mirror of https://github.com/moparisthebest/arch-ppa synced 2025-02-16 07:00:15 -05:00

Add memtest86-efi

This commit is contained in:
Travis Burtrum 2016-12-27 00:53:40 -05:00
parent fb595bd225
commit 2dfbcd36f7
8 changed files with 374 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# Generated by mksrcinfo v8
# Wed Dec 14 06:57:48 UTC 2016
pkgbase = memtest86-efi
pkgdesc = A free, thorough, stand alone memory test as an EFI application
pkgver = 7.2
pkgrel = 1
url = http://www.memtest86.com
install = memtest86-efi.install
arch = i686
arch = x86_64
license = GPL2
license = custom:PassMark
makedepends = libarchive
optdepends = efibootmgr: to add a new EFI boot entry
optdepends = grub: to add MemTest86 entry in GRUB2 menu
backup = etc/memtest86-efi/memtest86-efi.conf
source = memtest86-7.2.iso.tar.gz::http://www.memtest86.com/downloads/memtest86-iso.tar.gz
source = memtest86-efi
source = memtest86-efi.conf
source = grub.conf
source = systemd-boot.conf
md5sums = 5ac971dbe3af784c1847a693f587a667
md5sums = 6d78d97e54e9feb75e3b1f835297ffd8
md5sums = 6c096df3f55baf3e27c3bd605a418aa2
md5sums = 8b4aa0e2f5d769d902459c8f8d514336
md5sums = 496120c33c2af986933bf33456fa6cf3
pkgname = memtest86-efi

src/memtest86-efi/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# Maintainer: X0rg
pkgdesc="A free, thorough, stand alone memory test as an EFI application"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
license=('GPL2' 'custom:PassMark')
optdepends=('efibootmgr: to add a new EFI boot entry'
'grub: to add MemTest86 entry in GRUB2 menu')
prepare() {
msg2 "Extract ISO..."
bsdtar -xf "Memtest86-$pkgver.iso"
package() {
msg2 "Move MemTest86 stuff in share directory..."
[[ "$CARCH" == "i686" ]] && install -Dvm755 "$srcdir/EFI/BOOT/BOOTIA32.EFI" "$pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname/bootia32.efi"
[[ "$CARCH" == "x86_64" ]] && install -Dvm755 "$srcdir/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI" "$pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname/bootx64.efi"
install -Dvm644 "$srcdir/EFI/BOOT/MT86.PNG" "$pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname/mt86.png"
install -Dvm644 "$srcdir/EFI/BOOT/UNIFONT.BIN" "$pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname/unifont.bin"
install -Dvm644 "$srcdir/LICENSE.RTF" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE.rtf"
msg2 "Install AUR provided script..."
install -Dvm755 "$srcdir/memtest86-efi" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/memtest86-efi"
install -Dvm644 "$srcdir/memtest86-efi.conf" "$pkgdir/etc/memtest86-efi/memtest86-efi.conf"
install -Dvm644 "$srcdir/grub.conf" "$pkgdir/etc/memtest86-efi/grub.conf"
install -Dvm644 "$srcdir/systemd-boot.conf" "$pkgdir/etc/memtest86-efi/systemd-boot.conf"

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
cat <<EOF
if [ "\$grub_platform" = "efi" ]; then
menuentry "Memtest86" {
search --set=root --no-floppy --fs-uuid @UUID@
chainloader /EFI/memtest86/memtest@ARCH@.efi

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@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
export LC_ALL=C
CE="\033[31m" # Color red
CB="\033[1m" # Color bold
CR="\033[0m" # Color reset
PRGNAME=$(basename $0)
source "$CONFFILE" || exit 127
[[ "$(uname -m)" == "i686" ]] && ARCH="ia32"
[[ "$(uname -m)" == "x86_64" ]] && ARCH="x64"
warn() {
echo -e "${CB}${CE}This script is unofficial, written by an AUR (Arch User Repository) user. Use it at YOUR OWN RISK.${CR}"
checkuid() {
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo -e "${CE}You must be root to run $PRGNAME. Aborted.${CR}" > /dev/stderr
exit -1
checkcommand() {
if ! $1 &> /dev/null; then
echo -e "${CE}Command $1 not found. Aborted.${CR}" > /dev/stderr
exit 3
install() {
if [[ $install == 1 ]]; then
echo "MemTest86 is already installed in ESP. Nothing to do." > /dev/stderr
exit 1
# Find ESP device number
partition=$(fdisk -l | grep "EFI System" | awk '{print $1}' | tail -n1)
echo -en "Press Enter if ${CB}$partition${CR} is your ESP partition, "
echo -en "else enter device path manually (like ${CB}/dev/sdXY${CR}): "
read choice
[[ -n $choice ]] && partition=$choice
# Find ESP mount point
esp=$(mount | grep $partition | awk '{print $3}' | tail -n1)
echo -en "Press Enter if ${CB}$esp${CR} is your mount point, "
echo -en "else enter mount point manually (like ${CB}/boot/efi${CR}): "
read choice
[[ -n $choice ]] && esp=$choice
# Check if ESP is mounted
if ! mount | grep $partition | grep -q $esp; then
echo -e "ESP ${CB}$partition${CR} is not mounted, mounting..."
if ! mount "$partition" "$esp"; then
echo -e "${CE}Fail to mount $partition on $esp. Aborted.${CR}" > /dev/stderr
exit 2
echo -e "The target is: ${CB}$partition${CR} (mounted on ${CB}$esp${CR}).\n"
# Get user choice
echo "Select $PRGNAME action to perform:"
echo -e "${CB}1${CR}: Copy shellx64.efi file on ESP's root (bit safe)"
echo -e "${CB}2${CR}: Add a new EFI boot entry (more safe)"
echo -e "${CB}3${CR}: Add a boot entry for GRUB2 menu"
echo -e "${CB}4${CR}: Add a boot entry for systemd-boot menu"
echo -e "${CB}5${CR}: Cancel"
while [[ $choice < 1 ]] || [[ $choice > 5 ]]; do
read choice
case $choice in
1) # Install MemTest86 in $esp/
echo -e "MemTest86 will be installed in ${CB}$esp/${CR}."
[[ -f "$esp/shell$ARCH.efi" ]] && mv -v "$esp/shell$ARCH.efi" "$esp/shell$ARCH.efi.bak" # Backup if exist
cp -v "$MEMTEST86_PATH/"* "$esp/" # Move files in ESP root
mv -v "$esp/boot$ARCH.efi" "$esp/shell$ARCH.efi" # Rename .efi file
2) # Install MemTest86 in $esp/EFI/memtest86/ & add an EFI boot entry
checkcommand efibootmgr
echo -e "MemTest86 will be installed in ${CB}$esp/EFI/memtest86/${CR}."
mkdir -pv "$esp/EFI/memtest86"
cp -v "$MEMTEST86_PATH/"* "$esp/EFI/memtest86/" # Move files in memtest ESP directory
mv -v "$esp/EFI/memtest86/boot$ARCH.efi" "$esp/EFI/memtest86/memtest$ARCH.efi" # Rename .efi file
echo -e "\nAdd a new EFI boot entry..."
efibootmgr -c -d ${partition:0:8} -p ${partition:8} -w -L "MemTest86" -l "\EFI\memtest86\memtest$ARCH.efi" # Manage efi entry
3) # Install MemTest86 in $esp/EFI/memtest86/ & add a file for GRUB2
checkcommand grub-mkconfig
if [[ ! -d "/etc/grub.d/" ]]; then
echo -e "${CE}GRUB2 seems not installed on your system. Aborted.${CR}" > /dev/stderr
exit 2
echo -e "MemTest86 will be installed in ${CB}$esp/EFI/memtest86/${CR}."
mkdir -pv "$esp/EFI/memtest86"
cp -v "$MEMTEST86_PATH/"* "$esp/EFI/memtest86/" # Move files in memtest ESP directory
mv -v "$esp/EFI/memtest86/boot$ARCH.efi" "$esp/EFI/memtest86/memtest$ARCH.efi" # Rename .efi file
echo -e "\nAdd a new configuration file for GRUB..."
/bin/install -Dvm755 "$CONFDIR/grub.conf" "/etc/grub.d/86_memtest"
uuid=$(blkid $partition -s UUID -o value)
sed -i "s|@UUID@|$uuid|g" "/etc/grub.d/86_memtest"
sed -i "s|@ARCH@|$ARCH|g" "/etc/grub.d/86_memtest"
grub-mkconfig -o "/boot/grub/grub.cfg"
4) # Install MemTest86 in $esp/EFI/memtest86/ & add a file for systemd-boot
echo -e "MemTest86 will be installed in ${CB}$esp/EFI/memtest86/${CR}."
mkdir -pv "$esp/EFI/memtest86" "$esp/loader/entries"
cp -v "$MEMTEST86_PATH/"* "$esp/EFI/memtest86/" # Move files in memtest ESP directory
mv -v "$esp/EFI/memtest86/boot$ARCH.efi" "$esp/EFI/memtest86/memtest$ARCH.efi" # Rename .efi file
echo -e "\nAdd a new configuration file for systemd-boot..."
/bin/install -Dvm644 "$CONFDIR/systemd-boot.conf" "$esp/loader/entries/memtest86-efi.conf"
sed -i "s|@ARCH@|$ARCH|g" "$esp/loader/entries/memtest86-efi.conf"
*) # Do nothing and quit
echo -e "Canceled. MemTest86 will not be installed."
exit 0
echo "Writting configuration..."
sed -i "s|@PARTITION@|$partition|g" "$CONFFILE"
sed -i "s|@ESP@|$esp|g" "$CONFFILE"
sed -i "s|@CHOICE@|$choice|g" "$CONFFILE"
sed -i "s|install=0|install=1|g" "$CONFFILE"
echo -e "\nMemTest86 has been installed in ESP."
update() {
if [[ $install == 0 ]]; then
echo "MemTest86 is not installed in ESP: it cannot be updated." > /dev/stderr
exit 1
case $choice in
1) # Update files in $esp/
echo -e "MemTest86 will be updated in ${CB}$esp/${CR}."
cp -fv "$MEMTEST86_PATH/"* "$esp/"
mv -fv "$esp/boot$ARCH.efi" "$esp/shell$ARCH.efi"
2|3|4) # Update files in $esp/EFI/memtest86/
echo -e "MemTest86 will be updated in ${CB}$esp/EFI/memtest86/${CR}."
cp -fv "$MEMTEST86_PATH/"* "$esp/EFI/memtest86/"
mv -fv "$esp/EFI/memtest86/boot$ARCH.efi" "$esp/EFI/memtest86/memtest$ARCH.efi"
echo -e "\nMemTest86 has been updated in ESP."
remove() {
if [[ $install == 0 ]]; then
echo "MemTest86 is not installed in ESP: it cannot be removed." > /dev/stderr
exit 1
case $choice in
1) # Remove files in $esp/
echo -e "MemTest86 will be removed from ${CB}$esp/${CR}."
rm -v "$esp/mt86.png" "$esp/shell$ARCH.efi"
[[ -f "$esp/shell$ARCH.efi.bak" ]] && mv -v "$esp/shell$ARCH.efi.bak" "$esp/shell$ARCH.efi"
2) # Remove files in $esp/EFI/memtest86/ & delete EFI boot entry
checkcommand efibootmgr
echo -e "MemTest86 will be removed from ${CB}$esp/EFI/memtest86/${CR}."
rm -rfv "$esp/EFI/memtest86/"
echo -e "\nRemove MemTest86 EFI boot entry..."
entry=$(efibootmgr | grep MemTest86 | cut -c 5-8)
[[ -n $entry ]] && efibootmgr -b $entry -B
3) # Remove files in $esp/EFI/memtest86/ & delete file for GRUB2
checkcommand grub-mkconfig
echo -e "MemTest86 will be removed from ${CB}$esp/EFI/memtest86/${CR}."
rm -rfv "$esp/EFI/memtest86/"
echo -e "\nRemove configuration file for GRUB..."
rm -v "/etc/grub.d/86_memtest"
grub-mkconfig -o "/boot/grub/grub.cfg"
4) # Remove files in $esp/EFI/memtest86/ & delete file for systemd-boot
echo -e "MemTest86 will be removed from ${CB}$esp/EFI/memtest86/${CR}."
rm -rfv "$esp/EFI/memtest86/"
echo -e "\nRemove configuration file for systemd-boot..."
rm -v "$esp/loader/entries/memtest86-efi.conf"
echo "Writting configuration..."
sed -i "s|$partition|@PARTITION@|g" "$CONFFILE"
sed -i "s|$esp|@ESP@|g" "$CONFFILE"
sed -i "s|$choice|@CHOICE@|g" "$CONFFILE"
sed -i "s|install=1|install=0|g" "$CONFFILE"
echo -e "\nMemTest86 has been removed from ESP."
status() {
echo -e "${CB}Default MemTest86 directories:${CR}"
echo -e "Configuration directory: $CONFDIR/"
echo -e "Data directory: $MEMTEST86_PATH/\n"
if [[ $install == 0 ]]; then
echo -e "${CB}MemTest86 is not installed on your system.${CR}"
exit 1
echo -e "${CB}MemTest86 is installed on your system with following parameters:${CR}"
echo -e "ESP device name: $partition"
echo -e "ESP mount point: $esp"
echo -e "Type of installation: $choice"
exit 0
help() {
echo -e "Usage: $PRGNAME ACTION\n"
echo -e "Available ACTION:"
echo -e "\t-i, --install\t Install MemTest86 in ESP"
echo -e "\t-u, --update\t Update an existing installation of MemTest86"
echo -e "\t-r, --remove\t Remove MemTest86 from ESP"
echo -e "\t-s, --status\t Print and return status"
echo -e "\t-h, --help\t Print this help and exit"
echo -e "\t-a, --about\t Print informations about $PRGNAME and exit"
about() {
echo -e "MemTest86 is a stand alone memory testing software, it cannot be run under an operating system."
echo -e "$PRGNAME is a script which helps you to easily use MemTest86 with your UEFI, as an EFI application."
case "$1" in
-i|--install) warn; checkuid; install; exit 0;;
-u|--update) checkuid; update; exit 0;;
-r|--remove) checkuid; remove; exit 0;;
-s|--status) status;;
-h|--help) help; exit 0;;
-a|--about) warn; about; exit 0;;
*) help; exit 1;;

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# /etc/memtest86-efi.conf

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
post_install() {
echo -e "You can use command \033[4mmemtest86-efi --install\033[0m as root to install MemTest86 in your ESP."
post_upgrade() {
[[ -f /etc/memtest86-efi.conf.pacsave ]] && mv /etc/memtest86-efi.conf.pacsave /etc/memtest86-efi/memtest86-efi.conf
/usr/bin/memtest86-efi --status &> /dev/null && /usr/bin/memtest86-efi --update
pre_remove() {
/usr/bin/memtest86-efi --status &> /dev/null && /usr/bin/memtest86-efi --remove

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
title MemTest86
efi /EFI/memtest86/memtest@ARCH@.efi