Daniel Stenberg
- Jeff Pohlmeyer found out that if you ask libcurl to load a cookiefile (with
CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE), add a cookie (with CURLOPT_COOKIELIST), tell it to
write the result to a given cookie jar and then never actually call
curl_easy_perform() - the given file(s) to read was never read but the
output file was written and thus it caused a "funny" result.
- While doing some tests for the bug above, I noticed that Firefox generates
large numbers (for the expire time) in the cookies.txt file and libcurl
didn't treat them properly. Now it does.
2005-08-17 08:55:43 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
curl standard indent/format
2005-07-28 21:49:58 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
Peteris Krumins added CURLOPT_COOKIELIST and CURLINFO_COOKIELIST, which is a
simple interface to extracting and setting cookies in libcurl's internal
"cookie jar". See the new cookie_interface.c example code.
2005-07-27 22:17:14 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
Cory Nelson's work on nuking compiler warnings when building on x64 with
2005-04-26 13:08:49 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
Updated the copyright year since changes have been this year.
2005-03-31 07:02:02 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
Dave Dribin made it possible to set CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE to "" to activate
the cookie "engine" without having to provide an empty or non-existing file.
2005-03-04 00:26:50 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
Rune Kleveland fixed a minor memory leak for received cookies with the (rare)
version attribute set.
2004-12-22 22:33:31 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
Dan Fandrich added the --disable-cookies option to configure to build
libcurl without cookie support. This is mainly useful if you want to build a
minimalistic libcurl with no cookies support at all. Like for embedded
systems or similar.
2004-12-05 23:59:32 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
libcurl leaked memory for cookies with the "max-age" field set.
2004-10-16 13:54:40 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
removed tabs and trailing whitespace from source
2004-10-06 07:50:18 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
Replaced the use of isspace() with our own version instead since we have most
data as 'char *' and that makes us pass in negative values if there is 8bit
data in the string. Changing to unsigned causes too much warnings or too many
required typecasts to the normal string functions.
2004-10-03 21:02:01 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
getdate.h is not required to include, it adds nothing new
2004-09-13 20:47:15 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
Dylan Salisbury's fix to prevent us from accepting cookies from TLD only
2004-08-04 12:26:27 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
Bertrand Demiddelaer fixed two missing newlines
2004-07-26 15:42:07 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
5K array on the stack is a big hefty, it is now allocated with malloc
2004-06-30 12:05:07 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
David Cohen pointed out that RFC2109 says clients should allow cookies to
contain least 4096 bytes while libcurl only allowed 2047. I raised the limit
to 4999 now and made the used buffer get malloc()ed instead of simply
allocated on stack as before.
2004-06-22 21:15:51 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
While talking to host a.b.c, libcurl did wrongly not accept cookies that were
set to the domain .a.b.c (that is with a dot prefix). This is now fixed and
test case 171 verifies it.
2004-05-21 20:40:15 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
general cleanup to bail out nice and clean when a memory function fails
to deliver
2004-05-12 12:04:38 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
curl_global_init_mem() allows the memory functions to be replaced.
memory.h is included everywhere for this.
2004-05-11 11:30:23 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
if a malloc fails, clear up the memory and return failure
2004-05-10 14:04:06 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
strequal() returns int so we typecast the return to bool when we store the
result as bool
2004-03-10 09:41:37 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
use calloc instead of malloc and we won't have to memset() the struct
2004-02-26 14:52:16 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
Clear up int/long/size_t/ssize_t usage a bit
2004-02-26 13:40:43 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
Dan Fandrich's cleanup patch to make pedantic compiler options cause less
warnings. Minor edits by me.
2004-01-29 13:56:45 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
updated year in the copyright string
2004-01-07 09:19:33 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
Added some infof() calls, that require the data pointer so now several
cookie functions need that.
I also fixed the cookie loader to properly load and deal with cookies without
contents (or rather with a blank content).
2003-08-11 09:55:11 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
Jan Sundin reported a case where curl ignored a cookie that browsers don't,
which turned up to be due to the number of dots in the 'domain'. I've now
made curl follow the the original netscape cookie spec less strict on that
2003-08-04 23:05:57 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
2003-06-26 06:50:32 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
Skip any preceeding dots from the domain name of cookies when we keep them
in memory, only add it when we save the cookie. This makes all tailmatching
and domain string matching internally a lot easier.
This was also the reason for a remaining bug I introduced in my overhaul.
2003-05-15 22:28:19 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
Many cookie fixes:
o Save domains in jars like Mozilla does. It means all domains set in
Set-Cookie: headers are dot-prefixed.
o Save and use the 'tailmatch' field in the Mozilla/Netscape cookie jars (the
second column).
o Reject cookies using illegal domains in the Set-Cookie: line. Concerns
both domains with too few dots or domains that are outside the currently
operating server host's domain.
o Set the path part by default to the one used in the request, if none was
set in the Set-Cookie line.
2003-04-30 17:03:43 +00:00
Sterling Hughes
testing, ignore this commit
2003-03-31 15:59:17 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
removed the local variables for emacs and vim, use the new sample.emacs
way for emacs, and vim users should provide a similar non-polluting style
2003-01-29 10:14:20 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
copyright year update in the source header
2003-01-16 21:08:12 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
kromJx@crosswinds.net's fix that now uses checkprefix() instead of
strnequal() when the third argument was strlen(first argument) anyway.
This makes it less prone to errors. (Slightly edited by me)
2002-10-28 21:52:00 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
updated source code boilerplate/header
2002-09-03 11:52:59 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
properly skip white spaces on Set-Cookie: header lines
2002-07-29 22:22:49 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
added disable-[protocol] support, largely provided by Miklos Nemeth
2002-06-11 11:13:01 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
support for ingoring session cookies added
2002-05-07 09:58:13 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
Dirk Manske made libcurl strip off white spaces from the beginning of cookie
2002-04-14 18:21:17 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
Jacky Lam cookie parser fix for domains with preceeding dot
2002-03-25 09:08:33 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
copyright string (year) update
2002-03-19 07:54:55 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
made Max-Age work as defined in the RFC.
my brain damaged fix to not parse spaces as part of the value is now fixed
to instead strip off trailing spaces from values.
2002-02-27 07:38:04 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
When saving a cookie jar, set field 1 (counted from 0) properly to TRUE if the
domain starts with a dot.
2002-02-26 13:18:08 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
removed crash on weird input, this also better discards silly input
2002-02-26 13:07:53 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
As identified in bug report #495290 , the last "name=value" pair in a
Set-Cookie: line was ignored if they didn't end with a trailing
semicolon. This is indeed wrong syntax, but there are high-profile web sites
out there sending cookies like that so we must make a best-effort to parse
2002-01-07 23:05:36 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
added precautions to not go insane when two matching cookies end up in the
cookie list, even though they're not supposed to do that...
2002-01-07 14:56:15 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
prevent strdup()ing NULL -- Paul Harrington's report
2001-10-30 12:08:17 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
T. Bharath found this memory leak. It occurs when we replace an internally
already existing cookie with a new one.
2001-10-24 11:36:55 +00:00
Sterling Hughes
looks nicer and is better compatible with older vim versions
2001-10-11 09:32:19 +00:00
Daniel Stenberg
cookiejar now enables the cookie engine
2001-10-10 12:48:32 +00:00