- Pygments caching - a [Jekyll community plugin](https://github.com/rsim/blog.rayapps.com/blob/master/_plugins/pygments_cache_patch.rb).
- Table based line numbers added with javascript.
## Solarized Highlighting
[Solarized](http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized) has a beautiful syntax highlighting color scheme, but reproducing it requires a highly sophisticated highlighting engine.
[Pygments](http://pygments.org) (the highlighter Jekyll uses) processes code snippets into styleable HTML, but it isn't nearly as powerful as the highlighting engine in Vim for example.
In order to port Solarized theme to octopress, I processed its [test files](https://github.com/altercation/solarized/tree/master/utils/tests) with Pygments and styled the output with Sass while comparing
them to the Vim rendered versions.
Check out the [test page](/docs/blogging/code/test) to see the results.
All you need is the gist's id and you can easily embed it in your page. This actually downloads a cache of the gist and embeds it in a `<noscript>` tag for RSS
readers and search engines, while still using Github's javascript gist embed code for browsers.
This includes a file from `source/downloads/code/javascripts/test.js`. By default the `<figcaption>` will be the filename, but you can add a title before the filepath if you like.