mirror of https://github.com/moparisthebest/curl synced 2025-03-11 07:39:50 -04:00

adjusted to the new test case formats

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Stenberg 2001-05-23 15:02:58 +00:00
parent 68af9a222e
commit d3516810a7
5 changed files with 288 additions and 206 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
EXTRA_DIST = ftpserver.pl httpserver.pl runtests.pl ftpsserver.pl stunnel.pm
EXTRA_DIST = ftpserver.pl httpserver.pl runtests.pl ftpsserver.pl stunnel.pm \
SUBDIRS = data

View File

@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ use FileHandle;
use strict;
require "getpart.pm";
open(FTPLOG, ">log/ftpd.log") ||
print STDERR "failed to open log file, runs without logging\n";
@ -190,27 +192,27 @@ sub RETR_command {
return 0;
my $filename = "data/reply$testno.txt";
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
= stat($filename);
my @data = getpart("reply", "data");
my $size=0;
for(@data) {
$size =+ length($_);
if($size) {
open(FILE, "<$filename");
if($rest) {
# move read pointer forward
seek(FILE, $rest, 1);
$size -= $rest;
print "150 Binary data connection for $testno () ($size bytes).\r\n";
$rest=0; # reset rest again
while(<FILE>) {
for(@data) {
print SOCK $_;
print "226 File transfer complete\r\n";

tests/getpart.pm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
use strict;
my @xml;
sub getpart {
my ($section, $part)=@_;
my @this;
my $inside=0;
# print "Section: $section, part: $part\n";
for(@xml) {
# print "$inside: $_";
if(!$inside && ($_ =~ /^ *\<$section/)) {
elsif((1 ==$inside) && ($_ =~ /^ *\<$part/)) {
elsif((2 ==$inside) && ($_ =~ /^ *\<\/$part/)) {
elsif((1==$inside) && ($_ =~ /^ *\<\/$section/)) {
return @this;
elsif(2==$inside) {
push @this, $_;
return @this; #empty!
sub loadtest {
my ($file)=@_;
undef @xml;
open(XML, "<$file") ||
return 1; # failure!
while(<XML>) {
push @xml, $_;
return 0;
# Strip off all lines that match the specified pattern and return
# the new array.
sub striparray {
my ($pattern, $arrayref) = @_;
my @array;
for(@$arrayref) {
if($_ !~ /$pattern/) {
push @array, $_;
return @array;
# pass array *REFERENCES* !
sub compareparts {
my ($firstref, $secondref)=@_;
my $sizefirst=scalar(@$firstref);
my $sizesecond=scalar(@$secondref);
if($sizefirst != $sizesecond) {
return -1;
for(1 .. $sizefirst) {
my $index = $_ - 1;
if($firstref->[$index] ne $secondref->[$index]) {
return 1+$index;
return 0;
# Write a given array to the specified file
sub writearray {
my ($filename, $arrayref)=@_;
open(TEMP, ">$filename");
for(@$arrayref) {
print TEMP $_;
# Load a specified file an return it as an array
sub loadarray {
my ($filename)=@_;
my @array;
open(TEMP, "<$filename");
while(<TEMP>) {
push @array, $_;
return @array;
# Given two array references, this function will store them in two
# temporary files, run 'diff' on them, store the result, remove the
# temp files and return the diff output!
sub showdiff {
my ($firstref, $secondref)=@_;
my $file1=".array1";
my $file2=".array2";
open(TEMP, ">$file1");
for(@$firstref) {
print TEMP $_;
open(TEMP, ">$file2");
for(@$secondref) {
print TEMP $_;
my @out = `diff $file1 $file2`;
unlink $file1, $file2;
return @out;

View File

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ use FileHandle;
use strict;
require "getpart.pm";
sub spawn; # forward declaration
sub logmsg { #print "$0 $$: @_ at ", scalar localtime, "\n"
@ -140,15 +142,15 @@ for ( $waitedpid = 0;
"You must enter a test number to get good data back\r\n";
else {
# send a custom reply to the client
open(DATA, "<data/reply$testnum.txt");
while(<DATA>) {
my @data = getpart("reply", "data");
for(@data) {
print $_;
if($verbose) {
print STDERR "OUT: $_";
# print "Hello there, $name, it's now ", scalar localtime, "\r\n";

View File

@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ use strict;
@INC=(@INC, $ENV{'srcdir'}, ".");
require "stunnel.pm";
require "stunnel.pm"; # stunnel functions
require "getpart.pm"; # array functions
my $srcdir = $ENV{'srcdir'} || '.';
my $HOSTIP="";
@ -261,40 +262,6 @@ sub runftpsserver {
# This function compares two binary files and return non-zero if they
# differ
sub comparefiles {
my $source=$_[0];
my $dest=$_[1];
my $res=0;
open(S, "<$source") ||
return 1;
open(D, "<$dest") ||
return 1;
# silly win-crap
binmode S;
binmode D;
my $m = 20;
my ($snum, $dnum, $s, $d);
do {
$snum = read(S, $s, $m);
$dnum = read(D, $d, $m);
if(($snum != $dnum) ||
($s ne $d)) {
return 1;
} while($snum);
return $res;
# Remove all files in the specified directory
@ -350,32 +317,14 @@ sub filteroff {
sub compare {
# filter off the 4 pattern before compare!
my $first=$_[0];
my $sec=$_[1];
my $text=$_[2];
my $strip=$_[3];
my $res;
my ($firstref, $secondref)=@_;
if ($strip ne "") {
filteroff($first, $strip, "$LOGDIR/generated.tmp");
filteroff($sec, $strip, "$LOGDIR/stored.tmp");
my $result = compareparts($firstref, $secondref);
if(!$short && $result) {
print showdiff($firstref, $secondref);
$res = comparefiles($first, $sec);
if ($res != 0) {
print " $text FAILED\n";
print "=> diff $first $sec' looks like (\">\" added by runtime):\n";
print `diff $sec $first`;
return 1;
if(!$short) {
print " $text OK";
return 0;
return $result;
@ -424,71 +373,70 @@ sub displaydata {
sub singletest {
my $NUMBER=$_[0];
my $REPLY="${TESTDIR}/reply${NUMBER}.txt";
my $testnum=$_[0];
if ( -f "$TESTDIR/reply${NUMBER}0001.txt" ) {
# load the test case file definition
if(loadtest("${TESTDIR}/test${testnum}")) {
if($verbose) {
# this is not a test
print "$testnum doesn't look like a test case!\n";
return -1;
# extract the reply data
my @reply = getpart("reply", "data");
my @replycheck = getpart("reply", "datacheck");
if (@replycheck) {
# we use this file instead to check the final output against
# curl command to run
my $CURLCMD="$TESTDIR/command$NUMBER.txt";
my @curlcmd= getpart("client", "command");
# this is the valid protocol file we should generate
my $PROT="$TESTDIR/prot$NUMBER.txt";
# this is the valid protocol blurb curl should generate
my @protocol= getpart("verify", "protocol");
# redirected stdout/stderr here
# redirected stdout/stderr to these files
# if this file exists, we verify that the stdout contained this:
my $VALIDOUT="$TESTDIR/stdout$NUMBER.txt";
# if this section exists, we verify that the stdout contained this:
my @validstdout = getpart("verify", "stdout");
# if this file exists, we verify upload
my $UPLOAD="$TESTDIR/upload$NUMBER.txt";
# if this section exists, we verify upload
my @upload = getpart("verify", "upload");
# if this file exists, it is FTP server instructions:
my $ftpservercmd="$TESTDIR/ftpd$NUMBER.txt";
# if this section exists, it is FTP server instructions:
my @ftpservercmd = getpart("server", "instruction");
my $CURLOUT="$LOGDIR/curl$NUMBER.out"; # curl output if not stdout
if(! -r $CURLCMD) {
if($verbose) {
# this is not a test
print "$NUMBER doesn't look like a test case!\n";
return -1;
my $CURLOUT="$LOGDIR/curl$testnum.out"; # curl output if not stdout
# remove previous server output logfile
if(-r $ftpservercmd) {
# copy the instruction file
system("cp $ftpservercmd $FTPDCMD");
if(@ftpservercmd) {
# write the instructions to file
writearray($FTPDCMD, \@ftpservercmd);
# name of the test
open(N, "<$TESTDIR/name$NUMBER.txt") ||
return -1; # not a test
my $DESC=<N>;
$DESC =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
my @testname= getpart("client", "name");
print "test $NUMBER...";
print "test $testnum...";
if(!$short) {
print "[$DESC]\n";
my $name = $testname[0];
$name =~ s/\n//g;
print "[$name]\n";
# get the command line options to use
my $cmd=<COMMAND>;
chomp $cmd;
my ($cmd, @blaha)= getpart("client", "command");
# make some nice replace operations
$cmd =~ s/\n//g; # no newlines please
$cmd =~ s/%HOSTIP/$HOSTIP/g;
$cmd =~ s/%HOSTPORT/$HOSTPORT/g;
@ -502,16 +450,20 @@ sub singletest {
my $out="";
if ( ! -r "$VALIDOUT" ) {
if (!@validstdout) {
$out="--output $CURLOUT ";
# run curl, add -v for debug information output
my $cmdargs="$out--include -v --silent $cmd";
if(-f $STDINFILE) {
$cmdargs .= " < $STDINFILE";
my @stdintest = getpart("verify", "stdin");
if(@stdintest) {
my $stdinfile="$LOGDIR/stdin-for-$testnum";
writearray($stdinfile, \@stdintest);
$cmdargs .= " <$stdinfile";
my $CMDLINE="$CURL $cmdargs >$STDOUT 2>$STDERR";
@ -536,93 +488,80 @@ sub singletest {
$res /= 256;
my $ERRORCODE = "$TESTDIR/error$NUMBER.txt";
my @err = getpart("verify", "errorcode");
my $errorcode = $err[0];
if ($res != 0) {
# the invoked command return an error code
my $expectederror=0;
if(-f $ERRORCODE) {
open(ERRO, "<$ERRORCODE");
$expectederror = <ERRO>;
# strip non-digits
$expectederror =~ s/[^0-9]//g;
if($expectederror != $res) {
print "*** Failed to invoke curl for test $NUMBER ***\n",
"*** [$DESC] ***\n",
"*** The command returned $res for: ***\n $CMDLINE\n";
return 1;
elsif(!$short) {
if($errorcode || $res) {
if($errorcode == $res) {
if(!$short) {
print " error OK";
else {
if(-f $ERRORCODE) {
# this command was meant to fail, it didn't and thats WRONG
if(!$short) {
print "curl returned $res\n";
print " error FAILED";
return 1;
if ( -r "$VALIDOUT" ) {
if (@validstdout) {
# verify redirected stdout
$res = compare($STDOUT, $VALIDOUT, "data");
my @actual = loadarray($STDOUT);
$res = compare(\@actual, \@validstdout);
if($res) {
print " stdout FAILED";
return 1;
if(!$short) {
print " stdout OK";
else {
if (! -r $REPLY && -r $CURLOUT) {
print "** Missing reply data file for test $NUMBER",
", should be similar to $CURLOUT\n";
return 1;
if( -r $CURLOUT ) {
if(@reply) {
# verify the received data
$res = compare($CURLOUT, $REPLY, "data");
my @out = loadarray($CURLOUT);
$res = compare(\@out, \@reply);
if ($res) {
print " data FAILED";
return 1;
if(!$short) {
print " data OK";
if(-r $UPLOAD) {
if(@upload) {
# verify uploaded data
$res = compare("$LOGDIR/upload.$NUMBER", $UPLOAD, "upload");
my @out = loadarray("$LOGDIR/upload.$testnum");
$res = compare(\@out, \@upload);
if ($res) {
print " upload FAILED";
return 1;
if(!$short) {
print " upload OK";
if(-r $SERVERIN) {
if(! -r $PROT) {
print "** Missing protocol file for test $NUMBER",
", should be similar to $SERVERIN\n";
return 1;
# The strip pattern below is for stripping off User-Agent: since
# that'll be different in all versions, and the lines in a
# RFC1876-post that are randomly generated and therefore are
# doomed to always differ!
if(@protocol) {
# verify the sent request
$res = compare($SERVERIN, $PROT, "protocol",
"^(User-Agent:|--curl|Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=|PORT ).*\r\n");
my @out = loadarray($SERVERIN);
# what to cut off from the live protocol sent by curl
my @strip = getpart("verify", "strip");
@out = striparray( $strip[0], \@out);
$res = compare(\@out, \@protocol);
if($res) {
print " protocol FAILED";
return 1;
if(!$short) {
print " protocol OK";
if(!$keepoutfiles) {
@ -631,7 +570,7 @@ sub singletest {
unlink($CURLOUT); # remove the downloaded results
unlink("$LOGDIR/upload.$NUMBER"); # remove upload leftovers
unlink("$LOGDIR/upload.$testnum"); # remove upload leftovers
unlink($FTPDCMD); # remove the instructions for this test
@ -672,6 +611,11 @@ sub singletest {
my %run;
# This function makes sure the right set of server is running for the
# specified test case. This is a useful design when we run single tests as not
# all servers need to run then!
sub serverfortest {
my ($testnum)=@_;
@ -818,16 +762,6 @@ displaydata();
mkdir($LOGDIR, 0777);
# First, start our test servers
#sleep 1; # start-up time
# If 'all' tests are requested, find out all test numbers
@ -835,7 +769,7 @@ mkdir($LOGDIR, 0777);
if ( $TESTCASES eq "all") {
# Get all commands and find out their test numbers
opendir(DIR, $TESTDIR) || die "can't opendir $TESTDIR: $!";
my @cmds = grep { /^command([0-9]+).txt/ && -f "$TESTDIR/$_" } readdir(DIR);
my @cmds = grep { /^test([0-9]+)$/ && -f "$TESTDIR/$_" } readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;
$TESTCASES=""; # start with no test cases
@ -883,12 +817,12 @@ foreach $testnum (split(" ", $TESTCASES)) {
if($error>0) {
$failed.= "$testnum ";
if(!$anyway) {
# a test failed, abort
print "\n - abort tests\n";
$failed.= "$testnum ";
elsif(!$error) {
@ -909,9 +843,6 @@ close(CMDLOG);
for(keys %run) {
stopserver($run{$_}); # the pid file is in the hash table
if($total) {
print "$ok tests out of $total reported OK\n";