--- layout: page title: "Sharing Code Snippets" date: 2011-07-19 18:10 sidebar: false footer: false --- Sharing code is important, and blogging about it should be easy and beautiful. That's why Octopress is packed with features to make blogging your code a breeze. Though Jekyll comes with support for [Pygments syntax highlighting](http://pygments.org), Octopress makes it way better. Here's how. - A Sass port of [Solarized syntax highlighting](http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized) created specifically for Octopress - Gist code embedding - by [Brandon Tilly](https://gist.github.com/1027674) - Insert code snippets from your filesystem with a download link. - Easy inline code blocks with `
` and `
` and optional download links. - Pygments caching - a [Jekyll community plugin](https://github.com/rsim/blog.rayapps.com/blob/master/_plugins/pygments_cache_patch.rb) - Table based line numbers added with javascript ## Gist Code embedding All you need is the gist's id and you can easily embed it in your page. This actually downloads a cache of the gist and embeds it in a `