--- layout: post title: "Octopress 2.0 Surfaces" date: 2011-07-23 18:05 comments: true categories: release --- Octopress is a framework designed by [Brandon Mathis](http://brandonmathis.com) for Jekyll, the static blogging engine powering Github Pages. ## What's new in 2.0? Short answer: Everything. Octopress is now based on [mojombo/jekyll](http://github.com/mojombo/jekyll) has been completely rewritten from the ground up with a mountain of goodies. Be sure to check out the [documentation](/docs) to get the full scoop. ### The highlights **Plugins FTW.** Here are some cool plugins included with Octopress. - [HTML5 Video Tag](/docs/plugins/video-tag) - *easily post images with class names and titles* - [Code Block](/docs/plugins/codeblock) - *for easy inline code sharing* - [Include Code](/docs/plugins/include-code) - *embed code from your filesystem* - [Gist Tag](/docs/plugins/gist-tag) - *automatically downloads and embeds Github gists* - [Image Tag](/docs/plugins/image-tag) - *easily post images with class names and titles* - [Render Partial](/docs/plugins/render-partial) - *insert any file into another post or page* - [Blockquote](/docs/plugins/blockquote) - *generate beautiful, semantic block quotes* - [Pullquote](/docs/plugins/pullquote) - *generate CSS only pull quotes — no duplicate data, no javascript* - [Category Generator](/docs/plugins/category-generator) - *generates archive pages for each blog category* For more plugins check out the [plugin list](/docs/plugins) ## Ready to Get Started? Octopress is really easy to set up and deploy, [start here](/docs/setup) For now that's it. Check out the [docs](/docs), [kick the tires](http://github.com/imathis/octopress), post [issues](http://github.com/imathis/octopress/issues) send me [support requests](http://convore.com/octopress/support) and tell all your friends.