First, the -J/--remote-header-name was wrongly sorted in the --help
output as pointed out in bug report #3349271.
Then, I changed the format of the texts to follow the man page better in
that it now uses "-A, --long" intead of "-A/--long". I also made all
additional arguments get written as in "-A, --long FILENAME" instead of
the previous "<filename>" style.
Reported by: Herve Amblard
Improved library search by check_function_exists_concat() macro:
it does not revert the list of libraries any more.
Improved OpenSSL library search: first find zlib, then search for
openssl libraries that may depend on zlib.
For Unix: openssl libraries can now be detected in nonstandard
locations. Supply CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH to CMake on command line.
Added installation capability (very basic one yet).
The make target checksrc now works in the root makefile and in both the
src and lib directories.
It is also run automatically on "all" if configure --enable-debug was
For now we directly import the Idn* symbols with the linker;
an upcoming release of OWC will have these added to the import
lib normaliz.lib, and prototypes are added to winnnls.h.
It is now possible to use any combination of features without
having to 1st add makefile targets to the main makefile. The
main makefile now passes the 'mingw32-feat1-feat2' as var CFG,
and the ./[lib|src]/Makefile.m32 parses the CFG var to determine
the features to be enabled.
Added CURLOPT_TRANSFER_ENCODING as the option to set to request Transfer
Encoding in HTTP requests (if built zlib enabled). I also renamed
around) to reduce the confusion when we have to encoding options for
--tr-encoding is now the new command line option for curl to request
this, and thus I updated the test cases accordingly.
* Rename the object object directory from 'objs' to 'BCC_obj' to be in
sync with my previous patch for lib/Makefile.b32.
* Turn off these warnings to keep the build totally silent (with CBuilder-6
that is).
-w-inl 8026 Functions X are not expanded inline.
-w-pia 8060 Possibly incorrect assignment
-w-pin 8061 Initialization is only partially bracketed
(same added in src/Makefile.b32)
* $(MKDIR) and $(RMDIR) have been replaced with the shell-commands 'md'
and 'rd'. When having MingW/Msys programs 'mkdir.exe' and 'rmdir.exe' in
$PATH, this confuses Borland's make and the result (the cleaning etc.) would
not be as expected.
* Removed the preprocessing step; no need for PP_CMD and the .int files.
curl.exe builds fine w/o and the makefile gets simpler.
* Added a target for creating a compressed hugehelp.c if WITH_ZLIB is defined.
It assumes groff, gzip and perl is available if such an "advanced" users
requests it. Okay? BTW. My groff and Perl needs unix-slashes ('/').
Other perls should handle both forms ('/' and '\').
All C and H files now (should) feature the proper project curl source
code header, which includes basic info, a copyright statement and some
basic disclaimers.
This enables people to specify a path to the netrc file to use.
The new option override --netrc if both are present. However it
does follow --netrc-optional if specified.
Since the feature requires support for TCP_KEEPIDLE and TCP_KEEPINTVL to
function as documented, it now warns if that support is missing when the
option is used.
... to not make the connection between the tool and the libcurl used
tighter than necessary, the tlsauth options are now always present but
if the used libcurl doesn't have TLSAUTH support it will return failure.
Also, replaced strncmp() with strequal to get case insensitive matching.