package com.moparisthebest.jdbc; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * $Header:$ */ import com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.CaseInsensitiveHashMap; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static com.moparisthebest.jdbc.UpdateableDTO.YES; import static com.moparisthebest.jdbc.UpdateableDTO.NO; /** * Map a ResultSet row to an Object. This mapper uses Java reflection to perform the mapping. *

* This class is modified from org.apache.beehive.controls.system.jdbc.RowToObjectMapper *

* The column names are compared, case insensitive, and with and without underscores (_), to the set* methods * and fields of the given class to map the fields. For example: *

* USERID would prefer method setUserId(), and fall back to field userId if the method doesn't exist * USER_ID would act the same as the above, but also additionally try to match method setUser_Id(), or field user_id *

* First, this class will look for a constructor that takes a ResultSet as a parameter, if it finds one, it will * instantiate it with that constructor, sending in the ResultSet. Otherwise, this will only try to use public * setters, but will set fields regardless of specified access, even private fields. * * @author Travis Burtrum (modifications from beehive) */ public class RowToObjectMapper extends AbstractRowMapper { private static final String SETTER_NAME_REGEX = "^(set)([A-Z_]\\w*+)"; protected static final TypeMappingsFactory _tmf = TypeMappingsFactory.getInstance(); protected static final Pattern _setterRegex = Pattern.compile(SETTER_NAME_REGEX); public static final int TYPE_BOOLEAN = _tmf.getTypeId(Boolean.TYPE);//TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_BOOLEAN; // not public? public static final int TYPE_BOOLEAN_OBJ = _tmf.getTypeId(Boolean.class);//TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_BOOLEAN_OBJ; // not public? protected boolean resultSetConstructor, constructorLoaded = false; protected Constructor constructor; protected final Class _returnTypeClass; // over-ride non-generic version of this in super class // only non-null when _returnTypeClass is an array, or a map protected final Class componentType; protected final boolean returnMap; protected AccessibleObject[] _fields = null; protected int[] _fieldTypes; protected final Object[] _args = new Object[1]; public RowToObjectMapper(ResultSet resultSet, Class returnTypeClass) { this(resultSet, returnTypeClass, null, null); } public RowToObjectMapper(ResultSet resultSet, Class returnTypeClass, Class mapValType) { this(resultSet, returnTypeClass, null, mapValType); } public RowToObjectMapper(ResultSet resultSet, Class returnTypeClass, Calendar cal) { this(resultSet, returnTypeClass, cal, null); } public RowToObjectMapper(ResultSet resultSet, Class returnTypeClass, Calendar cal, Class mapValType) { this(resultSet, returnTypeClass, cal, mapValType, null); } public RowToObjectMapper(ResultSet resultSet, Class returnTypeClass, Calendar cal, Class mapValType, Class mapKeyType) { this(resultSet, returnTypeClass, cal, mapValType, mapKeyType, false); } public RowToObjectMapper(ResultSet resultSet, Class returnTypeClass, Calendar cal, Class mapValType, Class mapKeyType, boolean caseInsensitiveMap) { this(null, resultSet, returnTypeClass, cal, mapValType, mapKeyType, caseInsensitiveMap); } /** * Create a new RowToObjectMapper. * * @param resultSet ResultSet to map * @param returnTypeClass Class to map to. * @param cal Calendar instance for date/time mappings. */ public RowToObjectMapper(String[] keys, ResultSet resultSet, Class returnTypeClass, Calendar cal, Class mapValType, Class mapKeyType, boolean caseInsensitiveMap) { super(keys, resultSet, returnTypeClass, cal, mapKeyType); returnMap = Map.class.isAssignableFrom(returnTypeClass); if(returnMap){ Class rtc = ResultSetMapper.getConcreteClass(returnTypeClass, HashMap.class); if(caseInsensitiveMap && HashMap.class.equals(rtc)) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Class rtct = (Class) CaseInsensitiveHashMap.class; rtc = rtct; } _returnTypeClass = rtc; componentType = mapValType; }else{ _returnTypeClass = returnTypeClass; // detect if we want an array back componentType = returnTypeClass.getComponentType(); } } protected void lazyLoadConstructor() { if(constructorLoaded) return; // detect if returnTypeClass has a constructor that takes a ResultSet, if so, our job couldn't be easier... boolean resultSetConstructor = false; Constructor constructor = null; try { constructor = _returnTypeClass.getConstructor(ResultSet.class); if (!constructor.isAccessible()) constructor.setAccessible(true); resultSetConstructor = true; } catch (Throwable e) { // if no resultSetConstructor find the constructor try { constructor = _returnTypeClass.getDeclaredConstructor(); if (!constructor.isAccessible()) constructor.setAccessible(true); } catch (Throwable e1) { // if column count is 2 or less, it might map directly to a type like a Long or something, or be a map which does // or if componentType is non-null, then we want an array like Long[] or String[] if(_columnCount > 2 && componentType == null) throw new MapperException("Exception when trying to get constructor for : "+_returnTypeClass.getName() + " Must have default no-arg constructor or one that takes a single ResultSet.", e1); } } this.resultSetConstructor = resultSetConstructor; this.constructor = constructor; this.constructorLoaded = true; } /** * This returns a new instance of the Map class required by Map[] * It lives in it's own method to minimize suppressed warnings and allow subclasses to override methods, * like perhaps to implement the original beehive behavior of case-insensitive strings */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) private Map getMapImplementation() throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { return (Map)_returnTypeClass.newInstance(); } @Override public K getMapKey() throws SQLException { return this.extractColumnValue(1, _mapKeyType); } /** * Do the mapping. * * @return An object instance. */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) public T mapRowToReturnType() throws SQLException { if(mapOnlySecondColumn) return this.extractColumnValue(2, _returnTypeClass); lazyLoadConstructor(); if (resultSetConstructor) try { return constructor.newInstance(_resultSet); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new MapperException(e.getClass().getName() + " when trying to create instance of : " + _returnTypeClass.getName() + " sending in a ResultSet object as a parameter", e); } if(returnMap) // we want a map try { final Map ret = getMapImplementation(); final String[] keys = getKeysFromResultSet(); final int columnLength = _columnCount+1; if(componentType != null && componentType != Object.class){ // we want a specific value type int typeId = _tmf.getTypeId(componentType); for(int x = 1; x < columnLength; ++x) ret.put(keys[x].toLowerCase(), extractColumnValue(x, typeId)); } else // we want a generic object type for(int x = 1; x < columnLength; ++x) ret.put(keys[x].toLowerCase(), _resultSet.getObject(x)); return _returnTypeClass.cast(ret); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new MapperException(e.getClass().getName() + " when trying to create a Map from a ResultSet row" + ", all columns must be of the map value type", e); } else if(componentType != null) // we want an array try { final Object ret = Array.newInstance(componentType, _columnCount); final int typeId = _tmf.getTypeId(componentType); for(int x = 0; x < _columnCount;) Array.set(ret, x, extractColumnValue(++x, typeId)); //ret[x] = extractColumnValue(++x, typeId); return _returnTypeClass.cast(ret); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new MapperException(e.getClass().getName() + " when trying to create a " + componentType.getName() + "[] from a ResultSet row, all columns must be of that type", e); } T resultObject = null; // if the ResultSet only contains a single column we may be able to map directly // to the return type -- if so we don't need to build any structures to support // mapping if (_columnCount == 1) { final int typeId = _tmf.getTypeId(_returnTypeClass); try { if (typeId != TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_UNKNOWN) { return (T)extractColumnValue(1, typeId); } else { // we still might want a single value (i.e. java.util.Date) Object val = extractColumnValue(1, typeId); if (_returnTypeClass.isAssignableFrom(val.getClass())) { return _returnTypeClass.cast(val); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new MapperException(e.getMessage(), e); } } if (_fields == null) { try { getFieldMappings(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new MapperException(e.getMessage(), e); } } try { resultObject = constructor.newInstance(); } catch (Throwable e) { if(constructor == null) // then this is a different error throw new MapperException("Exception when trying to get constructor for : "+_returnTypeClass.getName() + " Must have default no-arg constructor or one that takes a single ResultSet.", e); throw new MapperException(e.getClass().getName() + " when trying to create instance of : " + _returnTypeClass.getName(), e); } for (int i = 1; i < _fields.length; i++) { AccessibleObject f = _fields[i]; try { _args[0] = extractColumnValue(i, _fieldTypes[i]); //System.out.printf("field: '%s' obj: '%s' fieldType: '%s'\n", _fields[i], _args[0], _fieldTypes[i]); // custom hacked-in support for enums, can do better when we scrap org.apache.beehive.controls.system.jdbc.TypeMappingsFactory if(_fieldTypes[i] == 0 && _args[0] instanceof String){ Class fieldType = f instanceof Field ? ((Field)f).getType() : ((Method)f).getParameterTypes()[0]; if(Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) _args[0] = Enum.valueOf((Class)fieldType, (String)_args[0]); } if (f instanceof Field) { ((Field) f).set(resultObject, _args[0]); } else { ((Method) f).invoke(resultObject, _args); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new MapperException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { try { ResultSetMetaData md = _resultSet.getMetaData(); if (f instanceof Field) { throw new MapperException("The declared Java type for field " + ((Field) f).getName() + ((Field) f).getType().toString() + " is incompatible with the SQL format of column " + i + " '" + md.getColumnLabel(i) + "' (" + md.getColumnTypeName(i) + ") which returns objects of type " + _args[0].getClass().getName()); } else { throw new MapperException("The declared Java type for method " + ((Method) f).getName() + ((Method) f).getParameterTypes()[0].toString() + " is incompatible with the SQL format of column " + i + " '" + md.getColumnLabel(i) + "' (" + md.getColumnTypeName(i) + ") which returns objects of type " + _args[0].getClass().getName()); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new MapperException(e.getMessage(), e); } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { if (f instanceof Field) { throw new MapperException("IllegalAccessException when trying to access field " + ((Field) f).getName(), e); } else { throw new MapperException("IllegalAccessException when trying to access method " + ((Method) f).getName(), e); } } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new MapperException("InvocationTargetException when trying to access method " + ((Method) f).getName(), e); } } // if this resultObject is Finishable, call finish() if (resultObject instanceof Finishable) try { ((Finishable) resultObject).finish(_resultSet); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new MapperException(e.getMessage(), e); } return resultObject; } /** * Provided so we can extract a column value to use for the key of a map * * @param index * @param classType * @return * @throws SQLException */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) public E extractColumnValue(int index, Class classType) throws SQLException { return classType.cast(extractColumnValue(index, _tmf.getTypeId(classType))); } /** * Build the structures necessary to do the mapping * * @throws SQLException on error. */ protected void getFieldMappings() throws SQLException { final String[] keys = getKeysFromResultSet(); //System.out.println("keys: "+ Arrays.toString(keys)); // added this to handle stripping '_' from keys Map strippedKeys = new HashMap(); for (final String key : keys) { String strippedKey = key; if (key != null) { strippedKey = key.replaceAll("_", ""); if (key.equals(strippedKey)) continue; strippedKeys.put(strippedKey, key); } } //System.out.println("strippedKeys: "+strippedKeys); // // find fields or setters for return class // HashMap mapFields = new HashMap(_columnCount * 2); for (int i = 1; i <= _columnCount; i++) { mapFields.put(keys[i], null); } // public methods Method[] classMethods = _returnTypeClass.getMethods(); for (Method m : classMethods) { //System.out.printf("method: '%s', isSetterMethod: '%s'\n", m, isSetterMethod(m)); if (isSetterMethod(m)) { String fieldName = m.getName().substring(3).toUpperCase(); //System.out.println("METHOD-fieldName1: "+fieldName); if (!mapFields.containsKey(fieldName)) { fieldName = strippedKeys.get(fieldName); if (fieldName == null) continue; //System.out.println("METHOD-fieldName2: "+fieldName); } final AccessibleObject field = mapFields.get(fieldName); // check for overloads if (field == null) { mapFields.put(fieldName, m); } else { // fix for 'overloaded' methods when it comes to stripped keys, we want the exact match final String thisName = m.getName().substring(3).toUpperCase(); final String previousName = ((Method) field).getName().substring(3).toUpperCase(); //System.out.printf("thisName: '%s', previousName: '%s', mapFields.containsKey(thisName): %b, strippedKeys.containsKey(previousName): %b\n", thisName, previousName, mapFields.containsKey(thisName), strippedKeys.containsKey(previousName)); if(mapFields.containsKey(thisName) && strippedKeys.containsKey(previousName)) { mapFields.put(fieldName, m); } else if (!mapFields.containsKey(previousName) || !strippedKeys.containsKey(thisName)) { throw new MapperException("Unable to choose between overloaded methods '" + m.getName() + "' and '" + ((Method) field).getName() + "' for field '" + fieldName + "' on the '" + _returnTypeClass.getName() + "' class. Mapping is done using " + "a case insensitive comparison of SQL ResultSet columns to field " + "names and public setter methods on the return class. Columns are also " + "stripped of '_' and compared if no match is found with them."); } // then the 'overloaded' method is already correct } } } // fix for 8813: include inherited and non-public fields for (Class clazz = _returnTypeClass; clazz != null && clazz != Object.class; clazz = clazz.getSuperclass()) { //System.out.println("searching for fields in class: "+clazz.getName()); Field[] classFields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); //System.out.println("fields in class: "+Arrays.toString(classFields)); for (Field f : classFields) { if (Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers())) continue; //if (!Modifier.isPublic(f.getModifiers())) continue; // commented this out to work on all types of fields String fieldName = f.getName().toUpperCase(); //System.out.println("fieldName: "+fieldName); if (!mapFields.containsKey(fieldName)) { fieldName = strippedKeys.get(fieldName); if (fieldName == null) continue; } final AccessibleObject field = mapFields.get(fieldName); if (field == null) { mapFields.put(fieldName, f); } else if(field instanceof Field) { // fix for 'overloaded' fields when it comes to stripped keys, we want the exact match final String thisName = f.getName().toUpperCase(); final String previousName = ((Field) field).getName().toUpperCase(); //System.out.printf("thisName: '%s', previousName: '%s', mapFields.containsKey(thisName): %b, strippedKeys.containsKey(previousName): %b\n", thisName, previousName, mapFields.containsKey(thisName), strippedKeys.containsKey(previousName)); if(mapFields.containsKey(thisName) && strippedKeys.containsKey(previousName)) { mapFields.put(fieldName, f); } else if (!mapFields.containsKey(previousName) || !strippedKeys.containsKey(thisName)) { throw new MapperException("Unable to choose between overloaded fields '" + f.getName() + "' and '" + ((Field) field).getName() + "' for field '" + fieldName + "' on the '" + _returnTypeClass.getName() + "' class. Mapping is done using " + "a case insensitive comparison of SQL ResultSet columns to field " + "names and public setter methods on the return class. Columns are also " + "stripped of '_' and compared if no match is found with them."); } // then the 'overloaded' field is already correct } } } // finally actually init the fields array _fields = new AccessibleObject[_columnCount + 1]; _fieldTypes = new int[_columnCount + 1]; for (int i = 1; i < _fields.length; i++) { AccessibleObject f = mapFields.get(keys[i]); if (f == null) { throw new MapperException("Unable to map the SQL column '" + keys[i] + "' to a field on the '" + _returnTypeClass.getName() + "' class. Mapping is done using a case insensitive comparison of SQL ResultSet " + "columns to field " + "names and public setter methods on the return class. Columns are also " + "stripped of '_' and compared if no match is found with them."); } f.setAccessible(true); _fields[i] = f; if (f instanceof Field) { _fieldTypes[i] = _tmf.getTypeId(((Field) f).getType()); } else { _fieldTypes[i] = _tmf.getTypeId(((Method) f).getParameterTypes()[0]); } } } public static T fixNull(Class returnType) { return returnType.cast(_tmf.fixNull(returnType)); } /** * Determine if the given method is a java bean setter method. * @param method Method to check * @return True if the method is a setter method. */ protected boolean isSetterMethod(Method method) { Matcher matcher = _setterRegex.matcher(method.getName()); if (matcher.matches()) { if (Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())) return false; if (!Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) return false; if (!Void.TYPE.equals(method.getReturnType())) return false; // method parameter checks Class[] params = method.getParameterTypes(); if (params.length != 1) return false; if (TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_UNKNOWN == _tmf.getTypeId(params[0])) return false; return true; } return false; } /** * Extract a column value from the ResultSet and return it as resultType. * * @param index The column index of the value to extract from the ResultSet. * @param resultType The return type. Defined in TypeMappingsFactory. * @return The extracted value * @throws java.sql.SQLException on error. */ protected Object extractColumnValue(int index, int resultType) throws SQLException { try{ switch (resultType) { case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_INT: return new Integer(_resultSet.getInt(index)); case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_LONG: return new Long(_resultSet.getLong(index)); case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_FLOAT: return new Float(_resultSet.getFloat(index)); case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_DOUBLE: return new Double(_resultSet.getDouble(index)); case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_BYTE: return new Byte(_resultSet.getByte(index)); case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_SHORT: return new Short(_resultSet.getShort(index)); case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_INT_OBJ: { int i = _resultSet.getInt(index); return _resultSet.wasNull() ? null : new Integer(i); } case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_LONG_OBJ: { long i = _resultSet.getLong(index); return _resultSet.wasNull() ? null : new Long(i); } case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_FLOAT_OBJ: { float i = _resultSet.getFloat(index); return _resultSet.wasNull() ? null : new Float(i); } case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_DOUBLE_OBJ: { double i = _resultSet.getDouble(index); return _resultSet.wasNull() ? null : new Double(i); } case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_BYTE_OBJ: { byte i = _resultSet.getByte(index); return _resultSet.wasNull() ? null : new Byte(i); } case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_SHORT_OBJ: { short i = _resultSet.getShort(index); return _resultSet.wasNull() ? null : new Short(i); } case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_BOOLEAN: case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_BOOLEAN_OBJ: { // do some special handling to convert a database string to a boolean boolean ret; try { // try to get an actual boolean from the database ret = _resultSet.getBoolean(index); // null seems to get returned as false above, so String code won't run if its null if (_resultSet.wasNull()) if (resultType == TYPE_BOOLEAN_OBJ) return null; // only return null for Boolean object else throw new MapperException(String.format("Implicit conversion of database string to boolean failed on column '%d'. Returned string needs to be 'Y' or 'N' and was instead 'null'. If you want to accept null values, make it an object Boolean instead of primitive boolean.", index)); } catch (SQLException e) { // if we are here, it wasn't a boolean or null, so try to grab a string instead String bool = _resultSet.getString(index);//.toUpperCase(); // do we want it case-insensitive? ret = YES.equals(bool); if (!ret && !NO.equals(bool)) throw new MapperException(String.format("Implicit conversion of database string to boolean failed on column '%d'. Returned string needs to be 'Y' or 'N' and was instead '%s'.", index, bool)); //throw e; } return ret ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_STRING: case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_XMLBEAN_ENUM: return _resultSet.getString(index); case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_BIG_DECIMAL: return _resultSet.getBigDecimal(index); case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_BYTES: return _resultSet.getBytes(index); case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_TIMESTAMP: { if (null == _cal) return _resultSet.getTimestamp(index); else return _resultSet.getTimestamp(index, _cal); } case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_TIME: { if (null == _cal) return _resultSet.getTime(index); else return _resultSet.getTime(index, _cal); } case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_SQLDATE: { if (null == _cal) return _resultSet.getDate(index); else return _resultSet.getDate(index, _cal); } case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_DATE: { // convert explicity to java.util.Date // 12918 | knex does not return java.sql.Date properly from web service java.sql.Timestamp ts = (null == _cal) ? _resultSet.getTimestamp(index) : _resultSet.getTimestamp(index, _cal); if (null == ts) return null; return new java.util.Date(ts.getTime()); } case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_CALENDAR: { java.sql.Timestamp ts = (null == _cal) ? _resultSet.getTimestamp(index) : _resultSet.getTimestamp(index, _cal); if (null == ts) return null; Calendar c = (null == _cal) ? Calendar.getInstance() : (Calendar) _cal.clone(); c.setTimeInMillis(ts.getTime()); return c; } case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_REF: return _resultSet.getRef(index); case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_BLOB: return _resultSet.getBlob(index); case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_CLOB: return _resultSet.getClob(index); case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_ARRAY: return _resultSet.getArray(index); case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_READER: case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_STREAM: throw new MapperException("streaming return types are not supported by the JdbcControl; use ResultSet instead"); case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_STRUCT: case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_UNKNOWN: // JAVA_TYPE (could be any), or REF return _resultSet.getObject(index); default: throw new MapperException("internal error: unknown type ID: " + Integer.toString(resultType)); } }catch(SQLException e){ throw new SQLExceptionColumnNum(e, index); } } }