# Maintainer: Rich Li # Contributor: Samed Beyribey pkgname=python-pyspf pkgver=2.0.12 # This version is a patched release that is only reflected in the filename; this will likely be removed in the next upstream release? _fix_pkgver=2.0.12t pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Python implementation of the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) protocol" arch=('any') url="https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyspf" license=('PSF') depends=('python-pydns') makedepends=('python-setuptools') optdepends=('python-authres: Return RFC 5451 Authentication Results headers') source=("$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/pyspf/pyspf-$_fix_pkgver.tar.gz") sha256sums=('8aa21ba0e3aff8a4e8ad8f586c500a5d1f9c4c902c3f11bcc107465857cd41a2') build() { cd "$srcdir/pyspf-$pkgver" python setup.py build } # The package requires installation before testing...so it won't work here # check() { # } package() { cd "$srcdir/pyspf-$pkgver" python setup.py install --root="$pkgdir" --optimize=1 } # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: