/* By default wolfSSL has a very conservative configuration that can result in connections to servers failing due to certificate or algorithm problems. To remedy this issue for libcurl I've generated this options file that build-wolfssl will copy to the wolfSSL include directories and will result in maximum compatibility. These configure flags were used in MinGW to generate the options in this file: --enable-opensslextra --enable-aesgcm --enable-ripemd --enable-sha512 --enable-dh --enable-dsa --enable-ecc --enable-sni --enable-fastmath --enable-sessioncerts --enable-certgen --enable-testcert C_EXTRA_FLAGS="-DFP_MAX_BITS=16384 -DTFM_TIMING_RESISTANT" Two generated options HAVE_THREAD_LS and _POSIX_THREADS were removed since they are inapplicable for our Visual Studio build. Regarding the two options that were added via C_EXTRA_FLAGS: FP_MAX_BITS=16384 http://www.yassl.com/forums/topic423-cacertorgs-ca-cert-verify-failed-but-withdisablefastmath-it-works.html "Since root.crt uses a 4096-bit RSA key, you'll need to increase the fastmath buffer size. You can do this using the define: FP_MAX_BITS and setting it to 8192." TFM_TIMING_RESISTANT https://wolfssl.com/wolfSSL/Docs-wolfssl-manual-2-building-wolfssl.html From section 2.4.5 Increasing Performance, USE_FAST_MATH: "Because the stack memory usage can be larger when using fastmath, we recommend defining TFM_TIMING_RESISTANT as well when using this option." */ /* wolfssl options.h * generated from configure options * * Copyright (C) 2006-2015 wolfSSL Inc. * * This file is part of wolfSSL. (formerly known as CyaSSL) * */ #pragma once #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #undef FP_MAX_BITS #define FP_MAX_BITS 16384 #undef TFM_TIMING_RESISTANT #define TFM_TIMING_RESISTANT #undef OPENSSL_EXTRA #define OPENSSL_EXTRA #undef HAVE_AESGCM #define HAVE_AESGCM #undef WOLFSSL_RIPEMD #define WOLFSSL_RIPEMD #undef WOLFSSL_SHA512 #define WOLFSSL_SHA512 #undef WOLFSSL_SHA384 #define WOLFSSL_SHA384 #undef SESSION_CERTS #define SESSION_CERTS #undef WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN #define WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN #undef HAVE_ECC #define HAVE_ECC #undef TFM_ECC256 #define TFM_ECC256 #undef ECC_SHAMIR #define ECC_SHAMIR #undef NO_PSK #define NO_PSK #undef NO_RC4 #define NO_RC4 #undef NO_MD4 #define NO_MD4 #undef NO_HC128 #define NO_HC128 #undef NO_RABBIT #define NO_RABBIT #undef HAVE_POLY1305 #define HAVE_POLY1305 #undef HAVE_ONE_TIME_AUTH #define HAVE_ONE_TIME_AUTH #undef HAVE_CHACHA #define HAVE_CHACHA #undef HAVE_HASHDRBG #define HAVE_HASHDRBG #undef HAVE_TLS_EXTENSIONS #define HAVE_TLS_EXTENSIONS #undef HAVE_SNI #define HAVE_SNI #undef WOLFSSL_TEST_CERT #define WOLFSSL_TEST_CERT #undef USE_FAST_MATH #define USE_FAST_MATH #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif