; alt64 config file

[ed64]                          ; Menu config
build=18                        ; Release build number
border_color_1=FFFFFFFF         ; 0x00000080 RGBT
border_color_2=3F3F3FFF         ; 0x3F3F3FFF RGBT 00000060 w light
box_color=000000B6              ; 0x00000080 RGBT
selection_color=80008070        ; 0x80008070 RGBT 6495ED60
list_font_color=CDC9C940        ; 0x80008070 RGBT 6495ED60
list_dir_font_color=FFFFE040    ; 0x80008070 RGBT 6495ED60
selection_font_color=FFB90FFF   ; 0x80008070 RGBT 6495ED60
text_offset=0                   ; shift menu horizontal e.g. -1
cd_behaviour=1                  ; 0=first entry 1=last entry
scroll_behaviour=0              ; 0=page-system 1=classic
quick_boot=1                    ; 'START' boots last rom
sound_on=1                      ; sounds 1=on 0=off
page_display=1                  ; display page
tv_mode=2                       ; 1=ntsc 2=pal 3=mpal 0=force_off
enable_colored_list=1           ; 1=enable 0=disalbe
ext_type=0                      ; 0=classic 1=OS64
sd_speed=2                      ; 1=25MHz 2=50MHz
background_image=background.png	; backgrund png image 320x240 32bit
hide_sysfolder=1                ; 1=hide 0=don't hide
mempak_path=/MEMPAKS/           ; surround with slashes
save_path=SDSAVE                ; save directory inside ED64

name = Altra64                  ; Username

save_path=/ED64/SDSAVE/         ; save directory surround with slashes
tv_mode=0                       ; 1=ntsc 2=pal 3=mpal 0=force_off