POP3 RETR HTTP HTTP CONNECT HTTP proxy # # Server-side HTTP/1.1 200 Mighty fine indeed pop3: sure hit me # When doing LIST, we get the default list output hard-coded in the test # FTP server From: me@somewhere To: fake@nowhere body -- yours sincerely From: me@somewhere To: fake@nowhere body -- yours sincerely # # Client-side pop3 http-proxy http proxy POP3 fetch tunneled through HTTP proxy pop3://pop.1319:%POP3PORT/1319 -p -x %HOSTIP:%PROXYPORT -u user:secret # # Verify data after the test has been "shot" CAPA USER user PASS secret RETR 1319 QUIT CONNECT pop.1319:%POP3PORT HTTP/1.1 Host: pop.1319:%POP3PORT User-Agent: curl/%VERSION Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive