
543 lines
22 KiB

<?xml version="1.0"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<project name="Beehive/NetUI/TestRecorderCoreTasks" default="" basedir=".">
<!-- need to import this when running tests on the distribution -->
<import file="${dist.home}/beehive-imports.xml" optional="true" />
<property name="_report.root.dir" location="${_testRecorder.base.dir}/junit"/>
<property name="_testRecorder.config.dir" location="${_testRecorder.base.dir}/config"/>
<property name="_testRecorder.scratch.dir" location="${_testRecorder.base.dir}/scratch"/>
<property name="_ant-junit.jar" location="${os.ANT_HOME}/lib/ant-junit.jar"/>
<patternset id="testrecorder.jars">
<include name="commons-httpclient-2.0.jar"/>
<include name="junit.jar"/>
<include name="testRecorder.jar"/>
<path id="testrecorder.dependency.path">
<fileset dir="${testRecorder.dir}/lib">
<patternset id="testrecorder.jars"/>
<path refid="commons-logging.dependency.path"/>
<path id="test.recorder.classpath">
<path refid="junit.dependency.path"/>
<path refid="ant-all.dependency.path"/>
<path refid="servlet.dependency.path"/>
<path refid="xbean.dependency.path"/>
<path refid="testrecorder.dependency.path"/>
<path refid="log4j.dependency.path"/>
<pathelement path="${_test.config.dir}"/>
<taskdef name="junit" classname="">
<pathelement path="${_ant-junit.jar}"/>
<!-- Run a single suite of tests against a server
<target name="run.suite">
<echo message="--------------------------------------------------"/>
<echo message=" Test Recorder running test suite '${playback.categories}'"/>
<echo message="--------------------------------------------------"/>
<echo>drt.mode: ${drt.mode}</echo>
<echo> ${}</echo>
<condition property="cc.mode" value="true">
<istrue value="${}"/>
<!-- set the output flags according to whether the tests are running in DRT mode -->
<condition property="formatter.type" value="plain">
<istrue value="${drt.mode}"/>
<isfalse value="${}"/>
<condition property="formatter.usefile" value="false">
<istrue value="${drt.mode}"/>
<isfalse value="${}"/>
<condition property="formatter.type" value="xml">
<not><isset property="${formatter.type}"/></not>
<condition property="formatter.usefile" value="true">
<not><isset property="${formatter.usefile}"/></not>
<echo>formatter.type: ${formatter.type}</echo>
<echo>formatter.usefile: ${formatter.usefile}</echo>
<echo>Server ready...start playback of tests</echo>
<antcall target="playback.tests">
<param name="playback.categories" value="${playback.categories}"/>
<param name="formatter.type" value="${formatter.type}"/>
<param name="formatter.usefile" value="${formatter.usefile}"/>
<echo message="--------------------------------------------------"/>
<echo message=" Test Recorder completed test suite '${playback.categories}'"/>
<echo message="--------------------------------------------------"/>
Server Test target. Used for DRTs and BVTs. Starts the server, waits for a response
from the server, and upon success starts the client-side test harneess.
waitfor.url == the URL at which to check to see if the server has started.
This should typically be the server's root url.
formatter.type == type of formatter to use when writing reslts.
formatter.usefile == whether to write results to an output file.
drt.mode == flag describing whether running the tests in DRT mode.
In DRT mode, the server does not stop on failure. == the build file to use for cleaning and deploying the
application and starting and stopping the server. ==
<target name="server.test" description="Runs Test Recorder regression tests">
<echo>Start a NetUI test recorder tests</echo>
<condition property="" value="${}">
<isset property=""/>
<condition property="" value="build.xml">
<not><isset property=""/></not>
<echo>Run callbacks to application build file ${}/${}</echo>
<ant dir="${}" antfile="${}" target="start" inheritAll="false"/>
<echo>Wait ${_server.maxWait} seconds for server to start at URL: ${waitfor.url}</echo>
<waitfor maxwait="300" maxwaitunit="second" timeoutproperty="server.timedOut" checkevery="500">
<http url="${waitfor.url}"/>
callback to the application build file to give the application an opportunity to
ensure that it has been deployed before starting to run tests against it
<ant dir="${}" antfile="${}" target="ensure.deployed" inheritAll="false"/>
<echo>Start Playback with playback target: ${}</echo>
<antcall target="_default.callback"/>
<antcall target="_override.callback"/>
<echo>stopping server...</echo>
<ant dir="${}" antfile="${}" target="stop" inheritAll="false"/>
<echo>...server stopped</echo>
<fail if="failedjUnitDRT">Test Recorder JUnit tests FAILED</fail>
<fail if="playback.drt.failure">Test Recorder JUnit tests FAILED</fail>
<!-- Stop the server and then fail because the DRTs failed -->
<target name="drt.errors" if="drt.errors.stop">
<echo>!!!!! Errors or failures occurred running test recorder tests !!!!!</echo>
<antcall target="stop.server"/>
<fail message="NetUI Server Tests Failed"/>
When running the DRTs in CruiseControl mode, the server instance
needs to be stopped whether or not the tests passed. ==
<target name="stop.server" if="cc.mode">
<echo>Stop the server with the 'stop' target in this build file: ${}</echo>
<ant dir="${}" antfile="${}" target="stop"/>
One of these:
<target name="playback.tests" unless="server.timedOut" description="Plays back a list of pre-recorded tests.">
<condition property="" value="set">
<isset property="playback.list"/>
<isset property="playback.categories"/>
<isset property="playback.webapps"/>
<fail if="">
ERROR: to run playback set playback.webapps to a list of webapps to test against or 'all' for all webapps and
set some combination of the following: 'playback.list', 'playback.categories' to a list of tests,
or categories, respectively. The keyword 'all' can be used for 'playback.categories' to include tests for
all categories.
<condition property="_log4j.config" value="${_log4j.config.verbose}">
<isset property="log4j.quiet"/>
<condition property="_log4j.config" value="${_log4j.config}">
<isset property="log4j.quiet"/>
<condition property="_list" value="">
<isset property="playback.list"/>
<condition property="_list" value="${playback.list}">
<isset property="playback.list"/>
<condition property="_categories" value="">
<isset property="playback.categories"/>
<condition property="_categories" value="${playback.categories}">
<isset property="playback.categories"/>
<condition property="_results.delete" value="true">
<istrue value="${drt.mode}"/>
<istrue value="${}"/>
<condition property="_report.dir" value="${_report.root.dir}/${_categories}">
<isset property=""/>
<condition property="_report.dir" value="${_report.root.dir}/${}">
<isset property=""/>
<echo> ${}</echo>
<!-- <property name="_report.dir" location="${_report.root.dir}/${_categories}"/> -->
<!-- remove old JUnit report output -->
<delete failOnError="false">
<fileset dir="${_report.dir}">
<include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
<mkdir dir="${_report.dir}"/>
<echo>playback list: ${_list}</echo>
<echo>playback categories: ${_categories}</echo>
<echo>playback webapps: ${playback.webapps}</echo>
<echo>delete results: ${_results.delete}</echo>
<echo>JUnit report directory: ${_report.dir}</echo>
<junit dir="${netui.ant.dir}"
<classpath refid="test.recorder.classpath"/>
<formatter type="${formatter.type}" usefile="${formatter.usefile}"/>
<sysproperty key="" value="${playback.webapps}"/>
<sysproperty key="" value="${_list}"/>
<sysproperty key="" value="${_categories}"/>
<sysproperty key="" value="${_results.delete}"/>
<sysproperty key="netuidrt.logdir" path="${_testRecorder.base.dir}"/>
<test name=""
<mkdir dir="${_report.dir}/html"/>
<antcall target="">
<param name="report.dir" location="${_report.dir}"/>
<!-- Determine if the tests have an error or failure -->
<condition property="drt.errors.found">
<isset property="playback.drt.error"/>
<isset property="playback.drt.failure"/>
<echo>drt.errors.found: ${drt.errors.found}</echo>
Given whether the tests failed (or not), decide whether to stop the server. This
value is also coupled with the value to stop the server when
running the tests in "cruisecontrol" mode.
<condition property="drt.errors.stop">
<isset property=""/>
<isset property="drt.errors.found"/>
<echo>drt.errors.stop: ${drt.errors.stop}</echo>
<!-- Stop the server as necessary given the value of "drt.errors.stop" -->
<antcall target="drt.errors"/>
<target name="playback" description="Plays back a list of pre-recorded tests, set the 'playback.list' property to specify a list of tests.">
<antcall target="playback.tests">
<param name="formatter.type" value="plain"/>
<param name="formatter.usefile" value="false"/>
<!-- Deploy the Test Recorder to the given webapp
webapp.dir: the webapp into which to deploy the testRecorder the name to use when building the test recorder configuration JAR
<target name="deployTestRecorder" description="Deploy the Test Recorder artifacts to the specified web app">
<echo>webapp.dir: ${webapp.dir}</echo>
<echo> ${}</echo>
<fail unless="" message="No test recorder config name specified"/>
<property name="_config.jar" location="${_testRecorder.config.dir}/${}.jar"/>
<available property="config.jar.available" file="${_config.jar}"/>
<fail unless="config.jar.available" message="Can't find a test recorder config JAR at ${_config.jar} to copy"/>
<echo>config jar: ${_config.jar}</echo>
<copy todir="${webapp.dir}/WEB-INF/lib">
<fileset dir="${testRecorder.dir}/lib">
<patternset id="testrecorder.jars"/>
<copy file="${_config.jar}" toDir="${webapp.dir}/WEB-INF/lib"/>
<copy todir="${webapp.dir}/testRecorder" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="${testRecorder.dir}/jsp">
<include name="**/*.jsp"/>
<include name="**/*.inc"/>
<!-- Undeploy the Test Recorder from the specified web app
webapp.dir == the webapp into which to deploy the testRecorder
<target name="undeploy.testrecorder" description="Undeploy the Test Recorder artifacts from the specified webapp">
<echo>Undeploy testRecorder from: ${webapp.dir}</echo>
<delete quiet="true">
<fileset dir="${webapp.dir}/WEB-INF/lib">
<patternset refid="testrecorder.jars"/>
<patternset refid="commons-logging.patternset" />
<delete quiet="true">
<fileset dir="${webapp.dir}/testRecorder">
<include name="*.jsp"/>
<include name="*.inc"/>
Internal target used to build a config JAR in the format expected by the test recorder
<target name="build.config.jar">
<echo>Build Test Recorder config JAR</echo>
<available property="test.file.available" file="${test.file}"/>
<fail unless="test.file.available" message="Can't build Test Recorder config JAR; the test file ${test.file} is not available"/>
<available property="config.file.available" file="${config.file}"/>
<fail unless="config.file.available" message="Can't build Test Recorder config JAR; the webapp file ${config.file} is not available"/>
<available property="webapp.file.available" file="${webapp.file}"/>
<fail unless="webapp.file.available" message="Can't build Test Recorder config JAR; the config file ${webapp.file} is not available"/>
<mkdir dir="${_testRecorder.config.dir}"/>
<delete dir="${_testRecorder.scratch.dir}"/>
<property name="_scratch.dir" location="${_testRecorder.scratch.dir}/${}"/>
<echo>scratch.dir: ${_scratch.dir}</echo>
<mkdir dir="${_scratch.dir}"/>
<copy todir="${_scratch.dir}" overwrite="true">
<fileset file="${config.file}"/>
<fileset file="${test.file}"/>
<filter token="BASE_DIR" value="${_testRecorder.base.dir}"/>
<copy file="${webapp.file}" tofile="${_scratch.dir}/testRecorder-webapp.xml" overwrite="true">
<filter token="DOMAIN_DIR" value="${app.dir}"/>
<jar jarfile="${_testRecorder.config.dir}/${}.jar">
<fileset dir="${_testRecorder.scratch.dir}/${}"/>
The default playback target for a test recorder suite. This target simply
runs the "suite.callback" target with the provided parameters. It runs
only the suite that was specified.
<target name="_default.callback" unless="">
<antcall target="suite.callback"/>
A playback target that allows an application to provide a target to callback
when the tests should be executed. This allows the application to
override the default behavior of the test suite execution. For example,
the application may compose many test suites into a single callback target.
<target name="_override.callback" if="">
<echo> ${}</echo>
<echo> ${}</echo>
<echo> ${}</echo>
<ant dir="${}" antfile="${}" target="${}"/>
The default callback to run a test suite.
This target expects to be passed a property which is the name of the
suite of tests to execute.
<target name="suite.callback" description="Run a Test Recorder test suite">
<fail unless="" message="No test suite name specified, set the;name&gt; property"/>
<!-- ensure that the application is running where it is supposed to be given the provided "waitfor.url" -->
<waitfor maxwait="5" maxwaitunit="second" timeoutproperty="unavailable">
<http url="${waitfor.url}"/>
<fail if="unavailable" message="Could not reach webapp at ${waitfor.url} to run the suite ${}"/>
<echo>Running suite: ${}</echo>
<antcall target="run.suite">
<param name="playback.categories" value="${}"/>
<param name="playback.webapps" value="${playback.webapps}"/>
<macrodef name="testrecorder-deploy" description="Deploy the test recorder runtime">
<attribute name="webappdir" description="The root directory of a standard J2EE webapp"/>
<echo>Deploy the test recorder runtime to @{webappdir}</echo>
<copy todir="@{webappdir}/WEB-INF/lib">
<fileset dir="${testRecorder.dir}/lib">
<patternset id="testrecorder.jars"/>
<copy todir="@{webappdir}/testRecorder" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="${testRecorder.dir}/jsp">
<include name="**/*.jsp"/>
<include name="**/*.inc"/>
<macrodef name="testrecorder-config" description="Build the test recorder's configuration JAR">
<attribute name="testfile" description="The test recorder test definition file"/>
<attribute name="configfile" description="The test recorder config file"/>
<attribute name="webappfile" description="The test recorder webapp config file"/>
<attribute name="appdir" description="The test recorder application directory"/>
<attribute name="outputdir" description="The root directory of a standard J2EE webapp"/>
<available property="test.file.available" file="@{testfile}"/>
<fail unless="test.file.available" message="Can't build Test Recorder config JAR; the test file @{test.file} is not available"/>
<available property="config.file.available" file="@{configfile}"/>
<fail unless="config.file.available" message="Can't build Test Recorder config JAR; the webapp file @{config.file} is not available"/>
<available property="webapp.file.available" file="@{webappfile}"/>
<fail unless="webapp.file.available" message="Can't build Test Recorder config JAR; the config file @{webapp.file} is not available"/>
<copy todir="@{outputdir}" overwrite="true">
<fileset file="@{configfile}"/>
<fileset file="@{testfile}"/>
<filter token="BASE_DIR" value="${_testRecorder.base.dir}"/>
<copy file="@{webappfile}" tofile="@{outputdir}/testRecorder-webapp.xml" overwrite="true">
<filter token="DOMAIN_DIR" value="@{appdir}"/>