--- layout: page title: Octopress Documentation date: July 18 2011 sidebar: false comments: false footer: false --- Octopress is a framework designed for Jekyll, the static blogging engine powering Github Pages. Have a look through the documentation and if you have trouble, [I'll be happy to help](http://convore.com/octopress/support). If you find errors [post an issue](https://github.com/imathis/octopress/issues) or fork and send a pull request on the [site branch](https://github.com/imathis/octopress/tree/site). ## Getting Started - [Initial setup](/docs/setup) - Get source and install dependencies - [Basic Configuration](/docs/configuring) - A descriptive list of configurations - [Deploying Octopress](/docs/deploying) - Simple deploy instructions for Rsync and Github pages ## Using Octopress - [Blogging Basics](/docs/blogging) - Creating blog posts and pages - [Sharing Code Snippets](/docs/blogging/code) - Share code snippets with ease - [Syntax Highlighting Test](/docs/blogging/code/test) - Language highlighting tests - [Blogging With Plugins](/docs/blogging/plugins) - Overview of plugins for blogging - TODO [Theming & Customization](/docs/theming) - Guide to making changes to your Octopress theme - TODO [Updating](/docs/updating) - A guide to help you stay up to date ## Octopress Plugins - Usage & Examples - [Code Block](/docs/plugins/codeblock) - For easy inline code sharing - [Include Code](/docs/plugins/include-code) - Embed code from your filesystem - [Gist Tag](/docs/plugins/gist-tag) - Automatically downloads and embeds Github gists - [Render Partial](/docs/plugins/render-partial) - Insert any file into another post or page. - [Figure Tag](/docs/plugins/figure-tag) - Easily post images with semantic <figure> & <figcaption> elements - [Blockquote](/docs/plugins/blockquote) - Generate beautiful, semantic block quotes - [Pullquote](/docs/plugins/pullquote) - Generate CSS only pull quotes — no duplicate data, no javascript. - [Custom filters](/docs/plugins/octopress-filters) - Liquid filters built just for Octopress - [Category Generator](/docs/plugins/category-generator) - Generates archive pages for each blog category - Sitemap Generator - Generates an SEO friendly sitemap.xml - Compass Compiler - Forces Jekyll to compile Compass on each load - Haml Converter - Allows .haml pages to be processed by Jekyll - Pygments Cache - Caches code snippets to speed up Jekyll processing - Titlecase - Required by several plugins to automatically generate proper title captalization