Implement: Expired Cookies These following situation, curl removes
cookie(s) from struct CookieInfo if the cookie expired.
- Curl_cookie_add()
- Curl_cookie_getlist()
- cookie_output()
... this also makes sure that the progess callback gets called more
often during TFTP transfers.
Added test 1238 to verify.
Reported-by: Jo3
The new multiply() function detects range value overflows. 32bit
machines will overflow on a 32bit boundary while 64bit hosts support
ranges up to the full 64 bit range.
Added test 1236 to verify.
Reported-by: Will Dietz
A rather big overhaul and cleanup.
1 - curl wouldn't properly detect and reject globbing that ended with an
open brace if there were brackets or braces before it. Like "{}{" or
2 - curl wouldn't properly reject empty lists so that "{}{}" would
result in curl getting (nil) strings in the output.
3 - By using strtoul() instead of sscanf() the code will now detected
over and underflows. It now also better parses the step argument to only
accept positive numbers and only step counters that is smaller than the
delta between the maximum and minimum numbers.
4 - By switching to unsigned longs instead of signed ints for the
counters, the max values for []-ranges are now very large (on 64bit
5 - Bumped the maximum number of globs in a single URL to 100 (from 10)
6 - Simplified the code somewhat and now it stores fixed strings as
single- entry lists. That's also one of the reasons why I did (5) as now
all strings between "globs" will take a slot in the array.
Added test 1234 and 1235 to verify. Updated test 87.
This commit fixes three separate bug reports.
Reported-by: Will Dietz
CURLOPT_DNS_USE_GLOBAL_CACHE broke in commit c43127414d89ccb (been
broken since the libcurl 7.29.0 release). While this option has been
documented as deprecated for almost a decade and nobody even reported
this bug, it should remain functional.
Added test case 1512 to verify
This is a regression as this logic used to work. It isn't clear when it
broke, but I'm assuming in 7.28.0 when we went all-multi internally.
This likely never worked with the multi interface. As the failed
connection is detected once the multi state has reached DO_MORE, the
Curl_do_more() function was now expanded somewhat so that the
ftp_do_more() function can request to go "back" to the previous state
when it makes another attempt - using PASV.
Added test case 1233 to verify this fix. It has the little issue that it
assumes no service is listening/accepting connections on port 1...
Reported-by: byte_bucket in the #curl IRC channel
RFC3986 details how a path part passed in as part of a URI should be
"cleaned" from dot sequences before getting used. The described
algorithm is now implemented in lib/dotdot.c with the accompanied test
case in test 1395.
Reported-by: Alex Vinnik