#require 'albino' require './plugins/raw' require 'pygments' require 'fileutils' require 'digest/md5' PYGMENTS_CACHE_DIR = File.expand_path('../../.pygments-cache', __FILE__) FileUtils.mkdir_p(PYGMENTS_CACHE_DIR) module HighlightCode include TemplateWrapper def pygments(code, lang) path = File.join(PYGMENTS_CACHE_DIR, "#{lang}-#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(code)}.html") if defined?(PYGMENTS_CACHE_DIR) if File.exist?(path) highlighted_code = File.read(path) else #highlighted_code = Albino.new(code, lang, :html) highlighted_code = Pygments.highlight(code, :lexer => lang, :formatter => 'html', :options => {:encoding => 'utf-8'}) File.open(path, 'w') {|f| f.print(highlighted_code) } if path end highlighted_code.to_s rescue puts $!,$@ end def highlight(code, lang, options = {}) lang = 'ruby' if lang == 'ru' lang = 'objc' if lang == 'm' lang = 'perl' if lang == 'pl' lang = 'yaml' if lang == 'yml' lang = 'coffeescript' if lang == 'coffee' lang = 'plain' if lang == '' or lang.nil? or !lang caption = options[:caption] || nil url = options[:url] || nil anchor = options[:anchor] || nil wrap = options[:wrap] || true marks = options[:marks] linenos = options[:linenos] start = options[:start] if lang == 'plain' # Escape html tags code = code.gsub('<','<').gsub('>','>') elsif lang.include? "-raw" output = "``` #{$1.sub('-raw', '')}\n" output += code output += "\n```\n" else code = pygments(code, lang).match(/
(.+)<\/pre>/m)[1].gsub(/ *$/, '') #strip out divs 
end code = tableize_code(code, lang, { linenos: linenos, start: start, marks: marks }) caption = captionize(caption, url, anchor) if caption figure = "
" figure = safe_wrap(figure) if wrap figure end def captionize (caption, url, anchor) figcaption = "
#{caption}" figcaption += " #{anchor || 'link'}" if url figcaption += "
" end def tableize_code (code, lang, options = {}) start = options[:start] lines = options[:linenos].nil? ? true : options[:linenos] marks = options[:marks] || [] table = "
" table += number_lines(start, code.lines.count, marks) if lines table += "
    if marks.size
      code.lines.each_with_index do |line,index|
        classes = 'line'
        if marks.include? index + start
          classes += ' marked'
          classes += ' start' unless marks.include? index - 1 + start
          classes += ' end' unless marks.include? index + 1 + start
        table += "#{line}"
      table += code.gsub /^((.+)?(\n?))/, '\1'
    table +="
" end def number_lines (start, count, marks) start ||= 1 lines = "
    count.times do |index|
      lines += "#{index + start}\n"
    lines += "
" end def get_lang (input) lang = nil if input =~ /\s*lang:(\w+)/i lang = $1 end lang end def replace_lang (input) input.sub(/ *lang:\w+/i, '') end def get_marks (input) # Matches pattern for line marks and returns array of line numbers to mark # Example input mark:1,5-10,2 # Outputs: [1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10] marks = [] if input =~ / *mark:(\d\S*)/i marks = $1.gsub /(\d+)-(\d+)/ do ($1.to_i..$2.to_i).to_a.join(',') end marks = marks.split(',').collect {|s| s.to_i}.sort end marks end def replace_marks (input) input.sub(/ *mark:\d\S*/i,'') end def get_linenos (input) linenos = true if input =~ / *linenos:false/i linenos = false end linenos end def replace_linenos (input) input.sub(/ *linenos:false/i,'') end def get_start (input) start = 1 if input =~ / *start:(\d+)/i start = $1.to_i end start end def replace_start (input) input.sub(/ *start:\d+/i,'') end def get_end (input) endline = nil if input =~ / *end:(\d+)/i endline = $1.to_i end endline end def replace_end (input) input.sub(/ *end:\d+/i,'') end def get_range (input, start, endline) if input =~ / *range:(\d+)-(\d+)/i start = $1.to_i endline = $2.to_i end {start: start, end: endline} end def replace_range (input) input.sub(/ *range:\d+-\d+/i,'') end end