{% assign linklog = false %} {% if post.external-url %}{% capture linklog %}{{ post.external-url | prepend_url: site.url }}{% endcapture %}{% endif %} {% capture title_url %}{% if linklog %}{{ linklog }}{% else %}{{ site.url }}{{ post.url }}{% endif %}{% endcapture %} {% capture title %}{% if linklog and site.linklog_marker_position_feed == 'before' %}{% unless linklog %}{{ site.standard_post_marker }}{% endunless %}{{ site.linklog_marker }} {% endif %}{{ post.title }}{% if linklog and site.linklog_marker_position_feed == 'after' %} {{ site.linklog_marker }}{% endif %}{% endcapture %} {% capture content %}{% if site.excerpt_in_feed %}{{ post.content | excerpt | expand_urls: site.url }}
{% else %}{{ post.content | expand_urls: site.url }}{{ site.permalink_label_feed }}
{% endif %}{% endcapture %}