<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://beehive.apache.org/netui/tags-databinding-1.0" prefix="netui-data"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://beehive.apache.org/netui/tags-html-1.0" prefix="netui"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://beehive.apache.org/netui/tags-template-1.0" prefix="netui-template"%> Tree Tests Reinitialize Trees
Base Tree Tests
RichTreeDynamicBaseTree Simplest Tree Defined DynamicallygoBaseTreebaseTree.jsp tree1
RichTreeStaticBaseTree Simplest Tree Defined StaticallygoStaticBaseTreebaseTreeTwo.jsp tree2
RichTreeSelectionStyle Simplest Tree with selection stylesgoSelectStylesselectStyles.jsp tree3
RichTreeTreeStyle Simplest Tree the tree style setgoTreeStyletreeStyle.jsp tree4
RichTreeTreeHtml Tree Items specify their own label through HTML contentgoTreeHtmltreeHtml.jsp tree10
RichTreeTreeHtmlTwo Tree Items specify their own label through HTML contentgoTreeHtmlTwotreeHtmlTwo.jsp tree11
RichTreeContent Demonstrate the use of tree content.goContentcontent.jsp tree12
RichTreeDisabled Disabled Nodes within the treegoDisableddisabled.jsp tree16
RichTreeOverride Override tree attributesgoOverrideoverride.jsp Tree17
RichTreeOverrideTwo Override the whole tree actions from the rootgoOverrideTwooverrideTwo.jsp tree18
RichTreeHref Verify that HRefs and target workgoHrefhref.jsp tree19
RichTreeSelectAction Verify that selection action target worksgoSelectActionselectAction.jsp tree37
RichTreeEncodeContent Verify escape for HTML works on labels and content*goEncodeContent*encodeContent.js tree20
RichTreeNoRoot Verify expand on client on a rootless treegoNoRootnoRoot.jsp tree21

Client Side Tests
RichTreeRunAtClient Simplest Tree with runAtClient Support.goBaseClientbaseClient.jsp tree8
RichTreeClientContent Client expansion with content and labelsgoClientContentclientContent.jsp tree13
RichTreeContentAnchor Using an Anchor inside of the Content with runAtClientgoContentAnchorcontentAnchor tree14
RichTreeClientContentAnchor Using an Anchor inside of the ContentgoClientContentAnchorclientContentAnchor.jsp tree15
RichTreeClientContentForm Using an Form inside of the ContentgoClientContentFormclientContentForm.jsp tree22
RichTreeSC Running a runAtClient tree in a script containergoTreeSCtreeSC.jsp tree24
RichTreeSC2 Running a runAtClient tree in a script containergoTreeSC2treeSC2.jsp tree28 tree29
RichTreeSC3 Running a runAtClient tree in a script containergoTreeSC3treeSC3.jsp tree30 tree31
RichTreeSC4 Verification of tagId's on a treegoTreeSC4treeSC4.jsp tree34 tree35
RichTreeRunAtClient2 Multiple tree controls doing runAtClientgoRunAtClient2runAtClient2.jsp tree25 tree26
RichTreeExpandOnServer Base test of expand on server.goExpandOnServerexpandOnServer.jsp tree27
RichTreeDynamicClient Dynamically created runAtClientgoDynamicClientdynamicClient.jsp tree36

Layout Bugs
RichTreeInvalidLayout Layout of a tree four layers deep.goCr180331cr180331.jsp tree5
RichTreeLongLabels Layout of a tree with long label names.goCr182056cr182056.jsp tree6

Error Conditions
RichTreeEmptyTree Just a Tree tag without backing TreeNodegoEmptyTreeemptyTree.jsp tree9
RichTreeBindingError Invalid Binding a tree.goTreeBindingtreeBinding.jsp no tree
RichTreeWriteTreeError No property defined to set the tree.goWriteTreeErrorwriteTreeError.jsp tree7
RichTreeRunAtClientError runAtClient set on the tree, but not on the HTML tag.goRunAtClientErrorrunAtClientError.jsp tree23
RichTreeSCError Running a runAtClient tree outside a scriptContainergoTreeSCErrortreeSCError.jsp tree32 tree33
  • Need to verify a node with both an href and action defined