# Original: Maxime Poulin # Maintainer: Trevor Bergeron # Build options (yes/no/default) _large_network=default _pcre=default _perl=default _contrib=default _cracklib=default _ldap=no pkgname=atheme pkgver=7.2.10_r2 _pkgver="7.2.10-r2" pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="IRC services" arch=("i686" "x86_64") url="http://www.atheme.org/atheme/" license=('custom:ISC') # qrencode seems to be optional at build time but with no easy way to disable # it aside from uninstalling qrencode depends=('qrencode') conflicts=('libmowgli' 'xtheme' 'atheme-git') optdepends=( 'pcre: for pcre support' 'perl: for Perl support' 'cracklib: cracklib support in NickServ' 'libldap: LDAP support' ) backup=( 'etc/atheme/atheme.conf' 'etc/atheme/atheme.motd' ) install=atheme.install source=("https://github.com/atheme/atheme/releases/download/v${_pkgver}/atheme-v${_pkgver}.tar.xz" "atheme.service" ) sha256sums=('cceceb285283509c9f6dcb20eeb9b816db373a81b55fe49bc11a774b501d687d' 'ee9ad7658434451184872c21c7fd38196d22d1dfb6b1f37bcfaf8c363d50296f') pkgver() { echo "$_pkgver" >&2 echo "$_pkgver" | tr - _ } build() { _configure="./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-fhs-paths" _configure+=" --sysconfdir=/etc/atheme --localstatedir=/var" # By default, if you have libmowgli-2.so, it doesn't bother to build it. # So it finds the version installed by atheme, doesn't build it, then when # you install the new build, it's gone and atheme doesn't start. # It's then absent from the system for the next build, so it's included. # I can never get my saturday morning back. _configure+=" --with-libmowgli=no" [[ $_large_network = yes ]] && _configure+=" --enable-large-net" [[ $_contrib = yes ]] && _configure+=" --enable-contrib" [[ $_pcre = yes ]] && _configure+=" --with-pcre" [[ $_pcre = no ]] && _configure+=" --without-pcre" eval $_configure make } package() { make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install install -Dm0644 "$srcdir/atheme.service" "$pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/atheme.service" cd "$pkgdir" rm -r var install -dm755 -o142 -g142 var/lib/atheme/ install -d usr/share/licenses/atheme/ mv usr/share/doc/atheme/LICENSE usr/share/licenses/atheme/LICENSE chmod 0755 etc/atheme/ chmod 0644 etc/atheme/* install -dm755 usr/share/doc/atheme/config/ mv etc/atheme/atheme.conf.example etc/atheme/atheme.conf mv etc/atheme/atheme.conf.operserv-example usr/share/doc/atheme/config/ mv etc/atheme/atheme.conf.userserv-example usr/share/doc/atheme/config/ mv etc/atheme/atheme.motd.example etc/atheme/atheme.motd rm etc/atheme/atheme.cron.example }