<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"%> <%@ taglib prefix="netui" uri="http://beehive.apache.org/netui/tags-html-1.0"%> <%@ taglib prefix="netui-data" uri="http://beehive.apache.org/netui/tags-databinding-1.0"%> <%@ taglib prefix="netui-template" uri="http://beehive.apache.org/netui/tags-template-1.0"%>


This test ensures that trouble-causing XML characters are properly escaped in XML attributes and XML text values, in generated Struts and Validator config files.

The condition attribute on @Jpf.ConditionalForward and the regex attribute on @Jpf.ValidateMask contain characters that need to be escaped in generated XML attributes and XML text values, respectively.

match regex pattern ^[' "=,\\<>#|&~?(){}%*]*$: Conditional forwards against condition=param.x < 5 || param.x > 10 || param.y == "hi":
begin.do?x=3 -> success.jsp
begin.do?x=11 -> success.jsp
begin.do?y=hi -> success.jsp
begin.do?x=7 -> index.jsp