--- layout: page title: "Include Code" date: 2011-07-22 09:13 sidebar: false footer: false --- Import files on your filesystem into any blog post as embedded code snippets with syntax highlighting and a download link. In the `_config.yml` you can set your `code_dir` but the default is `source/downloads/code`. Simply put a file anywhere under that directory and use the following tag to embed it in a post. #### Syntax {{ "{% include_code [title] url" }} %} #### Example 1 {{ "{% include_code javascripts/test.js" }} %} #### Example 2 (with optional title) {{ "{% include_code Testing include_code javascripts/test.js" }} %} This includes a file from `source/downloads/code/javascripts/test.js`. By default the `
` will be the filename, but you can add a title before the filepath if you like. #### Demo of Example 2 {% include_code Testing include_code javascripts/test.js %}