--- layout: page title: "Writing a Linklog" date: 2012-02-05 17:18 sidebar: false comments: false sharing: false footer: false --- A linklog is a blogging format where the post titles link directly to an external site and the content of the post offers commentary on the linked piece. This is commonly referred to as a "linked list" because of the [The Daring Fireball Linked List](http://daringfireball.net/linked/) which helped to popularize the format. Writing a linklog in Octopress is quite easy (as of [2.1](link-needed)). Simply add an `external-url` to the yaml front matter of a blog post and Octopress does the rest. ``` yml Sample Yaml Front Matter --- layout: post title: "Someone on the Internet is Wrong" date: 2012-02-05 17:18 comments: true external-url: http://opinionguy.com/post/uninformed-rant-vs-straw-man/ --- ```