<%@ taglib prefix="netui" uri="http://beehive.apache.org/netui/tags-html-1.0"%> Extended Tree Renderer

Extended Tree Renderer for Trees with RunAtClient and ExpandOnClient

This test uses a custom TreeRenderer for trees that both runAtClient and expandOnServer. The children of the dynamic tree are created during the onExpand method while the children of the other tree are declared in the JSP.

This is just a manual test. To run the test, edit the NetUI config file, beehive-netui-config.xml, and the following new element <tree-renderer-class> within the <jsp-tag-config>...</jsp-tag-config> section. It should have the Java class name of the custom TreeRenderer you want to test. For example, with the implementation in this test, use...


Dynamic Tree

JSP Tree

TreeItem0 TreeItem0. CONTENT for this tree item TreeItem0. another tree label can you see me?