# Altra64 Alternative Everdrive64 menu `Altra64` is an open source menu for [Everdrive64](http://krikzz.com/) and ed64+ and is based on a fork of alt64 which was originally written by saturnu, and released on the [Everdrive64 forum](http://krikzz.com/forum/index.php?topic=816.0). ## Reason for this fork The original version overwrote 1 save file per game on system reset, but if you (or your kids...) accidentally turn it off, or hit reset twice, you just lost your entire game progress forever. I have modified the saving/loading to *never* overwrite a save file, and instead save `gamename.0000.SRM`, then `gamename.0001.SRM` next and so on, up to `gamename.9999.SRM`, so that absolute worst case if you mess up you only lose 1 gaming session's save. If need be you can put the SD card into a computer and delete the latest faulty save. Upon starting a game it'll always load the highest numbered save. ## Building If you want to build the menu, you need an n64 toolchain. This is terrible to build, I ended up creating a Dockerfile in the docker folder, instructions included in it. Or if you trust me, you can use the one I built and pushed to docker hub, [moparisthebest/altra64-rust-dev](https://hub.docker.com/r/moparisthebest/altra64-rust-dev) ### Build `Altra64` To build the Rom from the projects root directory, with docker installed ``` $ docker run --rm -v "$HOME/.cargo/registry:/root/.cargo/registry" -v "$(pwd):/build" moparisthebest/altra64-rust-dev make ``` If it all worked, you will find `OS64.v64` in the `bin` directory. ### Clean `Altra64` Finally, we can clean the build objects from the project from the projects root directory ``` $ docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/build" moparisthebest/altra64-rust-dev make clean ``` Enjoy!