<%@ page language="java" %> <%@ page import="org.apache.beehive.netui.util.HtmlExceptionFormatter" %> <%@ taglib uri="http://beehive.apache.org/netui/tags-databinding-1.0" prefix="netui-data"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://beehive.apache.org/netui/tags-html-1.0" prefix="netui-html"%> Cell Repeater Cell Repeater <% Integer[] smallItemArray = new Integer[4]; for(int i = 0; i < smallItemArray.length; i++) { smallItemArray[i] = new Integer(i); } pageContext.setAttribute("smallItemArray", smallItemArray); String[] itemArray = new String[17]; for(int i = 0; i < itemArray.length; i++) { itemArray[i] = new String("" + i); } pageContext.setAttribute("itemArray", itemArray); String[] zeroArray = new String[0]; pageContext.setAttribute("zeroArray", zeroArray); pageContext.setAttribute("columnsStr", "4"); pageContext.setAttribute("rowsStr", "5"); pageContext.setAttribute("badRowsStr", "abcd"); %>
<%= itemArray.length %> Item Array

Expected Failures
<% try{ %> Item: <%}catch(Exception e){out.write(HtmlExceptionFormatter.format("Expected failure, rows < 0", e, false));}%>
<% try { %>
Item: <% }catch(Exception e) {out.write(HtmlExceptionFormatter.format("Expected failure, missing rows and columns", e, false));} %>
<%try{%> Item:
<%}catch(Exception e){out.write(HtmlExceptionFormatter.format("Expected failure, rows expression evaluates to NaN", e, false));} %>
Item: <%}catch(Exception e){out.write(HtmlExceptionFormatter.format("Expected failure, columns < 0", e, false));}%>
<% try{ %> Item: <%}catch(Exception e){out.write(HtmlExceptionFormatter.format("Expected failure, rows < 0", e, false));}%>