Brandon Mathis
Added escape for liquid tags {{ and {% so that Liquid doesn't barf when a language uses these characters. Closes #466
2012-06-11 01:08:12 -05:00
Brandon Mathis
Improvements to code plugins
- Range options are now properly stripped out of code plugin markup
- Markers now add start and end class names for more style control
- code_block plugin properly passes markings in highlight options
- Deprecated title before file name syntax for include_code
2012-06-03 00:19:06 -05:00
Brandon Mathis
Refactored code plugins so that shared regexes are mixed in methods
Added option to mark one line or groups of lines in a code block
Relates to issue #584
2012-05-28 04:29:18 -05:00
Brandon Mathis
Improvements to Code embedding features
1. Removed lots of duplication
2. Added warnings and fixed some dim regex
3. New: set a start line number for any code snippet
4. New: set a start, end, or range for include_code
5. New: added option to disable line numbers linenos:false
Fixes #478 #484
2012-05-27 02:30:17 -05:00
Brandon Mathis
Fixed collision with render on pygments_code.rb
2012-05-24 10:18:44 -05:00
Brandon Mathis
removed some duplication in the pygments highlight method. Ensured the backtick codeblock would match newline characters in regex
2012-05-22 00:00:15 -05:00
Frederic Hemberger
Add utf-8 encoding option to Pygments highlighter, fixes #232
2011-10-21 09:23:56 +02:00
Frederic Hemberger
Fixes HTML validation issues with code highlighting
2011-09-18 13:55:35 +02:00
Frederic Hemberger
Aligns naming of .pygments-cache, .gist-cache and .sass-cache
2011-09-18 13:45:25 +02:00
Brandon Mathis
centralized pygments aliases into pygments_code.rb. Added alias for .ru (ruby), which sort of fixes #108
2011-08-20 18:39:47 -04:00
Brandon Mathis
Codeblock regex improved to better detect extensions fixes #96 , added support for tableizing non highlighted code blocks from liquid codeblock tag and backtick code blocks
2011-08-16 02:41:28 -04:00
Brandon Mathis
fixed empty line stripping from codeblocks
2011-07-30 09:06:56 -04:00
Brandon Mathis
added support for pygments.rb removing dependency on pygments, added support for caching highlighted code from pygments.rb and added default line numbering. Javascript auto line numbering now only occurs for embedded gists
2011-07-26 23:36:42 -04:00