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# Title: Include Code Tag for Jekyll
# Author: Brandon Mathis http://brandonmathis.com
# Description: Import files on your filesystem into any blog post as embedded code snippets with syntax highlighting and a download link.
# Configuration: You can set default import path in _config.yml (defaults to code_dir: downloads/code)
# Syntax {% include_code path/to/file %}
# Example 1:
# {% include_code javascripts/test.js %}
# This will import test.js from source/downloads/code/javascripts/test.js
# and output the contents in a syntax highlighted code block inside a figure,
# with a figcaption listing the file name and download link
# Example 2:
# You can also include an optional title for the <figcaption>
# {% include_code javascripts/test.js Example 2 %}
# will output a figcaption with the title: Example 2 (test.js)
require './plugins/pygments_code'
require 'pathname'
module Jekyll
class IncludeCodeTag < Liquid::Tag
include HighlightCode
def initialize(tag_name, markup, tokens)
@file = nil
@title = nil
@title_old = nil
@lang = get_lang(markup)
markup = replace_lang(markup)
@linenos = get_linenos(markup)
markup = replace_linenos(markup)
@marks = get_marks(markup)
markup = replace_marks(markup)
@start = get_start(markup)
markup = replace_start(markup)
@end = get_end(markup)
markup = replace_end(markup)
range = get_range(markup, @start, @end)
@start = range[:start]
@end = range[:end]
markup = replace_range(markup)
if markup.strip =~ /(^\S*\.\S+) *(.+)?/i
@file = $1
@title = $2 || nil
elsif markup.strip =~ /(.*?)(\S*\.\S+)\Z/i # Title before file is deprecated in 2.1
@title_old = $1 || nil
@file = $2
def render(context)
code_dir = (context.registers[:site].config['code_dir'].sub(/^\//,'') || 'downloads/code')
code_path = (Pathname.new(context.registers[:site].source) + code_dir).expand_path
file = code_path + @file
unless @title_old.nil?
@title = @title_old
puts "### ------------ WARNING ------------ ###"
puts "This include_code syntax is deprecated "
puts "Correct syntax: path/to/file.ext [title]"
puts "Update include for #{file}"
puts "### --------------------------------- ###"
if File.symlink?(code_path)
puts "Code directory '#{code_path}' cannot be a symlink"
return "Code directory '#{code_path}' cannot be a symlink"
unless file.file?
puts "File #{file} could not be found"
return "File #{file} could not be found"
Dir.chdir(code_path) do
code = file.read
length = code.lines.count
@end ||= length
return "#{file} is #{length} lines long, cannot begin at line #{@start}" if @start > length
return "#{file} is #{length} lines long, cannot read beyond line #{@end}" if @end > length
if @start > 1 or @end < length
code = code.split(/\n/).slice(@start -1, @end + 1 - @start).join("\n")
@lang = file.extname.sub('.','') unless @lang
title = @title ? "#{@title} (#{file.basename})" : file.basename
url = "/#{code_dir}/#{@file}"
highlight(code, @lang, {caption: title, url: url, anchor: 'download', start: @start, marks: @marks, linenos: @linenos })
Liquid::Template.register_tag('include_code', Jekyll::IncludeCodeTag)