; // Length of ASN sequence int seqlenlen; // Number of sequence length bytes int operation = 0; boolean eos; // End of stream BerDecoder reqBer; // Decoder for ASN.1 BER data from inbuf try { while (true) { offset = 0; seqlen = 0; seqlenlen = 0; // check that it is the beginning of a sequence bytesread =, offset, 1); if (bytesread < 0) { break; // EOF } if (inbuf[offset++] != (Ber.ASN_SEQUENCE | Ber.ASN_CONSTRUCTOR)) continue; // get length of sequence bytesread =, offset, 1); if (bytesread < 0) break; // EOF seqlen = inbuf[offset++]; // if high bit is on, length is encoded in the // subsequent length bytes and the number of length bytes // is equal to & 0x80 (i.e. length byte with high bit off). if ((seqlen & 0x80) == 0x80) { seqlenlen = seqlen & 0x7f; // number of length bytes bytesread = 0; eos = false; // Read all length bytes while (bytesread < seqlenlen) { br =, offset + bytesread, seqlenlen - bytesread); if (br < 0) { eos = true; break; // EOF } bytesread += br; } // end-of-stream reached before length bytes are read if (eos) break; // EOF // Add contents of length bytes to determine length seqlen = 0; for (int i = 0; i < seqlenlen; i++) { seqlen = (seqlen << 8) + (inbuf[offset + i] & 0xff); } offset += bytesread; } // read in seqlen bytes bytesleft = seqlen; if ((offset + bytesleft) > inbuf.length) { byte nbuf[] = new byte[offset + bytesleft]; System.arraycopy(inbuf, 0, nbuf, 0, offset); inbuf = nbuf; } while (bytesleft > 0) { bytesread =, offset, bytesleft); if (bytesread < 0) break; // EOF offset += bytesread; bytesleft -= bytesread; } reqBer = new BerDecoder(inbuf, 0, offset); reqBer.parseSeq(null); inMsgId = reqBer.parseInt(); operation = reqBer.parseSeq(null); Ber.dumpBER(System.out, "request\n", inbuf, 0, offset); if (operation == LDAP_REQ_BIND) { int ldapVersion = reqBer.parseInt(); String userName = reqBer.parseString(ldapVersion == LDAP_VERSION3); String password = reqBer.parseStringWithTag(0x80, ldapVersion == LDAP_VERSION3, null); if (userName.length() > 0 && password.length() > 0) { try { session = ExchangeSessionFactory.getInstance(userName, password); sendClient(inMsgId, LDAP_REP_BIND, LDAP_SUCCESS, ""); } catch (IOException e) { sendClient(inMsgId, LDAP_REP_BIND, LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS, ""); } } else { // anonymous bind sendClient(inMsgId, LDAP_REP_BIND, LDAP_SUCCESS, ""); } } else if (operation == LDAP_REQ_UNBIND) { if (session != null) { ExchangeSessionFactory.close(session); session = null; } } else if (operation == LDAP_REQ_SEARCH) { String dn = reqBer.parseString(true); int scope = reqBer.parseEnumeration(); int deref = reqBer.parseEnumeration(); int sizeLimit = reqBer.parseInt(); if (sizeLimit > 100 || sizeLimit == 0) { sizeLimit = 100; } int timelimit = reqBer.parseInt(); boolean attrsOnly = reqBer.parseBoolean(); int size = 0; BerEncoder retBer = new BerEncoder(2048); if (scope == SCOPE_BASE_OBJECT) { if ("".equals(dn)) { // Root DSE size = 1; // root retBer.beginSeq(Ber.ASN_SEQUENCE | Ber.ASN_CONSTRUCTOR); retBer.encodeInt(inMsgId); retBer.beginSeq(LDAP_REP_SEARCH); retBer.encodeString("Root DSE", true); retBer.beginSeq(LBER_SEQUENCE); retBer.beginSeq(LBER_SEQUENCE); retBer.encodeString("namingContexts", true); retBer.beginSeq(LBER_SET); retBer.encodeString("ou=people", true); retBer.endSeq(); retBer.endSeq(); retBer.endSeq(); retBer.endSeq(); retBer.endSeq(); } if ("ou=people".equals(dn)) { size = 1; // root retBer.beginSeq(Ber.ASN_SEQUENCE | Ber.ASN_CONSTRUCTOR); retBer.encodeInt(inMsgId); retBer.beginSeq(LDAP_REP_SEARCH); retBer.encodeString("ou=people", true); retBer.beginSeq(LBER_SEQUENCE); retBer.beginSeq(LBER_SEQUENCE); retBer.encodeString("description", true); retBer.beginSeq(LBER_SET); retBer.encodeString("people", true); retBer.endSeq(); retBer.endSeq(); retBer.endSeq(); retBer.endSeq(); retBer.endSeq(); } else if (dn.startsWith("uid=") && session != null) { String uid = dn.substring(4, dn.indexOf(',')); Map> persons = session.galFind("AN", uid); size = persons.size(); // TODO refactor for (Map person : persons.values()) { HashMap ATTRIBUTE_MAP = new HashMap(); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("uid", "AN"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("mail", "EM"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("displayName", "DN"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("telephoneNumber", "PH"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("l", "OFFICE"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("company", "CP"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("title", "TL"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("cn", "DN"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("givenName", "first"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("initials", "initials"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("sn", "last"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("street", "street"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("st", "state"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("postalCode", "zip"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("c", "country"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("departement", "department"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("mobile", "mobile"); Map ldapPerson = new HashMap(); for (Map.Entry entry : ATTRIBUTE_MAP.entrySet()) { String ldapAttribute = entry.getKey(); String exchangeAttribute = entry.getValue(); String value = person.get(exchangeAttribute); if (value != null) { ldapPerson.put(ldapAttribute, value); } } retBer.beginSeq(Ber.ASN_SEQUENCE | Ber.ASN_CONSTRUCTOR); retBer.encodeInt(inMsgId); retBer.beginSeq(LDAP_REP_SEARCH); retBer.encodeString("uid=" + ldapPerson.get("uid") + ",ou=people", true); retBer.beginSeq(LBER_SEQUENCE); for (Map.Entry entry : ldapPerson.entrySet()) { retBer.beginSeq(LBER_SEQUENCE); retBer.encodeString(entry.getKey(), true); retBer.beginSeq(LBER_SET); retBer.encodeString(entry.getValue(), true); retBer.endSeq(); retBer.endSeq(); } retBer.endSeq(); retBer.endSeq(); retBer.endSeq(); } //end TODO } } else if ("ou=people".equals(dn) && session != null) { // filter Map criteria = new HashMap(); try { int[] seqSize = new int[1]; int ldapFilterType = reqBer.parseSeq(seqSize); int end = reqBer.getParsePosition() + seqSize[0]; if (ldapFilterType == LDAP_FILTER_OR) { System.out.print("(|"); while (reqBer.getParsePosition() < end && reqBer.bytesLeft() > 0) { int ldapFilterOperator = reqBer.parseSeq(null); if (ldapFilterOperator == LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS) { String attributeName = reqBer.parseString(true).toLowerCase(); /*LBER_SEQUENCE*/ reqBer.parseSeq(null); int ldapFilterMode = reqBer.peekByte(); String value = reqBer.parseStringWithTag(ldapFilterMode, true, null); if (ldapFilterMode == LDAP_SUBSTRING_ANY) { System.out.print("(" + attributeName + "=*" + value + "*)"); } else if (ldapFilterMode == LDAP_SUBSTRING_INITIAL) { System.out.print("(" + attributeName + "=" + value + "*)"); } else if (ldapFilterMode == LDAP_SUBSTRING_FINAL) { System.out.print("(" + attributeName + "=*" + value + ")"); } criteria.put(attributeName, value); } } System.out.println(")"); // simple filter } else if (ldapFilterType == LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS) { // TODO refactor String attributeName = reqBer.parseString(true).toLowerCase(); /*LBER_SEQUENCE*/ reqBer.parseSeq(null); int ldapFilterMode = reqBer.peekByte(); String value = reqBer.parseStringWithTag(ldapFilterMode, true, null); if (ldapFilterMode == LDAP_SUBSTRING_ANY) { System.out.print("(" + attributeName + "=*" + value + "*)"); } else if (ldapFilterMode == LDAP_SUBSTRING_INITIAL) { System.out.print("(" + attributeName + "=" + value + "*)"); } else if (ldapFilterMode == LDAP_SUBSTRING_FINAL) { System.out.print("(" + attributeName + "=*" + value + ")"); } criteria.put(attributeName, value); } } catch (Exception e) { // unsupported filter System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } Map> persons = new HashMap>(); if (criteria.size() > 0) { if (criteria.containsKey("displayname")) { for (Map person : session.galFind("DN", criteria.get("displayname")).values()) { persons.put(person.get("AN"), person); if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) { break; } } } else if (criteria.containsKey("cn")) { for (Map person : session.galFind("DN", criteria.get("cn")).values()) { persons.put(person.get("AN"), person); if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) { break; } } } if (criteria.containsKey("givenname") && persons.size() < sizeLimit) { for (Map person : session.galFind("FN", criteria.get("givenname")).values()) { persons.put(person.get("AN"), person); if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) { break; } } } if (criteria.containsKey("sn") && persons.size() < sizeLimit) { for (Map person : session.galFind("LN", criteria.get("sn")).values()) { persons.put(person.get("AN"), person); if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) { break; } } } if (criteria.containsKey("title") && persons.size() < sizeLimit) { for (Map person : session.galFind("TL", criteria.get("title")).values()) { persons.put(person.get("AN"), person); if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) { break; } } } if (criteria.containsKey("company") && persons.size() < sizeLimit) { for (Map person : session.galFind("CP", criteria.get("company")).values()) { persons.put(person.get("AN"), person); if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) { break; } } } if (criteria.containsKey("o") && persons.size() < sizeLimit) { for (Map person : session.galFind("CP", criteria.get("o")).values()) { persons.put(person.get("AN"), person); if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) { break; } } } if (criteria.containsKey("department") && persons.size() < sizeLimit) { for (Map person : session.galFind("DP", criteria.get("department")).values()) { persons.put(person.get("AN"), person); if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) { break; } } } if (criteria.containsKey("l") && persons.size() < sizeLimit) { for (Map person : session.galFind("OF", criteria.get("l")).values()) { persons.put(person.get("AN"), person); if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) { break; } } } if (criteria.containsKey("l") && persons.size() < sizeLimit) { for (Map person : session.galFind("OF", criteria.get("l")).values()) { persons.put(person.get("AN"), person); if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) { break; } } } } else { // full list for (char c = 'A'; c < 'Z'; c++) { if (persons.size() < sizeLimit) { for (Map person : session.galFind("AN", String.valueOf(c)).values()) { persons.put(person.get("AN"), person); if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) { break; } } } if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) { break; } } } size = persons.size(); for (Map person : persons.values()) { HashMap ATTRIBUTE_MAP = new HashMap(); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("AN", "uid"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("EM", "mail"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("DN", "displayName"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("PH", "telephoneNumber"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("OFFICE", "l"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("CP", "company"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("TL", "title"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("first", "givenName"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("initials", "initials"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("last", "sn"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("street", "street"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("state", "st"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("zip", "postalCode"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("country", "c"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("departement", "department"); ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("mobile", "mobile"); Map ldapPerson = new HashMap(); for (Map.Entry entry : person.entrySet()) { String ldapAttribute = ATTRIBUTE_MAP.get(entry.getKey()); if (ldapAttribute != null) { ldapPerson.put(ldapAttribute, entry.getValue()); } } retBer.beginSeq(Ber.ASN_SEQUENCE | Ber.ASN_CONSTRUCTOR); retBer.encodeInt(inMsgId); retBer.beginSeq(LDAP_REP_SEARCH); retBer.encodeString("uid=" + ldapPerson.get("uid") + ",ou=people", true); retBer.beginSeq(LBER_SEQUENCE); for (Map.Entry entry : ldapPerson.entrySet()) { retBer.beginSeq(LBER_SEQUENCE); retBer.encodeString(entry.getKey(), true); retBer.beginSeq(LBER_SET); retBer.encodeString(entry.getValue(), true); retBer.endSeq(); retBer.endSeq(); } retBer.endSeq(); retBer.endSeq(); retBer.endSeq(); } } Ber.dumpBER(System.out, "response\n", retBer.getBuf(), 0, retBer.getDataLen()); os.write(retBer.getBuf(), 0, retBer.getDataLen()); os.flush(); if (size == sizeLimit) { sendClient(inMsgId, LDAP_REP_RESULT, LDAP_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, ""); } else { sendClient(inMsgId, LDAP_REP_RESULT, LDAP_SUCCESS, ""); } } else { sendClient(inMsgId, 0, LDAP_OTHER, "Unsupported operation"); } } } catch (IOException e) { DavGatewayTray.error(e); try { sendErr(inMsgId, operation, e); } catch (IOException e2) { DavGatewayTray.debug("Exception sending error to client", e2); } } finally { close(); } DavGatewayTray.resetIcon(); } public void sendErr(int inMsgId, int operation, Exception e) throws IOException { String message = e.getMessage(); if (message == null) { message = e.toString(); } sendClient(inMsgId, operation, LDAP_OTHER, message); } public void sendClient(int inMsgId, int operation, int status, String message) throws IOException { BerEncoder retBer = new BerEncoder(2048); retBer.beginSeq(Ber.ASN_SEQUENCE | Ber.ASN_CONSTRUCTOR); retBer.encodeInt(inMsgId); retBer.beginSeq(operation); retBer.encodeInt(status, LBER_ENUMERATED); // dn retBer.encodeString("", true); // error message retBer.encodeString(message, true); retBer.endSeq(); retBer.endSeq(); os.write(retBer.getBuf(), 0, retBer.getDataLen()); os.flush(); } }