Checks whether the destination is a post or a page and provides the correct Liquid tags to ensure the URL submitted to Twitter, Google + or Facebook is specific to that post or page (and not just the raw URL as previously).
i.e. a share button attached to a post on the blog index would send the root URL for the site instead of the URL specific to that post.
Jekyll does not support this value for Page or Post classes. The
capture returned an empty Sting, which was always evaluated to true
in '{% if updated %}'.
A new config variable 'date_format' is introduced in _config.yml.
It can either be set to "ordinal" to use the current format or it
can be given a string complying to strftime() format identifiers.
- Added ARIA setting `aria-live="polite"` to comment output
- Removed duplicate <div id="disqus_thread"> from page/post templates
- Moved blocking JavaScript loading to the end of the document body.
- Merged JavaScript code for index and pages/posts using conditionals
- Moved global JavaScript disqus variables into the anonymous function to stop pollution of global namespace