#!/usr/bin/perl # # Main curl test script, in perl to run on more platforms # ####################################################################### # These should be the only variables that might be needed to get edited: $HOSTIP=""; $HOSTPORT=8999; $CURL="../src/curl"; $LOGDIR="log"; $TESTDIR="data"; $SERVERIN="$LOGDIR/server.input"; $CURLOUT="$LOGDIR/curl.out"; # Normally, all test cases should be run, but at times it is handy to # simply run a particular one: $TESTCASES="all"; # To run specific test cases, set them like: # $TESTCASES="1 2 3 7 8"; ####################################################################### # No variables below this point should need to be modified # $PIDFILE=".server.pid"; sub stopserver { # check for pidfile if ( -f $PIDFILE ) { $PID=`cat $PIDFILE`; kill (9, $PID); # die! unlink $PIDFILE; # server is killed } } sub runserver { # check for pidfile if ( -f $PIDFILE ) { $PID=`cat $PIDFILE`; if ($PID ne "" && kill(0, $PID)) { $STATUS="httpd (pid $PID) running"; $RUNNING=1; } else { $STATUS="httpd (pid $PID?) not running"; $RUNNING=0; } } else { $STATUS="httpd (no pid file) not running"; $RUNNING=0; } if ($RUNNING != 1) { system("perl ./httpserver.pl $HOSTPORT &"); sleep 1; # give it a little time to start } else { print "$STATUS\n"; # verify that our server is one one running on this port: $data=`$CURL --silent -i $HOSTIP:$HOSTPORT/verifiedserver`; if ( $data !~ /WE ROOLZ/ ) { print "Another HTTP server is running on port $HOSTPORT\n", "Edit runtests.pl to use another port and rerun the test script\n"; exit; } print "The running HTTP server has been verified to be our server\n"; } } sub filteroff { my $infile=$_[0]; my $filter=$_[1]; my $ofile=$_[2]; open(IN, "<$infile") || return 1; open(OUT, ">$ofile") || return 1; # print "FILTER: off $filter from $infile to $ofile\n"; # system("egrep -v \"$strip\" < $first > $LOGDIR/generated.tmp"); while() { $_ =~ s/$filter//; print OUT $_; } close(IN); close(OUT); return 0; } sub compare { # filter off the 4 pattern before compare! my $first=$_[0]; my $sec=$_[1]; my $text=$_[2]; my $strip=$_[3]; if ($strip ne "") { filteroff($first, $strip, "$LOGDIR/generated.tmp"); filteroff($sec, $strip, "$LOGDIR/stored.tmp"); # system("egrep -v \"$strip\" < $sec > $LOGDIR/stored.tmp"); $first="$LOGDIR/generated.tmp"; $sec="$LOGDIR/stored.tmp"; } $res = system("cmp $first $sec"); $res /= 256; if ($res != 0) { print " $text FAILED\n"; return 1; } print " $text OK\n"; return 0; } sub displaydata { my $version=`$CURL -V`; my $hostname=`hostname`; my $hosttype=`uname -a`; print "Running tests on:\n", "$version", "host $hostname", "system $hosttype"; } sub singletest { my $NUMBER=$_[0]; my $REPLY="${TESTDIR}/reply${NUMBER}.txt"; if ( -f "$TESTDIR/reply${NUMBER}0001.txt" ) { # we use this file instead to check the final output against $REPLY="$TESTDIR/reply${NUMBER}0001.txt"; } # curl command to run $CURLCMD="$TESTDIR/command$NUMBER.txt"; # this is the valid HTTP we should generate $HTTP="$TESTDIR/http$NUMBER.txt"; # name of the test $DESC=`cat $TESTDIR/name$NUMBER.txt | tr -d '\012'`; # redirected stdout here $STDOUT="$LOGDIR/stdout$NUMBER"; # if this file exist, we verify that the stdout contained this: $VALIDOUT="$TESTDIR/stdout$NUMBER.txt"; print "test $NUMBER... [$DESC]\n"; # get the command line options to use open(COMMAND, "<$CURLCMD"); $cmd=; chomp $cmd; close(COMMAND); # make some nice replace operations $cmd =~ s/%HOSTIP/$HOSTIP/g; $cmd =~ s/%HOSTPORT/$HOSTPORT/g; $cmd =~ s/%HOSTNAME/$HOSTNAME/g; # run curl, add -v for debug information output $CMDLINE="$CURL --output $CURLOUT --include --silent $cmd >$STDOUT"; if($verbose) { print "$CMDLINE\n"; } # run the command line we built $res = system("$CMDLINE"); $res /= 256; if ($res != 0) { print "Failed to invoke curl for test $NUMBER\n"; } else { # verify the received data $res = compare($CURLOUT, $REPLY, "data"); $res /= 256; if ($res) { exit; } # verify the sent request $res = compare($SERVERIN, $HTTP, "http", "^(User-Agent:|--curl|Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=).*\r\n"); $res /= 256; # The strip pattern above is for stripping off User-Agent: since # that'll be different in all versions, and the lines in a # RFC1876-post that are randomly generated and therefore are doomed to # always differ! if($res) { exit; } if ( -r "$VALIDOUT" ) { $res = compare($STDOUT, $VALIDOUT, "stdout"); $res /= 256; if($res) { exit; } } # remove the stdout file unlink("$STDOUT"); } return 0; } ####################################################################### # Check options to this test program # if ($ARGV[0] eq "-v") { $verbose=1; } ####################################################################### # Output curl version and host info being tested # displaydata(); ####################################################################### # remove and recreate logging directory: # system("rm -rf $LOGDIR"); mkdir("$LOGDIR", 0777); ####################################################################### # First, start the TCP server # runserver(); ####################################################################### # The main test-loop # if ( $TESTCASES eq "all") { $TESTCASES=`ls -1 $TESTDIR/command*.txt | sed -e 's/[a-z\/\.]*//g' | sort -n`; } foreach $testnum (split(" ", $TESTCASES)) { singletest($testnum); # loop for next test } ####################################################################### # Tests done, stop the server # stopserver();