/** * Hashtable implementation * (c) 2011 @marekweb * * Uses dynamic addressing with linear probing. */ #include #include #include #include #include "hashtable.h" /* * Interface section used for `makeheaders`. */ #if INTERFACE struct hashtable_entry { char* key; void* value; }; struct hashtable { unsigned int size; unsigned int capacity; hashtable_entry* body; }; #endif #define HASHTABLE_INITIAL_CAPACITY 2 /** * Compute the hash value for the given string. * Implements the djb k=33 hash function. */ unsigned long hashtable_hash(char* str) { unsigned long hash = 5381; int c; while ((c = *str++)) hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c; /* hash * 33 + c */ return hash; } /** * Find an available slot for the given key, using linear probing. */ unsigned int hashtable_find_slot(hashtable* t, char* key) { int index = hashtable_hash(key) % t->capacity; while (t->body[index].key != NULL && strcmp(t->body[index].key, key) != 0) { index = (index + 1) % t->capacity; } return index; } /** * Return the item associated with the given key, or NULL if not found. */ void* hashtable_get(hashtable* t, char* key) { int index = hashtable_find_slot(t, key); if (t->body[index].key != NULL) { return t->body[index].value; } else { return NULL; } } /** * Assign a value to the given key in the table. */ void hashtable_set(hashtable* t, char* key, void* value) { int index = hashtable_find_slot(t, key); if (t->body[index].key != NULL) { /* Entry exists; update it. */ t->body[index].value = value; } else { t->size++; /* Create a new entry */ if ((float)t->size / t->capacity > 0.8) { /* Resize the hash table */ hashtable_resize(t, t->capacity * 2); index = hashtable_find_slot(t, key); } t->body[index].key = key; t->body[index].value = value; } } /** * Remove a key from the table */ void hashtable_remove(hashtable* t, char* key) { int index = hashtable_find_slot(t, key); if (t->body[index].key != NULL) { t->body[index].key = NULL; t->body[index].value = NULL; t->size--; } } /** * Create a new, empty hashtable */ hashtable* hashtable_create() { hashtable* new_ht = malloc(sizeof(hashtable)); new_ht->size = 0; new_ht->capacity = HASHTABLE_INITIAL_CAPACITY; new_ht->body = hashtable_body_allocate(new_ht->capacity); return new_ht; } #if 0 /** * Adds all items from another table. */ hashtable* hashtable_merge(hashtable* ht, hashtable* other) { } #endif /** * Allocate a new memory block with the given capacity. */ hashtable_entry* hashtable_body_allocate(unsigned int capacity) { return (hashtable_entry*)calloc(capacity, sizeof(hashtable_entry)); } /** * Resize the allocated memory. * Warning: clears the table of all entries. */ void hashtable_resize(hashtable* t, unsigned int capacity) { assert(capacity >= t->size); unsigned int old_capacity = t->capacity; hashtable_entry* old_body = t->body; t->body = hashtable_body_allocate(capacity); t->capacity = capacity; for (int i = 0; i < old_capacity; i++) { if (old_body[i].key != NULL) { hashtable_set(t, old_body[i].key, old_body[i].value); } } } /** * Destroy the table and deallocate it from memory. This does not deallocate the contained items. */ void hashtable_destroy(hashtable* t) { free(t->body); free(t); }