mirror of https://github.com/moparisthebest/davmail synced 2025-03-05 11:49:46 -05:00

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** DavMail 3.4.0 released **
This release includes iPhone 3 Caldav support, upgrade to SWT 3.5,
Palm Pre IMAP fixes, improved shared/public calendar support
and a lot of bug fixes.
- Doc: Code cleanup and improve javadoc
- Doc: Update doc
- Doc: Upgrade maven site plugin and improve style
- Doc: Update maven pom inceptionYear
- Bug: Do not try to set Nimbus Look And Feel on Linux with Gtk
- Remove NTLM authentication, breaks Basic authentication (missing domain in username)
- Set NTLM as last authentication scheme
- Experimental: reenable NTLM authentication
- Upgrade SWT to 3.5
- Use getFolderPath in getSubFolders
- Make API more consistent: createMessage must get a folder path, not URL
- Enhancement: Patch 2826966 from Eivind Tagseth, Make davmail.sh work from any location
- IMAP: Need to reset index for Palm pre
- IMAP: case insensitive search operators
- IMAP: Fix bug 2835529, implement SEARCH ALL SINCE for Palm Pre
- Caldav: improve error handling, 440 means 403 forbidden on Exchange
- Caldav: Fix shared calendar support for Lightning
- Caldav: additional patch for Outlook created recurring events
- Caldav: set X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS according to TRANSP field
- Caldav: implement a timezone translation table for iPhone 3, revert organizer patch (breaks notifications with Lightning)
- Caldav: another iPhone fix, remove organizer line if user is organizer
- Caldav: generic timezone patch for iPhone 3
- Caldav: remove empty ics properties
- Caldav: Remove calendar-proxy, only used for delegate calendars
- Caldav: try to improve responses for iCal
- Caldav: fix bug 2833044 Event not found error on dismissing reminders with events created in Outlook with a plus sign in subject
- Caldav: Experimental, add calendar-proxy DAV option and version in server header
- Caldav: Add missing allow OPTIONS header
- Caldav: improve public (shared) calendar support, accept calendars at any depth
- Caldav: set caldav logging to davmail logging level
- Caldav: updated fix, remove organizer line if event has no attendees for iPhone
- Caldav: remove organizer line if current user is organizer for iPhone, will not remove line for events with attendees
- Caldav: Improve principal -> actualPrincipal detection: use session alias instead of login
- Caldav: fix bug 2819028, case insensitive email in sendPrincipal test
- Caldav: iPhone compatibility, remove <C:comp name="VTODO"/>
- Caldav: iPhone workaround: send calendar subfolder
- Caldav: revert @ encoding, breaks iCal
- Caldav: iPhone fix, encode @ in Caldav response hrefs
- Caldav: untested, extended PROPFIND / response for iPhone 3.0
- Caldav: fix infinite loop with Sunbird 1.0pre with invalid credentials
- SMTP: fix bug 2791607, do not patch message body (breaks electronic signature), no longer needed with latest Thunderbird
** DavMail 3.3.0 released **
This is a bug fix release after two beta releases,
including PKCS11 (smartcard) client certificate support,
gateway encryption (SSL) support, the new jackrabbit and httpclient libraries
and I18N support (french and english available).
- Caldav: updated caldav response headers according to gmail, added Expires and Cache-control HTTP headers
- POP3: implement NOOP command
- Doc: Update documentation header
- Doc: Add GPLv2 header to all source files
- Doc: Remove Apache license from checkstyle config file header
- IMAP: Fix bug 2822625: support index range in IMAP SEARCH
- Enhancements: Merged network down (with firewall) code from Dan Foody
- Caldav: Additional properties and ignore cases for Sunbird
- Caldav: Fix empty organizer field in ICS (active sync support) and another getParticipants bug
- GUI: Fix OSX menu default ActionListener
- GUI: Try to set Nimbus Look And Feel on Linux with Gtk
** DavMail 3.3.0b2 released with smartcard (PKCS11) support **
This is a bug fix release, with nonetheless one main new feature:
PKCS11 (smartcard) client certificate support !
Tested with ActivIdentity ActivClient and Mozilla soft token, should
work with any PKCS11 module.
- (RFE 2800206) PKCS11 (smartcard) client certificate support
Server (daemon) mode:
- Fix server mode: now all listener threads are daemon, avoid main thread exit and add a shutdown hook
- Name shutdown thread
- Move wire debug log with headers
- Fix NoSuchMethodError with Java 5
- revert supported-calendar-component-set on root and improve logging
- fix regression on iCal calendar color change
- only include attendees with RSVP=TRUE or PARTSTAT=NEEDS-ACTION for notifications (avoid iCal additional notifications)
- Improve error handling on FreeBusy failure
- add supported-calendar-component-set property requested by iPhone 3.0
Sunbird compatibility, exclude events with empty names
- Fix for iCal: send etag on GET and HEAD requests
- Send empty response instead of error on freebusy with unknown attendee
- revert refreshFolder calls that break Outlook
- Remove default trayIcon listener on OSX
- Fixed logFilePath logic on OSX
- Update ExchangeSession test
- Exclude optional log4j maven dependencies
- Added a logFilePath setting to set log4j file appender path, this appender is now added dynamically to avoid davmail.log file create failure
- Upgrade Log4J to 1.2.15
- Make sure we do exit: catch exceptions before System.exit
- Document build process in FAQ
Known issues :
- Does not - yet - work with iPhone 3.0 Caldav
- Still issues with Exchange activeSync mode
** Davmail 3.3.0b1 released **
This release is mainly a deep refactoring: replaced deprecated
jakarta slide library with jackrabbit and upgrade httpclient.
Also added client to gateway encryption (SSL) support, started I18N
(french and english available) and many bug fixes and enhancements.
- I18N: FrameGatewayTray
- I18N: Format port numbers and add missing message
- I18N: improve startup log message
- I18N: remove Locale.ROOT not available under Java 1.5
- I18N: externalize and translate exception messages
- I18N: Do not apply i18n on log file
- I18N: french localization
- I18N: externalize all DavGatewayTray log statements for i18n
- I18N: ldap package
- I18N: davmail package
- I18N: start internationalization conversion
- POP: Defer message list after login phase and load only uid and size attributes
- POP: make sure the url is encoded correctly on delete
- IMAP: Detect fetch of a missing (probably deleted) message to avoid infinite loop with Thunderbird
- IMAP: reset icon after each command
- SMTP: fixed two bugs, header ignored because of Exchange 2007 from patch and bccbuffer
double xml encoding (=> Delivery status notification)
- LDAP: improve ldap search logging
- Add Mitchell V. Oliver as Java Contributor
- SSL certificate settings documentation in getting started
- Update OSX doc: credentials are mandatory in Directory Utility settings
- Add Eivind Tagseth as Java Contributor
- Check java version in ant build.xml
- Fix ExchangeSession test
- Refactor DavProperty handling with new jackrabbit library
- Close idle connections to exchange after one minute
- Avoid 401 roundtrips
- Remove deprecated HttpException api
- Replace deprecated setRequestBody with setRequestEntity
- Refactor DavProperty handling with new jackrabbit library
- Update packaging and Maven POM after library update
- Major refactoring: replace deprecated jakarta slide with jackrabbit and upgrade httpclient
- Upgrade svnkit library
- Sort properties and display version in startup message
- Use interactive console certificate accept in headless and/or server mode
- Append svn build number to release name
- Additional login failover : get email from options page
- Replace greyscale inactive icon with a color icon
- Avoid nullpointerexception in Settings.setProperty
- Reinsert System.exit after clean shutdown to make sure we do exit
- Make all threads daemon and remove System.exit calls
- Patch 2790299 by Mitchell V. Oliver: Add support for SSL to client connections
- Remember previous checkConfig status to detect network down
- Fixes from audit
- Refactor email retrieval : do not throw IOException in failovers
- Implement BundleMessage.toString() for direct usage in Log4J logger
- Revert to simple class names in thread names
- Catch unknown host on session login
- Workaround for post logon script redirect
- Workaround for Exchange server misconfiguration: move galfind requests to mailPath or /exchange instead of /public
- Enhancements from audit
- Fix exchangeSession test class
- Improve BindException error message
- Cleanup from audit
- Improve exception handling
- Implement a last resort failover to build email from alias and domain name
- Limit redirects to 10 instead of 100
- Replace hardcoded strings
- Refactor SimpleDateFormat usage
- Reorganize packages
- OSX: replace JavaApplicationStub link with actual file
- Move davmail.log to Library/Logs/DavMail on OSX
- Improve Mac OSX Java6 support
Bugs fixed:
- Fix bug 2797272: Add disable update check
- Do not localize port numbers
- Replaced localhost check with the isLoopbackAddress() method, should be IPV6 compatible
- Fix regression : /exchange/ does not work for galfind under Exchange 2007
- Fixed 2717547: Unsupported filter attribute: apple-group-memberguid
- URI encode alias in getEmail()
- Fix SSLProtocolSocketFactory with HttpClient 3.1
- Reenable limited timeout on getReleasedVersion
- Always exclude NTLM authentication, not only for proxy authorization
- Fix 2717446 from Eivind Tagseth
- Caldav: fix unknown recipient message
- Caldav: do not send freebusy info if attendee is unknown
- Caldav: Improve calendar-color patch answer
- Caldav: implement HEAD request
- Improve network down detection for Caldav
- Caldav: No need to check connectivity on HTTPS
- Caldav: Fix Bug 2783595, allow empty lines in ICS content
- Caldav: Exclude RSVP=FALSE from notifications recipients list for Outlook 2003 compatibility
- Caldav: exclude invalid attendees address from recipient list
- Caldav: avoid duplicate / in event path
- Caldav: implement public shared calendar
- Caldav: In progress multi calendar support
- Caldav: fix regression in FreeBusy date handling
- Caldav: switch icon during event report
- Caldav: refactor CaldavConnection, prepare /public context
- Caldav: another special characters handling improvement
- Caldav: iCal decodes hrefs, not lightning => detect client in CaldavRequest
- Caldav: replace etag by resourcetag in getCalendarEtag
- Caldav: Send events back to the client after each get on REPORT request (avoid iCal timeout)
- Caldav: no inbox/outbox for delegated calendars