use fuser::{ FileAttr, FileType, Filesystem, ReplyAttr, ReplyData, ReplyDirectory, ReplyEmpty, ReplyEntry, ReplyOpen, Request, }; use libc::{ c_int, EINVAL, EIO, ENOENT, EPERM, O_ACCMODE, O_APPEND, O_CREAT, O_EXCL, O_RDONLY, O_RDWR, O_TRUNC, O_WRONLY, }; use log::{debug, error, warn}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::{ collections::HashMap, env, ffi::{OsStr, OsString}, fmt::{Debug, Formatter}, fs::File, io::{BufReader, BufWriter, Error, ErrorKind}, ops::Deref, os::unix::{ ffi::OsStrExt, fs::{MetadataExt, PermissionsExt}, }, path::{Path, PathBuf}, time::{Duration, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}, }; type Result = std::result::Result; type SerdeResult = std::result::Result>; const TTL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(120); #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(remote = "FileType")] enum FileTypeDef { NamedPipe, CharDevice, BlockDevice, Directory, RegularFile, Symlink, Socket, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(remote = "FileAttr")] struct FileAttrDef { pub ino: u64, pub size: u64, pub blocks: u64, pub atime: SystemTime, pub mtime: SystemTime, pub ctime: SystemTime, pub crtime: SystemTime, #[serde(with = "FileTypeDef")] pub kind: FileType, pub perm: u16, pub nlink: u32, pub uid: u32, pub gid: u32, pub rdev: u32, pub flags: u32, pub blksize: u32, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] enum TypeExtra { RegularFile, Symlink(OsString), Directory(HashMap), } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct FileInfo { parent: u64, path: PathBuf, #[serde(with = "FileAttrDef")] attr: FileAttr, type_extra: TypeExtra, } #[derive(Default, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct FileTree { inode_to_path: HashMap, } impl Debug for FileTree { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { writeln!(f, "FileTree")?; // dumb way to always print this in inode order let mut inode_to_path = std::collections::BTreeMap::default(); inode_to_path.extend(self.inode_to_path.iter()); for (key, val) in inode_to_path.iter() { writeln!( f, "-- {key}: [parent: {}, {:?}, {:?}]", val.parent, val.attr.kind, val.path )?; match &val.type_extra { TypeExtra::Directory(children) => writeln!(f, "---- children: {:?}", children)?, TypeExtra::Symlink(link) => writeln!(f, "---- link to: {:?}", link)?, TypeExtra::RegularFile => (), } } Ok(()) } } impl FileTree { fn load_or_build(root_path: &Path, cache_path: &Path) -> SerdeResult { let path = cache_path.join("cache-fs.tree"); match FileTree::load(&path) { Ok(tree) => return Ok(tree), Err(e) => warn!("error loading {:?}: {:?}", path, e), } let tree = FileTree::build(root_path);; Ok(tree) } fn load(path: &Path) -> SerdeResult { let file = File::open(path)?; let file = BufReader::new(file); Ok(bincode::deserialize_from(file)?) } fn save(&self, path: &Path) -> SerdeResult<()> { let file = File::create(path)?; let file = BufWriter::new(file); Ok(bincode::serialize_into(file, self)?) } fn build(root_path: &Path) -> Self { let mut tree = FileTree::default(); let mut ino = 1; let root = FileInfo { parent: 0, // probably should be None but this is the only file without a parent path: PathBuf::new(), attr: std::fs::symlink_metadata(root_path) .and_then(|m| meta2attr(&m, ino)) .expect("cannot read root dir"), type_extra: TypeExtra::Directory(Default::default()), }; tree.inode_to_path.insert(1, root); ino += 1; let mut dirs = vec![1]; while !dirs.is_empty() { let mut all_dirs = Vec::new(); for dir in dirs { tree.process_dir(root_path, &mut ino, &mut all_dirs, dir); } dirs = all_dirs; } debug!("build tree: {:?}", tree); tree } fn process_dir( &mut self, root_path: &Path, ino_counter: &mut u64, dirs: &mut Vec, ino: u64, ) { let dir = self .inode_to_path .get_mut(&ino) .expect("missing dir ino, programming error"); if let Ok(x) = std::fs::read_dir(root_path.join(&dir.path)) { if let TypeExtra::Directory(children) = &mut dir.type_extra { children.reserve(x.size_hint().0); } else { panic!("impossible") }; let dir_path = dir.path.clone(); for de in x.flatten() { if let Ok(attr) = de.metadata().and_then(|m| meta2attr(&m, *ino_counter)) { let path = dir_path.join(de.file_name()); let type_extra = match attr.kind { FileType::RegularFile => TypeExtra::RegularFile, FileType::Directory => { dirs.push(attr.ino); TypeExtra::Directory(Default::default()) } FileType::Symlink => { let entry_path = root_path.join(&path); match std::fs::read_link(entry_path) { Err(e) => { // I guess on error we just ignore this symlink like it doesn't exist error!("bad symlink? {:?}", e); continue; } Ok(x) => TypeExtra::Symlink(x.into_os_string()), } } _ => panic!("impossible to happen, we filter other types out"), }; let child = FileInfo { parent: ino, path, attr, type_extra, }; // avoid this lookup each time with something better? if let Some(TypeExtra::Directory(children)) = &mut self.inode_to_path.get_mut(&ino).map(|f| &mut f.type_extra) { children.insert(de.file_name(), child.attr.ino); } else { unreachable!("this should be impossible"); } self.inode_to_path.insert(child.attr.ino, child); *ino_counter += 1; } } } } pub fn lookup(&self, parent: u64, child: &OsStr) -> Option<&FileAttr> { let (_, children) = self.folder(parent)?; let child = children.get(child)?; let child = self.inode_to_path.get(child)?; Some(&child.attr) } pub fn getattr(&self, ino: u64) -> Option<&FileAttr> { Some(&self.inode_to_path.get(&ino)?.attr) } pub fn folder(&self, ino: u64) -> Option<(&FileInfo, &HashMap)> { self.inode_to_path.get(&ino).and_then(|f| { if let TypeExtra::Directory(children) = &f.type_extra { Some((f, children)) } else { None } }) } pub fn symlink(&self, ino: u64) -> Option<(&FileInfo, &OsString)> { self.inode_to_path.get(&ino).and_then(|f| { if let TypeExtra::Symlink(link) = &f.type_extra { Some((f, link)) } else { None } }) } pub fn file(&self, ino: u64) -> Option<&FileInfo> { self.inode_to_path.get(&ino) } } #[derive(Debug)] struct FileHandle { file: File, count: usize, } impl FileHandle { fn new(file: File) -> Self { FileHandle { file, count: 1 } } fn open(&mut self) { self.count += 1; } fn close(&mut self) -> bool { self.count -= 1; self.count == 0 } } impl Deref for FileHandle { type Target = File; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.file } } struct CacheFs { remote_dir: PathBuf, cache_dir: PathBuf, cache_tmp_file: PathBuf, tree: FileTree, opened_files: HashMap, read_buffer: Vec, } impl CacheFs { pub fn new(remote_dir: PathBuf, cache_dir: PathBuf, tree: FileTree) -> CacheFs { CacheFs { remote_dir, cache_dir: cache_dir.join("root"), cache_tmp_file: cache_dir.join("tmp.file"), tree, opened_files: HashMap::with_capacity(2), read_buffer: Vec::with_capacity(4096), } } } fn ft2ft(t: std::fs::FileType) -> Result { match t { x if x.is_symlink() => Ok(FileType::Symlink), x if x.is_dir() => Ok(FileType::Directory), x if x.is_file() => Ok(FileType::RegularFile), _ => Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::NotFound)), } } fn meta2attr(m: &std::fs::Metadata, ino: u64) -> Result { Ok(FileAttr { kind: ft2ft(m.file_type())?, ino, size: m.size(), blocks: m.blocks(), atime: m.accessed().unwrap_or(UNIX_EPOCH), mtime: m.modified().unwrap_or(UNIX_EPOCH), ctime: UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::from_secs(m.ctime().try_into().unwrap_or(0)), crtime: m.created().unwrap_or(UNIX_EPOCH), perm: m.permissions().mode() as u16, nlink: m.nlink() as u32, uid: m.uid(), gid: m.gid(), rdev: m.rdev() as u32, flags: 0, blksize: m.blksize() as u32, }) } fn errhandle(e: Error) -> libc::c_int { match e.kind() { ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => EPERM, ErrorKind::NotFound => ENOENT, e => { error!("{:?}", e); EIO } } } impl Filesystem for CacheFs { fn lookup(&mut self, _req: &Request, parent: u64, name: &OsStr, reply: ReplyEntry) { debug!("lookup: parent: {parent}, name: {:?}", name); match self.tree.lookup(parent, name) { None => reply.error(ENOENT), Some(attr) => reply.entry(&TTL, attr, 1), } } fn getattr(&mut self, _req: &Request, ino: u64, reply: ReplyAttr) { debug!("getattr: ino: {ino}"); match self.tree.getattr(ino) { None => reply.error(ENOENT), Some(attr) => reply.attr(&TTL, attr), } } fn open(&mut self, _req: &Request, ino: u64, flags: i32, reply: ReplyOpen) { debug!("open: ino: {ino}, flags: {flags}"); if let Some(file_handle) = self.opened_files.get_mut(&ino) {; return reply.opened(ino, 0); } let entry_path = match self.tree.file(ino) { None => return reply.error(ENOENT), Some(file) => &file.path, }; debug!("open: entry_path: {:?}", entry_path); let fl = flags as c_int; if !matches!(fl & O_ACCMODE, O_RDONLY | O_WRONLY | O_RDWR) { return reply.error(EINVAL); } if (fl & (O_EXCL | O_CREAT) != 0) || fl & O_APPEND == O_APPEND || fl & O_TRUNC == O_TRUNC { error!("Wrong flags on open"); return reply.error(EIO); } let mut oo = std::fs::OpenOptions::new();; oo.write(false); oo.create(false); oo.append(false); oo.truncate(false); let cache_path = self.cache_dir.join(&entry_path); if !&cache_path.exists() { // copy the file into place // todo: handle these errors if let Some(parent) = cache_path.parent() { if let Err(e) = std::fs::create_dir_all(parent) { error!("cannot create cache dir {:?} to copy into: {:?}", parent, e); return reply.error(EIO); } } let remote_path = self.remote_dir.join(entry_path); debug!( "copying from {:?} to {:?}", remote_path, self.cache_tmp_file ); if let Err(e) = std::fs::copy(&remote_path, &self.cache_tmp_file) { error!( "failed to copy from {:?} to {:?}: {:?}", &remote_path, self.cache_tmp_file, e ); return reply.error(EIO); } debug!("moving from {:?} to {:?}", self.cache_tmp_file, cache_path); if let Err(e) = std::fs::rename(&self.cache_tmp_file, &cache_path) { error!( "failed to move from {:?} to {:?}: {:?}", self.cache_tmp_file, cache_path, e ); // try to delete it in case it partially moved or something (shouldn't happen, should always be atomic) // but ignore any error deleting it because what could we do anyway? std::fs::remove_file(cache_path).ok(); return reply.error(EIO); } } match { Err(e) => reply.error(errhandle(e)), Ok(f) => { self.opened_files.insert(ino, FileHandle::new(f)); reply.opened(ino, 0); } } } fn read( &mut self, _req: &Request<'_>, ino: u64, fh: u64, offset: i64, size: u32, _flags: i32, _lock_owner: Option, reply: ReplyData, ) { debug!("read: ino: {ino}, fh: {fh}, offset: {offset}, size: {size}"); let f = match self.opened_files.get(&fh) { None => return reply.error(EIO), Some(x) => x, }; let size = size as usize; let b = &mut self.read_buffer; if b.len() != size { b.resize(size, 0); } use std::os::unix::fs::FileExt; let mut bo = 0; while bo < size { match f.read_at(&mut b[bo..], offset as u64) { Err(e) => return reply.error(errhandle(e)), Ok(0) => { b.resize(bo, 0); break; } Ok(ret) => { bo += ret; } }; }[..]); } fn release( &mut self, _req: &Request<'_>, ino: u64, fh: u64, _flags: i32, _lock_owner: Option, _flush: bool, reply: ReplyEmpty, ) { debug!("release: ino: {ino}, fh: {fh}"); // we have 2 choices here: // 1. optimize for many simultaneously opened files in which case we'd get_mut, and then remove if required // 2. optimize for normally only 1 simultaneously opened file, so removing and then only adding back if keeping is best // we pick #2 let mut file_handle = match self.opened_files.remove(&fh) { None => return reply.error(EIO), Some(x) => x, }; if !file_handle.close() { self.opened_files.insert(fh, file_handle); } reply.ok(); } fn opendir(&mut self, _req: &Request, ino: u64, flags: i32, reply: ReplyOpen) { debug!("opendir: ino: {ino}, flags: {flags}"); match self.tree.getattr(ino) { None => reply.error(ENOENT), Some(attr) => reply.opened(attr.ino, 0), } } fn readdir( &mut self, _req: &Request, ino: u64, fh: u64, offset: i64, mut reply: ReplyDirectory, ) { debug!("readdir: ino: {ino}, fh: {fh}, offset: {offset}"); let (dir, children) = match self.tree.folder(ino) { None => return reply.error(EIO), Some(x) => x, }; if offset == 0 && reply.add( dir.attr.ino, 1, FileType::Directory, OsStr::from_bytes(b"."), ) { return reply.ok(); } if offset <= 1 && reply.add(dir.parent, 2, FileType::Directory, OsStr::from_bytes(b"..")) { return reply.ok(); } let offset = if offset <= 1 { 0 } else { offset as usize - 2 }; for (i, (name, ino)) in children.iter().enumerate().skip(offset) { let file = match self.tree.file(*ino) { Some(file) => file, None => { error!("should be impossible to not be able to find a child"); return reply.error(EIO); } }; // i + 3 means the index of the next entry let offset = (i + 3) as i64; debug!( "sending ino: {}, offset: {}, kind: {:?}, name: {:?}", *ino, offset, file.attr.kind, name ); if reply.add(*ino, offset, file.attr.kind, name) { break; } } reply.ok(); } fn releasedir(&mut self, _req: &Request, ino: u64, fh: u64, flags: i32, reply: ReplyEmpty) { debug!("releasedir: ino: {ino}, fh: {fh}, flags: {flags}"); // or could just always return ok() ? match self.tree.file(ino) { None => reply.error(EIO), Some(_) => reply.ok(), }; } fn readlink(&mut self, _req: &Request, ino: u64, reply: ReplyData) { debug!("readlink: ino: {ino}"); let (_, link) = match self.tree.symlink(ino) { None => return reply.error(ENOENT), Some(x) => x, };; } } fn main() { env_logger::init(); let mut args = env::args_os().skip(1); if != Some(OsStr::from_bytes(b"-o").to_os_string()) { panic!("-o must be second argument"); } let mut cmd_opts = "ro".to_string(); let mut cache_dir = "".to_string(); let mut default_permissions = true; let opts ="found -o but missing opts"); let opts = opts.to_str().expect("non-utf8 opts").split(','); for opt in opts { if opt.starts_with("cache_dir=") { let mut split_opt = opt.splitn(2, '='); if let Some(dir) = split_opt.nth(1) { cache_dir.clear(); cache_dir.push_str(dir); } continue; } match opt { "ro" => (), "no_default_permissions" => default_permissions = false, "rw" => panic!("rw is not supported"), opt => { cmd_opts.push(','); cmd_opts.push_str(opt); } } } if cache_dir.is_empty() { panic!("must supply cache_dir=/path/to/cache to -o") } if !cmd_opts.contains(",fsname=") { cmd_opts.push_str(",fsname=cachefs"); } if default_permissions && !cmd_opts.contains(",default_permissions,") { cmd_opts.push_str(",default_permissions"); } let remote_dir = PathBuf::from("missing dir")); let mountpoint ="missing mountpoint"); let cache_dir = PathBuf::from(cache_dir); debug!( "mounting {:?} on {:?} with cache_dir: {:?}, opts: {cmd_opts}", remote_dir, mountpoint, cache_dir ); std::fs::create_dir_all(&cache_dir).expect("could not create cache_dir"); let tree = FileTree::load_or_build(remote_dir.deref(), cache_dir.deref()) .expect("could not build file tree"); let cache = CacheFs::new(remote_dir, cache_dir, tree); let cmd_opts = OsString::from(cmd_opts); let options = [OsStr::new("-o"), cmd_opts.as_os_str()]; #[allow(deprecated)] fuser::mount(cache, mountpoint, &options).expect("mount failed"); }