LDAP: run searches in separate threads to implement ABANDON, will make searches faster with some clients (Evolution and OSX address book)

git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/davmail/code/trunk@799 3d1905a2-6b24-0410-a738-b14d5a86fcbd
This commit is contained in:
mguessan 2009-10-29 10:20:23 +00:00
parent 3688d11ac7
commit 51c843de93
1 changed files with 322 additions and 250 deletions

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@ -332,6 +332,11 @@ public class LdapConnection extends AbstractConnection {
int ldapVersion = LDAP_VERSION3;
* Search threads map
protected final HashMap<Integer, SearchThread> searchThreadMap = new HashMap<Integer, SearchThread>();
* Initialize the streams and start the thread.
@ -502,129 +507,30 @@ public class LdapConnection extends AbstractConnection {
LdapFilter ldapFilter = parseFilter(reqBer);
Set<String> returningAttributes = parseReturningAttributes(reqBer);
// launch search in a separate thread
SearchThread searchThread = new SearchThread(getName(), currentMessageId, dn, scope, sizeLimit, timelimit, ldapFilter, returningAttributes);
synchronized (searchThreadMap) {
searchThreadMap.put(currentMessageId, searchThread);
int size = 0;
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH", currentMessageId, dn, scope, sizeLimit, timelimit, ldapFilter.toString(), returningAttributes));
if (scope == SCOPE_BASE_OBJECT) {
if ("".equals(dn)) {
size = 1;
} else if (BASE_CONTEXT.equals(dn)) {
size = 1;
// root
} else if (dn.startsWith("uid=") && dn.indexOf(',') > 0) {
if (session != null) {
// single user request
String uid = dn.substring("uid=".length(), dn.indexOf(','));
// first search in contact
Map<String, Map<String, String>> persons = session.contactFindByUid(uid);
// then in GAL
if (persons.isEmpty()) {
persons = session.galFind("AN", uid);
Map<String, String> person = persons.get(uid.toLowerCase());
// filter out non exact results
if (persons.size() > 1 || person == null) {
persons = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
if (person != null) {
persons.put(uid.toLowerCase(), person);
size = persons.size();
sendPersons(currentMessageId, dn.substring(dn.indexOf(',')), persons, returningAttributes);
} else {
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS_FORBIDDEN", currentMessageId, dn));
} else {
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_INVALID_DN", currentMessageId, dn));
} else if (COMPUTER_CONTEXT.equals(dn)) {
size = 1;
// computer context for iCal
sendComputerContext(currentMessageId, returningAttributes);
} else if ((BASE_CONTEXT.equalsIgnoreCase(dn) || OD_USER_CONTEXT.equalsIgnoreCase(dn))) {
if (session != null) {
Map<String, Map<String, String>> persons = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
if (ldapFilter.isFullSearch()) {
// append personal contacts first
for (Map<String, String> person : session.contactFind(null).values()) {
persons.put(person.get("uid"), person);
if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) {
// full search
for (char c = 'A'; c < 'Z'; c++) {
if (persons.size() < sizeLimit) {
for (Map<String, String> person : session.galFind("AN", String.valueOf(c)).values()) {
persons.put(person.get("AN"), person);
if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) {
if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) {
} else {
// append personal contacts first
String filter = ldapFilter.getContactSearchFilter();
// if ldapfilter is not a full search and filter is null,
// ignored all attribute filters => return empty results
if (ldapFilter.isFullSearch() || filter != null) {
for (Map<String, String> person : session.contactFind(filter).values()) {
persons.put(person.get("uid"), person);
if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) {
for (Map<String, String> person : ldapFilter.findInGAL(session).values()) {
if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) {
persons.put(person.get("AN"), person);
size = persons.size();
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_FOUND_RESULTS", currentMessageId, size));
sendPersons(currentMessageId, ", " + dn, persons, returningAttributes);
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_END", currentMessageId));
} else {
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS_FORBIDDEN", currentMessageId, dn));
} else if (dn != null && dn.length() > 0) {
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_INVALID_DN", currentMessageId, dn));
// iCal: do not send LDAP_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED on apple-computer search by cn with sizelimit 1
if (size > 1 && size == sizeLimit) {
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED", currentMessageId));
sendClient(currentMessageId, LDAP_REP_RESULT, LDAP_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, "");
} else {
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_SUCCESS", currentMessageId));
sendClient(currentMessageId, LDAP_REP_RESULT, LDAP_SUCCESS, "");
} else if (requestOperation == LDAP_REQ_ABANDON) {
int canceledMessageId = 0;
int abandonMessageId = 0;
try {
canceledMessageId = (Integer) PARSE_INT_WITH_TAG_METHOD.invoke(reqBer, LDAP_REQ_ABANDON);
abandonMessageId = (Integer) PARSE_INT_WITH_TAG_METHOD.invoke(reqBer, LDAP_REQ_ABANDON);
synchronized (searchThreadMap) {
SearchThread searchThread = searchThreadMap.get(abandonMessageId);
if (searchThread != null) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_ABANDON_SEARCH", currentMessageId, canceledMessageId));
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_ABANDON_SEARCH", currentMessageId, abandonMessageId));
} else {
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", requestOperation));
sendClient(currentMessageId, LDAP_REP_RESULT, LDAP_OTHER, "Unsupported operation");
@ -726,121 +632,6 @@ public class LdapConnection extends AbstractConnection {
return returningAttributes;
* Convert to LDAP attributes and send entry
* @param currentMessageId current Message Id
* @param baseContext request base context (BASE_CONTEXT or OD_BASE_CONTEXT)
* @param persons persons Map
* @param returningAttributes returning attributes
* @throws IOException on error
protected void sendPersons(int currentMessageId, String baseContext, Map<String, Map<String, String>> persons, Set<String> returningAttributes) throws IOException {
boolean needObjectClasses = returningAttributes.contains("objectclass") || returningAttributes.isEmpty();
boolean iCalSearch = returningAttributes.contains("apple-serviceslocator");
boolean returnAllAttributes = returningAttributes.isEmpty();
boolean needDetails = returnAllAttributes;
if (!needDetails) {
for (String attributeName : EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES) {
if (returningAttributes.contains(attributeName)) {
needDetails = true;
// iCal search, do not lookup details
if (iCalSearch) {
needDetails = false;
for (Map<String, String> person : persons.values()) {
Map<String, Object> ldapPerson = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// convert GAL entries
if (person.get("AN") != null) {
// add detailed information, only for GAL entries
if (needDetails) {
// Process all attributes that are mapped from exchange
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : ATTRIBUTE_MAP.entrySet()) {
String ldapAttribute = entry.getKey();
String exchangeAttribute = entry.getValue();
String value = person.get(exchangeAttribute);
// contactFind return ldap attributes directly
if (value == null) {
value = person.get(ldapAttribute);
if (value != null
&& (returnAllAttributes || returningAttributes.contains(ldapAttribute.toLowerCase()))) {
ldapPerson.put(ldapAttribute, value);
// iCal fix to suit both iCal 3 and 4: move cn to sn, remove cn
if (iCalSearch && ldapPerson.get("cn") != null && returningAttributes.contains("sn")) {
ldapPerson.put("sn", ldapPerson.get("cn"));
} else {
// convert Contact entries
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : person.entrySet()) {
String contactAttribute = entry.getKey();
// get converted attribute name
String ldapAttribute = CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.get(contactAttribute);
// no conversion, use exchange attribute name
if (ldapAttribute == null) {
ldapAttribute = contactAttribute;
String value = entry.getValue();
if (value != null
&& (returnAllAttributes || returningAttributes.contains(ldapAttribute.toLowerCase()))) {
ldapPerson.put(ldapAttribute, value);
// Process all attributes which have static mappings
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : STATIC_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.entrySet()) {
String ldapAttribute = entry.getKey();
String value = entry.getValue();
if (value != null
&& (returnAllAttributes || returningAttributes.contains(ldapAttribute.toLowerCase()))) {
ldapPerson.put(ldapAttribute, value);
if (needObjectClasses) {
ldapPerson.put("objectClass", PERSON_OBJECT_CLASSES);
// iCal: copy email to apple-generateduid, encode @
if (returnAllAttributes || returningAttributes.contains("apple-generateduid")) {
String mail = (String) ldapPerson.get("mail");
if (mail != null) {
ldapPerson.put("apple-generateduid", mail.replaceAll("@", "__AT__"));
} else {
// failover, should not happen
ldapPerson.put("apple-generateduid", ldapPerson.get("uid"));
// iCal: replace current user alias with login name
if (session.getAlias().equals(ldapPerson.get("uid"))) {
if (returningAttributes.contains("uidnumber")) {
ldapPerson.put("uidnumber", userName);
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_SEND_PERSON", currentMessageId, ldapPerson.get("uid"), baseContext, ldapPerson));
sendEntry(currentMessageId, "uid=" + ldapPerson.get("uid") + baseContext, ldapPerson);
* Send Root DSE
@ -917,6 +708,8 @@ public class LdapConnection extends AbstractConnection {
protected void sendEntry(int currentMessageId, String dn, Map<String, Object> attributes) throws IOException {
// synchronize on responseBer
synchronized (responseBer) {
responseBer.beginSeq(Ber.ASN_SEQUENCE | Ber.ASN_CONSTRUCTOR);
@ -945,6 +738,7 @@ public class LdapConnection extends AbstractConnection {
protected void sendErr(int currentMessageId, int responseOperation, Exception e) throws IOException {
String message = e.getMessage();
@ -1329,4 +1123,282 @@ public class LdapConnection extends AbstractConnection {
protected class SearchThread extends Thread {
private final int currentMessageId;
private final String dn;
private final int scope;
private final int sizeLimit;
private final int timelimit;
private final LdapFilter ldapFilter;
private final Set<String> returningAttributes;
private boolean abandon;
protected SearchThread(String threadName, int currentMessageId, String dn, int scope, int sizeLimit, int timelimit, LdapFilter ldapFilter, Set<String> returningAttributes) {
super(threadName + "-Search-" + currentMessageId);
this.currentMessageId = currentMessageId;
this.dn = dn;
this.scope = scope;
this.sizeLimit = sizeLimit;
this.timelimit = timelimit;
this.ldapFilter = ldapFilter;
this.returningAttributes = returningAttributes;
* Abandon search.
protected void abandon() {
abandon = true;
public void run() {
try {
int size = 0;
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH", currentMessageId, dn, scope, sizeLimit, timelimit, ldapFilter.toString(), returningAttributes));
if (scope == SCOPE_BASE_OBJECT) {
if ("".equals(dn)) {
size = 1;
} else if (BASE_CONTEXT.equals(dn)) {
size = 1;
// root
} else if (dn.startsWith("uid=") && dn.indexOf(',') > 0) {
if (session != null) {
// single user request
String uid = dn.substring("uid=".length(), dn.indexOf(','));
// first search in contact
Map<String, Map<String, String>> persons = session.contactFindByUid(uid);
// then in GAL
if (persons.isEmpty()) {
persons = session.galFind("AN", uid);
Map<String, String> person = persons.get(uid.toLowerCase());
// filter out non exact results
if (persons.size() > 1 || person == null) {
persons = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
if (person != null) {
persons.put(uid.toLowerCase(), person);
size = persons.size();
sendPersons(currentMessageId, dn.substring(dn.indexOf(',')), persons, returningAttributes);
} else {
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS_FORBIDDEN", currentMessageId, dn));
} else {
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_INVALID_DN", currentMessageId, dn));
} else if (COMPUTER_CONTEXT.equals(dn)) {
size = 1;
// computer context for iCal
sendComputerContext(currentMessageId, returningAttributes);
} else if ((BASE_CONTEXT.equalsIgnoreCase(dn) || OD_USER_CONTEXT.equalsIgnoreCase(dn))) {
if (session != null) {
Map<String, Map<String, String>> persons = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
if (ldapFilter.isFullSearch()) {
// append personal contacts first
for (Map<String, String> person : session.contactFind(null).values()) {
persons.put(person.get("uid"), person);
if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) {
// full search
for (char c = 'A'; c < 'Z'; c++) {
if (!abandon && persons.size() < sizeLimit) {
for (Map<String, String> person : session.galFind("AN", String.valueOf(c)).values()) {
persons.put(person.get("AN"), person);
if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) {
if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) {
} else {
// append personal contacts first
String filter = ldapFilter.getContactSearchFilter();
// if ldapfilter is not a full search and filter is null,
// ignored all attribute filters => return empty results
if (ldapFilter.isFullSearch() || filter != null) {
for (Map<String, String> person : session.contactFind(filter).values()) {
persons.put(person.get("uid"), person);
if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) {
if (!abandon && persons.size() < sizeLimit) {
for (Map<String, String> person : ldapFilter.findInGAL(session).values()) {
if (persons.size() == sizeLimit) {
persons.put(person.get("AN"), person);
size = persons.size();
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_FOUND_RESULTS", currentMessageId, size));
sendPersons(currentMessageId, ", " + dn, persons, returningAttributes);
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_END", currentMessageId));
} else {
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS_FORBIDDEN", currentMessageId, dn));
} else if (dn != null && dn.length() > 0) {
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_INVALID_DN", currentMessageId, dn));
// iCal: do not send LDAP_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED on apple-computer search by cn with sizelimit 1
if (size > 1 && size == sizeLimit) {
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED", currentMessageId));
sendClient(currentMessageId, LDAP_REP_RESULT, LDAP_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, "");
} else {
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_SUCCESS", currentMessageId));
sendClient(currentMessageId, LDAP_REP_RESULT, LDAP_SUCCESS, "");
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
sendErr(currentMessageId, LDAP_REP_RESULT, e);
} catch (IOException e2) {
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_EXCEPTION_SENDING_ERROR_TO_CLIENT"), e2);
} finally {
synchronized (searchThreadMap) {
* Convert to LDAP attributes and send entry
* @param currentMessageId current Message Id
* @param baseContext request base context (BASE_CONTEXT or OD_BASE_CONTEXT)
* @param persons persons Map
* @param returningAttributes returning attributes
* @throws IOException on error
protected void sendPersons(int currentMessageId, String baseContext, Map<String, Map<String, String>> persons, Set<String> returningAttributes) throws IOException {
boolean needObjectClasses = returningAttributes.contains("objectclass") || returningAttributes.isEmpty();
boolean iCalSearch = returningAttributes.contains("apple-serviceslocator");
boolean returnAllAttributes = returningAttributes.isEmpty();
boolean needDetails = returnAllAttributes;
if (!needDetails) {
for (String attributeName : EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES) {
if (returningAttributes.contains(attributeName)) {
needDetails = true;
// iCal search, do not lookup details
if (iCalSearch) {
needDetails = false;
for (Map<String, String> person : persons.values()) {
if (abandon) {
Map<String, Object> ldapPerson = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// convert GAL entries
if (person.get("AN") != null) {
// add detailed information, only for GAL entries
if (needDetails) {
// Process all attributes that are mapped from exchange
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : ATTRIBUTE_MAP.entrySet()) {
String ldapAttribute = entry.getKey();
String exchangeAttribute = entry.getValue();
String value = person.get(exchangeAttribute);
// contactFind return ldap attributes directly
if (value == null) {
value = person.get(ldapAttribute);
if (value != null
&& (returnAllAttributes || returningAttributes.contains(ldapAttribute.toLowerCase()))) {
ldapPerson.put(ldapAttribute, value);
// iCal fix to suit both iCal 3 and 4: move cn to sn, remove cn
if (iCalSearch && ldapPerson.get("cn") != null && returningAttributes.contains("sn")) {
ldapPerson.put("sn", ldapPerson.get("cn"));
} else {
// convert Contact entries
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : person.entrySet()) {
String contactAttribute = entry.getKey();
// get converted attribute name
String ldapAttribute = CONTACT_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.get(contactAttribute);
// no conversion, use exchange attribute name
if (ldapAttribute == null) {
ldapAttribute = contactAttribute;
String value = entry.getValue();
if (value != null
&& (returnAllAttributes || returningAttributes.contains(ldapAttribute.toLowerCase()))) {
ldapPerson.put(ldapAttribute, value);
// Process all attributes which have static mappings
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : STATIC_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.entrySet()) {
String ldapAttribute = entry.getKey();
String value = entry.getValue();
if (value != null
&& (returnAllAttributes || returningAttributes.contains(ldapAttribute.toLowerCase()))) {
ldapPerson.put(ldapAttribute, value);
if (needObjectClasses) {
ldapPerson.put("objectClass", PERSON_OBJECT_CLASSES);
// iCal: copy email to apple-generateduid, encode @
if (returnAllAttributes || returningAttributes.contains("apple-generateduid")) {
String mail = (String) ldapPerson.get("mail");
if (mail != null) {
ldapPerson.put("apple-generateduid", mail.replaceAll("@", "__AT__"));
} else {
// failover, should not happen
ldapPerson.put("apple-generateduid", ldapPerson.get("uid"));
// iCal: replace current user alias with login name
if (session.getAlias().equals(ldapPerson.get("uid"))) {
if (returningAttributes.contains("uidnumber")) {
ldapPerson.put("uidnumber", userName);
DavGatewayTray.debug(new BundleMessage("LOG_LDAP_REQ_SEARCH_SEND_PERSON", currentMessageId, ldapPerson.get("uid"), baseContext, ldapPerson));
sendEntry(currentMessageId, "uid=" + ldapPerson.get("uid") + baseContext, ldapPerson);