--- layout: page title: "Puts - log from Liquid to the terminal" date: 2011-07-22 09:14 sidebar: false footer: false --- Puts is a Liquid block which outputs its contents to your terminal with Ruby's `puts` command. This really handy when you're working on a Liquid tag or a Jekyll plugin and you want to to be able to peek behind the curtain at what Liquid sees. #### Syntax {% raw %} {% puts %}Optional Text: {{ some_liquid_variable }}{% endputs %} {% endraw %} This just outputs the contents of the block to the terminal. Note: Markdown, Textile and other converters run after liquid, so you'll see raw templating markup, not processed html. #### Example 1 {% raw %} {% for post in site.posts %} {% puts %}Title: {{ post.title }}{% endputs %} {% endfor %} {% endraw %} #### Output: {% raw %} ``` {% puts %} Title: Hello World, I just switched to Octopress {% puts %} Title: Zombie Ninjas Attack: A survivor's retrospective ... ``` {% endraw %} #### Example 2 - Longer content If a line of output is wider than 80 characters it gets output in a puts block for easier marking. {% raw %} {% for post in site.posts %} {% puts %} Title: {{ post.title }} Content: {{ post.content }} {% endputs %} {% endfor %} {% endraw %} #### Output {% raw %} ``` {% puts %} Title: Zombie Ninjas Attack: A survivor's retrospective Content: Spoiler: You don't want to survive this. So there I was, standing in line for a movie. I could hear hear some car alarms going off in the distance, but that .... {% endputs %} ``` {% endraw %} [« Plugins page](/docs/plugins)