# App.net fetcher for Octopress (c) Brandon Mathis // MIT License
helpers = require('helpers')
Adn =
timeline: []
cookie: 'adn-feed'
classname: 'adn-feed'
template: ->
helpers.statusFeed @timeline, @classname
errorTemplate: ->
helpers.errorTemplate "Failed to load posts.", @classname
parseHtml: (post)->
text = helpers.trimDisplayUrls post.html
text = text.replace "@#{mention.name}", "@#{mention.name}" for mention in post.entities.mentions
text = text.replace "##{hashtag.name}", "##{hashtag.name}" for hashtag in post.entities.hashtags
getPost: (post) ->
type = if post.repost_of then 'repost' else 'post'
post = if type is 'repost' then post.repost_of else post
type: type
url: post.canonical_url
date: post.created_at
author: { user: post.user.username, name: post.user.name, url: post.user.canonical_url } if type is 'repost'
text: @parseHtml post
format: (posts, user, options) ->
postList = []
for post in posts
postList.push @getPost(post) unless post.repost_of and !options.reposts
init: (user, options, callback) ->
posts = $.cookie @cookie
if posts
@timeline = JSON.parse(posts)
if @timeline.length isnt options.count
$.removeCookie @cookie
@timeline = []
init user, options, callback
callback @template()
url = "https://alpha-api.app.net/stream/0/users/@#{user}/posts?"
url += "&max_id=#{options.max_id}" if options.max_id
url += "&include_directed_posts=0" unless options.replies
url += "&callback=?"
url: url
dataType: 'jsonp'
error: (err) => callback @errorTemplate
success: (response) =>
@timeline = @timeline.concat response.data
if @timeline.length < options.count
options.max_id = response.meta.max_id
init user, options, callback
@timeline = @format @timeline.slice(0, options.count), user, options
$.cookie @cookie, JSON.stringify @timeline, { path: '/' }
callback @template()
module.exports = Adn