Brandon Mathis 7bdab0e65c Added javascript asset management and improved Rakefiles and configuration for themes and plugins.
- Added Guard for file watching
- Configs can be automatically reloaded
- Static asset changes do not trigger Jekyll build
- CommonJS modular js support proved by stich-rb
- Javascript is concatenated and uglified
- Environment variables toggle uglify and fingerprinting
- New Jekyll plugin config_tag
- New Jekyll plugin javascript_assets_tag
- Added theme specific configurations
- Custome Jekyll Guard to the rescue
- Install, Generate, Watch, and Preview work with Guard now.
- Now configs are no longer tracked by Octopress, only theme defauts are.
- Console messages can be colorized.
- misc config reorganization and improvements
2013-03-04 01:12:10 -06:00

34 lines
2.1 KiB

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